
Policies and procedures

Living Our Behaviours

We want everyone who works for us to feel supported and valued. Our policies and procedures are designed to help us live our behaviours every day in our roles, supporting the citizens of Edinburgh and your colleagues. 

Our behaviours are the foundation for driving positive change in our workplace. 

Our Behaviours

  • Respect: We’re inclusive, we promote equality, we treat people with fairness, understanding, and kindness and we consider others in all our decisions and actions.
  • Integrity: We’re open and honest, we take responsibility, we build trust, and we pull together to do what’s right for our residents, colleagues, and city.
  • Flexibility: We’re open minded, we keep it simple, we adapt to provide great service and find better ways of doing things, and we embrace opportunities for shared working and learning.

Further information on our codes of conduct, policies, and procedures are available on our intranet (the Orb) or from your manager. A selection are also published on the Human Resources pages of our policy register on the website. You must read and comply with the policies and procedures that apply to you and your role.

Codes of Conduct

Underpinned by Our Behaviours and the Seven Principles of Public Life, the Employee Code of Conduct sets the standards of conduct we expect all colleagues to meet with delivering services for the people of Edinburgh. 

Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) posts

The Codes of Practice, which are a departmental supplement to the Council’s Disciplinary Code, are available  on the SSSC Codes of Practice - Scottish Social Services Council website.