12 - Planning control breaches 2017

Building number
Street address
Crighton Place
Case number
Type of notice
The Owner, The Occupier, The Lessee, Finematch Limited
Breach of activities
Without planning permission, the alteration of the original shopfront and installation of timber boards to the shopfront. The works involve the application of lengths of treated timber boards over the entire shopfront.
It appears to the Council that the above breach of planning control has occurred within the last four (4) years. The works involve the application of lengths of treated timber boards over the entire shopfront. The alteration to the shopfront is development and would have required planning application. There is no record of this having been obtained and a breach of planning control has occurred. Non-statutory 'Guidance for Business' states that those shopfronts with architectural merit or with traditional features should be retained and restored. Although the basic form of the shopfront has been retained, the unauthorised installation of a shopfront formed of lengths of timber boards, laid both vertically and horizontally, creates an entirely incongruous, sterile and unsympathetic addition. In conclusion, the development forms a harsh and disjointed finish to the shopfront. It has no architectural or visual connection with the rest of the building, and is detrimental to the character of the building and the character and appearance of the conservation area.
Effective date
Withdrawal of notice
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