The Owner, The Occupier, The Lessee, Edinburgh Craft Brew
Breach of activities
Without listed building consent: (i) - The erection of timber box seating which forms a permanent structure over the stone steps leading from the pavement to the lower ground floor of the premises. (ii) - The laying of artificial grass mats at the front elevation of the property, between the front wall and the stone steps. (iii) - The installation of an air conditioning unit attached to the front elevation wall of the premises. (iv) - The installation of two cage lamps on either side of the front entrance door of the premises. (v) - The installation of multi coloured fairy lights extending from the front wall of the premises to the iron railings which bound the east boundary of the site.
Remove the features described in section 3 of this notice from the listed building affected, repairing any damage to the stonework of the building caused by the installation or removal of these items, using natural stone to match the existing stonework.