The Owner, The Occupier, The Lessee, The Company Secretary, The Company Secretary
Breach of activities
Planning permission was granted on the 31/07/2017 for external works to the property including the replacement of concrete copings to the boundary wall, replacement of concrete steps and stone cladding to boundary wall. The following condition was applied to the consent and has not been complied with: "The proposal hereby consented shall be fully implemented within three (3) months of the date of consent." Reason: In order to safeguard the character and appearance of the New Town Conservation Area.
Remove the unauthorised works and implement the development as granted under application 17/00190/FUL, specifically; i) Remove the white render from the entirety of the boundary wall and replace with the 40 millimetre thick Dunhouse buff stone cladding in a squared coursed rubble layout, as shown on drawing number "BW_17 Rev B" (Production 1). ii) Remove the existing current concrete coping stones which are on top of the boundary wall and replace with new cuallo sandstone twice weathered coping stones of identical design and dimensions, as shown on drawing number "BW_17 Rev B" (Production 1). iii) Remove the two concrete steps leading up the the patio area with new cuallo sandstone steps of identical design and dimensions, as shown on drawing number "BW_17 Rev B" (Production 1).