Edinburgh Tram Extension - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
The City of Edinburgh Council may not make a decision nor expend any significant public finances on the extension of the Edinburgh Tram line until;
1. the current public enquiry into the existing tram route has been completed, findings published and recommendations implemented (where appropriate);
2. a public vote of Edinburgh tax payers has been conducted. This vote will simply ask if the people of Edinburgh wish the current tram to be extended - yes or no;
3. full and detailed costs to be provided of any extension;
4. all decision makers to be held financially liable for a due proportion of any cost over runs and business failures - there must be liability for decision making without reference to a public vote;
5. alternative forms of integrated transport must be reviewed - the use of electric, self driving buses must present a future, greener, flexible option;
6. confirmation that the World Heritage status of the City will not be endangered by the offensive and numerous electric power pylons.
Petition status
Invalid in terms of 1.2 of our petitions criteria as it relates to a matter already being considered or scheduled to be considered by the Council or a committee.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr Steven Herd