Make Edinburgh City Council Plastic Free - Petitions (Invalid)

Petition details
Over 300 million tons of new plastic are made every year – half of which is for single use plastic. It’s estimated 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans every year, leeching chemicals and toxins into our food chain. Plastic pollution is now so bad, it’s quite literally in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.
Recognising the devastating environmental and public health impacts caused by plastic waste, we ask that Edinburgh City Council resolves to become 'single-use plastic free' by:

Phasing out all single-use plastic (SUP) products, such as bottles, straws, plastic coated cups, cutlery and polystyrene containers and the unnecessary use of plastic bags in all council buildings and activities, working with commissioning partners to end the purchase and procurement of SUPs through the Edinburgh City Council supply chain by January 2019.

Scotland is already an ambitious leader in environmental justice. As Scotland’s proud and progressive capital, we see it fitting that Edinburgh takes the lead in driving our country towards a plastic free future. Edinburgh is also a coastal city, meaning it must be on the frontline when it comes to tackling plastic pollution in our oceans.
Petition status
Invalid in terms of paragraph 1 (2) of our petitions criteria as it relates to a matter already being considered or scheduled to be considered by the Council or a committee and 1 (3) as it relates to a decision of the Council or a committee within the previous six month period.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Miss Alice Judge