Springfield Road - List of public roads In Edinburgh

Springfield Lea
Street Adoption Status
Property Notice Description
SPRINGFIELD ROADFrom SPRINGFIELD CRESCENT north-eastwards & south-eastwards - a cul-de-sac including footwayson both sides with a branch running south-eastwards from No.5 ending in a mixer court.Including mixer courts: on north side serving numbers 51 to 59; 36 to 46; and on the south side servingnumbers 22 to 35. Remote footways generally eastwards to Springfield View are adopted. Remote footways from between numbers 23-24 and 27-28 westwards to rear of numbers 20 and 27are adopted. Remote footway running west from between No.s8-9 to Springfield Crescent is adopted.Remote footway west from No.56 to Springfield Crescent is adopted. Remote footway running generally south between numbers 21 and 22 is also adopted. Carriageways and adjacent footways adopted for maintenance. Excluding all other remote footways which are private.