VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian) - Other warm and welcoming locations

Events that are on
Carer Training We run free events for unpaid carers, such as book club, arts and crafts, walks, info sessions on legal/financial issues, etc. See our Carer Training website for full details.

Wee Breaks
Unpaid carers can apply to Wee Breaks to get funding for time off from their caring role. This can be a holiday, equipment for a hobby, a membership, etc. See our Wee Breaks site for full details.
VOCAL Carer Centre
Hardengreen Estate
30/1 Dalhousie Road
Dalkeith, EH22 3NX
Phone number
0131 663 6869
Opening hours
Mondays, Thursday and Friday 9am to 5pm
Tuesday and Wednesday 9am to 8pm
Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair / Mobility Charging (normal socket)
Toilet Facilities
Access to WiFi
Phone and Device Charging