City of Edinburgh Council corporate parenting plan
Upholding our responsibility to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of looked after children and care leavers. This plan is aligned to Edinburgh Children’s Partnership Children’s Service’s Plan. It echoes the vision of Edinburgh’s children and young people enjoy their childhood and achieve their potential.
Best start in life
A considered communication plan. This includes training on attachment and trauma so all partners understand their responsibilities. This is to ensure all children are loved, safe and respected.
Clear defined structures are in place between Social Work and Education. This ensures a strong partnership and has as its core, clear and defined points of contact.
A broad range of care placements are available to provide a loving, stable and caring experience for young people who cannot live within their own family networks.
Bridging the gap
Review the work of and develop a sustainable model for the Champion’s Board.
Clear monitoring and understanding of the progress and achievement of all children. This includes
robust attendance processes
procedures which are monitored to increase the number of children engaging in learning
Partners working together to guarantee
education needs are identified and met through the CYP Planning process
young people have access to safe affordable housing
Be everything you can be
Praise and recognition is celebrated. Corporate Parenting week publicises and highlights achievements, successes and outcomes.
Extend and expand opportunities, pathways and transition programmes for those in S4 and above. Further commitment to Edinburgh being a Family Firm Employer
Develop a data set to gather and analyse information on the profile and wellbeing of Edinburgh’s looked after children. Children and young people receive support to understand their own life story. Their treasured memories are stored safely and in way they can access.
Underpinning Principles
We recognise that each service contributes to ensuring better outcomes. Close and effective working relationships are crucial.
We are committed to placing young people at the centre of our practice through consultation, involvement in decision making and advocacy. The actions in our plan are monitored by the Council’s corporate parenting group.