Event planning for public spaces

If you want to organise an event in Edinburgh's beautiful public realm spaces such as a

  • community gala day
  • local play street 
  • charity fun run
  • concert
  • fireworks display
  • mass participation sporting event.

Download our public space event guidance, charges and application form for organisers and get in touch so we can work with you to ensure you have a safe and successful event.

If you have an urgent enquiry email publicspaces@edinburgh.gov.uk

Download our public space terms and conditions (PDF)

Apply to hold an event at the Ross Bandstand in West Princes Street Gardens

We have approved use of West Princes Street Gardens and the Ross Bandstand for major events on 5 days each year.

We are prioritising live music and cultural events. Annual approval has been given to Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and the Edinburgh International Festival to use 3 of those days, leaving 2 for open selection.

Before you apply

An event is classified as one day but it is recognised that the duration of an event includes set up and breakdown which should be described in your application. We will seek to work with the event organiser to minimise any disruption on public access to the Gardens.

Event organisers can enquire about and apply for sole use of the Ross Bandstand at any time by contacting linda.alexander@edinburgh.gov.uk

Application deadline

The application deadline is 1 November 2024 for events to be held in 2025.

A decision, made by the Executive Director of Place, will be given by the end of the 2024. We will then move to the contract and event planning stage with the successful applicants.

For available dates email publicspaces@edinburgh.gov.uk. You can reserve dates for the proposed event which will be held until your application has been assessed and a decision reached.

View and download the application form and supporting information to apply hold an event at the Ross Bandstand