Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 52562. Received: 01/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Water Tank Monitoring in EH4 Area

Details on testing, monitoring, and repair of communal water tanks in EH4 area buildings owned or associated with Edinburgh City Council over the last 5 years, including test provider, date, results, tank condition, and repairs conducted.


The request falls into the category of a “manifestly unreasonable request under regulation 10(4)(b) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations and we are not obliged to respond.

Request no. 52563. Received: 01/01/2025

Correspondence and Guidance on Palestine

All council email correspondence containing 'Palestine' or 'Gaza' from October 2023-October 2024 involving specific government departments, and any guidance on counter-terrorism strategies during the same period.

Request no. 52566. Received: 02/01/2025, Resolved: 08/01/2025

Non-Domestic Ratepayer Information

Confirmation of individuals/entities liable for non-domestic rates at 12a Dumbryden Road, Edinburgh, from 27 March 2024, including names and periods of liability,


We have held the following companies liable throughout the period requested:

15/06/2016 to 28/11/2024 – All Cleaned Up (Scotland) Ltd.

29/11/2024 to present – Roof And Build Group Ltd.

Request no. 52567. Received: 02/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Low Emission Zone Information

Data on LEZ start date, revenues, Penalty Charge Notices, operating costs, pollution and traffic changes and financial aid since introduction, broken down by financial year.


Request no. 52569. Received: 02/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

Misconduct by Trade Union Reps Since 2022

Since the 2022 financial year how many cases of misconduct have there been by trade union reps? Policy in dealing with misconduct by trade union reps. Is the data you are supplying for all misconduct cases or those which are formerly recorded?


Request no. 52572. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

Council Redundancy and Early Retirement Data

For 2022 and 2023 data on council employee redundancies and early retirements by job category, and total redundancy payments made by the council in each category.


Request no. 52574. Received: 03/01/2025

Impact Assessments on Reducing Teacher Numbers

Copies of impact assessments, reviews, reports, or meeting minutes since 1 Jan 2023 evaluating teacher number reductions, including workload, outcomes, and future assessment plans.

Request no. 52575. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Funding for Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Detailed breakdowns of funding for teacher salaries, recruitment, and retention for 2020-2024, including correspondence with the Scottish Government, fund usage, and conditions.


Request no. 52576. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 06/02/2025

Breakdown of Education Budget

A detailed breakdown of the education budget (2020-2024), focusing on allocations for teacher salaries, recruitment, and retention, changes in budget, specific funding or grants, and utilisation of funds.


Request no. 52577. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Internal Discussions on Teacher Reductions and Contract Types

Internal communications (emails, memos, reports) and meeting minutes regarding reductions in teacher numbers and use of casual or fixed-term contracts instead of permanent positions (2022-present).


Request no. 52586. Received: 02/01/2025, Resolved: 06/01/2025

Section 38 & Section 278 Technical Approvals (2024)

All Section 38 & Section 278 technical approvals granted from 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024.


Section 38 and 278 Technical Approvals relate to the Highways Act 1980. This legislation does not apply in Scotland.

On that basis we are unable to provide a response to this request.

Request no. 52587. Received: 03/01/2025

Cost of Manse Road Bus Gate Installation and Removal

The total cost of installing and removing the bus gate on Manse Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, including removal of associated signs, markings, cameras, and other works.

Request no. 52590. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Cost of Local Authority Elections

Data on local election cycles from January 2021 to December 2024, including how often they occur, the years of elections held, and the cost per election.


Request no. 52591. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

School Absence Fines

Information on school absence fines issued to parents for years 2020-21 to 2024-25, including repeated fines and the total money raised.


We do not hold this information. Scottish local authorities do not have the powers to issue fines unlike in England and Wales.

Request no. 52592. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

Road Safety Audit & Related Correspondence

Unedited vehicle tracking mitigation assessment, documents, calculations, and correspondence for Road Safety Audit RSA/24/008. Includes communications with engineers and auditors on Lasswade Road Renewal safety issues in 2024.


Request no. 52593. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Edinburgh Hogmanay Cancellation Communications.

All correspondence and documents (emails etc) in relation to the cancellation of Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations.


Request no. 52594. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 10/01/2025

CCTV Footage George Street

CCTV footage of George Street (near camera 1842 at West St. Andrews) on 21st at 2:30 AM.


We have reviewed data from the cameras and we do not hold the information requested.

Request no. 52596. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Support for Women in Sex Industry

Local services for women in the sex industry. Questions include existence, providers, funding sources, oversight, monitoring by Male Violence Against Women and Girls workstream, and support for women exiting the industry.


Request no. 52597. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Property Maintenance - Davidson Gardens

Maintenance and repairs information related to damp issue at a specific Davidson Gardens property.


Information provided.

Request no. 52598. Received: 05/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

Anti-Racist Museums Programme

Information on the scope, purpose, goals, and progress of the Anti-Racist Museums Programme, changes to displays, focus on diverse histories, and details on funding or grants received for the pilot programme.


Request no. 52599. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Gully Maintenance on Belmont Gardens

Details of the gully near 7 Belmont Gardens (North/East side), including the last inspection, clearance date, and scheduled clearing following 8 outstanding blockage reports logged on the Council portal.


Request no. 52600. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 31/01/2025

Belmont Gardens Road Surface Assessment

Please confirm when an assessment of the road surface of Belmont Gardens was last carried out and when this street is scheduled for resurfacing works.


The last scanner assessment was carried out 20/10/21. The street is scheduled for resurfacing in financial year 2026/27.

Request no. 52601. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Damage to Council Wall on Ellersly Road

Confirmation if a Statutory Notice or correspondence was issued regarding damage to the council-owned wall on Ellersly Road caused by trees located at 4 & 2 Belmont Gardens, in the west Murrayfield Conservation Area.


An inspection was undertaken of the boundary wall on Ellersly Road to the rear of 2a Belmont Gardens and a letter dated 4th October 2023 was issued to the owner/occupier of this property, requesting repairs to the wall.

Request no. 52602. Received: 06/01/2025

Local Authority Homes Repairs Data

The number of local authority homes waiting for urgent tap repairs in January 2022 and January 2025, categorised as not related to boiler replacement and related to boiler replacement


Clarification requested.

Request no. 52604. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Planning Permissions - Correspondence

All correspondence and meeting records between public servants and the businesses listed regarding planning permissions 23/03630/SCO and 24/05865/FUL.


Request no. 52606. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Map of All LEZ Cameras and Cameras Expected 2025

A map and written locations of all operational LEZ cameras and cameras scheduled to become operational within 2025.


This information will not be provided.


Request no. 52607. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Notices/Orders under Section 1 of the Acquisition of Land Act

Information collected under Section 1 of the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947 for Notices/Orders served, pending, or complied with, including pending invoices for works between 1 July 2024-9 January 2025.


Request no. 52608. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

Notices/Orders under Section 114 of Housing (Scotland) Act

Information collected under Section 114 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 for Notices/Orders served, pending, or compiled with, including invoices for works between 1 July 2024-9 January 2025.


The information you have requested was provided in a similar request and this is available on the Disclosure Log under reference 52213.

Request no. 52611. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

DPO, DSAR Redaction & Complaints Officer Services

Information on DPO services, DSAR redaction, and Complaints Officer, including providers, fees, contracts, redaction tools, Ombudsman liaison, and outsourcing details & other questions.


Request no. 52613. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

North Bridge Defects and Inspections

Original reports and council responses on North Bridge defects, including details of defect location, reporting/resolution dates, and inspection records referencing cones, wands/posts, or temporary traffic measures & other questions.


Request no. 52614. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Forecasted Pupil Vacancies 2025/26

Forecasted pupil vacancies in secondary schools within the local authority for academic year 2025/26 (S1-S6) as a total figure rather than by school.


Request no. 52615. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 07/02/2025

Road Inspection Times Regarding Potholes at Old Dalkeith Road

The time of road inspections and results regarding pot holes requiring repair, subject is the old Dalkeith road between Ferniehill road and the traffic lights at turn off for the Wisp


Please refer to the Site History Report attached for 19/01/24 to 21/02/24.


Request no. 52616. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 07/01/2025

January Business Rates Credits

A list of January/Q3 business rates credits including company name, start/end dates, property address, credit creation date/year, credit amount, and reason for credit, & other questions.


Request no. 52617. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

Meetings of the Full Council - Accessibility

Data on council meeting accessibility, public attendance, budgets for accommodations, and Equality & Diversity Impact Assessments over the last 3 years, & other questions.


Request no. 52619. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

Lothian Pension Fund ICT Managed Services Contract

Details on ICT contract including KPIs, suppliers, spend, duration, extension clauses, and senior officer responsible, & other questions.


Request no. 52620. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Recycling Trolleys Information

Details about recycling trolleys, including their introduction, costs, replacements, total quantities, and recycling rates for 2022, 2023, and 2024 & other questions.


The City of Edinburgh Council does not have, and has not introduced, recycling trolleys.

Request no. 52621. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 31/01/2025

Contaminated Land Enquiry - 1 St James Square, Edinburgh

Records regarding contamination, landfill details, inspections, nuisance issues, water supplies, flooding, and LAAPC/LAPPC authorisations for 1 St James Square, EH1 3AX & other questions.


Request no. 52624. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Internship Schemes

Details of council-operated internship schemes over the last 4 years, including placements offered, eligibility criteria, age restrictions, and any specifications based on protected characteristics.


Request no. 52625. Received: 02/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

IT Equipment and Security

Details on council desktops, laptops, tablets, suppliers, contracts, refresh cycles, frameworks, security measures for Windows 10 updates, cloud migration plans, and responsible personnel & other questions.


Request no. 52626. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Burial and Cremation Records

Burial and cremation database extract, including details on deceased individuals (e.g., name, gender, age, birth/death/interment dates, crematorium, lair number) and lair plans for all burial grounds & other questions.


Request no. 52628. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 31/01/2025

Vehicle Licensing Information

Confirm if vehicle registration SK70 HVY was licensed, along with its make, model, and licensing dates.


SK70 HVY was licenced on 11/1/2023 to 10/2/2023.
It’s make is MG and the model number is ZS EXCLUSIVE EV.

Request no. 52629. Received: 03/01/2025, Resolved: 29/01/2025

CCTV Footage of Incident

CCTV footage of an accident on 03/12/2024 at 06:15 AM on A7, Dalkeith EH22 1RU, involving a Mercedes-Benz CLA 220 and an Audi A5, for investigation purposes.


No relevant footage held.

Request no. 52631. Received: 06/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Complaints regarding a property

Details of all complaints.


There have been three complaints since 2023. Further details will not be provided as this constitutes the personal data of a third party.

Request no. 52632. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Land and Property Sales

Details of land/property sold by the local authority (2020-2024), including address, size, sale price, buyer, and purpose & details of all land/property currently owned, with address, size, purchase date, and usage & other questions.


Request no. 52637. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 31/01/2025

LEZ Fines Issued by Postcode

LEZ fines by postcode. Either aggregated, or every fine issued with associated postcode.


The LEZ system does not allow us to produce reports or export cases by postcode. An officer would have to open each case file and to extract the data.

There are 32,645 cases and at one minute per case, this task would take 544 hours.

Request no. 52644. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Enclosed Beds Usage and Expenditure

Information on enclosed beds provided in the past 5 years, annual expenditure, average cost, brands supplied, demographics, criteria for allocation, waiting lists, incidents, risk assessments, and guidelines followed & other questions.


Request no. 52645. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Social Services Procedure for Vulnerable Adults

Details of procedures followed by social services for a vulnerable adult for financial exploitation, and actions taken in these circumstances & other questions.


Request no. 52646. Received: 04/01/2025, Resolved: 30/01/2025

Winter Gritting Plans and Actions

Details on winter gritting plans for Fairmilehead and Swanston Avenue for 2024/25 compared to 2023/24.


Please refer to the attached files which provide the relevant Gritting Route cards.

I can confirm that there has been no change to the Gritting Routes over the years requested.


Request no. 52652. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Skin Whitening Seizures

Data on skin lightening/bleaching products seized by the council's trading standards team (2014-2024), including complaints, seizures, reasons, product details (brand, ingredients, form), prosecution outcomes, & other questions.


The request falls into the category of a “manifestly unreasonable request under regulation 10(4)(b) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations and we are not obliged to respond.

Request no. 52653. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Self-Directed Support Payments

Policies/procedures on calculating the 'Relevant Amount' for Option 1 Self-Directed Support in social care, payment cycles, calculation methods, use of account balances, contingency funds & other questions.

Request no. 52654. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Business Rates and Reliefs

Confirm net charges and any reliefs applied for the following sites during the 2021/23 financial year: 109 St. James Crescent (BA Ref: 118S647D109), 45478 Marbin Way (BA Ref: 142M2125-7), Port Edgar South Queensferry & other questions.


Request no. 52655. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Net Charges and Reliefs for Sites

Confirm net charges and any relies applied for six specified sites during the 2021/22 financial year. Includes queries about site-specific financial details, taxation, or reliefs for accurate records, & other questions.


Request no. 52656. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Schools with Same-Sex Toilets

A list of schools within the local authority remit with same-sex toilets, categorised into primary and secondary schools.


Request no. 52662. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Herbicide Use in 2024

Details on council and contractor herbicide use, including locations, types, costs, complaints, and reduction policies in 2024. Includes specific queries on glyphosate usage, application areas, and associated costs & other questions.


Request no. 52663. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Pest Control and Street Cleaning

Past 3 years' data by council ward, including pest control requests and spending, reports to Environmental Health, costs for street cleaning and refuse, and staffing levels for both services, broken down by job roles & other questions.


Request no. 52664. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Elderly Care Expenditure and Placements

Data on care home placements for elderly people (65+), expenditures from 2023/24 to 2025/26, figures on residential and dementia care, and highest/lowest weekly fees paid for elderly care by the council & other questions.


Request no. 52666. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

E.Coli and Food Complaints

Details of complaints received regarding E.Coli and food consumed from January 2024 to date, including food purchased from Co-Op, Tesco, McDonald's, Starbucks, and Lane7 Edinburgh & other questions.


Request no. 52669. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Grants and Financial Relief for Companies

Details of any grants, other funds, or financial relief awarded to specified companies (list included) over the last five years.


Request no. 52670. Received: 08/01/2025

Fires in Schools

The cost of repairing damages (including replacing any combustibles) for each incident listed. If possible, please provide any repercussions for any fires that were deliberate. (List attached)


Clarification requested.


Request no. 52674. Received: 07/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Residential Properties Affected by RAAC

Number of residential properties affected by RAAC within jurisdiction, including individual flats/apartments and the number of these that are owner-occupied or privately owned & other questions.


72 addresses, 44 of which are council owned.

Request no. 52679. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Housing Communications Related to Specific Companies

Communications involving the Council's housing department and listed companies, including complaints, safety issues, council access, HMO licensing, holiday lets, and regulatory breaches.


Request no. 52680. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Contaminated Land Enquiry - Mayfield Residence, EH9 3BD

Seeking confirmation of identification as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and its assigned priority level and timescale for inspection.


Request no. 52681. Received: 08/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Contaminated Land Enquiry

Concerning Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club, Kirknewton, EH27 8EB, querying its status on the prioritisation list for investigation under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act regarding contaminated land.


Request no. 52682. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Tradesperson Task Allocations and Performance Metrics

Details on task allocations, performance metrics, policies, efficiency reviews, and union agreements concerning joiners, plumbers, and electricians employed by the City of Edinburgh Council from 2020 to 2024.

Request no. 52683. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Roadworks and Temporary Traffic Lights Management

Information on contractors, contracts, penalties, delays, complaints, council oversight, and policies regarding roadworks and temporary traffic lights in Edinburgh from 2022 - 2024.


Request no. 52694. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Council Correspondence Relating Parking at Belmont Gardens

Provide all internal Council correspondence, including between officers, and papers relating to parking and access issues on Belmont Gardens since the Council's Transport and Environment Committee meeting on 15 August 2024.


Please see the information attached.


Request no. 52703. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Illegal Vapes

Between 01/01/24 and 01/01/25, how many illegal disposable vapes/e-cigarette/e-liquids were seized & How many cases have been identified, where a business is stocking, or in possession of, illegal vaping products.


Request no. 52705. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Edinburgh Building Standards and Planning Permission Departments

How many times has it occurred over the last five years that people or businesses that have applied for planning permission but failed to apply for a warrant have had to pay for a Completion Certificate at 300% Plus other questions


Request no. 52707. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

All complaints about the inappropriate conduct of Cammy Day

All records of complaints or concerns about Cammy Day inappropriate conduct in 2017/2018 including a Safecall report raised. Plus other questions


Please refer to the response provided for request 52304.

Request no. 52709. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Bonnington Mains Quarry - Blast Monitoring Results

Please supply all the Blast Monitoring Results for the blast at Bonnington Mains Quarry carried out on Wednesday 8th January 2025 plus other questions


Request no. 52710. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Proposed redevelopment of the Summerhall Arts complex

I am interested in information including emails, minutes and notes such as but not limited to Any meeting minutes discussing the redevelopment Plus other requests


Request no. 52711. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 06/02/2025

Lighting for Baronscourt Park

When will the results of the Bat Survey be available?


Request no. 52712. Received: 09/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Individuals living in EPC rating of D or below

The number of individuals who are living in rented accommodation with an EPC rating of D or below? The number of children (under 16 years) who are living in rented accommodation with an EPC rating of D or below?


Request no. 52713. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Illegal Vape Seizures

How many illegal disposable vapes, e-cigarettes, or e-liquids were seized? Plus other questions


Request no. 52723. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Funding for After School Clubs

In each year since 2019-20, how much funding has been allocated to after school clubs for state schools in this council area?


Assuming the request is enquiring about funding allocated directly to state schools to run After School Clubs, then the response is zero for all years.

Request no. 52724. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Deloitte Report into Property

The Deloitte report commissioned by City of Edinburgh Council in April 2011 into the Council's property conservation department.


Please see the attached.


Request no. 52726. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Boundary Fences Near Roads

Can you please advise for the last 5 years how many such 'enquiries' the council have received about boundary fences near roads that exceed 1 metre height and other questions


Request no. 52728. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 06/02/2025

Local Food Partnerships

Does your local authority have any involvement with a local food partnership? Plus other questions


Request no. 52730. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Temporary classrooms and portacabins

The number of temporary classrooms or portacabins in use in primary and secondary schools. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52731. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Kings Manor Hotel

There is a lot of local concern of the possibility of change of use, to house immigrant males. I am enquiring as to whether this is planned.


The City of Edinburgh Council has checked with internal services and external partners, and we are unaware of any plans for use of the Kings Manor Hotel for the purpose stated.

Request no. 52732. Received: 11/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Trams to Newhaven Project

1. Drawing or information showing the proposed excavation, retaining walls and drainage arrangements opposite 4 Anchorfield. 2. Site records and or information containing /detailing proposed fill method and compaction used


This information will not be provided at this time. If the information you have requested is released into the public domain, it may substantially prejudice the Council’s ability to prepare for its defence in contemplation of any litigation.

Request no. 52733. Received: 11/01/2025, Resolved: 07/02/2025

Trams to Newhaven project specifically: photographs

Photographs taken and held during the ground works along Lindsay Rd and Melrose drive opposite 4 Anchorfield. Plus other questions.

Request no. 52734. Received: 11/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Copy of Report - Anchorfield

Please supply a copy of the full report prepared by Charles Taylor adjusting and Hawkins& Associates reference 2882214 dated 29th may 2024 plus other questions.


This information will not be provided at this time. If the information you have requested is released into the public domain, it may substantially prejudice the Council’s ability to prepare for its defence in contemplation of any litigation.

Request no. 52735. Received: 11/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Repair & Inspection Reports - Kirk Loan

To enable us to make further enquiries, we would ask you to forward the detailed inspection report for Batch: 41186817 - Inspection Batch Route: NW_CW1_East1 Date: 19/03/2024 along with a map confirming the precise area that was inspected?


A copy of inspection Batch: 41186817 is attached. This inspection batch covers only Kirk Loan.
We have also provided a separate zoomed in section of the route covering Kirk Loan and surrounding area


Request no. 52738. Received: 12/01/2025

Edindex Houses given to the homeless and Asylum seekers

The Edindex website was closed for a period of time at the of 2024. I would like to know the number of houses given to the homeless and Asylum seekers over that time while others had to stop bidding due to unprecedented pressures.

Request no. 52739. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Registered Dangerous Wild Animals

A list of all species and numbers of dangerous wild animals currently registered under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 within your authority. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52740. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 07/02/2025

Residents parking permits: Shrubhill Walk or 48-50 Iona Street

Please advise if residents of Shrubhill Walk (EH7 4RB) or 48-50 Iona Street (EH6 8SW) are eligible for residents' parking permits and if so how many have been issued.


Request no. 52744. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Temporary Parking Restrictions - Balgreen Road, Saughtonhall

What communication has been made to residents there will be a charge and how many tickets have been issued with a penalty charge levied since this change? Plus other questions


Cancelled - Business As Usual

Request no. 52746. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

King's Road Portobello - Car Damage

How many residents, or people visiting King's Road Portobello, have reported damage to their cars, or have reported that the bins have been moved due to not being secure.


Request no. 52747. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Private Markets Investment Reports

Request for quarterly cash-flow reports from Q2 2024, if available, of all your private capital investments.


Please see Q2 2024 data attached. This is the most up-to-date data that is held.


Request no. 52748. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Unfixed Potholes as of 13/01/2025

How many unfixed potholes are there currently recorded under the council authority (as of January 13, 2025)? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52749. Received: 13/01/2025

Any notices that remain active on properties

Any notices that remain active on properties within your Council area served under Environmental Protection Act, Housing Act, Planning Enforcement, Civic Government (Scotland) Act, Building Standards, Closing/Demolition orders. Plus other questions

Request no. 52750. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Private Water Supplies

I request an updated list of properties which are served by a private water supply please.


Request no. 52751. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Council tax bills for water and wastewater

Request for an updated list of properties in your council area which have charges showing on council tax bills for water and wastewater please. - Property address. - UPRN for each property if possible


Request no. 52753. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Environmental Review: Institute of Occupational Medicine, CURRIE

Regarding an environmental review of the above referenced site, we would be grateful if you could search your records for this site. Plus more questions.


Request no. 52754. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Defibrillators in Schools, January 2025

List of schools (Primary and Secondary) detailing whether each has an Automated External Defibrillator onsite and whether these devices are publicly accessible for community use.


Please see attached.


Request no. 52755. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Petroleum Storage Enquiry: Institute of Occupational Medicine, CURRIE

Are there any records of petroleum storage at or in the immediate vicinity of the site, either in above ground or below ground tanks? Plus other questions


No relevant records held.


Request no. 52758. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Trees around West Pilton Circus/Granton Mains

I would like to request the information for the job to cut down the trees around West Pilton Circus/Granton Mains.


Request no. 52764. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Social Housing Waiting List

The number of people aged 66 and over who are currently on a waiting list for social housing, broken down by: a. Gender b. The length of time on the waiting list (under 12 months, over 12 months

Request no. 52766. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Teacher Requests for Self-Defence Classes

How many (i) formal and (ii) informal requests have been made by teachers in your local authority, in the last two years, for self-defence classes?


(i) No schools had formal requests for self-defence classes in the last two years.

(ii) One school confirmed they had received an informal request for self-defence classes in our local authority in the last two years.

Request no. 52767. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Hotels Previously Used For Asylum Seekers

A list of all hotels in your jurisdiction that have been used to house asylum seekers since 2020, but are no longer in use for this purpose.


There are no hotels in the City of Edinburgh Council area which have been used to house asylum seekers since 2020, but are no longer in use for this purpose.

Request no. 52768. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Single-Sex Toilet Complaints - 2020 to Date

The number of complaints received by the local authority regarding the inclusion of single-sex toilets and changing facilities in premises operated by the council. From 2020 to present a breakdown by calendar year.


In terms of the City of Edinburgh Council’s school estate, there was one such complaint received in 2022, and one in 2023.

In terms of the remainder of the properties operated by the Council, no such complaints have been identified in this period.

Request no. 52771. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Vision Impairment (VI) Education Services

We need to obtain up to date information so we can continue our work to protect education services provided to children and young people with VI. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52772. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Princes Street - Inspection Records

Confirmation of whether the footpaths at 109-112 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AA are adopted by City of Edinburgh Council in terms of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and further questions?


Request no. 52774. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Business Grants and Financial Support Data

Please could you provide the following information for the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24: The total number of business grants awarded each year. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52777. Received: 12/01/2025, Resolved: 07/02/2025

Road Inspection Report

1. The date, prior to 5th December, when a council routine survey was conducted around the incident site. 2. The date when the Council “signed off the utility Company responsible


A1. The last routine inspection was carried out on 12.11.2024
A2. We do not hold this information.

Request no. 52778. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Environmental Health Officer

Could you provide the following information for the last seven calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 [latest available data]). The number of vacancy rates in EHO positions in the local authority? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52779. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Food Borne Illness Reports

For each of the last seven calendar years, 2019 to 2025, how many cases of foodborne illnesses were reported from food businesses within the local authority? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52783. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Software systems for Property Management

Request for information regarding your organisation’s use of software systems for property management, rent collection, tenant management, and maintenance logging. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52785. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

'Shared Solution' iPad Testing in Primary Schools

Documents showing any testing done on 'Shared Solution' iPads used in Primary Schools in Edinburgh Council in conjunction with CGI and the Digital Learning Team.


Request no. 52786. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Legal claims and accidents at sports and leisure facilities

How many accidents occurred at council-owned or council-operated sports centres, leisure centres, gyms, or sports pitches? Plus other questions.


This information would be held by Edinburgh Leisure.


Request no. 52790. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Complaints in regard to Bonnington Quarry

Details regarding complaints made to the Planning enforcement team in relation to Bonnington Quarry from 2018 until present date. The nature of the complaint and the outcome of any investigation by the enforcement officer.


Request no. 52792. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 17/01/2025

CCTV - Lauriston Castle - 30th December 2024 at 06:00am

Request for information regarding a delivery to Mimi’s Bakehouse at Lauriston Castle on the morning of 30th December 2024.


Cancelled. Logged in error.

Request no. 52794. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Copies of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs)

I would like to request anonymised copies of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs) and any supporting reports used in their formulation and other questions.


We do not have EHCP in Scotland. SEMH and SEND are not valid terms in Scotland.

Request no. 52798. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Assaults on school staff and pupils

In the last five financial years (2019-20 to 2023-24), how many assaults have been recorded against (a) Teachers (b) Support staff and (c) Pupils in (i) Primary schools and (ii) Secondary schools.


Request no. 52801. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Packages of care the Council is funding for local residents

How many packages of care the Council is funding for local residents which are delivered outside the local authority or health board area? What is the value of those packages?


Please note that the value is calculated by summarising the weekly costs per package included in the count.

How many packages - 118
Value - £131,239.05

Request no. 52802. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Your IT Service Management System (ITSM)

Running costs: Please provide the past 3 years costs (for clarity, these refer to your financial year whatever that may be). Plus other questions.


Request no. 52803. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Property details - Craigour Drive, EH17

Have there ever been any reports of anti social behaviour reported against this property.


There has been one case in 2018. Closed with advice only given.

Request no. 52804. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Douglas Gardens, Edinburgh - Potholes repairs and defects details

Copies of all full repair reports for Potholes from 7th December 2022 and 8th December 2023 and other questions.


Request no. 52807. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 11/02/2025

Project Manager Roles

I would like to see the total spend from CEC on people with the job title 'Senior Project Manager', 'Project Manager' or equivalent, for each of the past 5 financial years. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52808. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 27/01/2025

2030 Plans

The 2030 Plans


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 52812. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Parking Permits

What is the current cost of an annual residential parking permit within your council? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52813. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

CCTV - Birnies Court in the Muirhouse area - 20/12/2024

We are writing to request any available CCTV footage you may hold from 20/12/2024 and other questions.


There is no CCTV footage held at this location on this date.

Request no. 52819. Received: 15/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Dangerous Wild Animal licences

The number of Dangerous Wild Animal licences within your jurisdiction and other questions


This information was provided in response to a previous request under 52739. This is available on the Disclosure Log.

Request no. 52822. Received: 16/01/2025, Resolved: 20/01/2025

Complaints management

Does your organisation have a centralised complaints management process? (Yes/No) Plus other questions.


Request withdrawn.

Request no. 52824. Received: 16/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Success Rates - Out of Catchment Placement Requests

The number of requests and the success rates of out of catchment placements requests for P1 and P2 at Corstorphine Primary School from the last 2 years.


Request no. 52829. Received: 16/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Digital services and transformation 2025

The contact information of the individual(s) designated as Digital Transformation Officer(s) or equivalent position responsible for overseeing digital transformation initiatives within the council. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52832. Received: 16/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

JCB Pothole Pro Machine

When did Edinburgh City Council take delivery of the JCB Pothole Pro machine? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52836. Received: 16/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Leonardo UK Use of Council-owned Land

Please can you advise of any arrangements which have been made by CEC which have permitted Leonardo UK to use council-owned land in each of the last five years? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52840. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Private Landlord Registration Team

Data on landlords, costs of provision of team, communications & further questions.


Request no. 52844. Received: 17/01/2025

Adult social care

What is the total amount spent by the council on adult social care during the period 1st January 2024 – 31st December 2024? What percentage of this spend was issued as direct payments?

Request no. 52853. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Edindex Applicants 2023/2024

How many Edindex applicants who refused tenancy offers have had their Silver Priority revoked & How many Edindex applicants were given another offer of housing after refusing their first offer. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52855. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Correspondence Relating to Planning Applications

For 24/06100/FUL, 24/06106/FUL & 23/07027/MPR, please furnish copies of all email and letter correspondence (not just that uploaded to the Portal) plus other questions


Request no. 52859. Received: 10/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Dumbryden, Murrayburn & Hailesland Public Realm Study

Request for information about the Dumbryden, Murrayburn & Hailesland public realm study which was commissioned several years ago.


Request no. 52860. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Mowing machinery

1. Contact details for the person managing the Groundscare / Open Spaces, 2. Is this inhouse? 3. A list of all mowing machinery


Request no. 52861. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 04/02/2025

Community halls and centres

The number of Community Halls and Centres that you operate or financially support through SLAs or other arrangements with community groups. The total revenue cost of supporting these Halls and Centres The total staffing cost within this service


Request no. 52862. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Classroom Assistants

I would like to request, under Freedom of Information, the number of Classroom Assistants employed by the Council in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.


This information is available at the link provided.


Request no. 52863. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Home School Link workers

The number of Home School Link workers employed by the Council in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.


Request no. 52864. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Behaviour Support staff

The number of Behaviour Support staff employed by the Council’s Education service in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.


The information is available at the link provided.


Request no. 52865. Received: 17/01/2025

HQ / Central staff

The number of HQ / Central staff employed by the Council’s Education service in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.

Request no. 52866. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Teachers employed a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.

The number of teachers employed · The number of teachers with permanent contracts · The number of probationary teachers · The number of specialised ASN teachers · Your pupil-teacher ratio


Request no. 52867. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 12/02/2025

Business Grants

For 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25 · The number of business grants issued to local businesses · The total revenue cost of these business grants


Request no. 52868. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 24/01/2025

Modern apprenticeships

For a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25, - the number of modern apprenticeships hired - the total salary cost of the MAs - any associated additional training costs


Request no. 52869. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Roads maintenance

· The total revenue spent on roads maintenance · The total capital investment spent on roads maintenance · Your road condition scoring · Your roads maintenance backlog · Your cost of roads per Km


Request no. 52870. Received: 17/01/2025

Town Centre vacancy rate in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.

Town Centre vacancy rate in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.

Request no. 52871. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

PFI, PPP and NPD contracts

A list of all PFI, PPP and NPD contracts held by the Council · The start and end dates on these contracts · The annual cost of the contracts · The total amount that the Council will pay over the lifetime of each contract


Request no. 52872. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 23/01/2025

Agency staff costs

The amount that the Council has spent on agency staff in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.


22/23 - £28.1m
23/24 - £32m
24/25 (April – Dec) - £21.8m

Request no. 52873. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

VER payments

The number of staff who received £150,000 in VER payments in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25. I would like a list of the amounts paid in each case. The total cost of the VER programme.


Request no. 52874. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

The number of employees on casual contracts in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.

The number of employees on casual contracts in each of a) 2022/23 b) 2023/24 and c) 2024/25.


2022/23 - 4,098
2023/24 - 4,049
2024/25 - 3,965

Please note that, where an individual has a casual worker contract then there is no obligation on the individual to accept work or for the Council to offer work.

Request no. 52875. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Diversity Training Documents

Please provide the latest inclusive language guide document for staff and other documents used for internal diversity training.


Request no. 52876. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Scotland)

The total number of persons on the local authority’s list of persons who have registered interest with the authority with the intention of acquiring land in the authority's area for self-build housing, plus other questions


Request no. 52879. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)

In the calendar year of 2024 (January to December), how many individuals claiming to be children (aged under 18). Plus other questions.


Request no. 52881. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Business Support (Economic Development) Service

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52882. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Corporate Communications Team

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52883. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Members Services

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52884. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Information Governance Team

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52885. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Policy and Performance Team

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52886. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Human Resources Team

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52887. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Planning Department

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service • The cost per planning application


Request no. 52888. Received: 17/01/2025

Licensing Team

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.

Request no. 52889. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

IT Service

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52890. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Regeneration Service

• The number of staff in the team • The total salary cost for the team • Any non-staffing costs associated with the service • The total cost of any payments to external contractors associated with the service.


Request no. 52891. Received: 18/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Number of pupils who have started in each of the authority's schools

Are you able to supply me with the number of pupils who have started in each of the authority's schools in January 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025? How many of them have moved from private schools?


Please see the attached.
Less than 5 pupils moved from a private school.


Request no. 52893. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 21/01/2025

LEZ Fines

What were the total number and cash amount of LEZ fines sent out over the first month on implementation to Edinburgh council 2024 And how many LEZ fines were sent out in November 2024 and how many fines were of repeat offenders?


Details of contraventions are published on the website.


Request no. 52895. Received: 18/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Roadworks along Gorgie Road in 2024

How many days there was works being carried out. From the Junction at Chesser Ave to the Junction and Dalry Rd. Plus other questions.


The Council was notified of the works provided in the attached csv file.


Request no. 52896. Received: 18/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

IT Services Procurement

Current IT Service Model – Is your IT delivery primarily in-house, outsourced, or a hybrid approach, and if not delivered in-house, who provides this service? Plus other questions


Request no. 52897. Received: 18/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Social Housing Stock Sales

A list of all social housing properties owned by your Council that have been sold within the last 12 months. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52898. Received: 18/01/2025, Resolved: 13/02/2025

Melville Street

The total cost of the street upgrading on Melville Street at the west end of Edinburgh & surrounding the Dundas statue. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52901. Received: 19/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Children deferring starting P1

The number and percentage of children deferring starting Primary one over the past 15 years ? By deferring entry I mean those children opting to start school aged five rather than four.


Request no. 52903. Received: 19/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Pavement Parking Since November 2024

Monthly data since January 2024 on: 1a) Number of penalty charge notices issued for pavement parking, 1b) Total fines collected. 2) Breakdown of notices issued per street for pavement parking.


Request no. 52904. Received: 19/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Student Accommodation

Past, current and future planning applications for student accommodation in Edinburgh


The attached spreadsheet contains a list of all planning applications for purpose built student accommodation submitted since the start of 2012. Details of the applications can be viewed on the council planning portal at the link provided.


Request no. 52905. Received: 19/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Provisions for Adults with Additional Support Needs

Request for information in regard to provision for adults with additional support needs. Does your local authority provide contracted private taxi companies to facilitate travel? How many adults attend a day service?


Request no. 52911. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

HMO Licences

Could you please tell me if HMO licences have been issued for two named flats in Thirlestane Road.


There is no relevant information recorded in relation to these two properties.

Request no. 52912. Received: 10/01/2025

Utilities Cut-off

Households within the council area that have had their utilities cut off for whatever reason, being that they can't pay for them etc.

Request no. 52913. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Licensed Dangerous Animals

The number of licensed dangerous animals registered by your council, with reference to type, number, and the date when they were registered.


Request no. 52914. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Parking prices within your local authority

Parking prices within your local authority and more specifically whether your council uses emissions-based parking charge structures, or has in place a surcharge for diesel vehicles. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52915. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Probationer Teacher Employment

The number of probationers requested by your council each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52916. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 21/02/2025

Child-friendly urban mobility

1. Percentage share of schools with school streets 2. Percentage share of a city's road network with a speed limit of 20mph 3. Percentage share of walking in the city's modal split


Request no. 52919. Received: 18/01/2025

National Cycleway Network/Bogsmill Road Access tender results

Could we request the results of the last three tenders issued under this process.

Request no. 52920. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children

How many unaccompanied asylum-seeking children were being provided with accommodation by the City of Edinburgh Council? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52921. Received: 17/01/2025, Resolved: 14/02/2025

Demography of suspension of private hire driver's licence.

Please provide how many requests were made?(please include break down of identified ethnicity) How many were granted How many were not granted


Request no. 52922. Received: 20/01/2025

Discarded Needles or Syringes

For the calendar years 2024/2023/2022/2021/2020 reports of discarded needle or syringe in a public place such as • on the pavement or road • on grassy areas • in parks

Request no. 52924. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025 11:28:00

Accidents and Littering on Cammo Road

How many accidents have been recorded on the stretch of road in question, how many reports of littering and how many fines have been issued for littering. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52925. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Projects of National Significance.

In relation to council housing projects and infrastructure projects of national significance for the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. The total number of applications for housing projects. The current status & further questions.


NSIPs are dealt with under the Planning Act 2008. This legislation applies to England and Wales but does not apply to Scotland and, therefore, there have been no such projects/planning applications in City of Edinburgh Council area.

Request no. 52928. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Deferrals - Corstorphine Primary School

Request for numbers or percentage of children deferring P1 school start at Corstorphine Primary School for august term 2024. This would be the number of kids that deferred last year and are starting school this year.


Corstorphine Primary School currently has eight deferred children from the 2023-24 session registered out of the 64 children registered for P1 so far on their online P1 Enrolments System (date of birth of 29/02/2020 or older).

Request no. 52931. Received: 20/01/2025

Renewable Energy Technology in Schools

The type and capacity of renewable energy technology installed at schools in your local authority area.

Request no. 52932. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025 16:05:00

CCTV request

Request for CCTV footage to identify a car.



Request no. 52933. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Low Traffic Neighbourhood Impact

Request for information on the impact of the Low Traffic Neighbourhood on disabled people's access to facilities. Can you advise what assessment you've made of the LTN under the Equalities Act, specifically around this issue?


  • 17/02/2025

    An Integrated Impact Assessment is in place for Phases 1 and 2 of the Leith Connections project, which include the Liveable Neighbourhood scheme. This can be viewed on our website at:
Request no. 52934. Received: 20/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Staff Training - 2022, 2023 and 2024

How much did your departments spend on staff training over each of the last three years (2022, 2023 and 2024)? Plus other questions


Request no. 52935. Received: 19/01/2025, Resolved: 03/02/2025

Historic Family Information

Request seeking historic family records.


Personal and confidential information withheld under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Request no. 52938. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Digital device usage and configuration

Which council officer and/or committee is responsible for child safety with regard to digital device usage in schools. Plus other questions


Request no. 52939. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Custom Filtering Measures - School Device Connections

What date were Wikipedia images ordered to be blocked, and by whom? What date was Brave Search ordered to be blocked, and by whom? Why was Brave Search ordered to be blocked while other search engines remained unblocked?


Request no. 52943. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Cleansing worker injured in an incident involving a rat/rats

On how many occasions since January 1st 2015, has a cleansing worker been injured in an incident involving a rat/rats? Plus other questions.


We hold no recorded incidents within the incident and recording system for this period where any cleansing worker has reported an injured in an incident involving a rat/rats.

Request no. 52944. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Inspection and Repair Records - Portobello Road

Inspection records of Portobello Road/Inchview Terrace from January 2024 to date; Inspection record of Telferton from January 2024 to date; Plus other questions.


Request no. 52946. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

All Complaints Regarding Two Recycling Sites

Could you please supply me with all information regarding ALL complaints about the two following recycling sites run by the Brewster Brothers. Plus other information.


No relevant information held by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Request no. 52952. Received: 14/01/2025, Resolved: 06/02/2025

School attended

I would like to find out if [named person] went to Albion Road School from roughly 1915/16.


We do not hold this information.

Request no. 52956. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Repairs - Royston Mains Street

Requesting all information relating to the repairs internal and external that have been requested to flat at Royston Mains Street and the building, both completed and not completed.


Information provided

Request no. 52958. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Temporary Accommodation Suppliers

The current list of approved suppliers of temporary accommodation that the council will use to procure from. Plus other questions


Request no. 52959. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Advertisement of Council houses on Edindex

The City of Edinburgh Council stopped advertising available council houses on Edindex some time ago. Since the announcement was made how many City of Edinburgh Council tenancies have been awarded or promised.


The Council started advertising homes on Sunday 12th January. Between 12th January and 12th February 2025, 59 Council tenancies have started.

Request no. 52960. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Accident at Lochend Gardens Bus Stop

Details of all works, planned or otherwise, on Lochend Road South, Edinburgh in the period of 29/ 12/2022 to date. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52961. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Bankhead Drive in Edinburgh - Road reports

Request for all correspondence including pot hole reports and the 3 monthly inspection reports for the road Bankhead Drive in Edinburgh. 1 Jan 2022 up to the current day.


Please see the Site History Report attached which details the inspections of Bankhead Drive.
Inspections – Condition Survey
Reports – Customer Services


Request no. 52963. Received: 21/01/2025, Resolved: 17/02/2025

Pest Control Services

Number of visits to deal with specific pests. Cost to authority For 2022, 2023 and 2024.


Request no. 52970. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Tenanted Acquisition policy for the Mixed Tenure Improvement Scheme

Who does this policy cover? Does this policy only cover tenants affected by Mixed Tenure Improvement Services? What types of houses does it cover? Eg low rise/high rise/ only ex-council or any stock? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52971. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Puberty Blocker Access for Children

Confirm whether your local authority has issued/ commenced an enquiry or investigation in respect of a child and/or their family/carer in relation to overseas puberty blockers/gender care at any point in the last 5 years. Plus other questions.


Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 is valid in England and Wales only, and does not apply in Scotland.

Request no. 52972. Received: 22/01/2025

Section 19/AP Questions

How many days on average are children left without an Educational Provision. Plus other questions.


Clarification requested.

Request no. 52974. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Risk of Falling Rocks From The Castle Rock

What plans have been agreed between CEC and Historic Environment Scotland to solve the risk of falling rocks from the Castle Rock? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52977. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Cancelled Hogmanay celebrations

Please provide a copy of the EPOG / SAG minutes from the meeting where it was decided to cancel Hogmanay celebrations in 2024.


This is available on the Disclosure Log under reference 52593.

Request no. 52984. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Marches in Edinburgh City Centre - October 2024 - Regarding Gaza

I am writing to enquire if any or all of these where notified to the council in terms of section 62 (1) of the civic Government of Scotland act 1982 and if so what conditions where imposed.


Request no. 52985. Received: 13/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Carers Holidays and Pay

How many days of paid and/or unpaid leave per year can staff who are carers take? Plus other questions.


Request no. 52986. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Housing and Homelessness

The number of people staying in temporary accommodation who have died, for the last 2 business years, broken down by year. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52988. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Sexual assaults - 2019-20 to 2023-24

How many sexual assaults (carried out by pupils) have been recorded against the following victims: (a) Staff, including teachers and support staff (b) Pupils in (i) Primary schools and (ii) Secondary schools. Plus other questions.


Request no. 52994. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Eyre Place and Brandon Street traffic lights

Please can you confirm whether the traffic lights were working on 19/08/24 at approximately 11.30pm.


There were no reports of faults with the signals on the day of the incident 19/08/24 or the days preceding or after.
We are unable to confirm what the signals were doing at the requested time of 11:30 on 19/08/24.

Request no. 52995. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Food Hygiene Inspection at 28 Great Junction Street

Request for a copy of the report for the recent Food Hygiene inspection at 28 Great Junction Street?


Request no. 52997. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Drug and alcohol use at work

I would like to know how many employees and/or sub-contractors that work in the Edinburgh City Council Criminal Justice Department have had either a verbal warning, written warning, final warning or dismissal due to drug and alcohol use at work?

Request no. 52998. Received: 23/01/2025

Asylum seekers housing

The names of any hotel(s) in your local authority area which are or have been used to house asylum seekers and the dates of occupation since 2021


Clarification requested

Request no. 53001. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Business Rates Net Charges And Any Reliefs

Net charges and reliefs for sites listed for 23/24 financial year.


Request no. 53002. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Deferral rates in Edinburgh

1. How many deferral requests have been received so far (to defer entry from August 2025 to August 2026) 2. What percentage of the total student body do these requests account for?


Request no. 53004. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Large Panel System in High Rise Blocks

Request for information relating to large panel system (LPS) within high rise block buildings.


Request no. 53005. Received: 22/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Cafe Marlayne - Inspection

Request for the inspection report for Cafe Marlayne in October 2024?


Request no. 53009. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 24/01/2025

Fake QR codes in council owned car parks

The number of people that have reported fake QR codes in council owned car parks and, if possible, the amount of money that people have lost due to these scams.


This information is not held. The Council does not manage any off street carparks.

Request no. 53010. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Landlord Registration Details

Request for confirmation of the registration details for a specific landlord.


Request no. 53014. Received: 23/01/2025

Concrete Street Lamp collapse

What is the minimum legal distance street lamps have to be from the roadside?


Request no. 53017. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Confiscation of Items

The total number of items that have been confiscated by school staff in Scottish (a) primary and (a) secondary schools that are considered banned by the UK Government.


Request no. 53018. Received: 23/01/2025

Training and conferences

The total spending by your Council on training for your staff in the financial year 2023/24

Request no. 53019. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Temporary Accommodation Payments

Please can you give me a full breakdown of the payments made to providers of temporary accommodation in each of the last full three financial years and the months to date of the current year?


Request no. 53020. Received: 23/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Contact information for Homelessness Services

Homelessness services


Request no. 53021. Received: 24/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Road Inspection Activities and Expenditures

1. The annual expenditure on road inspections over the past three years. 2. The typical frequency of inspections for different categories of roads (e.g., A-roads, B-roads, residential streets) & further questions.


Request no. 53022. Received: 24/01/2025

Care providers

I would like to request the total amount (as a single cost figure, e.g. £100,000) of clawbacks and refunds your council has requested from care providers, specifically those providing care for the elderly.


Clarification requested

Request no. 53026. Received: 24/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Social Housing Propeties sold.

A list of all social housing properties owned by your Council that have been sold within the last 36 months.


Request no. 53028. Received: 24/01/2025

LEZ Fines - Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles

The total number Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles operating in Edinburgh City Council? The number of these vehicles that have applied for exemptions for the Low Emission Zone? The number of fines from the Low Emission Zone for these vehicles?

Request no. 53030. Received: 24/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

Inspection Reports - Craighall Road

All Carriageway Safety inspection reports pertaining to Craighall Road, Edinburgh From 01/06/23 To 31/12/24. All repairs carried out to the carriageway forming Craighall Road during the same time frame.


Please see the attached inspection documents


Request no. 53034. Received: 24/01/2025

Repairs - Inchkeith Court, Spey Terrace

Details of all repairs appointments made since tenancy started and which of those were not attended.

Request no. 53036. Received: 24/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

FOI Requests With Late Responses

A list of FOI requests that received late responses broken down by each calendar year for the past five years. Steps taken to address them. Total FOIs received and percentage with late response.


Request no. 53037. Received: 24/01/2025, Resolved: 18/02/2025

New Payroll and HR System

Details of the new payroll and HR system, including its name, provider, and implementation date. Performance reports, implementation costs and expected benefits.


Request no. 53039. Received: 24/01/2025

Agreements between schools and police scotland

Please confirm if any schools in your local area have any form of agreement with Police Scotland for uniformed officers, also known as ‘Campus Police Officers’ to be present within the estate of the schools in question. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53042. Received: 25/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Parking - Moat Terrace

I would like to receive information/documentation regarding the council's ownership and rights regarding land and parking at the bottom of Moat Terrace, EH14 1PS. Details of owners' parking rights.


Request no. 53043. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness

Does the council have an official AI strategy or roadmap? Are there specific teams, departments, or individuals responsible for overseeing AI strategy or implementation within the Council?


Request no. 53044. Received: 25/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

History and Structure of North Bridge, Edinburgh

I would like to request access to any documents, plans, photographs, or other materials relating to the history and structure of North Bridge, Edinburgh. Plus other questions.


Request no. 53050. Received: 26/01/2025

Consultants financial year 2023/24

The total spending by your Council on consultants in the financial year 2023/24. Plus other questions.


Clarification requested

Request no. 53052. Received: 26/01/2025

Migrant Funding

A list of all funding and grant schemes (including their names) that are specifically available to Ukrainian migrants, asylum seekers, refugees or other displaced persons residing in council-allocated housing. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53053. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Lindsey Road footbridge, now referred to as the Pride Bridge.

1. Allocation and Use of Public Funds A detailed breakdown of the budget allocated for this project, including design, construction, labour, and any consultancy fees. Plus other questions.


Request no. 53054. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 27/01/2025

Management Qualifications

Can you please tell me what qualifications specific named individuals have to be given management posts within Edinburgh Council?


We cannot provide qualifications of previous and current employees as we consider this to be their personal information. The release of such data would be a breach of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Request no. 53055. Received: 26/01/2025

Newbuild home purchases

Since January 2023, how many newbuild homes has Edinburgh Council purchased or rented from developers? What is the total cost of these purchases? Could this be broken down by year?

Request no. 53056. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 19/02/2025

Unisex Toilets in Schools

In each of the past three years, how many complaints or representations did the council receive from parents, teachers or pupils on the issue of unisex or gender neutral toilets in schools.


Two complaints were received.

Further details will not be provided. Given the small numbers involved, this could lead to an individual being identified.

Request no. 53057. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Saltire Building & Roofing Ltd.

How long have Edinburgh Council been using Saltire Building & Roofing Ltd? Plus 24 other questions.


Request no. 53059. Received: 26/01/2025

Annandale Street, Edinburgh

The dates on each occasion, over the last five years, that the Council has cleared the road gullies and all of the drain grilles of litter, rubbish and tree detritus. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53066. Received: 26/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Lothian Pension Fund - Managed Investments

Whether LPFs investments in Northrop Grumman, Siemens, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Martin are internally or externally managed investments? What category of policy groups do these fall under?


The stocks listed in the request are:-
• all held internally, and
• all part of the Equity Policy Group.

Request no. 53067. Received: 27/01/2025

Services and Directories used in the City of Edinburgh Council

Current digital website provider: Family Information Service (FIS), SEND Local offer Directory, SENDIASS Directory, Adults Directory, Children & Families Directory, Main Council Directory.

Request no. 53072. Received: 27/01/2025

Survey Data - Low Emission Zone Awareness and Understanding Final Report June 2022

I would like the survey data from the Low Emission Zone Awareness and Understanding Final Report June 2022. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53074. Received: 27/01/2025

Pavement Parking Enforcement

Please can you provide a monthly breakdown since 29 January 2024, when pavement parking enforcement began, until the present day, of a) the number of penalty charge notices issued. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53075. Received: 27/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Insurance from a cyber attack or systems failure

Has the Council taken out insurance to protect it in the event of a cyber attack or from failure of your IT Systems for any other reason. Plus other questions.


In line with advice from the National Cyber Security Centre, we do not provide information relating to hardware, software and systems and therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to provide you with the information you have requested.

Request no. 53076. Received: 27/01/2025

Decisions on Welfare Grants

I would like to know how the council comes to decisions on Welfare Grants and how and where are they trained to deal with persons crisis.

Request no. 53077. Received: 27/01/2025

Science Experiments within High Schools

Policies for students working with chemicals. Safety Data Sheets for sodium hydroxide and other chemicals used in experiments with students. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53078. Received: 27/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

Pavement, Robin Place, Edinburgh EH16 4GU

Details of all works, planned or otherwise on Robin Place, Edinburgh in the period of 18/06/2023 to date. Plus other questions.


Repeated request - See 52399.

Request no. 53079. Received: 27/01/2025

Environmental Assessment - Riccarton

Are any sites within 250m radius registered as Contaminated Land under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990? Plus other questions.


Request no. 53080. Received: 27/01/2025

Records of Maintenance and Inspections - Newington Road, Edinburgh

Records of maintenance and inspections relating to the pavement at Newington Road, Edinburgh, covering the period 10/12/2021 to 20/01/2025. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53081. Received: 28/01/2025

Newly Recruited Teachers - 2022 to 2024

What Salary Point have newly recruited teachers over this period started their employment with the City of Edinburgh Council on? Information on Secondary and Primary; permanent and temporary positions including full-time and part-time positions.

Request no. 53083. Received: 28/01/2025

Councillors Salary and Land Assets

1. Councillor's salary and expenses for each of the last ten years? 2. Land Asset values

Request no. 53085. Received: 28/01/2025

Sale of Land Plots

I would like to know if your Parks Department or similar has sold off any small individual small plots of land recently or within the last 10 years or so?

Request no. 53087. Received: 28/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Net charges and any reliefs for the 23/24 financial year

Net charges and any reliefs for the below site for the 23/24 financial year for named sites.


Request no. 53090. Received: 28/01/2025

Council-operated Youth Clubs

For each year between 2010–2024, the number of council-operated youth clubs. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53093. Received: 28/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

Publicly Accessible Swimming Pools

How many publicly accessible swimming pools were there in your local authority area on September 30th 2024? Plus other questions.


  • 28/01/2025

    We are unable to provide the information requested because it is not held by the Council. We believe that all, or part of the information is held by Edinburgh Leisure who can be contacted at:
Request no. 53096. Received: 28/01/2025, Resolved: 21/02/2025

Figgate Burn (Adelphi Place & Rosefield Park) Flood Prevention Scheme

I would like to receive all available information about the Figgate Burn (Adelphi Place & Rosefield Park) Flood Prevention Scheme


Request no. 53097. Received: 27/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Prahna Grill - EIRS

Please can you send me the inspection report on Prahna Grill Corstorphine, Edinburgh?


Please find attached inspection report dated 22/01/2025 for Prahna Indian Grill, 295a St John’s Road, Corstorphine. Edinburgh.

Third party personal information is redacted in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.


Request no. 53100. Received: 27/01/2025

Slateford Road Highway Maintenance Log

Please provide the time log of calls received notifying the council and the time at which Highway Maintenance arrived on scene to put in the temporary signage on 09/01/2025.

Request no. 53101. Received: 28/01/2025, Resolved: 28/01/2025

Pavement, Robin Place, Edinburgh EH16 4GU

We refer to the above and to previous correspondence. We are writing in response to your email dated 29/01/2025. Please note our previous request was in relation to number 2 Robin Place, and we are now asking for the whole pavement.


Closed - Repeated request.

Request no. 53103. Received: 28/01/2025

Shell Braidburn & Shell Forth Road Services

Are there any potable drinking wells, groundwater abstractions or surface water abstractions within 2km radius of the site? If yes, what is the location (NGR) and the source of the abstraction?

Request no. 53104. Received: 28/01/2025

Teacher Requests to Head Teachers for Self-Defence Classes

In the last two years, how many requests from teachers for self-defence classes have been made to Head Teachers in your local authority?

Request no. 53105. Received: 29/01/2025

Temporary Accommodation (TA)

Can you please provide me with the total number of households that are currently being provided with temporary accommodation by the council up to 29/01/25. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53108. Received: 29/01/2025

Obsolete PC and Computer Disposals

I was wondering what the council do with their old PC’s / computers e.g. library PC’s once they become obsolete, and where they go.

Request no. 53110. Received: 29/01/2025

Traffic safety on Lower Granton Road

1) if the speed surveys were carried out 2) a copy of any analysis that was carried out on the data 3) any speed reduction measures since been proposed for Lower Granton Road or Trinity Crescent?

Request no. 53112. Received: 29/01/2025

Housing of vulnerable groups in Livingston and Lochend

The housing allocation process in Livingston is coordinated through a hub. Is the hub part of the City of Edinburgh Council? & further questions

Request no. 53113. Received: 29/01/2025

Software Support - Parking/Traffic/Highway/Accessible Transport Services

I am writing to request information regarding the software used to support your parking/traffic/highway/accessible transport services. Please find attached a spreadsheet that I kindly ask you to complete with the relevant details.

Request no. 53122. Received: 29/01/2025, Resolved: 10/02/2025

Gravestones in Council cemeteries

I would like to receive information on the total number of gravestones present in all the council managed cemeteries across Edinburgh.


As at 10 February 2025, we hold records for 63,313 gravestones within our Council Run Cemeteries & Burial Grounds.

Request no. 53124. Received: 29/01/2025

Top 10 Streets in Edinburgh for Parking Fines in 2024

Could you please provide me with the top 10 streets in Edinburgh for parking fines issued, and how much has been generated by these fines in 2024? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53125. Received: 22/01/2025

Proposed Regeneration of Niddrie Mains Road

I would like to request all emails, meeting minutes, raw data from feedback as well as the collated feedback, going back to the start of the process and up to the outcome of the 'consultation' held today at Craigmillar library. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53127. Received: 29/01/2025

Active Contracts With Bidfood

What active contracts your organisation has with Bidfood (formerly known as 3663, Bidvest 3663 and Bidvest Foodservice); what these contracts are for; what their value is; when it started and when it will run until. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53130. Received: 29/01/2025

Edinburgh Child Protection Committee

I would like to request the names and contact details of the members of this committee, including senior staff from the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector, and partner agencies.

Request no. 53131. Received: 29/01/2025

Ghost kitchens and food safety

Do delivery apps like Deliveroo, Just Eat or Uber Eats obtain FHIS documents from your department and/or Food Standards Scotland? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53132. Received: 30/01/2025

Edinburgh Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Would you be able to provide me with your most up-to-date data for the greenhouse gas emissions of Edinburgh as a whole, the city, not just the council?

Request no. 53133. Received: 30/01/2025

Opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We are conducting research into the UK public sector's readiness to harness the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in light of the government's AI Opportunities Action Plan. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53134. Received: 30/01/2025

Council Tax owed to date

How much council tax is owed to your council as of the 1st of January 2025.

Request no. 53137. Received: 30/01/2025

Mixed Tenure Improvement Service - Lochend

Can you please confirm the total number of Airey properties (number of flats, both council and privately-owned) located in the Lochend MTIS area?

Request no. 53140. Received: 30/01/2025

Social housing in Edinburgh

How many same-sex couples (male-male, female-female) from Ukraine, especially from vulnerable groups, have received social housing in Edinburgh over the past few years? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53141. Received: 30/01/2025

General Statistics on Vegetation Blocking Footways

How many reports or complaints regarding overgrown vegetation and foliage obstructing footways, originating from private land were received by your authority in the past two years (2023 and 2024)? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53142. Received: 30/01/2025

Parking Charge Notices [PCN]

Does the local authority enforce parking through parking Charge Notices [PCN] on street? Does the local authority enforce parking through PCN off street? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53144. Received: 30/01/2025

Chalmers St, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH3 9FE

Has the site been identified for inspection or further review under the Council’s Contaminated Land Strategy (or other Part IIA undertaking)? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53146. Received: 30/01/2025

Off-framework agency usage

Please could you provide a breakdown of off-framework agency usage for Complex care within service users homes, between January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53147. Received: 30/01/2025

The Shore Bus Gates

How many fines were issued to drivers at the Bus Gates at the Shore, Leith since launch? What exact date did enforcement start? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53152. Received: 30/01/2025

Animal related Licences

Please could you provide me with the Council's public register of animal related licences covering pet shops, animal welfare establishments and animal rehoming activities. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53154. Received: 30/01/2025

Cost of Sheriff Officers

What is the standard fee charged to ECC by Scott and Co and Walker Love for the sending of a letter to someone in council tax arrears? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53158. Received: 30/01/2025

Easter Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5PJ

We request documentation from 21st of June 2021 to date being: records of inspection; maintenance records; records of complaints; records of accidents; audit trail information and photographs.

Request no. 53168. Received: 31/01/2025

Learning Disabilities support

Request for information on care provided in both Residential care and Supported living settings. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53171. Received: 31/01/2025

Amendment of parking outside Blackford Ave, EH9 2PP.

Request for all correspondence relating to amendment of parking outside Blackford Ave, EH9 2PP. Plus other questions.

Request no. 53175. Received: 31/01/2025

'Tick sheets' for several addresses

Please provide the 'tick sheets' for November and December 2024 for the following streets, Kenmure Ave., Wolseley Cres., Wilfred Terrace and Willowbrae Road.

Request no. 53179. Received: 31/01/2025

Ancillary Accommodation Placed on the Council Tax Valuation List

Has the council placed ancillary accommodation (an annexe used exclusively for family accommodation, ancillary to a main dwelling) on the Council Tax Valuation List? Plus other questions

Request no. 53180. Received: 31/01/2025, Resolved: 05/02/2025

Eyre Place Properties Ltd

Request for previously withheld information.


Request no. 53181. Received: 31/01/2025

Asbestos in Educational Settings

How many schools, nurseries and educational settings within your area contain asbestos? Plus other questions.

Request no. 53182. Received: 31/01/2025

Neighbour-Related Complaints

The total number of neighbour-related complaints received per month for Edinburgh - 1/1/2024 to 1/1/2025. Complaint category and actions taken.

Request no. 53193. Received: 31/01/2025

Settlement Agreements in 2024

I would like to know the number of Settlement Agreements entered in to by City of Edinburgh across 2024, broken down by department/service.

Request no. 53315. Received: 27/01/2025, Resolved: 20/02/2025

Petroleum tank search - Riccarton

We are interested in any records you may have regarding fuel tanks presently on site or any tanks which may have been present historically (even if they have subsequently been removed) and also any tanks on adjacent properties.


We have searched through the records for both current and derelict petroleum stores on the basis of the information that provided and have been unable to locate any information with regard to the current or derelict petroleum tanks.


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