- Request no. 29950. Received: 02/11/2020, Resolved: 01/12/2020
Junction at Craigs Road / Maybury Road
A copy of any road construction consent application submitted by Taylor Wimpey in relation to works to the junction at Craigs Road and Maybury Road, Edinburgh and proposed drawings, decision notice, and all correspondence.
Please see attached.
- Request no. 30040. Received: 06/11/2020, Resolved: 07/12/2020
Granton Central Developments Limited
All documents, notes, notes of discussions, diary entries, minutes and email whether held electronically or otherwise in respect of the valuations referred to in paragraph 11 of Notes to the Financial Statements.
Information exempt from release.
- Request no. 30042. Received: 09/11/2020, Resolved: 22/12/2020 15:46:00
Flytipping - Craigmillar Castle Avenue
Woodland next to footpath between Craigmillar Castle Avenue and Craigmillar Castle Road, It has been a dumping ground for flytipping for several years. Which council department is responsible for the maintenance of this area?
- Request no. 30050. Received: 09/11/2020, Resolved: 04/12/2020
Hackney Carriages and Private Hire
Number of Hackney carriages and Private Hire and rank spaces in your district?
- Request no. 30053. Received: 09/11/2020, Resolved: 08/12/2020
Lauriston Castle
A copy of the Lauriston Castle Trust Constitution including amendments since first drawn up. The Title Deeds of Lauriston Castle and other questions.
- Request no. 30059. Received: 09/11/2020, Resolved: 08/12/2020
Lauriston Castle
Please present copies of all documents connected to the Lauriston Castle Trust Endowment Fund.
See attached.
- Request no. 30066. Received: 10/11/2020, Resolved: 09/12/2020
Scrap Metal Dealer Licences
How many scrap metal dealer licences (site and collector each) did you issue in 2016? How many scrap metal dealer licences (site and collector each) did you issue in 2019? other questions.
- Request no. 30165. Received: 16/11/2020, Resolved: 15/12/2020
Covid 19 grants or loans to 3rd party organisations
Please supply details of every 3rd party organisation that received financial support from the council, to date, in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Request no. 30322. Received: 26/11/2020, Resolved: 23/12/2020
Impact Centre/Dunard
The query below relates to the release of a mediation agreement between CEC, Impact Scotland and Nuveen following an earlier FOI request.
- Request no. 30363. Received: 30/11/2020, Resolved: 31/12/2020
GIRFEC concerns
Several questions asking for information regarding the use of GIRFEC.