Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 30430. Received: 03/12/2020, Resolved: 06/01/2021

City Regional Deal Progress Report

A copy of the project delivery plan referred to; The scope of service and appointment in relation to Jacobs’ appointment; and any correspondence between the Council and Jacobs.


Request no. 30491. Received: 02/12/2020, Resolved: 06/01/2021

List of Grant Payments

List of 9598 grant payment made detailing the amount of the grant, the date grant was paid and the beneficiary name, including the address of the premise.


It is not possible to provide you with the information you have requested. The cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing you with the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 30512. Received: 09/12/2020, Resolved: 12/01/2021

Consultation and Engagement

Application to discharge Conditions 1 & 2 of Listed Building Consent 16/03260/LBC under Section 17 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. Dated 14 November 2016


Request no. 30605. Received: 16/12/2020, Resolved: 18/01/2021

Lord Provost/Lord Lieutenant - Political Appointments

The Lord provost/ lord lieutenant has recently taken up political positions on the Planning Committee and Finance and Resources Committee. These are direct political decision-making positions. How is this not a conflict with the Lieutenancies Act?


On the basis that it is a statutory appointment, and having taken advice, the Lord Provost is satisfied that no such conflict exists.

Request no. 30617. Received: 14/12/2020, Resolved: 14/04/2021

SEEMiS Pupil Database

I would be grateful if you could provide information in relation to the SEEMiS pupil database.


Request no. 30674. Received: 23/12/2020, Resolved: 03/02/2021

Unique Identifiers on Social Work Systems

What are the unique identifiers used by Social Workers for recording information/data (including “sensitive data as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018) on the Children's Services social work system?


Based on the code description provided, there is no such code used by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Request no. 30703. Received: 29/12/2020, Resolved: 10/02/2021

Councillors - Members of Sustrans

Please forward a list of current councillors who are members of Sustrans and a list of those who were members over the last 5 years.


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