Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 26945. Received: 03/02/2020, Resolved: 02/03/2020

Further information about the records held by the council

Further information about the records held by the council that are “communications around the reports or “associated communications

Request no. 26993. Received: 05/02/2020, Resolved: 04/03/2020

Tariff Review

Please supply me with a copy of the legal advice given to the Regulatory Services Manager in relation to the Tariff Review.


The legal advice is withheld under Section 36(1) of FOISA which provides, “Information in respect of which a claim to confidentiality of communications could be maintained in legal proceedings is exempt information.

Request no. 27036. Received: 07/02/2020, Resolved: 05/03/2020

Investigation Report

Provide any documents held by the Council.

Request no. 27040. Received: 10/02/2020, Resolved: 06/03/2020

Household Recyling

Details of where Edinburgh council household recycling goes after collection, in so far as possible, details of end recipients be they countries or businesses, and details if items are recycled and into what, burned or landfilled.


Request no. 27067. Received: 12/02/2020, Resolved: 11/03/2020

North Pilrig Heights

Details of the type and 'combustibility rating' of the cladding installed on high rise buildings 1, 2, and 3 North Pilrig Heights, Edinburgh.


No relevant information held.

Request no. 27163. Received: 14/02/2020, Resolved: 13/03/2020

Council's Decision to Investigate Complaints

Information on how the Council made a decision to investigate the allegations.

Request no. 27192. Received: 18/02/2020, Resolved: 12/03/2020

CPO Anderson Place Edinburgh

I would be very grateful if you could supply me with all details relative to this CPO of the property i.e. how much was paid under the CPO and to whom and where this amount was paid?


The historic planning records may hold information with regards to the CPO and files can be requested via or you can contact the Plan Store.

Request no. 27309. Received: 27/02/2020, Resolved: 26/03/2020

The Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 (BPRs)

Copies of the questions you put to the PCA and the subsequent clarification they sent to your office by letter / notes / email etc.


Information withheld under Section 26(a) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - The disclosure of the information is prohibited by another enactment, namely Part 9 of the Enterprise Act 2002 (Restrictions on Disclosure).

Request no. 27337. Received: 28/02/2020, Resolved: 27/03/2020

Alex McGuigan’s 2010/2011 investigation/David Jack was Monitoring Officer

Information about whether Alex McGuigan’s 2010/2011 investigation was a Monitoring Officer’s investigation and information indicating that David Jack was Monitoring Officer, Deputy Monitoring Officer or Acting Monitoring Officer.

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