Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 28900. Received: 05/08/2020, Resolved: 29/06/2021

5 Stead's Place, Edinburgh

Currently looking at site where new development is proposed – 5 Stead’s Place, Edinburgh. The site currently comprises a garage (vehicle maintenance). As part of our studies seeking any information on previous or existing fuel storage.


We have been unable to locate any information in the zone outlined in the request with regard to current or derelict petroleum stores at 5 Steads Place, Edinburgh.

Request no. 28993. Received: 13/08/2020, Resolved: 18/09/2020

Taxi Examination

Breakdown of each examiners individual statistics of tests/fails and reasons why.


584 Taxi Vehicles failed the Annual Inspection between period 1 March 2019 to 17 August 2020.
We do not hold information on the reasons why.

Request no. 28999. Received: 17/08/2020, Resolved: 17/09/2020 21:39:00

Hogmanay Festival 2020

Given the Scottish govt advice to avoid large crowds of people to help suppress the spread of covid19 why is the council promoting the influx of crowds of tourists to the city centre for the Hogmanay festival this year?

Request no. 29097. Received: 24/08/2020, Resolved: 21/09/2020 16:03:00

Decision Notice 083/2020

Whether certain information held by the Council indicates a contravention of law, injustice, maladministration or service failure resulting from action of inaction by any senior officer(s).


The Council responded under section 18 of FOISA in that it can neither confirm nor deny whether information is held to answer the request.

Request no. 29159. Received: 27/08/2020, Resolved: 21/09/2020 16:04:00

Decision Notice 083/2020

“Please could you let me know if the information referred to in this paragraph as having been located on 18 February 2019 showed any indication that an apology to a member of the public was appropriate?


The Council responded under section 18 of FOISA in that it can neither confirm nor deny whether information is held to answer the request.

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