Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 30784. Received: 08/01/2021, Resolved: 03/02/2021

Edinburgh Tram Network

Documentation related to any investigation / risk assessments and consultation by City of Edinburgh Council into the suitability of the Edinburgh tram network for cyclists.

Request no. 30840. Received: 15/01/2021, Resolved: 30/09/2021

Invoice for repair

Request for a copy of the invoice for repairs to the guttering and other roofing work over the past 6 years.

Request no. 30939. Received: 25/01/2021, Resolved: 15/03/2021 11:29:00

Data Sharing Agreements with Police Scotland for processing 'sensitive' data

What is the recorded date (or dates) when the Data Processor (or Controller) City of Edinburgh Council entered into an Information Sharing Agreement (ISA), also known by the ICO as a Data Sharing Agreement, with Police Scotland.

Request no. 30959. Received: 25/01/2021, Resolved: 22/02/2021

Buffer zones around abortion service clinic petition

Completed Petition Form(s) submitted to City of Edinburgh Council relating to the current petition: Introduce buffer zones around clinics that provide abortion services.


See attached documentation


Request no. 30962. Received: 26/01/2021, Resolved: 28/01/2021

Replacing wands

Please advise total cost of replacing wands back into the original position, or new wands being added to replace missing ones all over the city. Costs from 01/01/20 to 01/01/21.

Request no. 30963. Received: 26/01/2021, Resolved: 19/04/2021

Spaces for People Wands

Where were they purchased from? What was the cost in sending them to Edinburgh? What was the cost of damage to wands from 01/01/2020 to 01/01/2021?


Closed - No fee received.

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