- Request no. 34222. Received: 29/10/2021, Resolved: 22/12/2021
Drummond Community High School
Request Accident report/ Accident book entry, CCTV footage, Risk Assessments, Maintenance Inspection and repair records and all other records including RIDDOR report. For 18 months prior to accident date to present.
- Request no. 34271. Received: 04/10/2021, Resolved: 10/12/2021
Five Graffiti Reports
Q1. Which local authority vehicle attended the reported graffiti? Q2. The cost implication for local authority in resolving these. Q3. The type of paint used to fix the criminal graffiti vandalism issues. Q4. Who supplied other cleaning materials?
- Request no. 34299. Received: 06/10/2021, Resolved: 21/01/2022
Inventories of City of Edinburgh Council Items
Inventory of all items in the possession/custodianship of art galleries Edinburgh City Council owns. Inventory of all items in the possession/custodianship of Edinburgh City Council - for example including gifts from public.
- Request no. 34331. Received: 08/10/2021, Resolved: 02/11/2021
Lauriston Castle Trust
Reference has been made to a private report '12 August 2021 ECC Finance and Resources Committee Lauriston Castle Trust (private report)' - Request copy.
Report withheld under Section 26(a) - Prohibition on Disclosure by another Enactment.
- Request no. 34335. Received: 08/10/2021, Resolved: 06/12/2021 10:15:00
My Homecare Scotland contract
All details on file, including but not limited to a copy of your contract with My Homecare Scotland based at Henderson Street, Edinburgh EH6 6BS.
- Request no. 34432. Received: 14/10/2021, Resolved: 13/12/2021
I'm looking for exactly how many potholes have been reported and identified by the council in the local authority area in each of the past 5 financial years? How many potholes have been filled?
Closed. No clarification received.
- Request no. 34435. Received: 14/10/2021, Resolved: 11/11/2021
Sciennes School
Request for a copy of the legal advice the Council has received in regard to the temporary playground.
See attached response
- Request no. 34449. Received: 18/10/2021, Resolved: 12/11/2021
Graffiti Vandalism
How many different private building owners have been asked by the local authority to clean up graffiti vandalism issues reported with evidence from Nov 2020 to Oct 2021 in Edinburgh Southside Newington?
- Request no. 34461. Received: 18/10/2021, Resolved: 12/11/2021
Records of Repair Calls
All records of repair calls to council regarding this property since 14/9/2014. Every phone call made to repairs since that date.
- Request no. 34498. Received: 20/10/2021, Resolved: 26/11/2021
Glebe/Manse Road, Kirkllston EH29 9AS
Maintenance regime and maintenance records for the watercourse situated nearby. Complaints records/reports of blocking for the watercourse. Details of any attendance following the flooding that took place on 7 August 2019 and 6 August 2021.
- Request no. 34510. Received: 21/10/2021, Resolved: 17/11/2021
Privacy Notices Relating to MARAC and IRD Meetings
Please supply the Privacy Notice for the sharing of SC data that City of Edinburgh staff use at MARAC and IRD meetings.
- Request no. 34514. Received: 22/10/2021, Resolved: 30/12/2021
Land and Buildings Transaction Tax
I would like to obtain information about the local authorities off-the-shelf house purchases as part of the affordable housing supply programme. For each of the last 6 financial years.
Closed - No clarification received.
- Request no. 34524. Received: 22/10/2021, Resolved: 07/12/2021 17:36:00
Tram Track W/B Clifton Terrace/Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh
Information including sight of any written or electronic communication detailing any risk assessment, records of any complaints, any accidents, any maintenance or additional works carried out. Period from October 2020 to date.
- Request no. 34526. Received: 25/10/2021, Resolved: 07/12/2021 17:03:00
Public Litter Bins
The numbers including those at bus stops, parks, public car parks and in-street that have been withdrawn in the past 24 months. Number of new public litter bins that have been installed as a replacement for those that have been withdrawn.
- Request no. 34528. Received: 25/10/2021, Resolved: 17/02/2022
Planning application reference numbers 21/01757/FUL, amended by 21/03602/FUL
I would like copies of all correspondence, including emails between the CEC Planning Department and the applicants
Closed. No fee received.
- Request no. 34563. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 30/11/2021
Structure Charts Social Services
Up to date Organisational Structure chart for Children’s Social Services and Adult’s Social Services including manager NAMES including Team Manager, Service Manager, Head of Service and Director level, and contact details.
- Request no. 34564. Received: 26/10/2021, Resolved: 15/02/2022
Car Idling Offences
Number of street enforcement officers 2020/2021. 5 years: Number idling offences; Number attended incidents re idling; Number of signs warning against idling; Number fines for idling. Training on idling?
Closed. No fee received.
- Request no. 34570. Received: 26/10/2021, Resolved: 26/11/2021
Childrens services family involvement
Position on victim blaming. Frequency Children's Service's get involved with families where parent client during childhood. Frequency family court info used in future against parents or children. Times parent needs to pass a parenting assessment.
- Request no. 34574. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 21/12/2021
Edinburgh University Property Graffiti
How many times has the local authority asked Edinburgh University to clean up graffiti vandalism issues reported with evidence on their property since June 2020?
- Request no. 34575. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 15/03/2022
Home Care Providers
Names of all external care providers given care home/care at home contracts to over 10 years. Number returned because provider ended the contract early. Number returned because provider not given a new contract & reasons for ending the contract.
We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.
- Request no. 34577. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 08/12/2021
Outdoor Area Permits (Tables and Chairs)
Q1. In relation to George IV Bridge only, please confirm how many seats and tables are cafes, restaurants and bars permitted to have outside? Q2. Is there a limit on how many customers they can have sitting outside?
- Request no. 34579. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 15/12/2021
Central Radio Taxis
Please provide a copy (redacted if necessary) of any communication received by council officers or Councillors since March 2020 from Jonny Nisbet, solicitor or Nisbets solicitors in relation to any Central Radio Taxis matters or business.
See attached response
- Request no. 34583. Received: 27/10/2021, Resolved: 29/11/2021
Spaces for People
Please provide a detailed breakdown of all claims made against Spaces for People.
- Request no. 34586. Received: 28/10/2021, Resolved: 13/12/2021
Pothole Crisis
How many potholes were reported from 2018/2019 until the end of June 2021, by financial year? All other information relating to potholes.
- Request no. 34589. Received: 28/10/2021, Resolved: 25/11/2021
Lauriston Castle - Property Contract
Regarding a contract or lease recently drawn up/signed in respect of the property opposite Mimi's, please provide a copy of the contract/lease. Were the beneficiaries of Lauriston Castle Trust consulted?
- Request no. 34596. Received: 28/10/2021, Resolved: 28/01/2022 17:18:00
How many times has your authority authorised operations or investigations under RIPA or RIPSA in the periods in years: 32017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021 to date? Details of each instance.
- Request no. 34600. Received: 29/10/2021, Resolved: 26/11/2021
Council Vehicles
1. A list of vehicles owned or leased to the council 2. Identify which vehicles are owned and which are leased 3. Number of miles driven over the last 12 month period and other information.
- Request no. 34612. Received: 30/10/2021, Resolved: 21/02/2022
Parkside Terrace, Edinburgh
Inspection records and all reports received relating to any road defects in past 5 years.
- Request no. 34627. Received: 31/10/2021, Resolved: 26/11/2021
Joppa Pumping Station and/or Joppa Bandstand
Please confirm if any recent application and the ownership of these two facilities, and whether either or both of them has been leased, rented or otherwise disposed of recently, or if this is planned.
- Request no. 34932. Received: 05/10/2021, Resolved: 31/01/2022
Planning - Edinburgh
I was wondering if you could ping me over the number of planning applications that where submitted to Edinburgh City Council, how many where approved at committee / refused at committee.
Closed - no clarification received