- Request no. 31028. Received: 01/02/2021, Resolved: 26/02/2021
Escape of Water - Kirkliston Drains
All information/documentation relating to escapes of water from October 2020 – January 2021. Documentation commenting on the cause of any escapes of water and all repair and maintenance records to the drains.
- Request no. 31144. Received: 10/02/2021, Resolved: 08/03/2021
Systems for keeping records
Request for information in regards to the systems you use to record care experienced young people.
- Request no. 31163. Received: 08/02/2021, Resolved: 08/03/2021
Granton Framework Masterplan
As the Council’s architects have confirmed that they do have more detailed plans for the Council’s Framework Masterplan that have not been published, please now supply us with a copy of the aforementioned detailed plans for the Framework Masterplan.
See attached.
- Request no. 31177. Received: 12/02/2021, Resolved: 19/03/2021
Planning & Building Standards Correspondence
Please provide correspondence (emails, Whatsapp messages and structural reports) relating to 43 Barony Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 8RF in connection with planning consent 19/04561/FUL and building warrant 19/04399/WARR.
Information provided under the Data Protection Act 2018.
- Request no. 31191. Received: 15/02/2021, Resolved: 09/03/2021
Former Royal High School, 5-7 Regent Road, Edinburgh EH7 5BL
Please provide details of cost of maintaining the building wind and watertight for every financial year, since and including 2014-2015, giving details for each financial year. Outline maintenance work carried out. There is no current water ingress.
- Request no. 31196. Received: 15/02/2021, Resolved: 10/03/2021
Recorded MARAC Data Controllers
Please detail the Data Controller or Data Controllers that are recorded by the CEC to be present at the Edinburgh City MARAC that is run by EDDACS that is part of Edinburgh Women's Aid Ltd (Data Protection reference Z1216033).
- Request no. 31204. Received: 15/02/2021, Resolved: 16/03/2021
Information on dog fouling, fines, complaints and investigations in the Craigmillar, Niddrie areas.
- Request no. 31217. Received: 16/02/2021, Resolved: 15/03/2021
Spaces for People
Request for copies of all email correspondence and all minutes of meetings making any reference to the Lanark Road, Longstone Road, Inglis Green Road or Murrayburn Road schemes, between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020,
- Request no. 31286. Received: 18/02/2021, Resolved: 17/03/2021
Buffer Zones Petition
Date of signature and postcode for each of the 5,000 signatories for the petition which ran from 06/11/2020 to 16/02/2021.
Partial postcodes have been provided as full postcodes are considered to be the personal information of those signing the petition. See attached document.
- Request no. 31295. Received: 18/02/2021, Resolved: 22/03/2021
Level of Modal Shift From Private Vehicle to Tram
Total number of sec1 requests received:?