- Request no. 32733. Received: 03/06/2021, Resolved: 07/02/2022
Alternative Certification Model 2021
Please release copies of all communication - including any attachments - between council officials (for example the Director of Education, or staff from the education department. Time frame for this request is 01/03/2021 - present
- Request no. 32783. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 24/06/2021
Decision Notice 048/2021
Please could you let me know (yes/no) if “the McGuigan Review was initiated by the Monitoring Officer? Please note paragraph 53 of this OSIC guidance:
- Request no. 32822. Received: 09/06/2021, Resolved: 05/07/2021
ETROs appear to be very rarely used in Scotland, therefore please state clearly why the city of edinburgh council are so keen to use them.
- Request no. 32836. Received: 09/06/2021, Resolved: 01/12/2021
Bernard Hunter Ltd.
I request the full details relating to the removal of abandoned vehicles at Charterhall Road and King's Place.
- Request no. 32851. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021
Vigils at Abortion Clinics
The survey form didn’t specifically ask if respondents felt “very uncomfortable or if they supported “civil rights. Who reached these conclusions, and what methodology was used? Was it the Council or NHS Lothian?
- Request no. 32860. Received: 11/06/2021, Resolved: 20/07/2021
Homecare Services
Information including prices paid to independent and voluntary sector Homecare Providers for the provision of regulated Homecare services delivered to people aged 65 years or above in their own home during the Period includes 19 April 2021.
- Request no. 32968. Received: 14/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021
Property Repairs
Provide a hard copy of all communications sent by the stair and from the Council about this matter. This relates to project references 21/01572 and 21/02739.
- Request no. 32994. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021
Ravelston Park CAT Consultation Apr/May 2019
All Council communication and documents (notes/emails/minutes/reports/etc) related to the 'Consultation on the proposed CAT following Committee approval -10 April 2019 to 8 May 2019', including details of all those consulted with.
- Request no. 32996. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021
Proposed Bin Hub Locations
A copy of any officer or consultant’s reports and any maps which show locations of proposed new Bin Hubs.
- Request no. 33045. Received: 18/06/2021, Resolved: 23/06/2021
CIA Report
Request for evidence to investigation.
- Request no. 33173. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 04/11/2021 16:37:00
Waste Collection - New Town
I would like to know for the City of Edinburgh what percentage of communal bins (for each of: food; glass; other recyclables; and landfill) were collected on the scheduled days.
- Request no. 33203. Received: 23/06/2021, Resolved: 06/12/2021 09:58:00
Supported Carers
The age range offered for Supported Carer services, and requirements for financial support. Payment rate for Supported Carer services, and additional payments (e.g. at Christmas). Number of placements currently facilitated.