Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 32695. Received: 01/06/2021, Resolved: 30/09/2021

TTROs or ETROs for the Spaces for People schemes

With regard to the TTROs or ETROs for the Spaces for People schemes, can you provide a list of who was consulted for each one, the dates that these were sent and who replied and when.

Request no. 32733. Received: 03/06/2021, Resolved: 07/02/2022

Alternative Certification Model 2021

Please release copies of all communication - including any attachments - between council officials (for example the Director of Education, or staff from the education department. Time frame for this request is 01/03/2021 - present


Request no. 32737. Received: 03/06/2021, Resolved: 28/07/2021

Sale of Watertoun Road Site to Cala Homes

All information relating to correspondence or meetings between the Council and Cala on any matters relating to Cala’s proposed planning application for the Watertoun Road site; and other questions.


Request no. 32770. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 11/08/2021

Ocean Way, Leith, Edinburgh

Request all information relating to Ocean Way, Leith, Edinburgh from April 2021 to present date.


Request no. 32776. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 04/08/2021


Information requested


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 32782. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 04/08/2021

Additional teaching and support staff

How many additional (a) teaching and (b) support staff positions have been created ahead of the August 2021 term start broken down by posts in nurseries, primaries and secondaries. How many posts are temporary or permanent.


Request no. 32783. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 24/06/2021

Decision Notice 048/2021

Please could you let me know (yes/no) if “the McGuigan Review was initiated by the Monitoring Officer? Please note paragraph 53 of this OSIC guidance:

Request no. 32792. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 28/07/2021

Documents relating to squalor

I am searching for any reports, research or policy documents produced by your council into individuals living in squalid conditions, or classed as having Diogenes Syndrome or extreme self-neglect.


We hold no information in regard to this request.

Request no. 32803. Received: 08/06/2021, Resolved: 03/08/2021

Subsidence Repair

How much money had been spent on subsidence repairs per year for the last ten years?


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 32822. Received: 09/06/2021, Resolved: 05/07/2021


ETROs appear to be very rarely used in Scotland, therefore please state clearly why the city of edinburgh council are so keen to use them.

Request no. 32836. Received: 09/06/2021, Resolved: 01/12/2021

Bernard Hunter Ltd.

I request the full details relating to the removal of abandoned vehicles at Charterhall Road and King's Place.


Request no. 32851. Received: 07/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Vigils at Abortion Clinics

The survey form didn’t specifically ask if respondents felt “very uncomfortable or if they supported “civil rights. Who reached these conclusions, and what methodology was used? Was it the Council or NHS Lothian?


Request no. 32860. Received: 11/06/2021, Resolved: 20/07/2021

Homecare Services

Information including prices paid to independent and voluntary sector Homecare Providers for the provision of regulated Homecare services delivered to people aged 65 years or above in their own home during the Period includes 19 April 2021.


Request no. 32861. Received: 11/06/2021, Resolved: 28/07/2021

Ferrylee Care Home

All information relating to the review and potential closure. Including notes of relevant meetings, cost analysis and environmental impact studies. Notes of all relevant reviews on the building and council decision making.


Request no. 32865. Received: 11/06/2021, Resolved: 12/08/2021

Average cost incurred per Eviction

Average cost incurred to Edinburgh Council per eviction of tenant from an Edinburgh Council property. (running average over the last year).


Closed. No clarification received

Request no. 32898. Received: 14/06/2021, Resolved: 18/08/2021

Staff Victimisation or Bullying

How many complaints of victimisation or bullying been reported in your local authority by member of staff in a) 2016/17, b) 2017/18, c) 2018,19, d) 2019/20 e) 2020/21? How many of those resulted in a) mediation and b) disciplinary action.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 32903. Received: 14/06/2021, Resolved: 14/10/2021

Counsellors in Schools

2019-2020 - current year (Secondary schools): Funding for counsellors; List of schools & hours pupils have access to counsellors; Number of counsellors employed. Number of teachers employed & number undergone mental health training.


See attached response


Request no. 32923. Received: 15/06/2021, Resolved: 12/08/2021

Chancelot Flour Mill

Noise levels from aggregate industries and Chancelot Flour Mill.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 32928. Received: 15/06/2021, Resolved: 05/08/2021

Truncated Bike Lanes

Please provide a list of 'truncated' bike lanes in Edinburgh and indicate the timeline and/or agreed investment programme (where these exists) for completing the whole corridor.


Request no. 32945. Received: 16/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Mini Competition for Janitorial Products

Please can you provide the following information for the Mini Competition for Janitorial Products ref.CT2674, which was submitted 8th December 2020?


Information provided

Request no. 32954. Received: 14/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Spaces for People Feedback

Copies of all equality impact assessments carried out in respect of the above. Information on the breakdown of consultation responses received. Information on the market research carried out.


Request no. 32968. Received: 14/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021

Property Repairs

Provide a hard copy of all communications sent by the stair and from the Council about this matter. This relates to project references 21/01572 and 21/02739.

Request no. 32976. Received: 18/06/2021, Resolved: 01/09/2021

Youth Centres

Information relating to the Council's offered youth services. From 2005 to 2019.


Closed - no clarification received.

Request no. 32980. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 13/08/2021

Removal of Trees and Debris from A71 Corridor

Records & costs for removal of trees & debris from A71 corridor from both sides of the carriageway from Wilkieston to Hermiston for financial year April 2020 to April 2021. Also, any cost or activities for these works, e.g. road sweeper costs.


Request no. 32994. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021

Ravelston Park CAT Consultation Apr/May 2019

All Council communication and documents (notes/emails/minutes/reports/etc) related to the 'Consultation on the proposed CAT following Committee approval -10 April 2019 to 8 May 2019', including details of all those consulted with.


Request no. 32996. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 19/07/2021

Proposed Bin Hub Locations

A copy of any officer or consultant’s reports and any maps which show locations of proposed new Bin Hubs.


Request no. 32999. Received: 22/06/2021, Resolved: 28/07/2021


The number of days of school missed due to illness in both primary and secondary schools in the Edinburgh Council area since they re-opened in February/March, and the number of days of school missed due to illness in February-July 2019.


Request no. 33035. Received: 24/06/2021, Resolved: 31/08/2021

Children’s Playgrounds

How many children’s playgrounds were managed by the council in each year from 2001-2021? How many have been closed and / or opened in each year since 2001-2021? provide all information requested.


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 33045. Received: 18/06/2021, Resolved: 23/06/2021

CIA Report

Request for evidence to investigation.

Request no. 33053. Received: 25/06/2021, Resolved: 02/08/2021 12:47:00

Adult Social Care - AW1(2) Reports

Questions on issuing and producing AW1[2] reports in relation to adult social care.


Request no. 33054. Received: 25/06/2021, Resolved: 02/09/2021

Social Care Staff Fund

How many claims have been made? What is the total spend of the fund, broken down by month? How many claims were approved and how many were rejected broken down by month?


Closed. No clarification received

Request no. 33055. Received: 25/06/2021, Resolved: 03/11/2021

Spaces for People Infrastructure - George IV Bridge

Information relating to the Spaces for People Infrastructure on George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, between it's junctions with High Street and Chambers Street from 1 February 2020 to date.


Request no. 33061. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Council Housing Repairs

I would like you to confirm what repairs to council housing the council would define as falling into “urgent and “emergency categories. If you have a document or list outlining what kind of repairs fall into these two categories


See attached response


Request no. 33062. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Lauriston Castle Trust Charity

One of the elements of setting up a charity is it's constitution. Please provide a copy of Lauriston Castle Charity Constitution


Request no. 33067. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021


In the last five years how many times has the council taking legal action- application to the Sheriff in this context against unauthorised sites of gypsies? Secondly at what cost has this attracted.


Case 1 - £50
Case 2 - zero
Case 3 - £552.80
Case 4 - zero

Request no. 33069. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Provisional Higher Grades 2021

Information held by this local authority regarding the provisional grades for Higher qualifications submitted to the SQA for the 2021 awards. If possible this should include, for example, the overall pass rate and pass rates for each subject.


Details of provisional grades for Highers will not be provided until after these grades have been certified.

Request no. 33074. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 27/07/2021

Broomhouse Avenue at the T junction with Broomhouse Road, Edinburgh

Any written or electronic communication detailing all inspection records inclusive of pathways, roadways, drain covers and manholes. Maintenance records, complaints, policies, from 01/01/2018 to 28/06/2021.


Request no. 33078. Received: 28/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021 14:19:00

Edinburgh Festival Carnival

Which committee funds the Edinburgh Festival Carnival? How much is funded annually? The level of funding that has been awarded for the past 8 years and a copy of the funding agreement.


See attached response


Request no. 33087. Received: 29/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Out of Catchment Area Applications - Cramond Primary

I would like to know the number of out of catchment area applications received and number of out of catchment area placements given for Primary One at Cramond Primary School for each of the last 5 years.


Request no. 33089. Received: 29/06/2021, Resolved: 28/07/2021

Road Adoption - Maxwell Street

The developer, Stewart Milne, offered the private car park & access spur road - 10 & 12 Maxwell St. to ECC for adoption. What due diligence was undertaken by ECC to ascertain that this land was in fact Stewart Milne's to do so.


Request no. 33091. Received: 29/06/2021, Resolved: 26/08/2021 16:41:00

Care at Home Charging Policy

The most up to date Non-Residential Charging Policy in the local area for which you have authority? Does an approved list of care at home providers exist? What are the assessment criteria is for the approved providers?

Request no. 33103. Received: 30/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Procurement of Children’s Residential Care Placements Edinburgh

Are you a member of a DPS framework or regional system for the procurement of Residential Care placements of young people between the ages of 7-17?


Request no. 33105. Received: 30/06/2021, Resolved: 26/07/2021

Edinburgh Trams Project

Costs relating to the Edinburgh Trams Project. 1. What was the total value of loans taken out to fund the tram phase 1? 2. How much, if any, of this loan amount has been paid back to date?


Request no. 33162. Received: 24/06/2021, Resolved: 03/08/2021

Higher Maths - Evidence Used

Regarding exam/grade results, how many pieces of evidence and what evidence was used? What % of curriculum was gathered to use as evidence?


Request no. 33173. Received: 21/06/2021, Resolved: 04/11/2021 16:37:00

Waste Collection - New Town

I would like to know for the City of Edinburgh what percentage of communal bins (for each of: food; glass; other recyclables; and landfill) were collected on the scheduled days.

Request no. 33203. Received: 23/06/2021, Resolved: 06/12/2021 09:58:00

Supported Carers

The age range offered for Supported Carer services, and requirements for financial support. Payment rate for Supported Carer services, and additional payments (e.g. at Christmas). Number of placements currently facilitated.

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