Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 39455. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 28/11/2022

Baseline Data re Reduction in Car Kilometers

Please provide me with the baseline data against which the council's 30% reduction in car kilometres by 2030 target will be measured, and the date/s by which any interim car km reduction targets are due to be met.


Request no. 39456. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 28/11/2022

Council's Allotments

No. of allotments owned/leased; no. of people on waiting list; copies of all annual reports or explanation if these have not been published.


Request no. 39457. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Data Centre

Info relating to contracts arount ICT for server hardware maintenance, server virtualisation licences and maintenance and storage area network (SAN) maintenance/support - various questions


Request no. 39458. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 01/11/2022

Maintaining and Publishing Information on the Council's Website

What training staff have completed/are required to undertake including information on accessibility requirements for Public Sector Bodies.

Request no. 39460. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 04/01/2023

Review of Parking Consultation

Any information which accounts for why an Equality Impacts Assessment was not completed as part of the Phase 1 Review of Parking Consultation. Information on staff training no accessibility requirements.


Request no. 39463. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Inspection Records - House O'Hill Road

Inspection records for opposite 36-38 House O'Hill Road, Edinburgh EH4 2AN the immediate surrounding area from 01/03/2021 to 31/03/2022. Section 81 Notice issued? Inspection policy.


Request no. 39464. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Energy Costs This Winter (October - April)

How much is expected to spend compared to last year; Do we plan to cancel or spend less on festive events/decorations; How much projected saving if cancelled and other related questions.


Request no. 39465. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Planning Applications - Paving Front Gardens

No. of applications approved or not approved over last 10 years to tarmac, pave, concrete, gravel over, primarily to provide parking space? Size of last 10 front gardens replaced with concrete. Any change to policy?


Request no. 39466. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022


Number of trees removed at the base over last 5 years and in last 2 years; Number planted in same area over same period; average cost; top 3 reasons for removing a tree


Request no. 39477. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Illicit Tobacco

No. of reports re above in convenience stores made to Trading Standards between Jan-Dec 2020, Jan-Dec 2021, Jan-Nov 2022; How many reports made resulted in seizure and how many stores closed as a result?


Request no. 39478. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Antigua Street Wall

Provision of inspection, maintenance and repair records relating to half wall located at side of Powerhouse Fitness, records of any complaints and accidents.


We have checked our records and, unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested as it is not held by the Council.

Request no. 39480. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Criminal Activity at Schools

No. of police calls to Council's primary and secondary schools and no. of recorded criminal activity for past 5 academic years.


This information is not consistently recorded across the school estate as there is no requirement to do so.

Request no. 39481. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Schools in areas which breach air pollution limits

No of schools in these areas in total and as a proportion; extent to which pollution limits are breached; whether any sensors installed near schools and what they recorded in 2020, 2021 and 2022 to date


Request no. 39482. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Dalry Cemetery Boundary Wall

Is the boundary wall (pavement side) responsibility for repair shared between the property owners and the City of Edinburgh Council?


Information withheld under Regulation 10(5)(d) due to on-going legal proceedings.

Request no. 39483. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Teachers - Temporary Contract / Supply List

No of teachers on temporary contract or through supply lists and experience they have and also whether main grade scale for pay is used to calculate these figures


Request no. 39484. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Existing Water Abstraction Licences in Dalmeny Area

Within a 5km radius of Ineos Dalmeny Terminal - licence number, site name, grid reference, descriptions of abstraction/current use.

Request no. 39485. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Teachers - Pool System for Jobs

No of teachers applied beginning August 2022; completed training and passed interview; no of permanent and temporary jobs; no of teachers applied and experience and whether successful


Request no. 39486. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Penalty Charge Notice Statistics

No. of notices issued between 1/8/21 and 1/8/22; how many issued led to towing/removal or clamping of vehicle and how many of each contravention were challenged and success rates.


Request no. 39488. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Recycling Data

Percentage of what is recycled and sent to landfill for brown bin (garden waste); green bin (recycling waste); food waste; glass waste


Request no. 39494. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Trades Payroll Information

Payroll information for all trades - SCP, grades and salary for each trade.


Request no. 39495. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

City of Edinburgh Education Staffing

Total no of teachers employed; no on permanent/temporary contract over past 5 years (2017-2022); no currently registered for 2022/23 and on permanent/temporary/casual contract; additional funding etc


Request no. 39497. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Riding for the Disabled Site - Ravelrig Gait, Balerno

Do you have any specific information for this site with regards to mining, quarrying, chemical contamination, previous SI or any other information you may have


Request no. 39502. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Care Home Costs

No of care homes owned, leased or under other tenancy agreements; total costs of purchasing, land acquisition, building/renovating; weekly cost per resident; average salary; funding allocated etc


Request no. 39503. Received: 01/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

HIM (Health in Mind)

Questions related to sex not being asked on the form, but gender is asked instead and various other questions.


Request no. 39505. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Bullying in Care Homes

No of incidents of staff bullying staff for each year 2018 to date; no of staff bullying residents; details of complaint made and outcome.


Request no. 39506. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Mental Health Counsellors for Ukrainian Refugees

The number of mental health counsellors allocated to help Ukrainian refugees that have fled the current war/Russian invasion of Ukraine. Was there a target for your local authority to meet regarding the number of mental health counsellors?


Request no. 39507. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 06/01/2023

Ukrainian Refugees Accommodation

Average wait time to be placed from temporary to long term accommodation; longest wait time and if still waiting, how long have they been waiting?


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39508. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Christmas Lights Display

No of lights used in main display in 2019, 2020 and 2021; hours lights on and how many days; overall cost, area of budget money taken from; type of lights and bulbs uses; how many lights will be used in 2022; how long and no of days


Request no. 39509. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

School Bullying

At your primary and secondary schools for the past 5 academic years, the reported instances of bullying amongst pupils and reported instances of bullying towards staff members from pupils or staff?


Request no. 39510. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 15/11/2022 14:34:00

Driveway - Dalry Cemetery

Confirmation that the Friends of Dalry Cemetery have been given authority by Bereavement services to work on the entrance/common driveway including gates, at Dalry Cemetery.


Request no. 39513. Received: 02/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Street Lights - North Bridge

Detail of defective lights in 2019; whether CEC received any notification from emergency services or public; details of repairs carried our after November 2019.


Request no. 39516. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Road and Street Gritting

Various queries relating to above for each financial year since 2016.


Request no. 39517. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022 16:04:00

Short-Term Let Fees

I would like to see how Edinburgh Council calculated the fees to ensure they do not generate a profit.


After consideration of the anticipated costs of administering and enforcing a licensing regime, the licence application fees were set to fully recover the costs of delivering those functions

Request no. 39519. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 03/11/2022 16:58:00

HMO information for Sienna Gardens Edinburgh

Info for flats with an HMO licence


Cancelled by requester, has found the information online

Request no. 39521. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Ukrainian Children Enrolled in Local Schools

No. of children arrived in Scotland after 24 Feb 22 between ages 6 and 18; no. of these children who are enrolled in schools in the local authority.


Request no. 39522. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

CCTV Footage - Lothian Road

Request for cctv footage from 15/10/22 following an incident regarding white Ford Focus.


We have reviewed our cameras in the area but the incident you describe was not captured and consequently we will be unable to provide relevant material.

Request no. 39523. Received: 03/11/2022, Resolved: 08/11/2022

Young Adults Using Gyms in Council Run Premises

The number of complaints which Edinburgh council has received in relation to problems with 'young adults' using the gyms in council run premises.

Request no. 39525. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Currie Primary School - Twitter

I would like to see the risk assessment, Data Protection Impact Assessment, and any other reports or documentation related to the decision of Currie Primary School to use Twitter to share photographs and information about children with parents.


Request no. 39531. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Tanner Enquiry

Total cost to the Council re 'Tanner 1' and also 'Tanner 2' enquire; total cost of officer time related to enquiry


Request no. 39533. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 07/11/2022

Parking charge notices ED37906901 and ED3760803A - Richmond Terrace

Query as to any changes in policy/personnel in the form of local warden re enforcement of the mews aspect of Richmond Terrace parking restrictions and other question; copy of policy/guidance requested

Request no. 39534. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Teacher Suspension

As of the 17th August 2022 how many teachers were suspended?


Information not provided. Given the small numbers involved, this could lead to an individual being identified.

Request no. 39535. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 06/01/2023

Emergency Accommodation/Temporary Housing

No. of homeless households placed in emergency accommodation/temporary housing in last 5 financial years; no. of applications; no. handed Section 21 eviction notices; amount spent.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39539. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Sickness days due to mental health (including stress, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder etc)

No of days sickness taken in our local authority in 2021/22 and 2022/23 to date for teaching related staff


Request no. 39540. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Pupil Attendance Since 2017

Total no. for the past 5 years broken down by school and each year since 2017 and total no. included in each schools attainment figures.


Request no. 39541. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 10/01/2023

Council Repairs at Schools

Details of outstanding repairs needed at each school; all repairs carried out at each school within last 5 years; when first reported, when completed, total cost, health & safety, hygiene and wellbeing concerns associated with each repair.


Closed. No clarification received

Request no. 39542. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Energy Supplies

Questions relating to CEC's total spend for electricity and natural gas, total no. of supplies; contract details for Procurement Manager responsible for awarding supply contracts and Operation Manager.


Request no. 39547. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 22/11/2022

Leaking Balcony - Wester Hailes Park

Request to know who is responsible for repair of balcony.


The locality office will contact the applicant directly.

Request no. 39548. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Cobblestone Path - Hawthornbank Lane in Dean Village

No. of complaints made re. safety of cobblestone path through raising issues with roads/pavements or reporting accidents/injuries or other recorded complains over the last 5 years.


In the last 5 years, there have been no recorded reports, complaints, accidents or injuries relating to the safety of the surface of Hawthornbank Lane.


Request no. 39549. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 09/12/2022 15:27:00

Building distillery standards

Completion dates for building works along Market Street; start dates as approved by local authority and cost of the building


Request no. 39550. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Dalry Cemetery Burials

The last time there was a burial in Dalry Cemetery? The last time there was an interment of ashes in Dalry Cemetery? Will there be future burials in Dalry Cemetery?


Request no. 39551. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Tree Conservation Orders

Request for a list of all applications for last 5 years and how many to make a tree preservation order versus not to; how many approval for work to go ahead v not approved; TPOs revoked or other; and other questions


Request no. 39558. Received: 04/11/2022, Resolved: 04/01/2023

Lothian Buses - Data Breach Complaints

As Edinburgh Council are main shareholders of Lothian buses, how many of their staff complained their information been giving away and second how many members of the public complained?


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39559. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022 16:03:00

20mph implementation on Cluny Gardens

Documents re current status of 20mph implementation on Cluny Gardens including design and targeted implementation date along with any information on why this has been delayed since TRO/20/07 was first agreed at T&E Committee January 2021.


Request no. 39560. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022

Trams to Newhaven Out of Hours Working

Emails relating to above including affects on each area and specific reasoning for doing anti-social hours, justifying how it meets the criteria set out in the tram act/code of practice; and measures/plans discussed re communicating with residents.


Request no. 39561. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Children in Schools

Total no indicated to school they have changed names, use of pronouns or gender each year since 2016; total no of instances where a member of school staff has been blocked, prevented or otherwise by management from telling a parent or guardian


Request no. 39562. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Self Catering Unit - 2/2 Cowgatehead, Edinburgh

How long has the address 2/2 Cowgatehead, Edinburgh, EH1 1JU been classified as a self-catering unit?


This address is not classified by the City of Edinburgh Council as a self-catering unit. There is no Planning consent, Certificate of Lawfulness or Licence to Operate recorded by the Council.

Request no. 39565. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Property Repairs

Property Repairs - West Bow

Request no. 39566. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Noise Complaints / Anti-Social Behaviour - 2/2 Cowgatehead, Edinburgh

No. of complaints re noise or other anti-social behaviour made to Edinburgh Council regarding self-catering unit at 2/2 Cowgatehead, Edinburgh EH11JU. Please cover whole period that this accommodation has been in use as a self-catering apartment.


We have searched records held by Environmental Health, Family & Household Support and the South East Locality and there are there are no complaints of noise or anti-social behaviour recorded against this address.

Request no. 39567. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Balerno High School - Out of Catchment

No of pupils request made for in 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22; no offered and no taken up; no places taken up by stage (S1-S6)


Request no. 39568. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022

Legal Costs re Judicial Review Against Nil Cap Policy

Please provide the total spent by Edinburgh council on legal costs in relation to the Judicial Review being pursued against the Nil Cap Policy. The cost should include all legal fees to the end of October.


The legal costs are withheld under:

Section 30(c) - Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs

Section 33(1)(b) - Commercial interests and the economy

36(1) – Legal proceedings

Request no. 39569. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Software Information

Which Customer Relation Management (CRM) system do we use? If different, provide name of supplier and product etc; value of current contract/licence; expiry date; plans to review; name, job, contact no of person responsible


Request no. 39570. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022

Children and Young People

Request for plans, policy documents, guidance or other re duty of care to carry out needs assessment; provision of aftercare and continuing care and other related questions.


Request no. 39572. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Highway Drainage

No of assets under our responsibility including no cleaned per year for last 3 years and no blocked; budget for last 3 years including what covered etc; actual expenditure and other questions


Request no. 39573. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

School Meals - Single Use Disposable Items

No. of items purchased for school meals in 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22; details of info. on volume of waste produced which is linked to these items.


Request no. 39574. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 22/11/2022

HMO - Temporary Homeless Accommodation

How many temporary homeless accommodations are used of sizing 10+ rooms which have no HMO in place making them fall under unsuitable accommodation order?

Request no. 39576. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Asbestos Details - Forrester High School and Dumbryden Primary School

Asbestos register details; asbestos removal work; renovation works for each premises - Forrester High School 1974-1980 and Dumbryden Primary School 1980-2010


Request no. 39577. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

LA Nurse Agency Expenditure

Total spend with recruitment agencies for nurses, healthcare assistants and care workers on temporary basis and also listed by recruitment agency that was used to place the worker


Request no. 39578. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Parking Spaces - West End Edinburgh

The cycleway development is substantially reducing the number of car parking spaces. How much revenue is going to be lost through the loss of pay parking spaces? Confirm whether or not the resident parking spaces are going to be adversely affected.


Request no. 39579. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022

Support for Learning Assistants

How many support for learning assistants or equivalent role ie supporting pupils as directed by teacher, personal care support, pupil supervision have been allocated to each primary school in your area in each of the last 5 years?

Request no. 39580. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Support for Learning Allocation Formula

Formula for allocating support learning assistants (or equivalent role ie supporting pupils as directed by teacher, personal care support, pupil supervision) to primary schools and secondary schools; has formula changed since 2017 and if so when?


Request no. 39581. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 01/12/2022 16:24:00

Support for Learning Assistants in Secondary Schools

No. of support learning assistants (or equivalent role ie supporting pupils as directed by teacher, personal care support, pupil supervision) have been allocated to each secondary school in your area in each of the last 5 years?


Request no. 39585. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Gender Reassignment Recognition for Pupils

Per school, no of pupils received gender reassignment recognition by male identifying as female/female identifying as male; no that school have supported and name officially recorded by males as female/female as male


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39586. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Gender Reassignment Recognition for Pupils

Per school, no of pupils received gender reassignment recognition that school supported and starts or continues to dress, behave or live according to gender they have identified - male as female/female as male


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39587. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Gender Reassignment Recognition for Pupils

Per school, no of pupils supported by school that undergoes treatment such as surgery or hormone therapy by male identifying as female and female identifying as male


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39588. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Gender Reassignment Intentions

Per school, no school have supported and there is manifestation of an intention to undergo gender reassignment even if not reached irrevocable decision by male identifying as female/female identifying as male


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39589. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Gender Reassignment Recognition

Per school, no school supported even if he or she takes no further steps by male identifying as female / female identifying as male.


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39590. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Trans Gender Education

Per school, no of pupils officially disciplined for alleged discriminatory or homophobic behaviour against trans gender education; reports made to police for same; no of parents/guardians officially reported for same.


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 39591. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022 10:30:00

Clock - Portobello Baptist Church, 186 Portobello High Street

Determining factors for removal and any evidence; total cost of repairs incurred to date; estimated cost and time frame concluding an agreement; estimated cost and time frame for reinstating; where is clock currently stored


Request no. 39592. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022 16:25:00

Pedestrian Crossing Next to Echline Primary School

Total cost of work and what additional cost was necessary as a result of removing the widened pavement.


Request no. 39593. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Ukrainian Sponsorship

No of hosts supported Ukrainians through homes and/or super sponsor scheme in total; no of times CEC been contacted by a sponsor etc; what happened to the refugees etc; no of times CEC made aware of complaints and other questions


Request no. 39595. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022

Insurance Claims - A6106 Between Niddrie Crossroads and Milton Road

No. of claims for tyre/suspension damage since 1/1/22; no of claims admitted by Gallagher Bassett and no of claims rejected.


Request no. 39596. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Whistleblowing - CEC Education Department

No of disclosures received over last 2 years; breakdown of concerns; current headcount/total no of staff in team; amount of expenditure allocated to team/function; any relevant documents/processes


Request no. 39597. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022 16:30:00

Compensation for Potholes

How much paid out to injured people in last 5 years; amount paid out for vehicles damaged in last 5 years?


Request no. 39598. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Expenses Incurred by Councillor Day

Details for the calendar year 2021 and up to the CEC local elections in May 2022 and from the date of forming the current administration to date


Payments to councillors to March 2022 is published on our website.

No expenses have been reported for this financial year to date.


Request no. 39599. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

CCTV - Oxgangs (Outside Goodies Pub)

Can I get a look at the CCTV you have for Oxgangs area outside the Goodies pub - Sunday at 11.30 (06/11/2022)?


No relevant footage held.

Request no. 39602. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

24-36 Dunedin Street, Edinburgh due diligence data

Info re potential contamination at site (Grid reference: NT 255752 / Easting, Northings: 325560, 675258) and various questions


Request no. 39603. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Registered Landlords - Abbey Strand, Edinburgh

Please provide the names, addresses and landlord registration number for all registered landlords for all registered properties located at or on: Abbey Strand, Edinburgh EH8 8DX and EH8 8DU.


There are no registered landlords currently associated with these postcodes.

Request no. 39604. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Call Volume for Urgent Housing Repairs

What is your Customer Service/Call Centre’s breakdown of inbound call’s per month over the last 6 month’s regarding Urgent Housing Repairs?


Request no. 39605. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 06/12/2022

Collapse of Wall on Prospect Bank Place

Date notified; what survey schedule was in place; was defect concern raised before; when did surveyor attend; no of days per month inspected for further deterioration; how much stone removed and other questions


Request no. 39616. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Population of Industrial Sites in the Vicinity of Ineos Dalmeny Terminal

I would like information on population at the following industrial estates identified to be within 5km of the site:- Royal Elizabeth Yard Industrial Estate and Kirkliston Industrial Estate


No relevant information held.

Request no. 39617. Received: 08/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

Traffic Lights - The Loan

Total cost of installing new traffic lights to include road and pavement reinstatment and insertion of bollards


Request no. 39618. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 10/07/2023

Private Taxis/Transport for School Pupils Spending

Information/figures relating to the spending of public money on private taxis/transport for school pupils.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39619. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 02/12/2022

CCTV - Lasswade Road/Captain's Road Junction

CCTV 25 October 2022 - Lasswade Road/Captain's Road Junction. Please could you confirm if you have any CCTV in the area that may have captured the incident and provide us with a copy of the footage.


We have reviewed our public space cameras in the area for the date given but the incident you describe was not captured and consequently we will be unable to provide any data.

Request no. 39622. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022 16:28:00

Inspections at Palmer Place, Currie

Documents showing or tending to show all inspections undertaken at Palmer Place, Currie during 20/11/17 to 20/11/19 and whether routine or specific maintenance works and other questions.


Request no. 39623. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 07/12/2022

Moredun Young People's Centre and Northfield Young People's Centre - Inspection Reports

Request for inspection reports and Care Inspectorate reports for period 13 April 1995 to 19 July 1997.


Information provided.

Request no. 39624. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

School Wellbeing

From academic year 2017/18 to now (9/11/22), no of pupils use this service; no of staff using service; average waiting time for service; longest waiting time; no of staff low wellbeing/poor mental health


Request no. 39625. Received: 09/11/2022, Resolved: 10/07/2023

Settlement Boundaries

Can you please provide the Settlement boundaries in shapefile (.shp) format?


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39626. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022 16:33:00

Commercial and Residential Property - Royal Mile and North Bridge

Please confirm both the number of commercial property and number of residential property across the Royal Mile and also North Bridge.


Request no. 39628. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

Granton Waterfront Areas - Contamination

Is the site registered as contaminated; has it been included/prioritised for inspection; any issues/incidents; any reports; information re tanks/gasometers; any drawings/plans and other questions


Request no. 39630. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 11/11/2022 14:23:00

NA Funerals

Request for info re National Assistance Act or Paupers funerals since 1/9/22 to day of reply - specific questions noted

Request no. 39631. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Adult Care Staff Overtime

Total no of hours worked by all Adult Social Care staff in this local authority; no of staff members; cost associated with overtime - all for each year since 2018/19 including the current financial year to date.


Request no. 39632. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 09/12/2022 15:16:00

Roads and Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework

Contract title: Roads and Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework - request for list of all bidders and those who were successful


Request no. 39635. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

Names and Address of People in Our Organisation

Request for names and addresses of various Directors/Leaders within the Council.


Request no. 39637. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

Water Ingress Repair Report

Request for copy of report dated Jan 2019.

Request no. 39638. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 11/01/2023

Schools Complaint Process

No of formal complaints against school teachers; no of investigations as a result of complaints made against teachers/staff; no of instances of accused being at fault; no resulted in disciplinary action; and other questions

Request no. 39660. Received: 10/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Princes Street - Between North Bridge and Waverly Bridge

Any written or electronic communication detailing all reports of road surface defects from June 2020 to date. Any remedial work; roads inspection; road maintenance; reported complaints; any incidents and last inspection.


Request no. 39662. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

Bus Lane Contravention Fines

How many bus lane contravention fines have been issued for the camera covering west bound traffic on Stenhouse Drive at the junction with Saughton Road. I would like to have a daily breakdown for 2022.


Request no. 39677. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

North Gyle Road Flooding

Eight questions including, when did Edinburgh Council introduce the traffic calming measures to North Gyle Road and was an options appraisal / impact assessment for unintended consequences, e.g. flooding undertaken?


Request no. 39679. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 29/12/2022

Customer Care Requests

Request in line with confidentiality and transparency in Public Service organisations. How many customer care requests were escalated to any of the above departments. In ward 15 relating to any one particular street/place or road.


Closed - Failure to provide clarification.

Request no. 39682. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Shandwick Place Tram Tracks

Any written or electronic communication detailing risk assessment for the tram track. Any reported complaints; any incidents and maintenance or any additional work carried out and photographs. Information from November 2020 to date.


Request no. 39689. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

Christmas Decorations

How much money has the council spent on Christmas decorations in each of the following years: a) 2019 b) 2020 c) 2021 d) 2022


Request no. 39690. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Number of city residents aged over 64 paying Council Tax 2022

The most up-to-date figures for the number of residents with addresses registered in the city that are aged over 64 years old, and are currently still paying Council Tax. Please also break this data down by age.


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council.

Request no. 39695. Received: 07/11/2022, Resolved: 05/12/2022

Guidance Issued to Councillors in Relation to Council Meeting of 22 September 2022

a) Whether the Standards Commission was consulted before the guidance was issued b) Whether the guidance was prompted by any political council groups and how (was it a response to a specific question from which political grouping)?


Request no. 39696. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Adoption of Dean Park Mews

I would like to view the paperwork/evidence associated with the adoption of Dean Park Mews, I have reason to believe it may not have been adopted despite being listed on the council website.


Please see attached.


Request no. 39697. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Looked After Children

How many looked after children from the local authority are accommodated out-with the local authority? How many from other local authorities are accommodated by City of Edinburgh Council? For the last 5 years.


Request no. 39699. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 18/11/2022

Fly-tipping Fines

No of fines issued between 25 December 2019 until 29 January 2019, 2020 and 2021; how much were each of the fines; how many were paid on time


The City of Edinburgh Council does not is sue Fixed Penalty Notices specifically for fly-tipping. They are recorded and issued as either Trade or Domestic Waste offences.

Request no. 39700. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Adoptions Within the Local Authority

No. of adoptions in last 10 years and how many had post-adoption support prior; no. of post-adoption assessments and how many carried out after adoption; no. of adoptees referred for further support and other questions.


Request no. 39701. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Contaminated Land Enquiry: 5-7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DW

Has the site been identified for inspection/further review, if so, describe priority status/risk ranking and timescale; any known contamination issues associated - provide dates and titles; and other questions


Request no. 39702. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

School Staff Signed Off

In past 5 academic years, primary and secondary schools, no. of staff signed off with stress or poor mental health; no. of staff on long term leave/absence.


Request no. 39703. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Temporary / Emergency Accommodation

How much spend during financial year 2021/22; how much predicted during 2022/23; no of households currently in temp/emergency accommodation; average no of people per household and other questions


Request no. 39704. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Tonnage of Waste Submitted to Landfill Sites

Total tonnage submitted for 1/1/2020-31/12/2020; 1/1/2021-31/12/2021; 1/1/2022-31/10/2022 and average sent per day.


Request no. 39705. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Food Hygiene Ratings - Food Safety Officer’s Report - Sofia's Corstorphine, 44 St John's Road, EH12 6PA

Can I please get a copy of the report from the inspection carried out on 7th Sept 2022 at the following location: Sofia's Corstorphine, 44 St John's Road, EH12 6PA


Request no. 39706. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Asbestos in Schools

No. of schools with asbestos - delineate into nursery, primary and secondary; total no. of schools within local authority area; details of any incidents pertaining to exposure since 2019 with date and nature.


Request no. 39707. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Fly-tipping of Asbestos

No. of incidents in each of past 5 years; no. resulted in fixed penalty notices; total value of notices; no. paid; total value outstanding


Request no. 39708. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Council Buildings and Staff Working from Home

Proportion of workspace unused due to staff WFH in sq. floor space and percentage of overall space; no. of rooms empty; no. of buildings empty; no. of staff WFH; how much spent heating/powering empty space; will CEC sell due to lack of use?


Request no. 39709. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 29/12/2022

Temporary Accommodation

No of individuals in temporary accommodation as of 31/10/22 and projected forecast to end of financial year 2022/23; breakdown of type of accommodation eg private sector leased, rented, B&B or hotel; and other questions


Request no. 39710. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Injury Claims - Broken Paving Slabs and Road Defects

No. of injuries for calendar years 2017 to date and no. of claims rejected and no. settled for each year.


Request no. 39711. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Software Licences

Has CEC moved to O365 for licensing needs; for all users or how many; do any CEC users use only perpetual licences and what percentage; was surplus of perpetual licences created when CEC moved to O365; and other questions.


Request no. 39712. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022


Please may you provide me with the number of complaints about drainage problems from 1/1/22. Can you break this down by month please?



Request no. 39713. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Alcohol-related Exclusions in Schools

No. of children excluded after being found to be under the influence of, or in possession of, alcohol on school premises or during school trips in financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022 to date. And other questions.


Request no. 39714. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Planning Officers and Planning Applications

No. of FTE employed for each of last 10 financial years; no of applications lodged; no of applications dealt with either reaching point of decision or withdrawal; average time for conclusion from submission to decision


Request no. 39715. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Cyclist Deaths 2021 to 2022

Details on deaths of cyclists in 2021 and 2022 - number, nature, date, location and any other details available.


There were no fatal collisions involving cyclist in the date range specified.

Request no. 39716. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Cost Spent on Domestic Abuse, Awareness, Treatment and Help Services

How much has been spent by this local authority on domestic abuse (a) awareness (b) treatment and (c) help services. Please can I have this information for the five most recent financial years.


Request no. 39717. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Short-term Lets

No. of accommodations currently operated in the local authority; no. that have applied for a short-term licence.


Request no. 39718. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Play Parks

No of parks closed in last 10 financial years; no of complaints received re general state of play in last 5 financial years; how much spent on upkeep/refurbishment in last 5 fy; no reports of vandalism (5 fy); no of injuries (5 fy)


Request no. 39721. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Polythene Sacks and Wheeled Steel and Plastic Containers

Type of polythene sacks currently used for environmental/waste services/street services such as commercial waste/sweeping/clinical/recycling; full specifications; which department uses each type; where sacks stored and other questions.


Request no. 39722. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Collapsed wall - Ellen's Glen

What date will it be repaired; when will work begin; who owns it; how much will it cost; will it cost the residents in Greenland Gardens; will streetlights be put back up; was it looked at before it fell; is it safe just now and other questions


Request no. 39723. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Pregnant Women on Social Housing Waiting Lists

The number of pregnant women that are currently on waiting lists for social housing.


Request no. 39729. Received: 11/11/2022, Resolved: 08/12/2022

West End Junction of Princes Street - Shandwick Place and Queensferry Street

All records held relating to accidents/incidents; maintenance/inspection records; date on which Phase 1 was implemented from 2010 to date involving the tram track. Tram Cycle Safety Improvements Programme has been discussed since August 2018.


Request no. 39742. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 13/12/2022

Station Road, South Queensferry, EH30

Records of inspection/maintenance records/details of independent contractors/repair records/complaints and details of reports accidents for street from 14/09/2019 to 15/11/2022.


Request no. 39747. Received: 14/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022

Site at 5-6 Marshall’s Court

Correspondence and agreements relating to and/or showing the price and any related conditions for which the site was to have been sold if the planning application 20/00486/FUL had been accepted. This should include the offer made at pre-app stage.

Request no. 39751. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022 16:42:00

Short-term Letting Licence Applications

Could you tell me how many applications for a short-term letting licence you received between October 1st and 31st 2022? Please could you provide me the figures for: total short-term letting licence applications and categorised by type.


Request no. 39752. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Planning Application: 22/05207/FULSTL

From your website that five comments have been received in connection with the above application. Three are objections and two are in support. Please could you send me copies of the objections.


Comments in relation to planning applications are not made public until after the decisions is made if done under delegated powers or in the case of committee decisions, comments will be made public with the committee papers.

Request no. 39758. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Assaults With Weapons in Schools

For past 5 academic years: Number of physical assaults and attempted physical assaults with use of a weapon against a pupil? Number of physical assaults and attempted physical assaults with use of a weapon against a member of school staff?


Request no. 39760. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Spaces for People

What has happened to the segregated cycle infrastructure for Spaces for People that has been removed and what is the total amount and value of the removed infrastructure?


Request no. 39761. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Registrar Attendance Fees

How much money your council received from registrar attendance fees over the last five years? ie. the cost for a registrar to attend/ conduct a weddings or similar ceremonies at a venue arranged by the couple for the last five years?


Request no. 39762. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

School closures

How many schools have closed in the local authority area in each of the last five FY? Can this be broken down as to how many closed in each of the last five FY, including 2022-2023 so far? How many schools are earmarked for closure in future.


The information you have requested is available on the Scottish Government website.


Request no. 39763. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Staff absence due to stress

In your local authority area, how many (I) Teachers (II) Support Assistants and (III) Other school staff in the last five financial years have had days off with stress? and all other information.


Request no. 39764. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Housing Waiting Lists

How many people are currently waiting on social housing lists? On average how long are people currently having to wait? The longest or average waiting times in last five financial years, including 2022-23 so far?


Request no. 39765. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 19/01/2023

Local service closures

In the last five financial years, including 2022-23 so far, how many (I) Libraries (ii) Community Centres and (III) Museums have been closed? Could this be broken down into the number that were shut down each year?


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 39766. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Parking Spaces - 5-10 Springfield, EH6 5SF

I request the legal adoption documents concerning the privately owned parking spaces of the properties 5-10 Springfield EH6 5SF.


Request no. 39768. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Plastic Water Bottles in Schools

Do you sell plastic water bottles in your primary schools and in high schools? How many plastic water bottles you sell in primary schools and in high schools? Does your council have a policy on single-use plastics?


Request no. 39769. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Meeting the Social Housing Demand

Meeting the Social Housing Demand; Exploring the Resource Impacts on the Construction Industry in Justifying the Refurbishment or Demolition of Properties Within the United Kingdom’s Public Housing Sector - Questionnaire.


Online questionnaire completed - See attached.


Request no. 39770. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022


How many homes with a minimum of one bedroom and one bathroom on the ground floor were advertised for let by the Edindex partners from March 2021 to date? How many social rented homes are being planned to be built or purchased?


Request no. 39773. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Interlinked fire alarm compliance

The percentage of buildings, owned by the council, that are compliant with the Scot Gov regulations on interlinked smoke alarms. If all buildings are compliant, please provide the date for which the latest building became compliant.


80.29% of buildings, owned by the Council, are compliant with the Scottish Government's regulations on interlinked smoke alarms.

Request no. 39774. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Expenditure on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Number of roles (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles.


Request no. 39775. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Sexual Violence in schools

For the past 5 academic years (2017-18 onwards): The number of instances of sexual misconduct, abuse, violence or any similar offence against a school pupil and or any similar offence against a teacher or member of school staff?


Request no. 39783. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Recycling of Paper and Cardboard Waste Contracts

Request all information in respect of the above contracts.


Request no. 39784. Received: 17/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Single use plastic ban enforcement

How many businesses have you engaged / taken action / issued fines against with for breaking the rules of the ban? What support offering to businesses to help them swap to more eco-friendly permitted items? How much spend?


Request no. 39787. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Non-standard Housing List

I am looking to gather some data from yourselves regarding construction types in your area. Can you provide us with your Non-standard Housing List along with Postcodes for these areas?


See attached. Where multiple properties within one multi-storey building, these have been listed individually, hence there are duplicated postcodes.

Where the ‘TradNonTrad’ column states ‘MSF’, this refers to Metal Sheet Framework buildings.


Request no. 39793. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Competing Elsie Inglis Charity

Has the council written to tell him to stop using the council/Lord Provost as some kind of support for his charity? If so, is there a copy of any letter available? Or can the council divulge a precis of the contents of any letter?


Request no. 39794. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Dalry Cemetery

A copy of the Statement of Work or similar legal document between CEC and their Friends of Greenspaces, in particular the Friends of Dalry Cemetery.


There are no such legal documents between the City of Edinburgh Council and their ‘Friends of Greenspaces’.

Request no. 39795. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022


I would like confirmation on whether taxis operating within your council require dash cam or CCTV to be installed as part of a mandatory requirement.


This is not a mandatory requirement.

Request no. 39796. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Spaces for People

Has the segregated cycle infrastructure for Spaces for People that was removed been scrapped/ disposed of?


All of the segregation products used on the SfP/Travelling Safely projects are made from recycled rubber or plastic. If the segregated cycle infrastructure is removed and is fit for purpose it is stored for reuse.

Request no. 39797. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Bullying in Schools

Can you provide for each of the years 2019-2022 so far, the number of reports of bullying in primary schools? Can you provide for each of the years 2019-2022 so far, the number of reports of bullying in secondary schools and steps taken.


Request no. 39798. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 30/11/2022

Energy usage in council and social housing schemes

Regarding real energy usage data from any local housing schemes or blocks, only over a year or two to account for seasonal change.


This has been dealt with directly by the service

Request no. 39800. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Fixed and Average Speed Cameras

Please simply tell me a) how many speed cameras your authority is responsible for in total, and b) how much financial cost these cameras incurred for maintenance and calibration from 2018-present, broken down by year.


Speeding Penalties fall under Schedule 2 of the Road Traffic (Offenders) Act 1988 which is enforced by Police Scotland.

Request no. 39801. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

Euro 6

I note your records show there are now 761 Euro 6 and 110 electric taxis. Can you please advise the same numbers for 2018?


Request no. 39802. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Social Worker Complaints

How many complaints were made about the social worker by members of the public, service users and other council staff at Edinburgh City Council and if they were upheld. For example - 3 columns; year, no. of complaints, no. upheld.


Request no. 39806. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Westgarth Avenue, Edinburgh

Details of all works, planned; whether or not the pavements are adopted; details of risk register; any complaints; details of inspections; details of maintenance and repairs and all other information dating from 15 June 2020 to the present day.


Request no. 39807. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Public Entertainment Licence (Temporary) 4.2 Applicant Highland Centre Limited

Please send me all docs in this matter/application.


Request no. 39814. Received: 15/11/2022, Resolved: 15/12/2022

Age Limitation and Emissions Standards for Taxis and Private Hire Cars – Update

What specific period are you referring to when you state “IN THAT PERIOD where the pass rate was 49% for taxis? How many taxis in that same period actually passed their MOT, but did not pass the inspection due to non MOT standards? etc


Request no. 39817. Received: 18/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

School Bullying Stage 1 & 2 Complaints

For each of the past 5 academic years up to 2020-21, In your local primary schools what is the number stage one complaints and a separate request for same what is the number of stage two complaints in regards to inter-pupil bullying?


Request no. 39819. Received: 20/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Mould in Council-owned Domestic Properties

How many reports/complaints of damp or mould in domestic properties owned by you receive in each of the years 2021/22, 2020/21 and 2019/20? How much spent remedying or treating mould in these properties in each of these years?


Request no. 39820. Received: 20/11/2022, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Potholes Compensation

How many claims has the council settled and how much has it paid in out in compensation to cyclists and other road users injured by potholes or defective surfaces in each of the past five financial years?


Request no. 39821. Received: 20/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Management Plan and Maintenance Programme

Please provide me with a copy of the management plan and maintenance programme for the trees to the rear of residential properties in Craigentinny Avenue North, Edinburgh, EH6 7LJ.


Request no. 39824. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 05/01/2023

Forthview Terrace EH4

Photographs relating to repair works carried out during the calendar year 2021 including dates taken, exact location and inspection/repair job number to which the photograph relates.


Request no. 39832. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Council Expenditure or Payment to Suppliers from Jan to Sep 2022

Request for all payments to suppliers who provided a service in Health and Social Care from Jan - Sep 2022.


Request no. 39836. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Illuminated 'Edinburgh' Sign on the Mound

Cost of the illuminated 'Edinburgh' sign that has been installed on The Mound; What are its running costs for the illuminations? How long will the sign be in place and what happens to it afterwards?


Request no. 39839. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Reserved Spaces for In-Catchment Children

Which schools reserve spaces for children moving to area for P2-P7 years and how many reserved each primary year?


Request no. 39842. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Licensing Platform

Contact details for person responsible for premises and TENs; details of current licensing platform including expiry date, cost, duration, software used to manage customer applications


Request no. 39843. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 05/01/2023

High School Fights & Assaults

From 2017 to current year - no. of recorded pupil-pupil fights on high school property; no. of recorded assaults against teachers for same; no. of pupils suspended following violent attach on teacher or pupil; and other questions.


Request no. 39844. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Schools in Financial Deficit

Number of schools run by local authority which finished the last academic year (2021/22) in financial deficit and the value of this financial deficit


Request no. 39845. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

MS Victoria - Ukrainian Refugees

No. of people in largest family aboard; how largest family has been accommodated - no. of cabins used, no. of people to each cabin and shared space and dimensions; and other questions.


Request no. 39846. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Cycle Accidents - Junction of Princes Street and South St Andrews Street

How many accidents have occurred as a result of tram tracks since laid till now?


Request no. 39847. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Judicial Review by United Sex Workers Union - Sessions Court - September 2022

Please forward the details of the case reference and citation.


Case Reference No. - P531- 22

Citation – Kaagobot Limited, Y11 JTR Limited, Netherview Limited and Piotr Arkadiusz Szulc v Edinburgh City Council.

Request no. 39848. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

L&T 365 Accounts

Request for all DPIAs related to L&T M365 tenancy covering set up of accounts for children and staff; set up, access to and level of personal data in the GAL and other directories/distribution lists; and other questions


Request no. 39849. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 19/01/2023

Short-Term Let Licence Scheme

Eight questions including - The estimated cost of operating and implementing this scheme and method used to calculate licence fee.


Request no. 39850. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Funeral Costs - Former Prisoner

The total cost of the funeral of former HM Prison Edinburgh prisoner Peter Tobin who died earlier this year. A complete breakdown of these costs.


The total funeral cost was £683, broken down as follows:

Admin - £69

Coffin - £250

Cremation - £364

Request no. 39852. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Allotment Locations - Average Wait Time

Request for the average wait time for new applicants for each of your allotment locations


Request no. 39853. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 28/11/2022

Council Complaints Procedure

Request for copy of the City of Edinburgh Council complaints procedure


The Council’s ‘Complaints procedure’ is available on our website.


Request no. 39854. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Refuse and Trucks Usage

What the policy/strategy is for refuse truck acquisition and vehicles in use and when you intend to replace them.


Request no. 39856. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 20/12/2022

Teaching Staff Absence

No. of staff absent due to stress-related conditions in each of past 5 years; of those absent in each year, how many off work for more than (a) one week (b) 2 month (c) indefinitely; total no. of sick days taken in each of those years.


Request no. 39857. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Montagu Terrace, Statutory Repair Scheme

Date last relevant payment invoice issued; current status which properties paid against submitted invoice; any CEC action; date of last correspondence between owners and agents


Request no. 39867. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Contaminated Land Enquiry - 58-66 Queen Charlotte St, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7HT

Confirm whether or not the Site is on your list of prioritised sites under Part 2A and, what priority it is considered to be? Could you let me know whether you are aware of any previous intrusive investigations and/or remediation at the Site?


Request no. 39868. Received: 21/11/2022, Resolved: 19/12/2022

Petroleum Licensing Historical Records - 58-66 Queen Charlotte St, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7HT

Please let me know the process for undertaking a search of available petroleum licensing/storage information, and any associated costs/ requirements for permission etc. as well as the likely timescale?


No relevant information recorded.


Request no. 39869. Received: 22/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Trinity Academy, Edinburgh

Information relating to the paving slabs in the playground/outdoor area of Trinity Academy, Edinburgh. All records from 1/1/22 until present.


There is no information recorded relating to paving slabs.

Request no. 39870. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 30/01/2023

Council Owned Residential Properties

Provide list of all residential properties which have been vacant/ empty for more than 6 months. For each property, please state: the full address; number of bedrooms; amount paid for property at time of purchase; current estimated value.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 39871. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 16/02/2023

Christmas celebrations

Total council budget for Christmas decorations including festivities in 2022. Total council budget for any other Christmas-related public expenditures in 2022. Information above for the following years as well: 2019 and 2012.


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 39872. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Music Licensing

All payments made since January 2019 to any organisation which licences music, such as the Performing Rights Society for all premises. Charge for organisations which play recorded music in buildings accessible by the public, or your employees.


Please refer to the following attached documents:

39872 Payments to PPL PRS Ltd.

39872 Payments to Performing Rights Society


Request no. 39874. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Asylum seekers/hotels

Number of asylum seekers placed in hotel accommodation within your area and the number of hotels within your area being used to house asylum seekers from January 2018 to the latest complete month, broken down by year / month.


Request no. 39875. Received: 23/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Bus Lane Operational Hours Consultation

Can you provide the results (or data). The consultation ran from 30 Oct 2019 and closed on 22 Nov 2019. The results were never published.


I can confirm that we hold a summary/analysis report of the consultation returns however this is withheld under Section 30 – Prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs.

Request no. 39876. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 11/01/2023

Mould and Damp in Social Housing

The number of socially rented homes that have reported having damp and mould in each year since 2007, with a breakdown by year.


Request no. 39877. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Schools Closed as a Result of Strikes

The number of schools that have been forced to close on the 24th November 2022 as a result of the teachers going on strike? Can you provide me the total number of schools closed and the names of the schools.

Request no. 39878. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Ocean Terminal

We would like information for the previous 3 years on: 1. Inspections carried out on that area and how they were carried out 2. Your inspection policy 3. Complaints received 4. Repair work carried out


Request no. 39879. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Community Action Team Funding

How much has the local authority allocated towards the delivery of Community Action Teams in each year since 2007, with a breakdown by year.


There is no information for this funding held by the Council.

Request no. 39891. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Crisis Grants / Community Care Grants

Each of the last 12 months years: How many applications were received, of those applications how many were awarded? How many of those applications were decided within 2 working days? Average waiting time for application decisions?


Request no. 39892. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Sign Language In Schools

In local authorities primary and secondary schools what reference is there to sign language in the curriculum? History of sign language/deaf community taught in classroom? What percentage of teachers are fluent in BSL or equivalent sign language?


Request no. 39893. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

School Meals During Strikes

How may primary pupils are eligible to free school meals? On 24 November 2022, what measures were put in place in primary schools to provide free school meals to those who are entitled or missed out who were entitled to one?


Request no. 39904. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Number of Cantonese language interpreters working across your council's schools

1. The number of Cantonese language interpreters working across your council's schools, broken down by: 2. Primary schools 3. Secondary schools 4. Total figure across all schools


Request no. 39905. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Pringle Drive, EH16 4XB

Can I please receive a copy of the inspection logs for Pringle Drive, EH16 4XB. I would like this to date from January 2022 to present.


Please see attached.


Request no. 39907. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Pest Control Advice

What does the CEC pest control team consider the appropriate techniques and materials for filling holes in walls and floors to prevent the spread of vermin?


Request no. 39908. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Contact Centre

Please provide all information organisation’s ICT contracts, specifically around: - contact centre contract(s) - inbound network services contract (s) and other information.


Request no. 39909. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

SCOT (NA Funerals)

Any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/9/22 to date.


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 39919. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Short-Term Let Licensing Scheme

Is the council’s short-term let licensing scheme currently open to all types of short-term let accommodation provider? How many applications received in total? Whether granted or rejected? How much fees have been collected so far?


Request no. 39920. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

HMO properties in Edinburgh

I would like to know the total number of HMO properties in Edinburgh each year for the last 10 years? For those HMO properties each year, we would like to know how many of them are exempt from Council tax?


Request no. 39921. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Newly Qualified Teachers

For the last 5 academic years (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23). How many newly qualified teachers (NQTs) were requested through the Teacher induction scheme? How many NQTs were you allocated?


Request no. 39922. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Primary School Out of Area Placing Requests

Figures for last 3 academic years in relation to number of out of area placement requests received per year and the split of successful and unsuccessful applications in each given year. For Trinity, Wardie, Leith Walk, Broughton Primary Schools.


Request no. 39923. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 22/12/2022

Primary school, secondary school, learning centre and Special Educational Needs schools

Name and address of every individual schools including all alternative provision academies, special schools or other centres catering for SEND specific needs - in your area currently under a PFI or PF2 contract signed between 1992 and 2018 etc.


Request no. 39924. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 29/11/2022

Private Sector Landlords

I would like a list of all Private Sector Landlords registered on landlord registration Scotland for Edinburgh.

Request no. 39927. Received: 25/11/2022, Resolved: 21/12/2022

Petroleum Enquiry - Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3AQ

We are interested in any records that you may have regarding fuel tanks presently near the site there has been indicated a petrol station within 250m and any information about current and historical use.


No relevant information held.


Request no. 39930. Received: 27/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Autumn / Winter 2022 vaccination programme of covid and flu vaccines

How many people in total have been identified as eligible to be vaccinated at home (ie. Vaccination by the community vaccination team) either by themselves, their family or by health and social care professionals and all other information.


Request no. 39931. Received: 28/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Ferry Road Service Station (BP Branded) 73 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH6 4AQ

We are undertaking environmental assessment of the Petrol Filling Station site and provide any information you may have in relation to Petroleum Infrastructure at the site.


Request no. 39932. Received: 28/11/2022, Resolved: 23/12/2022

Childcare Provider Invoices

I would like to know the required format for an invoice sent by a childcare provider to a parent. Please let me know how the following information should be displayed: government funding, voluntary contributions, extras and meals.


We do not hold information on how private childcare providers invoice parents.

Request no. 39933. Received: 28/11/2022, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Financial Fraud

Data on any fraud / scam cases in Edinburgh across the last three years? Any reported cases involving credit card, mobile banking, text, email, cash machine fraud, whereby the victim has lost money by giving out information to scammers.


Closed - no clarification received.

Request no. 39934. Received: 16/11/2022, Resolved: 14/12/2022

HMP Edinburgh (Weekend Catering Hygiene)

I request all and any information contained within your record of conversations with the Catering Manager, your letter to the Governor, and any reply on the part of the Governor or on his behalf to your correspondence.

Request no. 39937. Received: 28/11/2022, Resolved: 03/02/2023

City of Edinburgh Education Staffing

Total no of secondary teachers employed; no on permanent/temporary contract over past 5 years (2017-2022); no currently registered for 2022/23 and on permanent/temporary/casual contract; additional funding etc


Request no. 39945. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Notice to Quit Date

The Council leases the property from R J Butler Properties Ltd and sub-leases it to a tenant. Notice To Quit was served to this tenant on Friday 18 November 2022. Is the date the Notice specifies it takes effect from i.e. the date it takes effect.


Information withheld under the Data Protection Act 2018.

Request no. 39946. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Gritting provision

Provide details on any decision to amend the temperature threshold under which roads in Edinburgh are gritted during the winter season 2022/23.


There has been no change to the threshold under which roads are gritted for the 2022/23 season.

Request no. 39947. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Agency Social Work Staff

I would like to find out how much CEC spend per annum on agency social work staff within adult social work services.


Request no. 39949. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Edinburgh Schools 2022-23

How many children between age 3 and 18 attend Edinburgh schools 2022-23 (or 2021-22 if latest data not available. Of these how many have been assessed as being affected by hearing impairment.


Request no. 39950. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Ban on Smoking Near Hospital Buildings

There was a one-month grace period, but if you could let me know how many £50 fixed penalty notices and court fines of up to £1,000 were issued in council area from when the legislation came into force on September 5 until November 30?


There have been no Fixed Penalty Notices issued by the City of Edinburgh Council, and no associated court fines in the requested time period.

Request no. 39951. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Antisocial Behaviour

How many incidences of antisocial behaviour were recorded by your council in every year between 2010 and 2022. In how many instances did your local authority apply, or encourage the prosecution to apply, for a Criminal Behaviour Order?


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 39952. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

West Town PRA, Contaminated Land

Further to our previous enquiry for the proposed West Town site would it be possible to provide any further information relating to the updated site boundary.


Request no. 39953. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Bladed Weapons Confiscated From Pupils

in each of the past 5 years, no of bladed weapons confiscated; no of other type of weapons; no of tobacco products; no of vaping products - all broken down by school


Request no. 39957. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 05/01/2023

Wardie Primary School

No. of staff leavers over past 10 years and over more recent years


Request no. 39958. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Water Direct Scheme to Recover Outstanding Water and Sewerage Charges

1. Are you now using the Water Direct Scheme? 2. If you currently do not use it, whether or not you plan to in the future?


No, we are not currently using the scheme and have no immediate plans to do so.

Request no. 39959. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Planning Application 21/04216/FUL (60 Morrison Street)

As part of the grant conditions/informatives the applicants had to consider creating a travel plan - has this been completed and has it been sent to the council - can you send me a copy


The City of Edinburgh Council has not received any such documentation to date.

Request no. 39960. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Subject Access Requests

No of SARS made over last 12 months; no. gone over deadline; no. of staff usually contacted to contribute; no. of hours dealing with; do you have any software assist for production and which; who has budget responsibility?


Request no. 39961. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Council Owned Properties - Viewcraig Gardens, Viewcraig Street and Dumbiedykes Road

How many properties on Viewcraig Gardens, Viewcraig Street, and Dumbiedykes Road are currently owned by the council?


The City of Edinburgh Council owns 54 properties at Viewcraig Gardens, 67 properties at Viewcraig Street and 194 properties at Dumbiedykes Road.

Request no. 39962. Received: 24/11/2022, Resolved: 10/01/2023

Computer Rooms in Primary Schools

No of primary schools with a computer room - please include a list that do have and a list of schools that don't have


79 have no computer room and 11 do.
Please refer to the attached list.


Request no. 39965. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Planted Trees

No. of trees remain planted/standing, No. of species planted among that number Is there a heat map where trees have been planted? How many trees do we have?


Request no. 39966. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Electric Vehicle Fleet Infrastructure

Do we have published EV infrastructure strategy, if so, enclose hyperlink, if not, why? Have we considered needs in the rollout, if yes, please detail ways of given consideration; and other questions.


Request no. 39969. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 11/01/2023

Adult Social Care Overdue Review's Performance figures

No of reviews over categories: 6 week, 6 month, 12 month, 1 year, 2 years; no of those reviews which are overdue over same categories; do you have public accessible policy on managing review which could be provided with response


Request no. 39970. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 17/01/2023

The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021

List of all locations where products can be obtained; any other distribution channels (eg online); no. of products distributed with breakdown by type; cost of products to Council by product and distribution channel since Sept 2021.


Request no. 39971. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Cremations and Burials

Several questions relating to Cremations and Burials


Request no. 39973. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Ownership of Police Box

I am looking to get in touch with the owner of the police box on Easter Road (D7 Dalmeny Street). I wondered if you could provide contact information?


No relevant information held.

Request no. 39974. Received: 30/11/2022, Resolved: 28/12/2022

Legal action and costs

Total spend by financial calendar year on external legal advice since 1/4/20 to date broken down by associated cases or disputes and individual costs; final settlement or damages


Request no. 40008. Received: 13/11/2022, Resolved: 12/12/2022 16:39:00

Investigation Objective

For the avoidance of doubt, I am not looking for the whole of the Terms of Reference – just the one objective referred to in paragraph 52 of the Commissioner’s decision (in the exact wording used in the Terms of Reference).

Request no. 40085. Received: 29/11/2022, Resolved: 18/01/2023

Council Communications

Any written communications the council has had with the companies 4M, Edinburgh Holiday & Party Lets Limited, and Edinburgh Rent Ltd and all other information.


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