- Request no. 36542. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 07/04/2022
CCTV Footage
CCTV images/video from the City of Edinburgh Council in relation to an accident on Princes Street on 11 March 2022 between 18:15 and 18:25.
- Request no. 36549. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 20/04/2022 16:38:00
What guidance do you have about check points for birth mother’s mental health as well as physical health?
- Request no. 36572. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 14/06/2022
Development of Land - 21/04210/PPP
All correspondence (including emails, and notes of telephone calls) to and from the Council's Planners in relation to this application in the period between 29 December 2021 and the date of this letter.
- Request no. 36573. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 16/06/2022
Pre-paid Debit Cards
All recorded information the local authority holds regarding its outsourcing of provision of pre-paid debit cards in FY 2020/21 & 2021/22 and its current planned outsourcing of the provision of pre-paid debit cards in 2022/23 and future FY.
- Request no. 36586. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 29/04/2022
Lauriston Castle - Trust Deed T&Cs
The published minutes of CEC meetings fail to explain why the terms and conditions set out in the Trust Deed have been ignored.
- Request no. 36587. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Property Change of Use
In respect of the contract/lease of the property previously used to house the steward, please provide the reasons and the decision making process used to change its use.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council.
- Request no. 36589. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Lauriston Castle Trust Curators
Who were appointed Lauriston Castle Full-Time Curators? When? Who appointed them? Full-time? Extent of duties?
- Request no. 36590. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Curator Comms
Please provide copies of all communications between the first curator of Lauriston Castle and the Trust, the Trustees and the Council.
We have searched our records and hold no copies of communications from John Alexander Fairley and the Council as sole trustee.
- Request no. 36591. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Dropped-Kerb Maintenance/Provision Cost
How much money was allocated to dropped kerb maintenance/provision in each of the last 10 years?
- Request no. 36592. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Planning Decisions
Over 5 years - The total number of planning decisions which have been made, the number subsequently appealed, the number of appeals initiated by councillors, MSPs or MPs.
- Request no. 36593. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 10/06/2022
Pavement Defect - 2 Lochrin Place
Has the footway/roadway been adopted for maintenance by the local authority, and was it so adopted on 28 February 2022? Inspection, maintenance and complaints reports - 28/8/2021 to 1/4/2022.
- Request no. 36594. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Family Group conferences
For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority: How many family group conferences have been held?
- Request no. 36595. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Parent Advocacy
For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority: How many meetings relating to children and families have been held
- Request no. 36596. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Parent and carer/ stakeholder advisory committees
For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, does your local authority have: a) a parent and carer advisory committee? b) a stakeholder advisory committee?
any parent and carer advisory committee or stakeholder committee.
- Request no. 36597. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Planning Permission Application Statistics
The number of planning applications for existing residential properties (alterations / extensions etc) 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021. The average length of time between submission and acceptance.
- Request no. 36598. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Slavery legacy review
How much did it cost you to commission the slavery legacy review? Breakdown of the costs? What have you budgeted to carry on the work?
- Request no. 36599. Received: 02/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022 17:05:00
Respite Care
Total amount of respite care provided to people 65yrs and over by Edinburgh City Council in both Local Authority and private care homes for the years: 2019 - 2020; 2020 - 2021; 2021 - 2022.
See attached response
- Request no. 36600. Received: 03/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Miltonlink Roundabout Accidents
How many reported accidents have happened at Asda roundabout Miltonlink on A1 in past 4 years?
- Request no. 36609. Received: 03/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle/Estate - Photographs
Please provide copies, in electronic form, of all photographs held by the City of Edinburgh Council/Legal Trustees of Lauriston Castle Trust/CEC Charity Trustees taken by the former owners of Lauriston Castle.
The Council holds a small number of digital images of Lauriston Castle and its gardens. None of the digitised images held are confirmed as photographs taken by Mr or Mrs Reid.
- Request no. 36610. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Lauriston Castle Gatehouse
When was the Lauriston Castle Gatehouse last occupied for the purposes of Lauriston Castle? What were the duties of the occupier? Who employed the last occupier?
- Request no. 36611. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Lauriston Castle Gatehouse
Q1. When was the Lauriston Castle Gatehouse left unoccupied? Q2. What maintenance/upkeep took place from the above date? – dates, nature and amounts
A1. 2009
A2. Please see attached.Files
- Request no. 36612. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle/Estate - photographs
Copies, in electronic form, of all photographs held by the CEC/Legal Trustees of Lauriston Castle Trust/CEC Charity Trustees taken prior to 1960 by anyone of Lauriston Castle or it’s estate along with dates taken and any narrative.
- Request no. 36616. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Council Tax
An annual breakdown for each of the financial years from 2016/17 to present for the amount of outstanding or unpaid Council Tax. Sheriff Officer removals/recoveries data and the current Council Tax rate for a Band D property.
- Request no. 36618. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Property Notices
Please provide details of any notices that remain active on properties within your Council area served under Environmental Protection Act, Planning Enforcement, Civic Government (Scotland) Act, Building Standards, Closing/Demolition orders.
- Request no. 36620. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle Trust Estate - Staffing
Under what specific legal authority has/is the City of Edinburgh Council to employ and bear the costs thereof of staff to work on behalf/for a separate private estate, namely Lauriston Castle Trust Estate.
The Council is the sole trustee of the Trust. As trustee, the Council is required to ensure that appropriate work is carried out at the site.
- Request no. 36621. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Curator
When did the Lauriston Castle Trust last employ anyone? What was the nature of their employment? What period of time did that employment cover?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council.
- Request no. 36622. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 17/05/2022
Children’s Services Department
In your authority’s children’s services department, what was the highest caseload of a frontline child protection social worker as of 1 April 2022 and other information.
- Request no. 36623. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Conflict of Interest Policy
Please provide a full copy/copies of the Conflict of Interest policy(ies)/guidance/instructions that govern(ed) the CEC activities/involvement regard to (castle and grounds including outbuildings) currently and stretching back as long as held.
- Request no. 36624. Received: 04/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Planning Department Budget
What was the Council's Planning department budget in total for each of the last five calendar (or financial) years (2017-2021)?
- Request no. 36628. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment Regulations
Request on the progress now the consultation date of 31/03/2022 has passed and the next steps the Local Authority will take to ensure an appropriate assessment into the quality of play spaces are conducted in line with the new legislation.
- Request no. 36629. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Neighbour Complaints
Number of complaints made to your council by individuals concerning their neighbours, separated by issue e.g. noise, statutory nuisance, boundary dispute etc. Periods: 01/01/21-Present, 01/01/20--31/12/20, 01/01/19-31/12/19.
- Request no. 36630. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 06/06/2022
Footpaths on Princes Street, Edinburgh
Inspection, maintenance and repair records from Jan 2018 – April 2022 Record of complaints in respect of Princes Street Details of any accidents occurring on Princes Street
- Request no. 36631. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 27/06/2022
Ravelrig Road, Balerno
Details of: a. Defects being reported b. Dates of Repair c. Compensation claims received and paid in the last 5 years.
Closed. No clarification received.
- Request no. 36632. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 05/05/2022
George Street, Edinburgh
Records of inspections carried out from 5 August 2020 to date. Records of repairs and other works carried out. Records of any reports/complaints. Any reports made to you in relation to any accident on 5 August 2020.
- Request no. 36636. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 05/05/2022
School Meals
Can secondary pupils with a zero or negative balance on their school meal account access a school meal? If they can access school meal, what is the process for doing so? Does this accrue debt to the family etc.
See attached response
- Request no. 36637. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 06/05/2022
Incorrectly Parked Vehicle Reports
What percentage of ‘incorrectly parked vehicles’ reported either online or via Edinburgh Help on Twitter led to a quantifiable action being taken i.e. a ticket being issued or vehicle towed and impounded etc for the last 5 years?
- Request no. 36639. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Harmony Employment Agency
How much does Edinburgh Council pay Harmony employment agency in support costs per year?
The total figure from April 21 to February 22 is £735,537.62.
- Request no. 36643. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 06/05/2022
Public Transport
I am looking for information about how public transport is managed in your area of authority.
Questionnaire completed.
- Request no. 36645. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Taxi Licensing
Provide me with name, job title, contact number and email address of the person responsible for the management of Taxi Licensing. Details of your current taxi licensing platform including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract.
- Request no. 36646. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 06/05/2022
Pay and Grading Structure
Request on your pay and grading structure and the distribution of men, women and part-time workers within that structure and other information.
- Request no. 36648. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
How many people does the Council directly employ who are required to be registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) as a mandatory part of their employment and other information.
- Request no. 36649. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 06/05/2022
EV Fleet and Charging Points
Please state the total number of electric cars and vans registered to your fleet in the last five years. Please state the total number of electric car charging points available in your council over the last five years.
- Request no. 36650. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Entrance Path Lighting
Please provide the cost of a) the new lighting b) work to remove the old and install the new lighting.
- Request no. 36651. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 24/06/2022
Greyfriars Bobby
All material relating to the project to provide a new monument to Greyfriars Bobby to mark the 150th anniversary of the dog’s death, completed and sited in 2021 within Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, EH1 2QQ.
All remaining records are attached.
- Request no. 36652. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Lothian Pension Fund
Request information from your investment pools, relating to the performance of all the closed-end funds including Private Debt, Private Equity, Real Estate and Real Assets you invest in for Q4 2021 or the most recent quarter.
Information provided.
- Request no. 36654. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Road Occupation Permit
Kaybee Builders have a valid Road Occupation Permit to site the portable toilet on a public road - Restalrig Terrace, Edinburgh, EH6? Has this been extended? Was proper paperwork supplied?
- Request no. 36656. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
Adult Care
In 2020, how many people contacted you for information on how to pay for care? How many people’s long term care did you – as the local council – pay for either in: • In full • Partially • Self-funding and other information.
- Request no. 36657. Received: 06/04/2022, Resolved: 06/05/2022
Construction Site Smoking
To ask which Local Authority Lead has ensured that smoking provision for sites at Edinburgh Futures, Edinburgh North Bridge is in line with safety first? Same lead on both sites from start of the projects? Dates of completion of both sites.
- Request no. 36658. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Thank You Payment
How many people does the Council directly employ who received the Scottish Government “Thank You Payment that was announced in November 2020 and all other information.
- Request no. 36659. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022
Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)
How many parking penalty charge notices (PCNs) did your organisation issue, their combined value and how many staff were responsible for issuing parking fines from January 1st to December 31st 2021?
- Request no. 36660. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Healthcare options
I’m looking to access the following information about the amount of healthcare options in your area.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council. The information you seek is held by the NHS
- Request no. 36665. Received: 01/04/2022, Resolved: 02/05/2022
School Drivers
School driver checks
- Request no. 36667. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022
Housing Property Contractor Spend
Could I request the amount Housing Property spends per trade on contractors and agency staff over the last 5 years e.g. joiners, electricians, plumbers, gas engineers, slaters, glaziers, painters, ceramic tilers, plasterers, labouring, etc.
- Request no. 36668. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Housing Allocation Policy
Request for a copy of your most recent housing allocations policy and the date that it is due to be updated?
- 03/05/2022Our letting policy can be found online at the link provided.
The policy is reviewed annually.
- 03/05/2022Our letting policy can be found online at the link provided.
- Request no. 36669. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022
Procurement Operating Model
Please provide information relating to Procurement Operating Model - Questionnaire.
Questionnaire completed.
- Request no. 36671. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022
Does the Council have any plans to procure a digital social prescribing platform in 2022/2023? Does the Council have any current vacancies in the a) IT and/or b) Digital Transformation teams?
- Request no. 36675. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 09/05/2022
School Attendance
What advice did the Scottish Government give to the local authority with regard to recording COVID-related absence and all other information.
- Request no. 36676. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Constitution Street Lighting
In a follow-up to 36273, please provide the following ‘Street Lighting’ information; The dates of the complaints. When any inspection or action was taken. When the issues were considered closed.
Please refer to the attached ‘Tickets’ which provide the requested information.
- Request no. 36677. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 04/07/2022
Roads Improvement
How many miles of road were worked on or closed in the last three years? How many planned in next 12 months? How much invested in road improvement 2019-21?
Closed - No clarification received.
- Request no. 36678. Received: 07/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
Duddingston Primary School
How many children living outside the Duddingston Primary School catchment area have been accepted for the August 2022 Duddingston Nursery intake?
At the time of your request, we do not yet have confirmation of all children coming to Duddingston Nursery in August. The offer letters went out in week 4th-7th April and the school was then closed for two weeks.
- Request no. 36679. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
Business Council Tax
Please provide a list of limited companies paying Council Tax: The name of the business? The person who pays for this? The address of the business paying the Council Tax? The amount of Council Tax do they pay?
See attached. Individuals’ names have been withheld in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
Where the ‘Total Liability’ is shown as ‘0’, the business will be in receipt of 100% relief, such as Student Accommodation.
- Request no. 36680. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 06/07/2022
Neighbour Disputes
All the information on reported ‘statutory nuisances’/Neighbour Disputes in your council area. Data information on this from the last 5 calendar years of if not possible the last 2 calendar years.
Closed. No clarification received.
- Request no. 36681. Received: 10/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
CCTV Footage
On the 8th of April 2022 at around 15:57. A collision on Hillhouse Road (A90) while joining from Telford Road (A902). CCTV at traffic signal should have captured the incident.
No relevant footage held.
- Request no. 36682. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
Canal View Primary School
What record is held of any 'classroom teaching time' by the head teacher since 2010. Policies on couples working together.
Head Teacher ‘classroom teaching time’ is not recorded.
We follow strict protocols where any employee is related to or in a relationship with another employee, and appropriate ‘Conflict of Interest’ paperwork is completed.
- Request no. 36683. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
St Marks Park footpath
When was the St Marks Park footpath leading from Powderhall Village footbridge to the tarmac path adjoining the footbridge to McDonald Road last inspected, and what was the text of the report?
- Request no. 36684. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
How many councillors under your local authority left their councillor role before their 4-year term was complete broken down into: Those who were elected in 2012 and who were elected in 2017 and other information.
- Request no. 36685. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Swimming Pools
How many publicly accessible swimming pools were there in your local authority area on March 31st 2019 and on March 31st 2022? Please name the pools that are currently operating a timetable for public swimming etc.
- Request no. 36686. Received: 09/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
Graffiti Reports Updates
The dates and time seven reports of graffiti issues were resolved and the cost to the local authority.
- Request no. 36687. Received: 09/04/2022, Resolved: 11/04/2022
SCOT (NA Funerals)
Any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/2/2022 to date.
Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.
- Request no. 36688. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 12/04/2022
Fees for Information
Could you please explain your fee structure for information requests under the FOI Act 2000.
- Request no. 36689. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Dalry Cemetery
Date the green shed at the entrance was erected (now removed), with the name of the authorising Council Officer. Date all bins were put in place and date the historic photograph of Dalry Cemetery Lodge was placed.
- Request no. 36690. Received: 08/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
Land off Old Liston Road, Newbridge
Does the Petroleum Licensing Authority archive hold any records of petroleum storage at or in the immediate vicinity of the site, either in above ground or below ground tanks?
- Request no. 36691. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Pothole Repairs - Corner of Cameron Toll and Dalkeith Road - Edinburgh
Information for this location: inspection records for the past 3 years. All reports received relating to any road defects in the past 5 years. Temporary and permanent repair specification and criteria and copies of the work orders.
- Request no. 36693. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 08/06/2022
Planning Permission Rejections - Protected Species
How many planning permission requests received/rejected last year? How many rejected due to protected species - badgers, bats, birds, dormice, newts, invertebrates, natterjack toads, otters, reptiles, water voles, white-clawed crayfish, or other?
Part Response - Fee not paid.
- Request no. 36694. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 10/05/2022
Homelessness statistics for Edinburgh 2021/22
Request for information in regard to the local authorities' statistics within the field of homeless prevention.
See attached response
- Request no. 36695. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Workplace Accident Report
RIDDOR Report; any other documentation reporting the accident to you by any party.
No relevant information held.
- Request no. 36700. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Housing Adaptations
How much has been spent on housing adaptations in this local authority in every year since 1999? How many applications for housing adaptations have there been or have been rejected in this local authority in every year since 1999?
- Request no. 36701. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Community Alarms
How much money has been allocated to community alarm inspections and assessments in every year since 1999? How many community alarm assessments have been carried out or have been installed in every year since 1999?
- Request no. 36702. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Private Investments Performance
Requesting for the quarterly cash-flow reports from Q3 2021 of all your private capital investments.
Information provided
- Request no. 36703. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Residents Parking Permits
I would like know the number of residents parking permits issued for Bellevue Road and how that compares to the number of active parking places available for residents to use on Bellevue Road.
- Request no. 36705. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Italian Garden paths in Lauriston Castle
1) specific specifications given/presented to P1 2) dates between which the work was carried out 3) quality assurance 4) cost of work
- Request no. 36706. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Italian Garden Gates
1) specific specifications given/presented to P1 to carry out the work 2) dates between which the work was carried out 3) specific type of paint used 4) quality assurance and cost of the work
- Request no. 36707. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Reopening of venues/museums
Request for the release of all project/programme management documents in relation to the reopening (or continued closure) of cultural and historic venues.
- Request no. 36708. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Reopening of Museums/Venues
Request for all correspondence (including briefing material) between all CEC staff and elected members (MSPs, MPs and councillors) regarding the planned/potential reopening of these museums/venues since 1 October 2021.
- Request no. 36709. Received: 11/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Reopening of Museums/Venues - Cost
Please release any documentation which includes any reference to the implications of keeping these museums/venues closed or reopening from 1 October 2021 to the present date.
Please refer to the information provided in our response to your request under reference 36707.
- Request no. 36711. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 27/06/2022
Cycle Lanes
The total number of cycling lanes that exist and cycling initiative investment over the past three years. Planned cycle lanes. Total number of miles of cycling lanes.
Closed - no clarification received.
- Request no. 36715. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 07/06/2022
George Street
Maintenance and inspection records of George Street, in particular those at St Andrews Square end from 30th April 2020 to date; Accident reports, previous complaints and any information for installation of bollard and bollard holders.
- Request no. 36719. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 12/05/2022
Trams to Newhaven - Vibration
Where were vibration monitors located during the period of construction / works from Nov 2019 – end of Nov 2020. Did the four photographs received as part of EDIR:35277 constitute the external survey of non-listed buildings.
- Request no. 36720. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
Path near the wall nearest the forth in Lauriston Castle
1) specific specifications given/presented to P1 2) dates between which the work was carried out 3) quality assurance post work carried out and cost of works.
- Request no. 36721. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 12/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Internal Work
Please provide full details (dates, full descriptions of work carried out and costs) of work carried out inside Lauriston Castle itself from September 2019 to the current date.
- Request no. 36722. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 12/05/2022
Facilities Management Contracts
Contract profile questionnaire in relation to five Facilities Management contracts.
- Request no. 36723. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 12/05/2022
A90 Queensferry Road (Westbound) between Parkgrove Avenue and Maybury Road
Details of damage to road/potholes/utility company or completed roadworks incorporating whether the road surface was broken, reported, how many reports, details of any repair made and date of report made between 13th Feb - 31st March.
- Request no. 36725. Received: 12/04/2022, Resolved: 12/05/2022
CCTV Footage
CCTV recording of the junction of South Bridge and the Royal Mile outside Bella Italia on Tuesday 5th April between 10:45am & 10:50am. Preferable footage would be facing up the Royal Mile towards that junction.
No relevant footage held.
- Request no. 36727. Received: 13/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Parking Fines & Appeals
For the last 12 months, what were the number of parking fines issued and appeals received in each of the most popular streets identified in request 36271?
- Request no. 36729. Received: 13/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Spaces For People Covid-19 risks
Request any and all information held on the risks the SARS-Cov-2 virus/Covid-19 posed to any worker or contractor involved in physically installing, maintaining, or removing the measures, including but not limited to risk assessments.
See attached response
- Request no. 36734. Received: 13/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Traveller Sites
1. Environmental Complaints 2. Air and noise pollution
See attached response
- Request no. 36735. Received: 13/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Reopening of Braid Road
All emails between Cllr Miller and Cllr Macinnes which refer to the amendment or a toucan crossing between November 1st and November 12 2021.
Information withheld under Section 30(b)(ii) of the Act.
- Request no. 36744. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Japanese Garden Maintenance
In relation to the Japanese Garden situated in the grounds of Lauriston Castle Trust Estate please let me know the cost of maintenance in each of the years from creation to 31 March 2022.
Historical records of grounds maintenance are not retained. Our system reflects only the activities for the current year. The 2022/23 estimated cost of the Japanese Garden grounds maintenance is £6,432.
- Request no. 36745. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - 1994 Research Project
In relation to the Japanese Garden situated in the grounds of Lauriston Castle Trust Estate, how many CEC employee(s) were sent to Japan?
- Request no. 36746. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Japanese Garden Lighting
When did the lighting and security cameras stop working and when will they be made fully functional again?
- Request no. 36748. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Japanese Garden Pergola
When will the Japanese pergola at the top of the steps which was burned down be rebuilt/replaced?
The Council currently has no plans to rebuild or replace the pergola.
- Request no. 36749. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Croquet Lawn
The Croquet Lawns situated in the grounds of Lauriston Castle Trust Estate. Please let me know the cost of maintenance work (cutting grass etc) carried out in each of the last 6 years to 31 March 2022.
Historical records of grounds maintenance are not retained. The 2022/23 estimated annual cost to the City of Edinburgh Council to cut the croquet lawns is £5,749.
- Request no. 36781. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Office Spaces
Number of office spaces in your city that are considered ‘green, ‘eco’, ‘sustainable’ or failing that, the offices which have green credentials - ie if it is designed to use a minimal amount of energy in terms of heating, cooling and electricity.
This is not information which the Council hold. We have no access to the EPCs of commercial buildings which we do not own. Our current tenancy list is in excess of 700 entries and to extract the relevant info from each record would take 115 hours.
- Request no. 36784. Received: 14/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Local government pension fund investments
A breakdown of all local government pension fund investments in Russian businesses held at the end of 2021, including the name of the business and the value at the end of 2021 and all other information.
- Request no. 36786. Received: 15/04/2022, Resolved: 09/06/2022
Cycle Infrastructure
The risk assessments produced by the highway officials for the still-under-construction cycle paths in Leith Walk and for the vehicle barriers / cycle access gates in Whitehouse Loan who designed / implemented the infrastructure in 1 and 2.
- Request no. 36790. Received: 15/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Repairs
What planned work was carried out 2009/10 & 2010/11 amounting to £31,910 and £66,560 respectively.
- Request no. 36791. Received: 15/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Repairs
What planned work was carried out 2016/17 & 2017/18 amounting to £40,647 and £32,153 respectively – dates and amounts for each type of work carried out.
- Request no. 36792. Received: 15/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Leith Walk Cycle Lane
Who was/is responsible for oversight of the construction of the new Leith Walk cycle lane and if any inspections of the work took place and if so, when?
See attached response
- Request no. 36793. Received: 16/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Prayer Vigils
Please list all instances of prayer vigils held by pro-life groups near hospitals or clinics in Edinburgh between 01 July 2021 and 31 December 2021.
- Request no. 36794. Received: 15/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Edinburgh Friendship Cities
List of all international cities with which Edinburgh has a Friendship (not a twinning) agreement or link. An outline of the protocols, or a link to the protocols, which govern Friendship links between and with Edinburgh.
- Request no. 36795. Received: 17/04/2022, Resolved: 13/05/2022
Council Expenditure & Land Types
Total expected council expenditure both revenue and capital for the current year? Approximate percentage of the council land area that is a) urban, b) commercial woodland, c) arable and d) rough grazing.
- Request no. 36805. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Food Hygiene
Request the food hygiene inspection report for Creel Caught.
Please refer to the following attached documents:
36805 Visit Report 7 Apr 2022
36805 Visit Report 14 Apr 2022
Third party personal information has been redacted from the documents provided.Files
- Request no. 36812. Received: 18/04/2022, Resolved: 17/05/2022
Meadowbank Stadium
Any communications between Edinburgh Leisure and City of Edinburgh Council regarding the Meadowbank Stadium project between September 1 2021 and April 1 2022 and all other information.
- Request no. 36813. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Household Waste and Recycling Collection
Can you please provide a breakdown of spending per household on waste and recycling collection to include figures for the whole CEC area and break down by Council ward and spend per household on those who receive 'gull proof' bin bags.
- Request no. 36814. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
I would like information regarding potholes on the road that have been reported on Oxgangs Green around the current building development on the site of the old school. Recent complaints about potholes and dates.
- Request no. 36815. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Please can you provide the number of libraries at the end of each of the following financial years: 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
There has been no change in the number of public libraries since 2016- 2022. There are 28 public libraries.
- Request no. 36817. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
UK Shared Prosperity Fund & Levelling Up
My request is with regards to funding you've been allocated from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund.
- Request no. 36821. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Landlord Registration Deregistration
The number of landlords who have de-registered from the landlord registration system in each FY since 2017/18 The number of properties which have been de-registered from the landlord registration system in each FY since 2017/18
- Request no. 36823. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 04/05/2022
The names of the top 10 Edinburgh streets with the most fly-tipping incidents reported in 2021, the number of incidents for each of those streets and a brief description of items found dumped in each case.
- Request no. 36824. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
I would like to know if The City of Edinburgh Council will financially benefit from the roll out of the fibre network by CityFibre and other information.
- Request no. 36826. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Common Good funds: assets, value and spending
I understand that the Council must put together a Common Good Asset register and specific account for Common Good funds. In this context, I would be grateful if you could supply all information.
- Request no. 36827. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Finance for Community Councils
Details of the last administrative grant made to each of the established community councils operating within your authority. Where the grant is based on a parameter, such as population, population density, or area also include these details.
- Request no. 36828. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 31/05/2022
Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office inspection reports
I would like full copies of the last two inspection reports. Please also supply with copies of any additional recorded communications or correspondence held and records generated within the last 12 months.
- Request no. 36829. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Unpaid Council Tax
Please provide information relating to council tax for the last 5 financial years.
- Request no. 36830. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
West Register Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2AA
Request for complaints for 2 years prior to 01 April 2022.
- Request no. 36834. Received: 22/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
No.10 Picardy Place Fuel Tanks
Records of fuel tanks decommissioned & sunk at No.10 Picardy Place.
- Request no. 36836. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Lothian Pension Fund
Alternative investment portfolio records specifically for close-ended & details of capital, value etc. On an individual fund by fund basis with aggregated values since inception for quarters ending 03/31/2022.
Partial information provided.
- Request no. 36838. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Cameron Toll Site
We are just looking at a site at the southwestern boundary of Cameron Toll in the south of Edinburgh. I was wondering if the Council held any specific records associated with the site.
- Request no. 36840. Received: 20/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Child Protection Investigations
For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority: How many children and family child protection investigations involved a child with a disability and all other information.
- Request no. 36841. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Youth Marriage
For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority. How many marriages took place involving a person aged 16/17/18 years olds and any other information.
The information requested below is free to the public by applying to National Records of Scotland Statistics Branch Ladywell Edinburgh
- Request no. 36842. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
I would like to find out if the section of road (travelling towards Slateford Road from Lanark Road (A70) and at the traffic light junction with Craiglockhart Avenue had any reports of pot holes and if any repairs were pending.
Please find a copy of the Site History Report for Lanark Road showing contacts to the Council in regard to Lanark Road from 13.2.21 to 13.2.22.
- Request no. 36843. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Council Tax Reduction
Average processing times for Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit claims since the introduction of Council Tax Reduction. Information for standalone claim for each benefit plus a single claim for both benefits and monthly data.
- Request no. 36847. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Social Enterprises
If your Local Authority is involved with a Social Enterprise organisation or is considering becoming involved with a Social Enterprise organisation to assist homeless people with training, employment and/or accommodation services.
- Request no. 36848. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 26/05/2022
Looked After Children Costs
How much has your Council spent on providing fostering/family placements/residential accommodation for 'looked after children' in every year since 2007? What is the total amount of money spent on looked after children in this council?
- Request no. 36849. Received: 21/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Self directed support
What are the total number of users currently receiving Self directed support for each of the four options?
- Request no. 36850. Received: 22/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022
Elderly Care Home Rates
Indication of the standard local authority fees City of Edinburgh Council pays for eligible elderly people in care homes or, if no standard flat rate is paid, an indication of the minimum/maximum/average rates paid for each category of care.
- Request no. 36851. Received: 05/04/2022, Resolved: 19/05/2022 17:13:00
List of legacy landfill sites
Looking at historic landfill sites, their locations, methods for their detection, how records are stored, whether we can develop some kind of characterisation of the sites depending on their age records of any historic landfill sites in your area?
- Request no. 36852. Received: 22/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Council Tax Arrears
For the period 2018/19 -2021/22 by year, and if possible, for households containing families with children specifically, please provide information about Council Tax arrears.
- Request no. 36855. Received: 23/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Council Staff
What percentage of pay did the staff at the council receive during the pandemic? Why does a voting ward require 4 councillors and what are their salaries? Working hours of the bin men/women i.e. start and finish times?
- Request no. 36857. Received: 24/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Dalry Cemetery
Date the paved area at the entrance to Dalry Cemetery was laid. The dates roadworks were conducted on Dalry Road between 2017-2021 including positions of temporary bus stops and traffic lights.
- Request no. 36858. Received: 22/04/2022, Resolved: 08/07/2022
Statutory Notice Ref: 22/00111/31_DE
I would like all information relating to, the work that took place. Who requested the work, who investigated the damage to the building, all the correspondence and would like a timeline of this process and all the information surrounding it.
- Request no. 36862. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Non-Domestic Rate Credits
All properties within your Billing Authority area where there is either a credit held on the account or there was previously a credit which has now been written on.
- Request no. 36863. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 11/05/2022
Council Company Communication
Any written communications the council's housing department has had with the companies 4M, Edinburgh Holiday & Party Lets Limited and Edinburgh Rent Ltd.
- Request no. 36864. Received: 24/04/2022, Resolved: 20/05/2022
Local Government Pension Scheme
For each year could you please let me know the pensionable salary and the percentage of pensionable salary these figures represent.
- Request no. 36867. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Council Vehicular Transport
Please may you provide me with the answers to the following questions relating to Council Vehicular Transport.
- Request no. 36873. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Noise Complaints
We would like to request details of 15 noise complaints received by Environmental Services between 2015 and 2019 in relation to the Biscuit Factory site at 4-6 Anderson Place, Edinburgh, EH6 5NP.
- Request no. 36874. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
A copy of Edinburgh Council's policies on issuing refunds for parking purchases made via Ringo.
- Request no. 36876. Received: 25/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
RingGo Parking Ticket System
Please provide all information when customers use the RingGo system to purchase parking tickets - How many parking tickets were purchased via the RingGo system in each financial year from 2017? Please provide the figure for each year.
- Request no. 36881. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Trinity Primary School
Request Asbestos register, Surveys carried out before major renovation works being carried out in approximately 1985/86. Details of renovation works. Copy of any HSE report. Details of work carried out.
- Request no. 36884. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Parks and Grounds Staff Numbers
Financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 - the FTE number of staff employed to work in your parks and grounds maintenance team, or equivalent named team which may be involved in any of the works.
- Request no. 36885. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 23/05/2022
Home Care Staff Numbers
For each of the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - the FTE number of staff employed as home carers / home helps for the council, Number of private agency staff deployed. Total amount paid to private agencies.
- Request no. 36887. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 27/06/2022
Project Management
Who is the most senior person responsible for project management within the council. Job title, contact details, how many people including contractors, what software packages, how many users access to the software?
Closed - no clarification received.
- Request no. 36888. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
School Incidents
How many school incidents that resulted in police action were related to final day pranks, each year, between January 2017 and January 2022? Can I please have this information separated by school.
- Request no. 36889. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Lothian Buses
1) Any internal correspondence, including any attachments to said correspondence, on the topic of the recent timetable and service changes published here by Lothian Buses. 2) Any external correspondence, including any attachments.
- Request no. 36890. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Lanark Road, Edinburgh
Please provide the Road Safety report today 26-04-22 moved parking opposite side of the road. Total cost of spaces for people on Lanark road including today's change how much tax payers money has been spent on the road.
- Request no. 36891. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Disciplinary Action
Has there been any disciplinary action against a named person.
We can neither confirm nor deny if there has been any disciplinary action.
- Request no. 36892. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Edinburgh school teachers
For the last five academic years. The the number of attacks on Edinburgh teachers for each academic year. For each attack, the name of the school or education centre that it took place in.
- Request no. 36893. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Travelling Abroad
I would like to know if someone living in temporary accommodation like a flat, wants to travel to his home country, how many weeks/months is he allowed to stay out of UK? And whom he has to let know that he is going abroad?
- Request no. 36900. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Temporary Traffic Lights
Please send some example (i) schedules of rates and (ii) frameworks that include traffic management / temporary traffic light products / services
- Request no. 36901. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 26/05/2022
Refuse Workers
Number of FTE refuse workers for April 2017/18, April 18/19, April 19/20, April 20/21 & April 21/22. Number of agency staff employed in the years specified above (to also do the same work). The cost to the council of employing these agency staff.
- Request no. 36902. Received: 26/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Planning Officials & Decisions
Number of FTE planning officials (or equivalent job title) employed by the council in the following financial years (running April to March): 17/18, 18/19, 19/20, 20/21, 21/22. The number of planning decisions made by the council as above.
- Request no. 36904. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
James Gillespie Girls School Construction
The contractor appointed in the mid 1960s for the new construction. The use of any asbestos materials during this construction process, and where it was located.
- Request no. 36905. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Glyphosate Spray
Which glyphosate-based herbicides are currently used by on behalf of your council on land owned by, managed, or under control of the Council
- Request no. 36906. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Braid Road - Spaces For People
Any correspondence and paperwork for the three months in advance of and during the funding bid for Spaces for People funding (managed by Sustrans) including how it was perceived to meet the criteria for such funding.
- Request no. 36907. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 24/05/2022
Private Hires
Please can you supply me with the following information? Registration number: Make: Model: of all vehicles registered as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire between 15th Nov 2021 and 20th April 2022
- Request no. 36908. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Dog Fouling
2017 - 2021: All dog fouling incidents & where occurred. If resulted in FPN being issued & amount. Company used for enforcement or confirmation it's internal. Amount spent 2020/2021 on external company or internally.
- Request no. 36909. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Councillors Standing Down
How many councillors will be stepping down that serve your local authority and not standing for re-election on 5 May? If possible, please can you list the names and parties of these councillors?
- Request no. 36913. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Cllr Lewis Ritchie
Information regarding attendance record at full Council Meetings since his re-election 2017, salary, expenses, number of complaints/queries received and copies of emails/correspondence between between him and CEC Chief Executive's Office.
- Request no. 36915. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 26/05/2022
Missing or Stolen Artwork
The names and valuations - for insurance policies - of the three pieces of artwork currently missing, presumed stolen, as detailed in FOI request 35977 and piece of artwork currently listed as missing as detailed in FOI request 35977.
- Request no. 36917. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 29/07/2022
External Comms Spending
Please list any external public relations, communications, media consultancy, social media or lobbying firms hired by your organisation for the 2021/22 financial year.
- Request no. 36918. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Cost of children's residential placements
I am writing to request information relating to the cost of children's residential placements in the UK.
Information not disclosed. Given the small number involved, providing the information you requested could lead to an individual being identified.
- Request no. 36919. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 16/05/2022 12:41:00
Annual expenditure per service user
Information regarding total annual expenditure and average annual expenditure per service user for mental and physical health community nursing/residential care home services. (FY2016-17, FY2017-18, FY2018-19, FY2019-20, FY2020-21).
- Request no. 36922. Received: 27/04/2022, Resolved: 25/05/2022
Street Bin Location Map
Contact details of officer responsible for updating the map. E-mail address for reporting discrepancies.
- Request no. 36924. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Environmental Health Information
Could you please provide figures on the number of environmental health officers employed by the council over the last five financial years starting from April 2017/18 and including 18/19, 19/20, 20/21, 21/22 and other information.
- Request no. 36925. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 03/05/2022
SCOT (NA Funerals)
Any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/2/22 to date.
Closed - Repeated request.
- Request no. 36926. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Each academic year from 2018-2021, provide total number of incidents of restraint that took place in special schools and alternative provision sites in the local authority. How many of these resulted in physical injury to a child or young person?
- Request no. 36927. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Environmental Assessment - North Bridge & High Street
Could you confirm whether or not the Site is on your list of prioritised sites under Part 2A. If so, what priority it is considered to be? Also, whether you are aware of any previous intrusive investigations and/or remediation at the Site?
- Request no. 36928. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
School run including routes
Prices for each school run including routes and schools, in the Edinburgh area for the year 2021/2022
Please see the attached. Specific details of the routes will not be provided as this could lead to identification of an individual.
- Request no. 36929. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Canal View Primary School
Who is the whistle-blowing guardian at Canal View Primary School? If none, why?
- Request no. 36930. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Montgomery Street, Edinburgh
Detail of all works taking place between the dates 01/01/2022 and 22/04/2022; Any information you hold relating to installation of electric charging points including details of the contractors involved and other information.
- Request no. 36937. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
How much did the HSCP have in reserves at the start of financial year 2021/22? How much HSCP expect to have in reserves at the end of financial year 2021/22 that are a) earmarked and b) unearmarked.
- Request no. 36940. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Average Planning Application Cost
What was the cost of Planning and Building Standards per planning application in this council in 2021-22? i.e. the average cost of a Planning Application in 2021-22.
Based on the total cost of Planning Application Determination divided by the number of Applications determined in 2021/22, we estimate the average cost per application to be £847.00.
- Request no. 36941. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Commercial Planning Application Decisions
How many weeks does a commercial planning application decision take to process in this council (on average)?
- Request no. 36942. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Alcohol licensed premises
Can you please provide the following details from the records which you hold under The Licensing Act 2003.
- Request no. 36945. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Desk Study - Holyrood Park Road
Could supply any information relating to environmental issues. Specifically, the following: waste disposal facilities, contaminated sites or potentially polluting incidents inside or within 1km of site boundary etc
- Request no. 36946. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 01/06/2022
Council Tax
I would like to request proof of where the Resident’s Council Tax Payments are being spent and all other information.
- Request no. 36947. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Council Place Brand and/or Narrative
Does the council have a Marketing Strategy? If so, please provide either a copy of the strategy or a link to the published version of the strategy and all other information requested.
- Request no. 36949. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
Holyrood Road and Holyrood Gate, Edinburgh
Detailing all reports of road surface defects, any remedial work carried, roads inspection regime and records, road maintenance tasks undertaken, complaints from July 2021 to date. Date of last inspection prior to 28th October 2021.
- Request no. 36950. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
Telephony & Website, Efficiency and Housing Queries
Does the Council Outsource its; Customer Service Phoneline(s) and / or Website Maintenance incl. Innovation and Development, outsourcing may include staffing and the actual telephone / computer system(s) used? Plus multiple questions.
- Request no. 36952. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Hospital Social Workers
Please provide all information regarding hospital social workers.
- Request no. 36955. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 20/07/2022
Training in Schools
Have any of the named organisations delivered training to any schools in your local authority. If so, which schools and in respect of the year 01/01/2019 until present.
- Request no. 36956. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 23/06/2022
Canal View Primary School
A copy of School Homework Policy. A copy of (class) disruption policy. The guidelines the class teachers have to follow. A copy of remedy strategies and examples of the implementation at Canal View.
- Request no. 36957. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
School Food Procurement
Please provide all information including products of food and drink used by the local authority in schools.
- Request no. 36960. Received: 30/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
Trialling Return to the Office
Request for all information regarding return to the offices following the work from home advice.
- Request no. 36961. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Water of Leith Basin Siltation Study
“Appendix C – Soils Laboratory Report. - Would you please make this document available to me?
See attached.
- Request no. 36962. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 31/05/2022
Lawyers Fees and Expenses
Information on fees and other expenses paid to: Law firms and solicitors, the Scottish Courts Service or Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service. The period from June 2017 to the date
- Request no. 36963. Received: 29/04/2022, Resolved: 02/06/2022
Aluminium Composite Cladding
How many medium-rise buildings (11 metres to 18 metres tall) have been identified as having aluminium composite cladding, including any which have had remediation works started or completed and other information.
- Request no. 36964. Received: 30/04/2022, Resolved: 27/05/2022
Canal View Primary School
Minutes of any meetings held at any department that discuss Canal View Primary School and WHEC's relationship. Record of any racial complaints. Record of any disciplinary action. Record of retraining and assessment.
- Request no. 36967. Received: 02/04/2022, Resolved: 29/06/2022
Lochend Park
I'd like to request a boundary map of the 'Common good' ground for Lochend Park.
- Request no. 37001. Received: 28/04/2022, Resolved: 30/05/2022
Cladding Enquiry
Can I ask for a certificate or explanation letter from you to confirm that our property in Lochview Court, Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh is protected against fire, for example, with proper cladding?
- Request no. 37010. Received: 19/04/2022, Resolved: 18/05/2022
Lauriston Castle - Glasshouse
What prompted officers to instigate survey of glasshouse? Please identify external funding sources. How do the legal duties of Trustees reconcile with non consultation with the beneficiaries?