Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 40367. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 05/01/2023

Lamp Posts in Edinburgh

I would like to know the number of lamp posts in Edinburgh.


There are currently 59,791 street lighting columns in Edinburgh.

Request no. 40369. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 04/01/2023

PCN (Penalty Charge Notices) for Parking Offences

Please provide me a breakdown of all revenue from PCN (Penalty Charge Notices) for parking offences. Please provide data on all years you have on record.


The information is available online at the link provided.


Request no. 40370. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 25/01/2023

Gorgie Farm - Payment of Money From City of Edinburgh Council

How much money has been paid to Gorgie Farm either in its present form of Love Gorgie or previously as Gorgie City Farm in the last five years; should include any money paid to the parent organisation Love Learning


Request cancelled by requester.

Request no. 40371. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Homeless Deaths 2022 (1 Jan-31 Dec 2022)

No of deaths in accommodation for - homeless including hostels and supported accommodation; exempt accommodation; temp accommodation; supported accommodation for young people; sleeping rough/no fixed abode including cause etc


Request no. 40380. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Numbers of Landlords and Private Rented Properties

Total of landlords in CEC; total of privately rented properties; from 2000 to date. Total of landlords on monthly basis; from 2000 to date, Total of privately rented properties on monthly basis.


Request no. 40381. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023 16:52:00

Fuel Types of Licensed Taxis

Breakdown of type of fuel used by CEC taxis/cabs/phv's by percentage


Request no. 40382. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 30/01/2023

Statistics on Electric Vehicle Charger Usage for 2022

Details for the period 1/1/22 - 31/12/22 presented as follows: Charger ID Number, City/Town/Village, Location name, Type, Total Charging Sessions, Total kWh over period requested and total chargers CEC has to date.


Request no. 40383. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 24/01/2023

Council Policy on Dragon Attacks

I would like to know the Council's policy on dragon attacks?


We do not hold a policy specifically in regard to dragon attacks.

Request no. 40385. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 24/01/2023

Dog Warden Captures of Big Bad Wolf

How many times has the dog warden captured the big bad wolf?



Request no. 40402. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

Complaints about short term lets

Number (by Council Ward or post code/ partial post code) of complaints received by the Council’s Environmental Health department related to the use of flatted properties as short term lets during each of the years from 2017-2022.


Request no. 40406. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 05/01/2023

Energy usage in council and public sector buildings

Request for real energy usage data from any council owned and managed buildings, only over a year or two to account for seasonal change.


We do not hold this information.

Request no. 40408. Received: 04/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023 17:16:00


Please provide information relating to LGPS and AVCs.


Request no. 40409. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 31/01/2023

Funeral Arrangement Correspondence

I would like to see any correspondence between the Chief Executive and Media Team regarding the publication of a story in the Scottish Sun on November 26 regarding the funeral arrangements of Peter Tobin, and measures taken by the council.


There is no such correspondence held.

Request no. 40410. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 30/01/2023

New and Improved Relief (Business Growth Accelerator Relief)

Please provide a complete and up-to-date list of all properties that have received New and Improved Relief (Business Growth Accelerator relief), since its inception, from 01/04/2018 and to date.


Please refer to the attached spreadsheet which provides the current position.

Our reporting system is only able to produce reports associated with award level data as at the current moment in time rather than retrospectively.


Request no. 40411. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 24/01/2023

EIR Fees

The number of EIRs received. Number of EIRs responded to after the fee was paid. Total amount of fees received in each year. Details of the council’s EIR charging policy to include the cost/time threshold for which fees are charged.


Request no. 40412. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 30/01/2023

Section 114 of Housing (Scotland) Act 1987

All requested information collected by you pursuant to your statutory duty under section 114 of Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 for all Notices/Orders - During the dates 1st July 2022 to the 5th January 2023.


There were no such Notices/Orders in this period.

Request no. 40413. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 31/01/2023

Section 1 of Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure)(Scotland) Act 1947

All requested information collected by you pursuant to your statutory duty under section 1 of Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure)(Scotland) Act 1947 for all Notices/Orders - During the dates 1st July 2022 to the 5th January 2023.


There have been no such Notices/Orders in this period.

Request no. 40418. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Tram Track Accidents

How much cost have you incurred on legal fees (internal & external) defending cyclist compensation claims resulting from tram track accidents.


Request no. 40422. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Short-Term Lets

How many applications have you received so far for short-term lets in the controlled zone? Who submitted these applications? (landlords or letting agents etc) How many of those submitting owned multiple properties?


Request no. 40426. Received: 06/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Warm Banks

An up-to-date list, including addresses, of all ‘warm banks’ which are run by The City of Edinburgh Council. An up-to-date list, including addresses, of all ‘warm banks’ that The City of Edinburgh Council holds information on.


We answered a similar request in November 2022 under reference 39364. The details can be viewed on the disclosure log by typing the reference number in the search field.

Request no. 40428. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 30/01/2023

Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976

The current number of DWA licences within your jurisdiction. For each DWA licence, list all the species and the number of individuals covered. The number of DWA applications which were made and subsequently refused, and the reasons for refusal.


Request no. 40429. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 24/01/2023

The Loan, South Queensferry

What was the original total budget for installing the new traffic lights at the north end of The Loan, South Queensferry in 2021/22, as approved by the relevant committee. (Costs to include road and pavement reinstatement and insertion of bollards)


Request no. 40430. Received: 05/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Newhalls Road, South Queensferry

The total original budget (as approved by the Council) and final cost of installing the new car parking, roads and turning circle in 2021/22. (Costs to include road and pavement reinstatement and insertion of any bollards, signage, speed bumps).


Request no. 40431. Received: 06/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

City Parks' Seats

How many seats were donated to the Council in 2022? How many seats were replaced? How many seats, other than donated ones and repairs/replacements, were installed in the City's parks?


45 donated, 2 replaced and 40 installed (other than donated ones and repairs/replacements).

Request no. 40432. Received: 06/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Mental Health Officers across Scotland

Information regarding the rate of pay for Mental Health Officers.


Request no. 40433. Received: 06/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

EH1 Tenement Properties

How many properties are now currently classed as residential leasehold, where the council is the freeholder in the EH1 area? How many of these properties are registered as private business for the purpose of holiday lets etc.?


Request no. 40434. Received: 06/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Business rates

Can you please supply the following information in relation to business rates new liabilities for the period 1.11.22 31.12.22 inclusive.


Please see attached


Request no. 40435. Received: 07/01/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Planning Application - 21/03813/FUL

All information contained in communications between the Council's planning service and Flood Prevention in respect of by CALA homes, Watertoun Road; being held electronically or otherwise, by way of emails, memos, notes of meetings etc.


Closed - No fee received.

Request no. 40437. Received: 08/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

The Foodie’s Bistro

Request access to the report from 18th October 2022 of The Foodie’s Bistro, at 4 Teviot Place.


Request no. 40442. Received: 08/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Junction at Lasswade Road and Captains Road

What is the plan for this bit of road? Also, I would like to know why the proposed resurfacing of the junction at Lasswade Road and Captains Road has not taken place?


Request no. 40443. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 11/01/2023

Sheriffhall Public Inquiry - City Region Deal

Information pertaining to Sheriffhall and the City Region Deal: 1. All notes, minutes and reports at and from the Carbon Workshop, convened by David Hanna on 14th September, 2021. 2. All notes, minutes and reports of the TAB on 23/6/2021


Request no. 40446. Received: 09/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Decision by OJB re Non Residential Social Care Charges for 2022/23

All information held by Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board re decision making including any decisions to delegate this to sub committee or individual officials reporting to the Board


Charging is not a matter delegated to the Integration Joint Board. Responsibility sits with the City of Edinburgh Council.

Request no. 40447. Received: 09/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

China-related Communications

2016-2020 - Lord Provost & Housing and Economy Committee, please provide any communications including or referring to: Chinese secret police Glasgow Chinese Recreation Centre Loon Fung Sichuan House Scottish Fujian Chamber of Commerce


Request no. 40448. Received: 09/01/2023, Resolved: 03/02/2023

Rental Income From NHS

Could you provide details of the total rental income the council has received from the NHS for setting up vaccine centres at council-owned facilities since March 2020 to December 31, 2022?


No income has been received.

Request no. 40450. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Council Debt

What was the extent of debt in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011, 2021 and the current debt as of today's date; how much interest paid in these years; percentage in reduction of funding between 2008 to 2022 and other questions


Request no. 40451. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

Fixed Penalty Notices for Engine Idling

Number issued during 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018.


Request no. 40452. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 07/02/2023

Budget/Actual Spend on Road Markings

Budgets and actuals spent on road markings Edinburgh with breakdown on spend percentage on parking enforcement yellow lines for years 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022.


Request no. 40453. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

Adult Social Care Case Management IT System

System name and suppliers name; how much is the support and maintenance; how much was your total spend on the application for the last year; when is the system due for renewal; who in the Council has ownership for this system?


Request no. 40454. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 14/02/2023

Vibration and Noise Montoring Data - Trams to Newhaven Project

Request for data from start date to 31/12/22 from all monitoring stations; dates for breaking ground to completion for each section; reports on breaches with reasons; explanations for any breaks in data; placement of monitors


Request no. 40455. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 07/02/2023

Street Lighting - Trams to Newhaven Project

Copy of docs. with considerations of light trespass into residential properties from OLE poles with LED panels; how this has been fed into planning around streetlight provision, etc; and other questions.


Request no. 40456. Received: 09/01/2023, Resolved: 03/02/2023

Gorgie Farm

Why did funding from CEC stop and without consulting with them properly and why did CEC not respond to their requests; Where can I find a full list of annual spend; How can residents find out the outcome of the next meeting


Request no. 40458. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Road Potholes

In respect of actual working days, no. of staff hours spent filling potholes during week commencing 2/1/23; no. filled; does CEC proactively repair stretches of roads that need pothole repairs, etc. and other questions.


Request no. 40459. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 07/02/2023

Licence Holder/Designated Premises Manager - Tamsons Bar & Centurion Bar

Current Licence Holder and Designated Premises Manager with effective dates for both positions for:- Tamsons Bar 280 Easter Rd Edinburgh EH6 8JU and Centurion Bar 245a,St. Johns Road Edinburgh Midlothian EH12 7XD


Request no. 40460. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Missing Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Children

The amount of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that have gone missing whilst under the City of Edinburgh Council’s care between 2017-2022 broken down by each year for male and female.


Request no. 40461. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 07/02/2023

Damaged Vehicles

In each of the past five years - How many council vehicles been damaged due to potholes and the cost of repairs? - How many claims for compensation due to vehicles being damaged by potholes and how much was paid out in compensation?


Request no. 40462. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 15/03/2023

School Meal Debt

Details of policy on pupils who have incurred debt and procedure when this runs up; what restrictions are in place re. access if they have debt; total amount of debt for last 5 financial years and other questions.


Request no. 40464. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

Kerbside Collection Bottles/Waste - EH10 Area

The cost (monetary & carbon) of providing kerbside collection of bottles and food waste in EH10 area; cost of levelling the method of residential recyclate collection and reasons etc


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested as it is not held by the Council. Specific information regarding the costs is not held.

Request no. 40465. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

Business Rates Credits

A list of December/January business rates credits CEC currently hold for businesses including company name; start date; if account still live or date ended; full property address; and other questions.


Request no. 40475. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

The Pottery Portobello, Edinburgh

Has the footpath been adopted for maintenance by CEC? Request inspection and maintenance records for the accident locus period 3 years before the accident. Defect repairs records, job records, complaints about this the last 5 years.


Request no. 40488. Received: 08/01/2023, Resolved: 03/02/2023

Calder Road - Inspection reports

Whether this defect was physically inspected by the Council or an appointed contractor? If so, when was it inspected? If a copy of an inspection report is available, I would request access to this.


Request no. 40489. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 15/02/2023

Montagu Terrace, Edinburgh - Statutory Repair Scheme

Has there been any further funds received towards the cost of this repair. Has the CEC pursued any bad debt collection on this property to date?


Request no. 40491. Received: 10/01/2023, Resolved: 07/02/2023

Contested history in council areas

In regard to the built environment - has the organisation, or a group working on its behalf, identified as being linked to racism, slavery, colonialism: that is, contested history and further questions


Request no. 40494. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

Ukrainian Refugees

Since 24 February 2022, how many Ukrainians have come to the City of Edinburgh Council area under the Scottish Government's Super Sponsor and Homes for Ukraine sponsorship schemes and other information.


Request no. 40495. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 02/02/2023

Copyright Licensing Agency

I would like to know the value (excluding VAT) of the last two annual payments to the Copyright Licensing Agency and the number of Edinburgh Council employees detailed on the invoice(s).


In 2021, there were two payments totalling £33,531.99. The total number of employees stated on the invoices is 2,450.

In 2022, there were three payments totalling £34,315.88. The number of employees is not stated on the invoices.

Request no. 40496. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Dalry Cemetery - Planned Works

The proposed work to be conducted by CEC in 2023.


The only proposed work is an agreement to point and make minor repairs to the north-west wall which borders the drive which has shared access with the Lodge House.

Request no. 40497. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Children’s Rights Report 2020-23

Has your authority started work on preparing this report and further questions.


Request no. 40498. Received: 11/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

20 MPH Zones Tweet

I would like all the data files used to make up the data in the Council report claiming the 20 mph zones reduced collisions and fatalities.


Please refer to the following attached documents:

40498 20mph Collision Data

40498 20mph Location Monitoring


Request no. 40499. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Homes for Ukraine scheme

How many applications made by people looking to provide accommodation for Ukrainian refugees as part of the Super Sponsor scheme and Homes for Ukraine scheme have been rejected due to issues raised by enhanced disclosure?


Request no. 40500. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 02/03/2023

Number of Children Restrained

For each academic year since 2017, the number of children: i) restrained in schools. ii) in any setting in which children are under the care and/or responsibility of the state out with residential care settings.


Request no. 40501. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Noise Complaints

Which streets in Edinburgh had the most noise complaints in 2022 - how many were there for every street, and what were the complaints about?


Please see attached for the 12 streets with the most complaints.


Request no. 40512. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Springfield Road - Adoption Status

Request for information to ascertain the legal status of the rectangular section of tarmac for Springfield Road in South Queensferry.


Request no. 40513. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

Licensing sub committee

Information held regarding comments that in making decisions such as this one referred to that councillors must make a decision as 'a Corporate Parents'.


Request no. 40514. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

The Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 9JY & EH12 9JT

Seven environmental assessment questions.


Request no. 40516. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

The Gyle Centre, Gyle Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 9JR & EH12 9JT

Please would it be possible for you to undertake a search of your records to ascertain whether any petroleum storage has taken place at the site and in what capacity.


Request no. 40518. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Initial age assessment asylum-seekers

All information relating to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that were accommodated excluding National Transfer Scheme (NTS) cases, in the following periods: January 2020-January 2021, Jan 2021- Jan 2022, Jan 2022-present.


Request no. 40519. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

Dog Excrement and Litter Complaints

I seek information on complaints made about dog excrement and litter. Annual figures starting from 2017 up to year ending 31 December 2022.


Request no. 40520. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

RNIB Scotland

Questionnaire about Habilitation services, the specialist vision impairment curriculum framework as well as education services for children and young people with vision impairment (VI).


Please see completed questionnaire attached.


Request no. 40522. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 17/01/2023

SCOT (NA Funerals)

Any information relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/11/22 to date.


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 40523. Received: 12/01/2023, Resolved: 08/02/2023

Dog breeding establishments

Request for a list of dog breeding establishments


No current dog breeding licences are in force.

Request no. 40524. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Licensed Hackney Carriages

Each January we ask for the number of licensed Hackney Carriages, could you please advise me of the numbers?


The current number of Taxi Vehicles licensed by the City of Edinburgh Council is 1,258.

Request no. 40525. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Pay Scales, Job Titles & Genders

A copy of the current pay scale for all employees at the council, including job titles and corresponding pay grades. Number of employees in each pay grade. Percentage of employees in each pay grade who are female and male.


Request no. 40526. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Awards Made under Section 24A Local Government Finance (Scotland) Act 1966

Please provide details of awards made under Section 24A Local Government Finance (Scotland) Act 1966 over the past 5 years. Please also provide details of the Council's Policy for making these awards.


Request no. 40527. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Council Officials

Request for the number of council officials earning over £100000 pa, their name and their actual salary per individual.


Request no. 40528. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023 11:24:00

Bus Service 20

I would like to see documents, emails, meeting minutes from 2022 to 2023 on the subject of the to Ratho contract, regarding the change of operator, reduction of service and planning.


Request no. 40529. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Tiger Developments Ltd

We request all documentation which provides details of the obligation to provide toilets accessible for public use on the Haymarket Site. Request copies of all emails, letters, briefings, notes of all meetings and reports.


Request no. 40530. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Cost of Undoing Spaces for People Work

Since 2020 to present, could you tell me how much money has been spent dismantling or uninstalling temporary cycle lanes or widening of footpaths which were put in place as part of the Spaces for People scheme.


Request no. 40531. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Library Cards

The number of libraries which were operated by your local authority in 2007, 2015, and 2022 and the number of library cards issued in each of those years.


Request no. 40532. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 17/01/2023

Council 2023/24 Budget Announcement Date

I would like to request the date on which the local authority intends to publish its budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year.


The City of Edinburgh Council’s budget for 2023/24 is expected to be approved during a meeting to be held on 23 February 2023.

Request no. 40533. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Parking Attendants

A list of streets, with times, that your Parking Attendants carries out a street check between 16:30 and 18:00 on Friday 13th January 2023?


Request no. 40534. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Personal Injury Claims Relating to Potholes

The total number of personal injury claims lodged, settled and the amount paid relating to potholes, for claims lodged between 1/1/2017 and 31/12/2022.


Request no. 40548. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Applications for Homelessness Support

For each quarter from January-March 2019 to October-December 2021, please state the number of applications for homelessness support received by the Council. Provide breakdown by year as requested.


Request no. 40549. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Real nappy/reusable nappy initiative

Does the local authority currently provide a real nappy/reusable nappy initiative? Does the local authority provide additional refuse collections for households? What does the local authority have planned for Reusable Nappy Week in 2023,


The response to each point is no.

Request no. 40550. Received: 13/01/2023, Resolved: 09/02/2023

Abandoned Cars 2018 to 2023

Number of vehicles reported as abandoned within your area, broken down by year across the last 5 years (from Jan 2018-Jan 2023). Please also include the make and model and registration year of any of these abandoned vehicles.


Request no. 40551. Received: 14/01/2023, Resolved: 10/02/2023

Pupil Support Roles

The job description of non-teaching roles (non-school administrative posts) such as Pupil Support Assistant. Rates of pay from the date of request. Any other additional payments. Total numbers of non-teaching members of staff etc.


Request no. 40552. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Hillhouse Road Pothole

Who approved the patching of a pothole on Hillhouse Road at 5.50am on 29 December 2022 and the reason why the patching had to be done at that time of day?


Due to its location on an extremely busy, arterial road the Team Leader/Manager scheduled the works to be done early AM to ensure it was safer to effect the make safe.

Request no. 40554. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Appointment of Bereavement Services Operational Manager

Date which the current Bereavement Services Operational Manager was appointed to her post.


The post of Bereavement Services Operational Manager was filled on a permanent basis on 08/02/2021.

Request no. 40555. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Parking Permit Zones

No. in Council area for 2023; no. in area in 2013; cost of parking permits annually in 2023; cost of parking permits annually in 2013.


Request no. 40556. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Repair/Replacement - Spaces for People Bollard, Queensferry Road

Cost of repair of this bollard at the Esso Garage near Craigleith Crescent since insallation in 2020 until latest repair in January 2023 and how much compensation has been paid out


Request no. 40557. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Waverley Court Occupancy Rates

Staff occupancy rates for Waverley Court for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022; no. of staff working from home during each year; what checking/supervisory measures in place to ensure staff attend their place of work?


Request no. 40558. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Exotic/Dangerous Animals Licences

No of applications were received, approved and denied between Jan 2020 and Dec 2022; can you please provide a monthly breakdown of number received, granted and refused and confirm type of animal concerned


No applications were received.

Request no. 40559. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023 17:02:00

Correspondence with NSL

Correspondence Oct 2022 to Jan 2023 between Parking Operations and CEC's Enforcement Contractor (NSL) re. Queensferry Road cycle lane & any responses sent by NSL to Parking Operations.


Request no. 40560. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Household Support Fund (1 October 2022 to 21 March 2023)

Total spend as of 31/12/22 as per interim management report and further questions.


The funding from 1 October for this fund was never passed onto Scottish Local Authorities by the Scottish Government.

Request no. 40561. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Unspent Section 75 Money

How much Section 75 money has been unspent by CEC 2017-18 to 2022-23? How much Section 75 money which has been received during these time periods has been paid back to the developers?


Request no. 40562. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Long Covid in staff 2020-2023

Total no employees diagnosed with long covid from 2020-2023; total no employees diagnosed that were able to return to work; total no staff employed by CEC


Request no. 40563. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 17:19:00

Instances of Children Physically Restrained at School Settings

How many instances of children being physically restrained at school settings have occurred in each of the last five years?


Request no. 40564. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Charges for Use of Sports Halls

How much does the Council charge for use of sports halls; has there been any charges introduced or increased for the use of sports halls in the last 3 financial years and by how much?


Information for sports hall charges for secondary schools for the last 3 years is provided in the attached table. Edinburgh Leisure would hold information for sports halls.


Request no. 40565. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Parking Costs

How much has Edinburgh Council made from people paying to park in each of the last 3 calendar years? What increases to the cost for parking have been made over the last 3 years?


Request no. 40566. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Council electricity tariffs and renewable electricity generation

Info re CEC electricity sources re climate action for CEC climate action scorecards - does CEC have a 100% renewable green electricity tarrif for all electricity directly reponsible for and other questions


Request no. 40567. Received: 16/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Council house EPC ratings

What is the energy efficiency of the council's homes? Please provide either a distribution table with the number of buildings for each EPC rating or the percentage of the council’s homes that have received an EPC rating of C or above.


Description: EPC C and above (A & B)
Number of Units: 15,463
Percentage: 76%

Request no. 40568. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 14/02/2023

Council staff working on climate action

Staff positions - no staff CEC directly employ (excluding contrators, subcontractors and teachers) work for the Council as opposed to school, leisure centres or other ventures; and other questions


Request no. 40569. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

High carbon infrastructure and fossil fuel extraction planning

Has the Council approved any new or expanded - roads or road junctions from 1/1/19 until 1/1/23 - list which were accepted.


The Council has not, in the period 01/01/2019 to 01/01/2023, approved any new or expanded road junctions that have increased capacity for motor vehicle traffic.

Request no. 40570. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Carbon literacy training for senior councillors and staff

Have all senior management received training or equivalent since 1/1/19 - please state type; have all current councillors in the cabinet or committee chairs received training or equivalent since being elected - state type


Request no. 40571. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Lobbying for climate action & funding

Has the Council written/met UK national or devolved governments to ask or lobby for climate action since 1/1/19 - evidence of recent letter/meeting or date/topic/position of person meeting (further inclusions on letter)


Request no. 40572. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Guardianship Applications

How many applications for guardianship under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 have been objected to/contested between Jan 2010- Dec 2022? How many people granted guardianship have a criminal conviction? If not recorded, please confirm.


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 40573. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 13/02/2023

Dog Walkers

Number of licensed dog walkers within CEC area; Data on reports of out of control dogs over last 10 years


Request no. 40574. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

LGBT Youth Scotland

How much City of Edinburgh council has paid to LGBT Youth Scotland over the past 6 years and any already agreed future funding for them?


Request no. 40575. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 14/02/2023

CPOs (Community Payback Orders)

No. hours of CPOs have been carried out in last 2 financial years and so far this financial year - breakdown figures to show offences in relation to no given to individuals convicted theft, arson etc; and other questions


Request no. 40576. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Private Investments Performance - Q2 2022

Request for quarterly cashflow reports from Q2 2022 of all private capital investments.


Information provided.

Request no. 40577. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 14/02/2023

MS Victoria

Details of concerns/complaints raised by or on behalf of Ukrainian families who are or have been housed on the cruse ship MS Victoria docked in Edinburgh at present


Request no. 40578. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 02/03/2023

Installation Double Yellow Lines - Laichpark Estate, Edinburgh

Can you please provide me with the details of this consultation documentation. This is in reference to TRO 20/03.


Request no. 40579. Received: 09/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

Decision Notice for Application No 22/04846/FUL

Copies of data, info or other evidence used by CEC to determine use of property as STL has increased frequency of movement to/from in comparison to previous uses as longer term residential property and other requests for data etc


Request no. 40604. Received: 17/01/2023, Resolved: 14/02/2023

Decision Letter for Ref: 22/00741/ENCOMP

Request for a copy of the investigation report and paperwork?


Request no. 40607. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices

The total number of environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued by your council in 2020, 2021 and 2022.


Request no. 40608. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

MS Victoria

How long on average refugees are being housed aboard the MS Victoria before moving to more permanent accommodation or leaving for any other reason? Longest amount of time refugees has/have been housed aboard the ship?


Request no. 40617. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 15/02/2023 16:55:00

Swimming Lessons in Schools

In academic years 2019-20 to 2022-23 - In each of your Primary and Secondary schools were swimming lessons offered to all primary and secondary pupils (up to S3) free of charge or were any fees charged?


Request no. 40620. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 16:17:00

Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4BZ

Period 06/08/2021 to 05/08/2022 - Records of inspection; maintenance records; records of complaints; accidents records and date stamp/electronic audit trail showing date each record of inspection was created.


Request no. 40629. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 15/02/2023


Can you provide me with information as per the Right to Repair guidance in regard to mould/damp issues.


Request no. 40631. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 18:06:00

Teacher Recruitment

Request regarding funds made available by the Scottish Government to local authorities for teacher recruitment in the 2022/23 budget.


Request no. 40632. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Mermaids (Registered in England and Wales under charity number: 1160575)

How much City of Edinburgh council has given Mermaids (Registered in England and Wales under charity number: 1160575) over the past 6 years and if there are currently any plans for future funding.


No such funding has been identified in this period. There are no plans for future funding recorded.

Request no. 40633. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023

Additional Dwelling Supplement for affordable housing acquisitions

For each financial years since 2016/17, please provide: 1. the amount of Additional Dwelling Supplement it has paid 2. the number of acquisitions it has it has made which have been subject to ADS in that year


Request no. 40634. Received: 18/01/2023, Resolved: 20/03/2023 14:30:00

School Pupils in possession of offensive weapons

The number of pupils found in possession of offensive weapons such as knives on school premises in the academic years 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, and up to January 1 2022.


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 40638. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 06/03/2023

Ukrainian Refugees

How many Ukrainian refugees living in Edinburgh have presented to the Council as homeless in the last year? Plus further questions.


Request no. 40639. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 15/02/2023

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Has Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete been used in the construction of the roofs of any schools currently in use in the City of Edinburgh Council boundary?


Request no. 40640. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 17:13:00

Communal Bin Review - Coltbridge Avenue

Engagement process which took place to ensure that affected residents in Coltbridge Avenue were aware of the Communal Bin Review, were able to participate in the consultation process regarding the location of proposed bins.


Request no. 40641. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 17:10:00

Impact of Strikes on Prelims

In your local authority’s Secondary schools how many prelim exams have been cancelled, postponed or rescheduled as a result of teacher strikes? The number of schools, prelims and pupils affected.


Request no. 40642. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023

False Fire Alarms

In each of the past five years how many false call-outs to the fire service have there been to each local authority school?


Request no. 40644. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 17:17:00

Public Bins

The number of public bins the council has provided or removed in your area for the past five years (1/1/2018 - 19/1/2023). Broken down by month, the type of bin, the location (e.g. park or street) and other information.


Request no. 40645. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 08/03/2023

Wardie Primary School

The number of complaints made to the council (or anyone in the council) relating to Wardie Primary School by (a) teachers and (b) parents / carers in each of the last 5 years. If possible a summary of the issues / topics raised.


Request no. 40646. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

New Junction at Leith Walk and London Road

All correspondence relating to the design of the new junction at Leith Walk and London Road. Specifically related to the Council's decision to implement a 'no left turn' onto London Road from Leith Walk. Please include traffic modelling data.


Request no. 40647. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023

Broomhouse Primary School

Minutes of any meetings between CEC and Broomhouse Primary School parents or staff that relate in any way to issues at the school. e.g. parental concerns re. management between 2016-2018.


We do not hold this information.

Request no. 40648. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Wardie Primary School

A copy of the most recent standards and qualities report (or report submission) made by Wardie Primary School and any associated documents or correspondence eg corroborating evidence, anonymised comments from staff etc.


Request no. 40649. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Regarding art ownership and display

1) How many works of art does your local authority own. 2) How many of said works of art are on public display.


Request no. 40650. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 16:05:00

High Fat, Salt & Sugar (HFSS) Regulations

Request all information available regarding enforcement of the High Fat, Salt & Sugar (HFSS) regulations which passed into law in April 2022.


Request no. 40651. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023

Schools - Retrofitting

Since 2017, how much money has the Council spent on retrofitting school spaces (classrooms, halls and any other internal spaces in schools) to improve the acoustic environment for pupils and/or staff?


Request no. 40652. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 17:06:00

Value of Works of Art

What is the estimated value of the works of the art your local authority a) have on public display and b) overall own as a local authority. Cost of works recently purchased or planned to be purchased.


Request no. 40653. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Meat option in school Meals

Several questions in regard to the meat option in school meals for the current academic year (2022-2023).


Request no. 40654. Received: 19/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023 16:01:00

Teachers and Teaching Hours

In your local authority have any discussions taken place about reducing the teaching contact hours or teacher numbers in Primary and Secondary schools?


Request no. 40655. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Redundancy Payments

In the 2022-2023 financial year in your local authorities primary and secondary school how much money was spent on staff redundancies?


No money has been spent on staff redundancies.

Request no. 40656. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Streaming Services in Schools

In the financial years 2021-22 & 2022-23, in your local authority's primary and secondary schools how much was spent on the subscriptions of streaming services (Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus, Amazon Prime) and the purchases of DVDs?


Request no. 40659. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Care Home Vacancies

In each quarter from quarter ending Sept 2018 to date, how many full-time equivalent vacancies were there in council-owned elderly care homes in this council? Longest current vacancy?


Request no. 40660. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Ventilation and Air Quality in Schools

How much in total the local authority has spent on active ventilation in schools in past 3 academic years, broken down by project. Any other air quality measures?


Request no. 40661. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 09/03/2023

Lothian Pension Fund - Q2

Alternative investment portfolio records specifically for close-ended & details of capital, value etc. On an individual fund by fund basis with aggregated values since inception for quarters ending 30/09/2022.


Q2 2022 information provided.

Request no. 40662. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Craiglockart Avenue, Edinburgh

Request information relating to inspection and maintenance of Craiglockart Avenue, Edinburgh for the period 1 January 2019 to date. Request for records, including photographs of Defect Number 42076860 and Job Number 50090654.


Please see the attached.


Request no. 40663. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Russian Diplomats

During the last 12 months can you advise how many PCN's have been issued to vehicles identified as belonging to the Russian Embassy/Consulate in the Edinburgh and their diplomats? Council Tax and Business Rate arrears?


Request no. 40664. Received: 20/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Public Transport Budget

The council's 2021/2022, 2022/2023 & 2023/2024 public transport budget and spend. Could this be broken down into spending for each transport category?


Request no. 40665. Received: 21/01/2023, Resolved: 16/02/2023

UK government's Levelling Up Funds

The costs incurred by Edinburgh Council in applying for the funding. Can you tell me how much money was spent on the application, and whether this money will be refunded by the UK Government due to the application being rejected?


Request no. 40666. Received: 21/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Between Albany Street and Abercromby Place

Amount of money spent on the various changes to the four-way junction by the Magnum pub over the past two years. The amount of time spent by staff on the changes, including planning and the actual carrying out of the works.


Request no. 40667. Received: 21/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Careers advice

In your local authority, how many schools offer careers advice? What year is careers advice offered from and advice and is it 1-2-1 guidance sessions about career options? How many hours per pupil is spent on careers advice?


The information you are seeking would be held by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which is the public body which provides career education in schools.

Request no. 40668. Received: 21/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Bus Lane Charges

% of bus lane charge appeals that are successful in last 12 months; % of successful appeals where the appellant is related to council official or elected member; number of charges cancelled or written off; bus lane charge notices issued in EH29?


Request no. 40673. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 08/03/2023

School Self Evaluation survey for Wardie Primary

The total number of responses received (2) broken down by year group and by question: the number (or percentage of) respondents selecting each category (e.g. strongly agree).


It has been confirmed that this report will be issued to parents and published on the school website by 17 April 2023.

Request no. 40674. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 15/03/2023

Parental Involvement and Engagement Census (PIE)

Results comparison for Edinburgh Primary schools against Wardie Primary, Trinity Primary and Victoria Primary Schools.


Request no. 40675. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 21/03/2023

Vegetarian Meals in Schools, Hospitals & Nursing Homes

What economic and nutritional data was used to conclude that having all meals as vegetarian was a sound approach?


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 40676. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

LGBTQ+ Teaching in Schools

Please provide statutory powers and legislation that gives your local authority education and Schools per Curriculum for Excellence, the legal authority to teach LGBTQ+ to children aged 16 and under, in schools that fall within your council area?


Request no. 40677. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Streetwork notices

Request for details of any NR&SWA Streetworks opening notices for works outside 12B Summerside Place Edinburgh EH6 4NZ


Request no. 40681. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Black Cab Test

How many pass e topographic black cab test at the first attempt.


Request no. 40684. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Household Support Fund

The number of applications to the Household Support Fund during the 12 months to 31st December 2022


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council. The funding was not passed onto Scottish Local Authorities by the Scottish Government.

Request no. 40685. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Transportation of Food Containers

Tender prices for the Transportation of Food Containers


As this relates to an ongoing contract,, this information will not be provided.

Request no. 40686. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Number of statutory homeless under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme

How many individuals who came to the UK as part of the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine scheme) or the Ukraine Family Scheme are now statutory homeless, as registered with your council?


Request no. 40687. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Housing Benefit - Exempt Accommodation

Can you provide the twenty highest weekly Housing Benefit claims in payment in respect of exempt accommodation, i.e. supported living in Edinburgh.


Request no. 40688. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Planning Applications - 22/03600/FUL and 22/03601/CON

The date and duration of the Planning Officer's site visit(s) and all associated photographs.


Request no. 40689. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

Silver priority for under occupation

How many three or more bedroom properties have been added to the properties available to let by the Council and other Edindex partner social landlords as a result of the introduction of the silver priority for under occupation?


Request no. 40690. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 17/02/2023

After school club and breakfast club facilities

I would like to know the number of pupils who used the afterschool club and breakfast club facilities in CEC buildings run by Oscars Childcare during strike days.


The Council has no access to the registers. These clubs are all operated under Spring Childcare and it is suggested that you contact the out of school hours provider directly.

Request no. 40693. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Braid Road - Closure/Traffic Restrictions

Request information held by the Council which explains, notes, illustrates or logs, beyond that which is already publicly available, the decision made by the Council or any relevant third party to maintain the closure / traffic restrictions.


Request no. 40697. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

63-65 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2JG

I am currently writing an environmental report on 63-65 George Street, Edinburgh and wonder if you hold any specific information on the site in relation to contaminated land?


Request no. 40698. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Social care staff

The total number of WTE frontline social care staff working for the local authority at the end of each of the last five financial years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22. 2022/23).


Request no. 40699. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 19/06/2023

Low emission zones

How much has the low emission zones initiative cost Edinburgh City Council so far since the scheme was announced? Breakdown by year and breakdown of what the money has been spent on?


Request no. 40700. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Damage to Wall - Carnbee Avenue, Edinburgh

A copy of any reports regarding the wall and/or the road between 19 February 2019 to 18 February 2020 and any call out reports.


Request no. 40701. Received: 23/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education

Please provide statutory powers and legislation that gives local authority the legal authority to teach RSHP education. At what age such education commenced.


Request no. 40702. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Prayer Vigils

Please list all instances of prayer vigils held by pro-life groups near hospitals or clinics in the City of Edinburgh Council area between 01 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.


We have received one notification for the purpose of “Protest against (sic) the 1967 Abortion Act on 23 April 2022 from 11:00 to 13:00 at “Lothian Road beside Festival Square.

Request no. 40703. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 - Section 194, Section 202, Section 203, Section 206, Section 207 & Section 208

Request for all Orders made by CEC from 15/8/22 to 23/1/23 under this legislation including reference numbers, addresses of subjects the actions are served over, unique property reference number, relevant dates


The Traffic Orders team have not made any Orders under the legislation listed during the period quoted (15th August 2022 to 23rd January 2023).

Request no. 40704. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984 - Section 14 & Section 24

Request for details for notices/orders made by CEC under this legislation that remain extant as at 23/1/23; that have been complied with and have monies owed to CEC at 21/1/23; that have invoices pending and other questions.


Request no. 40705. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Dalry Cemetery Wall

Date and details of any works conducted on Dalry Cemetery Wall that bondaries Dalry Road pavement.


Request no. 40706. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Community Payback Orders (CPO) Absences

For financial years 2018-19 to 2022-23 (so far), number of non-accepted & accepted absences recorded by local authority Unpaid Work case managers from offenders as part of Community Payback Orders, as reported to the Scottish Government.


Request no. 40707. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Health & Safety at Work Act etc. 1974

Request for Notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; Notices or Orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; including reference numbers; addresses of subjects; unique property reference and other details


Please see the attached document.


Request no. 40708. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006 - Regulations 6, 7, 8 and 9

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; including reference numbers, addresses of subjects; unique property reference number and other details.


Request no. 40709. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997

Sections 3, 4, 28, 34, 41a, 41f, 42, 43, 49 & 50 Request for notices or orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; that have been complied with and have monies owed; have invoices pending in respect of works carried out and other questions


Request no. 40714. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure)(Scotland) Act 1947 - Section 1

Between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23, requests for orders served; orders confirmed; orders unconfirmed including reference numbers; addresses of subjects and relevant dates


There were no such Orders served, confirmed or unconfirmed in this period.

Request no. 40715. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Food Safety Act 1990 - section 10, 11 & 12

Request for notices or orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; including reference numbers, addresses, unique property reference and other details


No notices remain extant and none have been service.

Request no. 40716. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 - sections 12, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108

Request for orders made by CEC from 15/8/22 to 23/1/23 including reference number, addresses, unique property reference number, relevant dates.


Request no. 40717. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 27/01/2023 10:16:00

Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968 - Section 15

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/23 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other question and details

Request no. 40718. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Environmental Protection Act 1990 - Section 80

Request for Notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; Notices or Orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other question and details to be included.


There were no such Notices or Orders in this period.

Request no. 40719. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

Sections 33a, 71, 127, 140, 144a, 145, 168, 179, 189 & 190 & Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 - Sections 25 and 26 Notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23;


Request no. 40720. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 - Section 87, Section 90, Section 92, Section 95 and Section 96

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other questions and details to be included

Request no. 40721. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 - Section 8

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other question and details to be included


The information has not changed from that previously provided under reference 38408. This can be viewed on the Disclosure Log.

Request no. 40722. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 - Section 88, Section 89, Section 90, Section 91, Section 108, Section 114, Section 115, Section 157, Section 160, Section 161, Section 162, Section 166, Section 167, Section 169, Section 178 and Section 184

Request for Notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; Notices or Orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/2022 to 23/1/2023; invoices pending; and other question and details to be included.


No such Notices or Orders have been issued by Environmental Protection in this period. Therefore, no Notices or Orders remain extant, have monies owed or invoices pending at the date specified.

Request no. 40723. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 - Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 50 and 146

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending and other question and details to be included


No notices or orders in relation to this legislation have been issued. No such notices therefore remain extant at the date specified or have been complied with and have monies owed or invoices pending at the date specified.

Request no. 40724. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Section 25, Section 26, Section 27, Section 28, Section 29 & Section 30

Request for Notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; Notices or Orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other question and details to be included.


Request no. 40725. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 27/01/2023 10:20:00

Prevention of Damage by Pest Act 1949 - Section 4

Request for notices or Orders that remain extant as at 23/1/23; notices or orders that have been served by CEC between 15/8/22 to 23/1/23; invoices pending; and other question and details to be included

Request no. 40726. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Social Housing Stock

The number of properties used each year as social housing stock since 2013-14. Please provide a breakdown by year.


Request no. 40727. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 21/02/2023

Early Learning and Childcare Centre Staffing

For past 5 financial years including 2022-23, no of staff in early learning childcare centres; no staff who have been signed off with stress or poor mental health; and other questions


Request no. 40738. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Holiday Inn Express – City West

107 Queensferry Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3HL - I would like to make a request for a copy of the Food Safety Officer’s report for the above business.


The latest Record of Inspection is attached.

Third party personal information has been redacted from the document provided in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.


Request no. 40739. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

55 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2HT

All inspection records for the above noted location for the eighteen months preceding the incident date of 21 February 2022. Copy of defect notices etc.


Request no. 40740. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Lothian Pension Fund Investments - Russian Fossil Fuel Companies

All information regarding the Lothian Pension Fund and investments in Russian fossil fuel companies etc.


Request no. 40741. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Proposed Plan for Examination City Plan 2030

Proposed Plan for Examination City Plan 2030 it refers to an assessment of Pupil Generation Rates, contained in appendix 2: Pupil Generation Rates Assessment. CD178.


Request no. 40743. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

Potholes Since 2018

Number of potholes recorded in January each year since 2018. Average time (days/weeks/months) taken to repair and repaired and same for February each year since 2018. Compensation paid out?


Request no. 40744. Received: 24/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Edinburgh Short Term Lets Licensing Policy

How the mitigation conclusion was arrived at? Where do you get the data that residents could spend about as much on local businesses when at home as they do when on holiday, and whether or not this figure is based on the specific make up of sectors.


Request no. 40745. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Criminal Justice Social Work Structure

A list of staff and the staff structure including names and titles for all of the Criminal Justice Social Work teams including any acting positions and vacancies. Please also provide the latest salary point scale for City of Edinburgh Employees.


Request no. 40747. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Road maintenance backlog

1) The estimated cost of your current repair backlog for roads. 2) The estimated cost of maintaining roads in their current condition.


1) £77.346M
2) £10.781M

Request no. 40748. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Levelling-up Bids

Provide the dates bid was submitted, list of all bids made by your local authority to the Levelling-up Fund: bid title, description, amount of money paid, name of external contractors and total estimated costs of putting the bids together.


Request no. 40749. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Student Housing

- Number / Percentage of Council Tax Exemptions the council has issued for the last 5 financial years. - Location (postcodes EH1-EH30), household size of these council tax exemptions.


Request no. 40750. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

279 Leith Walk, Edinburgh

A copy of the most recent Late Hours Catering licence application, for the catering business any variations submitted since licence application and documents associated with the application, including Waste Management Questionnaire.


Request no. 40751. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Levelling-up Fund

Can you release details of all bids submitted for both rounds of levelling up funding? For each project can you also reveal the final cost of the bid, with, if possible, a breakdown of the money spent.


Request no. 40752. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Amount of food produce

a) food produce served in all schools, hospitals and council buildings under the remit of CEC which serve food sourced within 50 miles from the LA region b) food produce served under the remit of CEC which serve food sourced in Scotland.


Request no. 40753. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 13/03/2023

Clock - Portobello Baptist Church, 186 Portobello High Street

Can you please provide a short description of work and the year in which it was carried out along with the expenditure for each year showing how the total figure of £14,036.00 was arrived at for all work on the clock since its removal.

Request no. 40755. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Levelling-up Scheme

Please can you confirm how much has been spent on Consultants or other independent contractors providing assistance with the 'Levelling-up Scheme' to date.


A total of £71,044 has been spent on consultants supporting the development of five Levelling Up fund bids to date.

Please note that we are awaiting confirmation of the spend on one project for where data is still outstanding.

Request no. 40756. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued

Number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for parking violations in the 2022 calendar year, specifically those matching each of the following contravention codes and number of car parking spaces within all council-owned car parks.


Request no. 40771. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Quick Bite (Morningside)

Can I request a copy of the inspection report for Quick Bite (Morningside) please?

Request no. 40772. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 01/03/2023

Retirement on ill-health grounds

In each financial year, since April 2020: I am looking for information about the numbers of staff retired or dismissed due to ill health, in particular where that ill-health relates to 'Long Covid'.


Request no. 40773. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023

Local Authority Housing Evictions

How many people are living in local authority homes (council housing) in your local authority? How many evictions have there been for rent arrears in: 1. 2020 2. 2021 3. 2022 4. So far in 2023


Request no. 40774. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Damp and Mould

How many instances of damp and mould have been recorded, how many were treated, how much has been spent treating damp and mould and how many residents have been rehomed in each of the past five years?


Request no. 40775. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Short-Term Lets

By year since 2020: Number of short-term let (STL) properties claiming to be previously operating who have applied for retrospective planning permission and of those, the number who have been successful.


Request no. 40776. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 01/03/2023

Streetworks Notices

I would be grateful if you could provide us with Streetworks Notices going back 8 years from 21/04/2022 at (or near to) 99-104 Constitution Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH6 7AE.


Request no. 40777. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 22/02/2023


How many ASBOs did each of your localities have in place in the reporting year 2021-22?


ASBOs in place in each Locality in 2021/22 were as follows:

South East - 2

South West - 5

North East - 4

North West - 4

Request no. 40778. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Library Staff

The number of staff working in public libraries since 2009-10. Please provide a breakdown by year.


Request no. 40779. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Historic Parking Documents

Copies of An Order – The Corporation of Edinburgh [Traffic Regulation Restrictions). The Dispensation to Residents made as part of the Order [Document a), Council Minutes refer to Report of the Highways and Road Safety Committee on 25 June 1973.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 40780. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 01/03/2023

Expenditure on Compensation

Total amount of expenditure on compensation for accidents caused by tripping/hazards on Council roads, pavements, bridges per annum for five completed fiscal years to April 2022. Average amount of compensation per claim for each of these years.


Request no. 40781. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Camera - Junction of London Road and Leith Walk (Elm Row)

Number of drivers making the turn, by day and time. Number of drivers issued with warning letter as a result. Number of drivers referred to the Police for further action.


Request no. 40785. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Policies and/or Protocols in Respect of Missing Children

Provide a copy of the policies and/or protocols used in your local authority to manage risk, track missing children, collaborative inter-agency and cross boundary working in managing risk, tracing missing children and appropriate data sharing.


Partial information provided.

Request no. 40786. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Gorgie Road, Jct with Stenhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 1TU

Inspection and maintenance records for the period 4th January 2022 to date and; Any records of any reports /complaints and any Section 81 notices issued, for the location in question, for the period 4th January 2022 to date.


Request no. 40787. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Dog Boarding Licences

A list of all registered dog boarders in Edinburgh.


Request no. 40799. Received: 28/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

Current approach being taken to involve community led / civil society organisations in preparing the coming Strategy? All the committee reports which refer specifically (i.e. in their title) to LHEES. Planned timetable for sharing the DRAFT LHEES?


Request no. 40801. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

Cyber Insurance Spending

Does your organisation currently have cyber insurance or plan to invest in cyber insurance in the next 12 months? Who is the policy with? When does the policy come up for renewal? What is the cost of your current policy or renewal?


This information will not be provided. By providing such information about our IT services into the public domain we would potentially be putting our IT framework at risk.

Request no. 40802. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Disabled Bay Parking Fines

How many parking fines have been issued to drivers who have illegally parked in a disabled bay over the past five years (between December 2017- December 2022)? How many parking fines issued have been paid and how many have been appealed?


Request no. 40803. Received: 28/01/2023, Resolved: 31/01/2023

SCOT (NA Funerals)

Any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/11/22 to date.


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 40804. Received: 28/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

‘Plant Based Treaty’ Nutritional Profile

Any document regarding the projected nutritional profile for school and care home meals prior and after the changes. We are interested in minerals, vitamins and calories. We are particularly interested in fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K2.


Request no. 40806. Received: 28/01/2023, Resolved: 23/02/2023

Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh

How many times in the last 12 months roadworks have been carried out? For each set of roadworks carried out on Craiglockhart Avenue, Edinburgh, in the last 12 months, how many days the road works lasted.


Please refer to the attached summary of all works recorded on our systems in this period.


Request no. 40816. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Blue Badges

Can you tell me how many Blue Badges are currently distributed by the council?


There are currently 14,319 live Blue Badges on issue by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Request no. 40820. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 09/03/2023

Subject choice: Advanced Higher

I am requesting the advanced higher subject choice list for sixth year pupils in every secondary school in your local authority area.


Request no. 40821. Received: 29/01/2023, Resolved: 01/03/2023

Chief Executives since 2008 & Ward Councillors

How many Chief Executives are currently in position in local authority? How many Chief Executives have left the organisation since 2008? How many Councillors within Ward 15 and Ward 17 area?


Request no. 40822. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Debt Collection of Council Tax

Amount CEC lost in council tax in 2022 and any key reasons identified for this; cost to CEC in recovery when council tax paid late - amount did CEC pay in these costs in 2022; and other questions


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 40824. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 01/02/2023

Missed Council Tax

how much did CEC miss in 2022 and any key reasons; when paid late or not paid, how much does it cost CEC to recover on bill and how much recovery costsin 2022; does CEC have email/phone no for every person and other questions


Cancelled - Repeat of 40822.

Request no. 40825. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Application for Temporary Road Closure of A8 (Roseburn to Haymarket)

Who was the application submitted by; who decided which households to inform and any other plans to publicise; who failed to properly action plan of some households and other questions.


Request no. 40826. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Britannia Edinburgh - Temporary Accommodation

If your local authority has utilised this location in order to provide either temporary or emergency accommodation in calendar years: a) 2019, b) 2020, c) 2021 and d) 2022.



Request no. 40827. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 02/03/2023

Dropped Kerbs

No of requests for dropped kerbs between January 2018 and January 2023 to include address/postcode; whether accepted or refused; processing fee for each request


Request no. 40828. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Home Energy Efficiency in the Private Rented Sector

Since 1/4/2020, no. of compliance notices served; no. which have resulted in confirmed breach; no. confirmed breaches resulted in financial penalty with breakdown; no. of properties registered for exemption; and other questions.


Request no. 40829. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 09/03/2023

Groups, Committees, Councils or Platforms

Within CEC, provide info on which of the above do (a) children and young people and (b) parents/carers/family/guardians sit on as part of decision making, participation, involvement re policy creation/impletmentation & other questions


Request no. 40831. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023

Adult Social Care Budgets

Total budget for last 6 financial years 2017/18 to 2022/23 with breakdown of money allocated for spending on adult social care and confirmation that amounts allocated were completely spent.


Request no. 40832. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 27/02/2023


Please can you confirm what training is offered whether mandatory or optional, to your frontline contact centre/call centre staff who are answering calls/responding to emails.


Request no. 40833. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Inspection Records for Chalmers Crescent, Edinburgh

For immediate surrounding area from 1/8/2020 to 31/01/2023, inspection and maintenance records. Also confirmation whether s81 notice was issued and other queries.


Request no. 40834. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Local Access Officers and Rangers

No. of positions employed for each of the above posts for financial years since 2015/16 and info. by no, of staff and full-time equivalent; total annual spend for both these services for same periods.


Request no. 40835. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Request for documents relating to accident

Request for documents relating to accident at 32 Robbs Loan, Edinburgh on 16/1/23


Request no. 40836. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Gambling Premises

In 2019 and 2022, no of premises; no of inspections carried out; no of instances test purchases carried out; no premises breached regulations;


Request no. 40837. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Dalry Cemetery - Notice Removal

Please provide details as to why and when the notice asking the public to respect the privacy of the Lodge House residents was removed for CEC notice board in Dalry Cemetery.


The City of Edinburgh Council has no knowledge or records of when said notice was removed.

Request no. 40838. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Friends of Dalry Cemetery - Funding

Please provide details of the funding CEC provide to the Friends of Dalry Cemetery.

Request no. 40839. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 02/03/2023

Temporary Closures for Vehicular Access or Temporary Access Restrictions

At today's date, no of streets/roads/thoroughfares temp closed due to roadworks of any kind and confirm no of distinct sets of official/authorised roadworks currently within city boundary


Request no. 40841. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 13/03/2023

2-3 West Park Place, Edinburgh

Info re any known landfill sites within 1km; any private water supplies within 1km; any known contaminative land uses within 250m; any records on fuel tanks within 250m; and other questions


Request no. 40857. Received: 30/01/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

5G Infrastructure

Please provide all information on the installation of 5G equipment and the large monopole installation at address of mast and confirm the environmental and heath impact analysis the Council have for the granting of planning permission etc.


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 40861. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 28/02/2023

Potentially Violent Persons Register

Please provide a redacted copy of your Potentially Violent Persons Register, aka Restricted Persons Register, aka Cautionary Register, aka whatever relevant name you know such a register by.


The City of Edinburgh Council does not hold a central register of such individuals. Such information is recorded at a local level by the relevant service areas.

Request no. 40862. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 06/02/2023

CCTV Footage

CCTV Footage: Carlton Hill, and Carlton Road junction, very close to Leith Street. Just outside the British Heart Foundation Scotland.


The City of Edinburgh Council public space CCTV system does not have any cameras that can view the area of interest, therefore we do not hold any relevant data for this request.

Request no. 40863. Received: 31/01/2023, Resolved: 06/03/2023

Euro 5 Approved Taxis and LEZ

All data gathering material regarding whether a Euro 5 approved taxi vehicle fitted with the Cybrand Exhaust Retrofit System would be permitted to enter Edinburgh’s LEZ when it goes fully live on 1 June 2024.


Request no. 41037. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 20/02/2023

CCTV Footage

Can you advise if the footage is available? Accident 17/12/22 at the traffic lights on Queensferry Road at around 22.45?


I am afraid that footage is irrevocably deleted from our storage system after 31 days, and consequently we will be unable to provide any relevant data.

Request no. 41045. Received: 26/01/2023, Resolved: 24/02/2023

EPC - Muirhouse Avenue

To request the EPC that should have been carried out in 2021 when it was a void. Can you confirm what EPC rating a social property should be and all other information requested.


Request no. 41812. Received: 27/01/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023 16:31:00

Parkgrove drive critical resurfacing inquires

Previous correspondence rec'd, quoted 'the carriageway on this street 'Parkgrove drive' was last assessed in 2021'; please provide all information relating to this matter of inquiry and the assessment of Parkgrove drive road; plus additional Qs

Request no. 42419. Received: 25/01/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Overstay Charges (Ingliston Park and Ride)

How many of these “overstay charges have been issued for stays exceeding half an hour in 2022/23 to date? When was the signage placed on the chargers (of there is such signage) and other information.


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