Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 41345. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Electric Vehicle Charging Points £30 Overstay Penalty

Please provide me with the number of '£30 overstay penalties' you have issued to electric car drivers across Edinburgh, on a monthly basis since introducing this overstay charge last year.


Request no. 41353. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Council tax payers within EH1 and EH8 postcodes

Please provide the total number of council tax payers for the following areas within the EH1 and EH8 post code areas.


The sum total of heritable Council Tax properties within arears EH1 and EH8 post codes is 19,603.

Request no. 41354. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Information Risk Policy

Name, title and contact details of the Councils Senior Information Risk Owner? A Copy of the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Annual SIRO report? Copy of the AGS for 2020/21 and 2021/22? Copy of the Councils current Information Risk Policy?


Request no. 41361. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Baronscourt Park Seats

How many were removed, when, and what was the nature of the antisocial behaviour?


Request no. 41370. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

Schools and Nurseries Spend

Information on spending building new schools and nursery buildings including new extensions to existing sites for period 2017-18 to current year and all other information requested.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 41371. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 27/03/2023

Police Box at corner at Abbeyhill

I wish to find out who owns the above—mentioned police box which is situated at the corner of Regent Road and Abbeyhill.

Request no. 41377. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023

Communal Bins

I would like to see a copy of the risk assessment associated with placing communal bins on the land of private developments without permission.


Request no. 41378. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Road or Pavement Problems

Please may I request data on reports of road or pavement problems with location data (postcode or similar) for the year 2022.


Please refer to the following attached report:

'41378 Defect Location Report'


Request no. 41380. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Dogs Seized

Number of dogs seized and placed by your dog pound for the last 5 years. Additionally please include where animals have been returned, re-homed or put down. Can you break this information down into figures by month and year.


Please refer to the following attached document:

‘41380 Stray Dogs by Calendar Year’


Request no. 41381. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Education services for deaf children

Peripatetic services which you centrally manage and deliver? Peripatetic services which you delegate in their entirety to a school or a private provider? Resource Provisions which you centrally manage and deliver?


Request no. 41382. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Multi Level Classes

In current academic year (2022-2023) in secondary schools the number of schools where 'multi level' classes cover pupils of 2/3/4 different levels in 4th to 6th year incl. number the of classes where 'multi level' classes cover 4th to 6th year?


We are unable to provide you with the information you have requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing you with the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.


Request no. 41383. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Pupil Numbers

In your local authority at the start of the current academic year (August 2022) what was the total number of pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th year of secondary school?


Sept 22 Census Roll:

S4 - 4116
S5 - 3460
S6 - 2468

Request no. 41384. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 14/04/2023 09:58:00

Alternative Curricula Within Mainstream Schools

To request information on the current arrangements your local authority has to resource and support such initiatives in mainstream schools, with examples of such which may be regarded as successful.


Request no. 41410. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023

Non Catchment School Requests -Corstorphine Primary P1

Over last 4 years, the number of children starting P1 who were not resident in catchment area at relevant time (end of Feb preceding start of school year) applied for non catchment placement; no allocated a non catchment placement and other questions


Request no. 41413. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Pupil Support Assistants, Janitors, Admin. and Catering Staff

For past 10 academic years (2014/15 to 2022/23), no. pupil support assistants, no. of janitors, no. of admin staff and no. cooking/catering staff in primary, secondary and special schools.


Request no. 41417. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Respite Care - Adult Services

For 2018/19 to 2022/23 Has the service been full restored How many weeks have been provided How much has been spent to pay private providers


Request no. 41420. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Palmer Road (Junction with Palmer Place, Currie)

Documents relating to inspections undertaken at above whether in connection with routine inspections or specific maintenance works; nature and extent of any repair or work of said section of road; and other questions.


Request no. 41424. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Adult Social Care Needs Assessment

By year from 2018/19 to 2022/23 1. Average wait at home 2. Longest wait experienced 3. Average wait on hospital discharge


Request no. 41425. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Neurological and Mental Health FOI 2023 - LAs

Questions relating to above - who has the commissioning responsiblity for adults with neurological care and menail ill health (provide name, title, no, email for both responses); and other questions


Request no. 41427. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

2023/34 Budget Savings

What steps are being taken to implement these two savings included in the 2023/24 budget: 1. Save £600k from the redeployment pool 2. Generate significant savings from external provision of Waste & Cleansing Services


Request no. 41428. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Schools Visited by Parking Attendants

I would like to know the list of schools visited by parking attendants in the last 7 months with dates of each visit.


Please refer to the attached spreadsheet which covers the period 01/08/2022 to 28/02/2023.


Request no. 41429. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Blue Badges

How many blue badges have been approved in each of the last ten years and how many blue badges have been rejected, including reasons for rejection.


Request no. 41430. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Teacher strikes - money saved in teacher salaries

For each strike day so far, can you set out date of strike; teaching unions taking part; no teachers striking on each day; amount money saved by CEC on each strike day on teacher pay etc


Request no. 41432. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Blue Badge

How many people with Parkinson’s have been approved a blue badge in each of the last ten years in Edinburgh?


Request no. 41434. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 06/03/2023

Blue Badges Approved the People with Parkinson's

How many people with Parkinson’s have been approved a blue badge in each of the last ten years in Edinburgh?


Cancelled, duplicate request

Request no. 41435. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Specialist Staff - Drug Misuse

- Number of teachers employed by City of Edinburgh Council referred to occupational health or specialist counselling services for issues around substance misuse* (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs) by year: - 2017/18 to 2021/22


There is no such information recorded in the financial year period, 2017/18 to 2021/22.

In the previous 12-month period, there have been no such referrals.

Request no. 41436. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023 14:54:00

Gorgie Road, A71, between St Nicholas Place and Newton Street

Information including sight of any written or electronic communication detailing all reports of road surface defects on Gorgie Road, A71, between St Nicholas Place and Newton Street from January 2021 to date.


Request no. 41437. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Industrial-Scale Waste Bins

Could you tell us how many of each size of bin your council uses? Plus a further 12 questions.


Request no. 41438. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Newbridge Industrial Estate - Unnamed Road

I would like a copy of the road safety inspection, dated 29/07/22, for an unnamed road on the Newbridge industrial estate.


Please find a copy of the Site History Report attached.


Request no. 41439. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Panmure Place - Traffic Regulation Order

Evidence of a Traffic Regulation Order for the placement of the bin at the end of Panmure Place.


Please refer to the following attached documents:

‘41439 Map Schedule Legend Template (005) as of 4.4.22’

‘41439 Panmure Place. Map tile 1690’

‘41439 Panmure Place. Map tile 1691’


Request no. 41440. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023

Costs of Consultancy - Maybury Road

Individual costs of consultancy studies since 2014 relating to traffic management and active travel provision on Maybury Road, including Barnton Junction and on Cammo Walk (include previous AECOM study as noted in request


Request no. 41441. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 28/03/2023

Traffic Regulation Order - Vehicle Charging Station

I would like sight of the Traffic Regulation Order in place for the electric vehicle charging station (51514) located at the City of Edinburgh Council Roads Depot car park, 14 Bankhead Avenue, Edinburgh, EH11 4HD.


There is no Traffic Regulation Order in place for that location.

TROs are only really required on the public road or for enforcement purposes and are generally not used on private land (such as a depot car park).

Request no. 41442. Received: 02/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Parks for People

Please supply a copy of any Conservation and/or Management Plan prepare as part of your successful 2012/14 bid to the National Lottery 'Parks for People' Fund in connection with the Saughton Park Restoration Project,


Request no. 41444. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Incidents of Violence in Schools

No of violent incident reports recorded and no of reported incidents of vandalism in a) primary schools and b) secondary schools


Request no. 41445. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 08/03/2023

SCOT (NA Funerals)

Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals)


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 41446. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 06/03/2023

Post processing software for CMR

1) The date of expiry for the licenses purchased. 2) The number of licenses your hospital has purchased.


This information will be held by NHS Lothian.

Request no. 41447. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023

Chief Officers Bargaining Unit

Can you inform me how many workers are part of the Chief Officers Bargaining Unit?


Request no. 41448. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Plaque on the Melville Monument

Copies of all communication between any representatives of the City of Edinburgh, including city councillors, and owners of the properties surrounding St Andrew Square, with regard to the installation of a plaque on the Melville Monument.


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council.

Request no. 41449. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Lease Agreement - St Andrew Square

A copy of the lease agreement concerning the use and occupation of St Andrew Square, executed by the City of Edinburgh and the owners of St. Andrew Square in 2007 or 2008, together with all schedules, addenda and attachments.


Request no. 41450. Received: 04/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Identifying Coached or Psychologically Coerced Children

Policy, procedure and training programme for Social Work staff dealing with the above; provide and explain types and examples of diagnostic criteria and/or indicators and other questions.


Request no. 41451. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Pavement on Princes Street between Waverley Market and Waverley Station

Information including sight of any written or electronic communication detailing inspection records.


Request no. 41452. Received: 03/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Public Entertainment Licensing

How much a single temporary licence is. How much income was generated from these licences (those granted to Showmen/Funfairs/Circuses) during the period January 2022 – February 2023.


Request no. 41454. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Funding for Gorgie Farm

Gorgie City Farm Consultation: details of funding provided by Edinburgh Council to EVOC to run a consultation process on the future of the farm. Amount of funding, duration and purpose, including any roles created or funded.


To date, there has been no funding provided by City of Edinburgh Council to EVOC to run a consultation process on the future of Gorgie City Farm.

Request no. 41455. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Delta Indian Take Away

Request for the Food Safety Officer’s report for Delta Indian Take Away.


Request no. 41458. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 08/03/2023

security arrangements and associated costs, any data they hold on associated costs.

We want to know the total cost, And how much security cost



Request no. 41462. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Handed-back Contracts

How many individual domiciliary care contracts have been handed back to you by providers in the years below. Please also detail the number of hours of care that were contained in those contracts per week.


Request no. 41463. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 16:36:00

Parking Offence Locations

Further to request 38979, request for further detail - either full postcode or Latitude/Longitude, along with contravention code for each parking offence.


Request no. 41464. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023

Enforced Clear-outs

Number of enforced house clearances where the properties have been described as either cluttered or hoarded, or reference is made to clutter, hoarding or hoarder. Total cost of these clear-outs


The City of Edinburgh Council does not enforce clear-outs.

Request no. 41465. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Contaminated Land - Desk Study

Land off Muirhouse Parkway.


Request no. 41466. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Staircase - Firrhill

Request for the documentation of the work that was done in my building in May 2017.


Request no. 41467. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Friends of Greenspaces Groups - Criminality Checks

Are criminality checks carried out on office holding members of the Friends of Greenspaces Group?


Request no. 41468. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Road Inspections - Western Approach Road

Records of inspection and maintenance


Request no. 41474. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Employees exiting organisation by month

Request for data on the number of your employees exiting your organisation, by resignation or dismissal - broken down by calendar month.


Request no. 41478. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023 16:53:00

Chalmers Street - Inspection Report

Do you hold any photographs relating to this defect? What action was taken in respect of this defect on each occasion either to make safe / repair or raise with the relevant utility company?


Request no. 41479. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Craigmillar Castle Road - Street Cleansing

The rationale to stop cleansing on and around Craigmillar Castle Road


Request no. 41484. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Portobello Library Meeting - 14/03/2023

We want a copy of the advice from the Public Safety Officer. We also want a copy of the advice from Police Scotland and we need to see what, if any threats have been made against us. We want to see the list of the complainers.


Request no. 41485. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 04/04/2023

Robbs Loan - Winter Treatment

Can you please forward a copy of your priority footpath system and what the criteria is for treating such areas as Robbs Loan. Please also provide details of Route Bankhead_317.


Request no. 41486. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC)

The number of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) from Vietnam currently registered in your jurisdiction


Request no. 41487. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 02/06/2023

Social Care Charges Default

The number of people that have defaulted on payment for receiving social care charges. Please provide information from 2017-18, with a breakdown by fiscal year.

Request no. 41488. Received: 07/03/2023, Resolved: 20/03/2023

CCTV footage - Lothian Road

I would be grateful if you could advise if you have any CCTV footage.


Footage provided.

Request no. 41494. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023 09:41:00

Children’s Residential Care

The current number of Children’s Residential Care Companies providing services. The name of each company that has within the last 12 months or is currently providing support services to or on behalf of the Local Authority.


Request no. 41495. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

CCTV - Queensferry Road

CCTV footage request


We have reviewed our public space cameras in the area for the time and date given but the incident you describe was not captured and consequently we will be unable to provide any data.

Request no. 41508. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)

Request for information to ensure Local Authorities are meeting their obligations with regards to eligible EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) applicants within the remit of Children’s Services.



Request no. 41512. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023


Request for information relating to an accident in the Gyle Shopping Centre


No relevant records held.

Request no. 41513. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Careline/Warden Call Service

Does your Council provide a Careline/Warden Call service to residents?


Request no. 41517. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 10/03/2023

Short Term Lets

How many short-term lets licencing applications have they a) received and b) granted, up to current date.


Request no. 41519. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Pothole Damage

1. The amount of money paid out concerning damage caused by potholes since 2016. 2. The number of claims made and the number which have been settled. 3. The number of outstanding cases against City of Edinburgh.


Request no. 41521. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023 14:11:00

Vehicles Incidents - Parking Enforcement Team and Contractors

A minimum 5 year history of reported incidents and accidents involving Edinburgh City Council Parking Enforcement team and contractors, and their vehicles; Location, who was at fault and payouts.


Request no. 41523. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Caretaking Costs

Request for a detailed annual report of the annual billing for Citadel Court and Persevere Court, which states how many employees/staff are working and how much the caretaking cost is in total.


Request no. 41527. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 31/03/2023 09:43:00

Adult Social Care - Waiting Times

Information regarding the assessment times to assess a referral made to adult social services for an assessment of needs.


Request no. 41528. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Tour Buses Operating from St Andrew Square

Any communications between businesses or organisations based in St Andrew Square, the Council and the tour operators on the issue of operating from St Andrew Square.


There are no such records held.

There is no requirement to inform businesses of bus service registrations. Please note that the city’s Tour Buses have now moved to Waterloo Place to start their tours on a trial basis.

Request no. 41530. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Footpath outside 114 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2EZ

Whether the paved area directly outside the Coop Store at 114 Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2EZ between the wall and the store (as shown in the undernoted photograph) has been adopted by Edinburgh City Council for maintenance


The area directly outside the store is not adopted nor maintained by the Council.


Request no. 41531. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 15:25:00

ASN Placements

Request for information regarding care and education for children with additional support needs (ASN).


Request no. 41532. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Edinburgh Libraries' Meetings

Communications - Council’s Public Safety Officers & Library Officers re: public meeting at Portobello Library March 2023. Examples of similar Library events, 2020 to 2023, where room hire included private security. Complaint details.


Request no. 41533. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Hospital/ Supported discharge from hospital

What is the fee that the council pay homes for the beds and provision of service


The City of Edinburgh Council do not offer a step up/step down service.

Request no. 41534. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023 15:54:00

Consultant Spend

How much money has been spent on Richard Williams working at the Council? What has been delivered by him? What was the approval process for this? Further questions.


Request no. 41535. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Council buildings - Security

How many external organisations arranging meetings to be held in Edinburgh Council buildings have been asked to pay for their own security costs from 1st January 2022 to date?


Request no. 41536. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 14:52:00

Granton Station Restoration

A list of suppliers, sub-contractors and consultants that have or will be involved with the restoration of the Edwardian B-listed former Granton Station, which set in the heart of the city's planned new sustainable Granton Waterfront district.


Request no. 41537. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

National Planning Framework 4 (SGNF4)

How the Council implements the Scottish Government's National Planning Framework 4 (SGNF4) policy against planning applications/planning in principle applications for green belt development


Request no. 41538. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023 16:23:00

Successful Bid Submitted by VoiceAbility

A copy of the full, successful bid submitted by VoiceAbility to fulfil the delivery of support to carers in Edinburgh from July 2023 onwards.

Request no. 41539. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 14:54:00

CCTV Footage

CCTV footage covering Granton Square roundabout, entry of traffic from West Granton Road. Dated 11/04/2022 at around 12:20pm.

Request no. 41540. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 16:54:00

Online Software - Community Engagement

Does the council use software or a system supplied by an external supplier in order to run and manage its online consultations and community engagement? If yes, then seven further questions.


Request no. 41556. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 15/03/2023

Fair cost of care

65+ care home places without nursing 65+ care home places without nursing, enhanced needs 65+ care home places with nursing 65+ care home places with nursing, enhanced needs


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with the information requested because it is not held by the Council. This is a UK government initiative and only applies to England.

Request no. 41558. Received: 08/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023 14:23:00

Honda Jazz - SL59 GHO

Ten questions regarding the uplift and scrapping of abandoned Honda Jazz.

Request no. 41560. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023


How many assaults on public sector staff have been reported to the council in each of the last two full calendar years and this year? How many legal cases have been raised against the council and how much compensation has been paid out?


Request no. 41561. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 17:06:00

Pupil Support Assistants - Gender Breakdown

In your local authorities primary, secondary and special schools the gender breakdown of Pupil Support Assistants. Request for the number of male, female and other Pupil Support Assistants?


Request no. 41562. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Veterans Spending

How much does the City of Edinburgh council spend on services to help and support former members of the Armed Forces? Which programmes or service providers are paid to help and support former members of the Armed Forces?


£109,000 per annum to the Scottish Veterans Residences - supported housing for former members of the UK Armed Forces who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Request no. 41567. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 16:23:00


Can you provide how many complaints, Edinburgh Council has had to the North West and South East Localities and how many have been upheld, not up held and partially upheld?


Request no. 41568. Received: 11/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 17:03:00

The Jewel Bus Taxi Lane

Please provide a copy of the TRO for The Jewel Bus Taxi lane.


Request no. 41575. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

CCTV Footage Request

CCTV Ingliston Park and Ride circa 13:30 9th March 2023.


No relevant footage held.

Request no. 41576. Received: 06/03/2023, Resolved: 03/04/2023

Council Houses within EH1 and EH8 postcodes

How many Council houses are still directly let by the Council for EH1 and EH8 postcodes?


The number of Council homes managed by the City of Edinburgh Council in EH1 is 124 and in EH8 1,085.

Request no. 41578. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:32:00

Implementation of procedures at ESS

Q1 - The question of the implementation of the 2015 “Physical Contact and Physical Intervention – Special Schools, Special Classes and Additional Support for Learning Service at Howdenhall. Could you confirm if this is correct?

Request no. 41579. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:32:00

Implementation of procedures at ESS

Q2 - Please could you provide any information held by the council about the review referred to above.

Request no. 41580. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:34:00

Implementation of procedures at ESS

Q3 - The scope is defined in the procedures as “The scope for application of this procedure is all City of Edinburgh Council staff and learning communities. Let me know if these 2019 procedures were implemented at Howdenhall?

Request no. 41581. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:35:00

Implementation of procedures at ESS

Q4 - Please could you let me know if there is any evidence of the implementation of the procedures at Howdenhall – for example a copy of the mandatory policy and procedure for Howdenhall based on the template in Appendix 1.

Request no. 41582. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:35:00

Implementation of procedures at ESS

Q5 - Please could you let me know if these 2019 procedures are mentioned in the Monitoring Officer’s Whistleblowing Report into events at ESS?

Request no. 41583. Received: 09/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:37:00

Physical Contact and Physical Intervention Procedure

Q6 - Procedures passed by Committee in October 2015. How many completed Recording of Safe Space Use; whole School / Individual Behaviour Risk Assessments forms (from appendix 4 and appendix 7 of the procedures) held by the council?

Request no. 41585. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 16:59:00

Council Tax Banding - Hughes Close, Edinburgh

The rationale for choosing the three comparator developments that were used in their calculations. Actual addresses of these developments; valuations of these developments as at April 1991; estimated valuations as at 2021 and copies.


Request no. 41586. Received: 10/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

WAVE Trust

What was the Council's understanding of 'six cycles' regarding the the date for the publication of the report? Has the agreed date, in accordance with the term 'six cycles' been subsequently arrived at and other information requested.


Request no. 41587. Received: 11/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh

We refer to the above and would be grateful if you would provide us with details of the report filed with the dog warden in relation to the above incident on 27/02/2023.


We hold no records of a dog attack on that date.

Request no. 41595. Received: 11/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Home Education

Number of pupils registered as home educated in each of the last 10 years , The above numbers disaggregated according to year group


Request no. 41596. Received: 12/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Voluntary Redundancy

How many employees, including school staff, have taken voluntary redundancy or early retirement since the beginning of 2015-16? Costs. Re-employment numbers.


Request no. 41597. Received: 12/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Inspections - South Gyle

A copy of your current road maintenance policy relating to that road. Road safety inspections


Request no. 41600. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021

All information held which refers either generally to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 or the offence of 'stirring up' contained in that Act, related to a meeting planned at Portobello Library, 14/03/2023.


There is no such information recorded in relation to this meeting.

Request no. 41601. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023 16:56:00

Public Houses

Please send me a full and up to date list of all Public Houses (all on-trade licensed premises) in Edinburgh.


Request no. 41602. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme

How many individuals who came to the UK as part of the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine Scheme) or the Ukraine Family Scheme are now statutory homeless, as registered with your council?


At the time of writing (Monday 20/03/2023), the number of displaced Ukrainian individuals (including children) who are now currently assessed as statutory homeless by the City Of Edinburgh Council (under the stipulated VISA Schemes) is 46.

Request no. 41603. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023 16:19:00

Big Noise Projects

External correspondence relating to the authority’s Big Noise projects that relates to the setting of the local authority's budget for 2023/24


Request no. 41608. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023 15:49:00

Council definition of protected characteristics

Does the council have an adopted definition of transphobia? Does the council have any adopted definitions for any type of discrimination/hate against people with protected characteristics?


Request no. 41609. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Property Bid Conditions

Could I get a copy of each of the individual tenders showing any conditions that were attached to each of the bids for the purchase of this property in 2019?


No relevant records held.

Request no. 41611. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

CCTV Footage Request

CCTV footage of the Junction where Prince Street meets The Mound and Hanover Street.


Provided directly by CCTV team

Request no. 41612. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Subject Access Request information

How many Subject Access Request did the City of Edinburgh Council receive in the 5 years prior to 2022 (years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) and all other information requested.


Request no. 41627. Received: 12/03/2023, Resolved: 24/03/2023

Kinship Care

Number of people who applied for Kinship allowance for the last 3 calendar years. Number of people who were awarded Kinship allowance for the same. January 1 2020 to December 31 2022


There were 15 requests for Eligible Kinship assessments from 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2022. Of these 12 were approved and payment granted, 3 were refused.

Request no. 41631. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 14/04/2023 15:54:00

Scottish Child Bridging Payments

Scottish Child Bridging Payments - did you make payments available for Home Educated children? If the response is no, please provide recorded details of your decision. If your response is yes, please provide recorded details of your decision.


Request no. 41640. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 05/05/2023

Spaces for People - Procurement

From the committee report to P&S on 23/06/20, item 17 4.3 - Request for the programme and cost plan 4.5 - Details of the analysis and evidence 4.7 - details of the benchmark


Request no. 41643. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023

Millerhill Recycling and ERC

The contract between City of Edinburgh Council and FCC for Millerhill Recycling and ERC, specifically the financial agreement including the payment mechanisms.


Information not provided as this information is commercially sensitive.

Request no. 41644. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

School Crossing Patrols

For each of the three financial years 2007-08, 2015-16, and 2022-23, the number of people employed by the council as part of school crossing patrols and the amount spent on such patrols.


Request no. 41648. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/06/2023

Motor Vehicle Access - Transport & Environment Committee Meeting

Two statements made by two different councillors re percentage of public that do not have access to a motor vehicle - one 45% and one 40% - where does this information comes from and a copy of the said information please


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 41649. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023 16:24:00

Urban Development & Sustainable Mobility - Private Hire Cars & Taxis

How many private hire cars and taxis licensed by Edinburgh City Council are electric.


Request no. 41650. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Scottish Joint Council Job Evaluation Scheme

Which staff positions, if any, do not have remuneration decided by the above? Are CEC using the 3rd edition and if not which?


The City of Edinburgh Council uses the GLPC Job Evaluation Scheme therefore no roles are remunerated using the Scottish Joint Council Job Evaluation Scheme. For Chief Officer roles, The City of Edinburgh Council uses Hays Job Evaluation Scheme.

Request no. 41651. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023 16:28:00

Empty Homes Officers

How many Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Empty Homes Officers were employed for each financial year from 2018/19 to 2022/23 inclusive.


Request no. 41654. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

10 Picardy Place, Edinburgh EH1 3JT

Has the site been identified for inspection or review under CEC's contaminated land strategy and if so, describe priority status/risk ranking and timescale of further scrutiny; and other questions.


Request no. 41655. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 21/03/2023

Business Rates

Request for up to date list of all business property rates for CEC that currently hold a credit on their account including specified fields as per email


Request no. 41656. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023 16:54:00

Council Tax Arrears

For the last financial year for which data is available, how many applications for a special repayment plan to pay council tax have the council received, broken down by year?


Request no. 41657. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023

Electively Home Educated Children

Please provide the current number of Electively Home Educated (EHE) children known to your authority. Number of School Attendance Orders since 1/9/2022. Number revoked & number prosecuted for non-compliance.


Request no. 41658. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023 09:16:00

Rehab Beds

March 2023, how many residential rehabilitation beds are available within this Health and Social care partnership? Please also break this down by rehab facility. E.g 100 beds in this partnership, 50 beds in facility A, 50 beds in facility B.


Request no. 41659. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 22/03/2023

Senior Management Team Structure

A copy of your senior management team structure and details of all their support staff.


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 41661. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023


We require the information related to all consents granted for works on the B924, its footways, and verges, that were extant on 28th October 2022.


Request no. 41662. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Electric Vehicle (EV)

How many enforcements that have been made against residents for laying Electric Vehicle (EV) charging cables across public footpaths? How many warnings, fines, complaints?


Request no. 41663. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Burnshot Road Edinburgh

Can you confirm if Burnshot Road, Edinburgh was adopted by Edinburgh City Council for maintenance on 07/02/2023. Details of inspection and maintenance records for Burnshot Road, Edinburgh from 07/02/2020 to the present date.


Request no. 41664. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

George Street Defect

Please provide confirmation of the utility company and also any paperwork which you may hold regarding these works which took place shortly prior to 21st February 2022.


Request no. 41665. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023

Homelessness Support

Do you offer or arrange residential accommodation to released prisoners? Do you have any bespoke services for people with autism?


Request no. 41666. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023

Compensation Claims

How many pothole-related compensation claims for (a) vehicles (including bikes) and (b) personal injury have been submitted to the council in the past five financial years


Request no. 41667. Received: 14/03/2023, Resolved: 11/04/2023

Land South of Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh

Can you please provide me with any information you hold on the above site regarding contaminative land and petroleum storage tanks, or any other potential contaminative uses in your records. Grid Ref: 332488, 671878.


Request no. 41668. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Craigievar Estate

Request for all information in relation to the Craigievar Estate in relation to what areas have been adopted and what areas remain private.


Request no. 41669. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Property Disposal – 2-3 West Park Place

All written correspondence from January 2020 to July 2021 related to the disposal/sale of 2-3 West Park Place by Edinburgh Council to Wasps.


The correspondence we hold which is within scope of the request is attached.


Request no. 41670. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

1977 Compulsory Purchase Order - A720 Bypass at A70 Baberton Junction

I would like to view the above named Order to see the extents of the land purchased under its auspices please.


We do not hold this information. Transport Scotland took this over as a trunk road and they may hold the information you are seeking.

Request no. 41671. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 16:05:00

Business Rates

Net charges and any reliefs for the below site for the 22/23 financial year


Request no. 41672. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Pupil Equity Funding

In your local authority can I get the breakdown of pupil equity funding spend for the past five financial years?


For the financial years 2018/19 to 2021/22, please refer to the attached document.

Financial Year 2022/23 remains open therefore year-end spend figures are not yet available.


Request no. 41673. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 16:38:00

Street Lighting

Request for map showing street lighting population in Edinburgh


Request no. 41674. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Working Time Regulations 1998

Please provide a list of all job titles and departments of workers who are exempt or an exception to the right of an 11 hour daily rest period as stated in the working time regulations 1998 and also the reason for the exemption or exception.


No such exempt employees or any collective agreements have been identified.

Request no. 41675. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Roof Repairs - West Pilton Avenue

I would like to know how many repairs have been raised for the last 20 years regarding to roof repairs.


Request no. 41676. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 23/03/2023

Shandwick Place Tram Tracks

Information including sight of any written or electronic communication detailing any risk assessments for the tram track on Shandwick Place


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 41677. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 15:48:00

Oxgangs Primary School

In 2016 part of Oxgangs primary school collapsed, do you know what caused it to collapse?


Request no. 41678. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Sale of Plot at 5-6 Marshall's Court

The number of expressions of interest and bids received or rejected. Highest unsuccessful bid. Who bid? Decision process.


Request no. 41679. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Cycling Infrastructure

How much money has the city council spent on cycling infrastructure and a breakdown of the total distance of dedicated cycling infrastructure in the city over a 10-year period?


Request no. 41681. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023


1. RIDDOR Report; 2. Any other documentation reporting the accident to you by any party; 3. Any documents regarding any investigations carried out; and


There is no information held regarding this accident.

Request no. 41682. Received: 15/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023 16:27:00

Detailed road report for Mayfield Gardens

Detailed road report for Mayfield Gardens road on the 29/11/22 as per claim 011711-032494-GD-01


Request no. 41683. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Summary Warrants - Council Tax

No. of letters issued for financial years 2018/19 to 2022/23; % resulting in full payment of pending Council Tax; Total estimated funds to be recouped through this method against actual funds recouped;& other questions.


Request no. 41684. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 14/04/2023 16:12:00

New recruits to the Council

Does the Council issue new recruits: a) A language guide or similar which advises employees on the most appropriate words etc. b) A guide or similar which helps and encourages staff to promote diversity and inclusivity etc.


Request no. 41686. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 21/03/2023

Swimming Pool Data Since 2000

No. of public pools in council area at the end of the each year; no. of pools closed each year; no. pools opened; total amount of funding received from Scottish Government and what for; total no. days pools closed and reason.

Request no. 41687. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 14/04/2023 16:00:00

Council Standards, Compliance, Cyber Security

What standards does the Council adhere to; team responsible for managing compliance; role responsible for managing compliance; has cyber security been set as a priority for 2023; and other questions


Request no. 41688. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 13/04/2023

Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee - 16 March 2023

Any emails between Housing Homelessness and Fair Work convener and council officers: Karen Donaldson, Elaine Scott, Lisa Mallon, Paul Lawrence and Peter Watton in relation to Questions 1 and 2 by Cllr Kate Campbell at full council meeting on 16/3/23.


All relevant parties have been contacted and there is no documentation held in respect of this request.

Request no. 41689. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 14/04/2023 16:05:00

Road Inspection and Maintenance Records - The Jewel, Edinburgh, EH15

Please provide road inspection and maintenance records for The Jewel, Edinburgh EH15 between Vexhim Park and Duddingston Park South between 1 November 2022 and 16 March 2023

Request no. 41690. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Business Rates

Net charges and any reliefs for the below site for the 2018/19 financial year 23-27 MARNIN WAY EDINBURGH , EH12 9GD


- The net charge for this property in 2018/19 is £0.00
- The property is receiving 100% New Build Property relief between 18/07/2018 - 31/03/2019.

Request no. 41691. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Electric Vehicle Chargers

Do you have chargers installed in any Council office parking areas? Who can use them? Who pays running costs? Plus additional questions.


Request no. 41692. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Barratt and Avant Homes

Please could you give me information regarding the developer contributions from Barratt and Avant Homes from their developments at Newcraighall village


Request no. 41693. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023

Licence Refusal - Proposed Ingliston Event 3/12/2022

Who provided training to the Licensing Sub Committee following 2022 CEC Elections; what the definitions are of 'public order' &'public safety'; any circumstances in which members of CEC would provide information to residents; & other question


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 41694. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Racism Towards Secondary Pupils

Please can you tell me how many reports of racism towards pupils there have been in secondary schools in your local authority area since 2017.


Request no. 41695. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 21/03/2023

Drivers Caught on Mobile phone

Please can you tell me how many drivers have been caught on their mobile phones since 2018


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 41696. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Parking fines

Please can you provide the number of councillors, MSPs and MPs who have had parking tickets rescinded in the last three financial years?


Our systems do not hold any records to indicate if the vehicle owner may be a Councillor, MSP or MP. Nor do we hold their vehicle registration numbers, therefore, would be unable to provide this information.

Request no. 41697. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Library Lighting

Regarding Fountainbridge Library, please provide the average number of light units consumed per month.


Request no. 41698. Received: 17/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Ownership of former Bonnington Bridge Bar

Please advise on who currently owns the former Bonnington Bridge Bar at 76 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh, EH6 5QG. The property is listed on the Scottish Land Register as the Newhaven Inn and the last purchase date was reportedly 29 April 2010.


The Council only holds information on the licence holder for a licenced premises who may or may not be the owner. The last licence holder for 74-76 Newhaven Road was “Nocturnal Aviators Limited the licence was held up to 25 March 2019.

Request no. 41699. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Stonewall report, Policy and Sustainability Committee, 21 March 2023

Would like previous reiterations of report in question - believes one iteration was presented at different committee, but don't know which one; also would like to receive amendments put forward by political group.


Request no. 41700. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Licensing Sub-Committee - Site Visits

Details undertaken in connection with licence applications, eg RHS at Ingliston; provide link when can review/look at insurance policy wordings and schedules carried by CEC; and other questions


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 41702. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Safety Risks at Portobello Library - Event on 14 March 2023

Please provide details of risks identified; if written or verbal threats to public (and staff) received prior to event; total no threats received by nature; qualification of person assessing; if engagement with police and their advice


Request no. 41703. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Environmental Report - 106-108 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3AA

Does CEC hold any specific information on this site in relation to contaminated land and is it possible to confirm whether been prioritised for investigation under Part IIA?


The site of interest has not been prioritised for inspection under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. No specific information is held in relation to land contamination at the site.


Request no. 41704. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Coronation - May 2023

I’d like to know how much money Edinburgh council has planned to spend on the coronation in May 2023? I’d like money already spent as well as anticipated costs.


Request no. 41705. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

James Gillespie’s High School - Active Schools Programme

When was the netball booking altered to move it from Main Hall to Small Hall? Who made the request? Who approved it? What was the event that substituted the netball?


Request no. 41706. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Amount of money spent to remove the Spaces for People segregated cycle routes i.e. the batons

What was the amount of money spent on removing the Spaces for People segregated cycle routes i.e. the batons.


Request no. 41707. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Inappropriate Content in Schools

incl. violent videos & pornography, in classrooms and others school areas between January 2020 until end of Feb 2023; pls offer a breakdown of the no. of reports for each year (Jan to Dec) and totals per primary and secondary school


Request no. 41708. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

LEZ Income

All info on latest estimates for volume of income CEC expects to receive from penalties in each of the first 3 yrs of its Low Emission Zone; forecasts for the no of penalty tickets will need to write off


Request no. 41709. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Libraries - 2019 to 2023

No. of libraries in area in each year from 2019 to 2023 and name; List of any shut down since 2019 and name and year closed.


Request no. 41710. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Investments and Pension Fund - Climate Risk

Request for emails/correspondence between CEC and external investments consultants on climate risk between 2018 and 2023; confirm if specific advice/info has been sought and received from Mercer, etc. and other questions.

Request no. 41711. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 22/03/2023

Request SCOT (NA Funerals)

National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/1/23 to the day of your reply (or as close as possible).


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 41712. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Next of Kin

Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council and who have died


There is no information which meets this criteria within the specified time period.

Request no. 41713. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

School Meal Charges

Cost of school meals in primary schools. Cost of school meals in secondary schools.


Request no. 41714. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

School buildings - RAAC

Please can you state the number of schools in the local authority that contain Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)?


Request no. 41716. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

398 Gorgie Road, Non Domestic Rates

Please confirm the name of the individual or legal entity liable to pay non-domestic rates in respect of the Site for the period 02/08/2022


We have been holding Vrs Retail Ltd liable ever since the effective date it was entered onto the roll (27/01/2021).

Request no. 41717. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 22/03/2023

Work Carried out at Featherhall Crescent

Can you give the total cost for the works carried out recently at Featherhall Crescent, this being the painting of the road surface

Request no. 41718. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Local Authority Children’s Services

19 questions including - The rate of Children in Need per 1000 in your area on 31 March for the preceding five years, excluding children on a Child Protection Plan and Looked After Children.


Request no. 41719. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 23/03/2023

Student Population Data

Engineering, Physics, Maths; For creating a targeted plan for talent attraction for our recruitment campaign 2023/2024, and to understand where the demographics of student populations


Cancelled. Redirected to Edinburgh University.

Request no. 41720. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Welfare Rights Services

Whether your local authority has an in house welfare rights service, and if not, where the authority refers applicants who are looking for welfare rights services to.


Request no. 41721. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Confirm if any schools in your area are in buildings which have Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in them; If yes, please confirm how many schools this affects.


Request no. 41722. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Land at Moredun Park Gardens

Was this land sold to the owner at Moredun Park Gardens or is this a “land grab by them? If sold, I would like to know how much it was sold for please.


Request no. 41724. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Children in Need Assessments

What was the percentage of children who were victims of child sexual exploitation offences who had a ‘Child in Need’ assessment undertaken, from January 2016 – December 2022?


‘Children in Need’ plans are defined by Section 17 of the Children’s Act 1989 which is English legislation and does not apply in Scotland.

Request no. 41725. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Extension to Telecare and Warden Call Contract:

What are the contractual performance KPI's; which suppliers applied & actual spend on this contract; provide a copy of the service/product specification; is there an extension clause; has a decision been made; who is the senior officer


Request no. 41726. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

Taxi Drivers - Exemption Certificate for Wheelchair Carrying

How many Taxi drivers currently have an exemption certificate for wheelchair carrying in Edinburgh?


There are 266 exemptions out of 2,361 drivers.

Request no. 41727. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Care Home Staff

A breakdown of the salary increase to be paid to all staff employed at each care-home owned or operated by the Council from April 2023.


Request no. 41728. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Fossil Fuel Investments made by LGPS

Request for data on each investment that was held by Lothian Pension Fund on 31 March 2022; incl investment names & identifiers; asset types; investment managers; investment values.


Request no. 41729. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Dog Fouling Complaints in 2022

In relation to the year 2022, how many complaints were received in relation to dog fouling; how many fines were issued to owners in relation to dog fouling; how much is the penalty for dog fouling?


Request no. 41730. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Claims for damage caused by potholes

How many claims has CEC received from motorists in the last 12 months (to most recent available) because of damage caused by potholes; How many were successful; What is the total amount paid out as a result of the successful claims


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 41731. Received: 20/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Long-term Adult Social Care Services Fees

For adult long-term care in residential and/or nursing care homes; Split by the following criteria: Primary care need; Level of complexity; Fees for the highest acuity cases and their comparison to fees for the low and mid acuity cases per week.


Request no. 41732. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Summary of Insurance Cover

Summary of Insurance Cover for your Local Authority and Subsidiary Companies for 1st April 2023 - 31 March 2024.


Request no. 41733. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Business Property Rates Data

Up to date list of all business property rates data dating back to 2018 including fields.


The Council does not hold historic data which you requested.
Current information is available on our website at the location provided.


Request no. 41734. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

MIPIM Conference - Cannes - 14-17 March 2023

Did any members of the organisation attend MIPIM in an official capacity - How many and job titles; If so, total spend on attending; Spend on flights - Airline and class; and other questions.


No one attended MIPIM this from the City of Edinburgh Council.

Request no. 41735. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Licensing Application - Vodoo Doll Ltd

Was licensing application 481592 in relation to 7-15 Rose Street, New Town, Edinburgh, EH2 2PR granted? The applicant was Voodoo Doll Ltd.


A premises licence was granted for 7-15 Rose Street (our ref: 481592) on 27 February 2023.

Request no. 41741. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Definitions of Islamophobia and Antisemitism

Has CEC adopted APPG on the above; if yes, when and was it following a unanimous vote; any minutes of meetings from discussion prior to the vote; and other questions.


Request no. 41745. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Gaza Twinning Project - Exchange of Correspondence

I would be interested in the exchange of correspondence between Edinburgh City Council and UK Lawyers for Israel on or around February to October 2022 concerning the Gaza twinning project.


This information will not be released. The Council is allowed to consider and engage in discussions about sensitive issues relating to legal matters without relevant communications being made public.

Request no. 41746. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Housing Benefit Policy

Info. re. above for applicants who own a property in Edinburgh; How this is influenced when they cannot occupy the property for safeguarding reasons and unable to serve eviction notice?

Request no. 41747. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

North Gyle Road Flooding

Regarding the meeting the Flood Prevention team attended with Scottish Water, Councillors, MSP and residents on 14 November 2022, for which some digital and handwritten notes are held, please provide these records.


Please refer to the attached handwritten and digital notes from the meeting referenced on 14th November 2022.


Request no. 41751. Received: 22/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Relocation Payment

For 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23; How many relocation payments have been made, per financial year, to employees hired by the council; What was the value of each payment; What was the total amount paid per financial year?

Request no. 41752. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

External Law firms used in 2022

Please provide a list of external law firms instructed to represent the council on all legal matters in 2022 and the area of law they were instructed in.


Request no. 41770. Received: 22/03/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023

Playfair House Hotel

Re advertising and award of a Temporary Accommodation Flexible Purchasing System to the Playfair Hotel, Award Ref CT0627-246; When, how & through what media or channels was the possibility of applying for this contract advertised;+ 6 more Qs.


Request no. 41771. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 28/06/2023 15:52:00

Out of Catchment School placing requests - Primary & Secondary

No of out of catchment school placing requests made in your local authority area in each of the last five school years, split by primary & secondary; no. approved & rejected; no. of appeals; plus 1 more Question


Request no. 41773. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Smoking and Vaping Product Seizures

How many units of vapes, cigarette packets and hand-rolled tobacco products were seized in each year between 01/01/2010 and 28/02/2023?


Request no. 41775. Received: 16/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Dalry Primary School - EAL (English as an Additional Language)

Request background documents & data incl. Equality & Rights Impact Assessment; consultation & identification of risks & how CEC intend to mitigate those risks; assessment reports of the 8 schools that completed the Language & Literacy Collaboration.


Request no. 41777. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Pavements of St Andrew Square

Request copies of records between 9 Feb 2021 to 21 Mar 2023: including Inspection records; Records of complaints; Records of Repairs; Records of Accidents


Request no. 41778. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Supporting Elderly People in our Local Community

Please provide the service provider name and expiry date of each contract which provides support to the elderly population in Edinburgh.


Request no. 41779. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Jawbone Walk in the Meadows

We are writing to request the full repairing schedules of the walkway called Jawbone Walk in the Meadows, Edinburgh EH9 1DY from 11/09/2021 to present (23/03/2023.)


There is no relevant information held.

Request no. 41780. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Compulsory Redundancies

Does the council have a policy on redundancies that precludes compulsory redundancies? If so, can this policy be shared?


Request no. 41783. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Traffic regulation order

I would like to know whether that information was sent to her and/ or does such an order exist?


Closed - Repeat of 41439

Request no. 41784. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Joint Investigation Teams - Police and Social Work

Several questions in regard to the statutory powers between the Joint Investigatory Team and Police Scotland.


Request no. 41785. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Mould in schools

The number of primary, secondary and special schools that have reported having damp and mould in each year since 2007, with a breakdown by year.


Request no. 41786. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Electoral Roll Data Sold - 2012 to 2023

Also how many times data was sold; details of companies & organisations who purchased data; the purpose for which data was sold; the total amount of data sold.


Request no. 41788. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Exploitation and abuse by child sex rings

No of children rescued from child sex rings in the past 5 years, broken down by years; total no. of children rescued; age & gender of children; no. of arrests & charges; what preventative steps have been taken by CEC


Request no. 41789. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 01/06/2023

Land Use Information - Three Sites

Gorgie Road (Junction of Ford’s Road and Gorgie Road), co-ordinates E: 322137, N: 671779. Corstorphine Road located at E: 322612, N: 673202. Balgreen (Pansy Walk) at E: 322288, N: 672452.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 41790. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

No. of NDAs signed by CEC staff in past 5yrs split by year; Positions of staff who signed NDAs; Departments where staff employed; Reasons why NDAs required; Duration of the NDAs; any restrictions on disclosure of information after NDA expired.


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 41791. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Use of weed killers containing Glyphosate

How much Glyphosate-based weed killer has been used in past 5yrs; Specific areas where it's been used; H&S assessments; Restrictions/guidelines in place re. its use by staff; Plans/initiatives to reduce or eliminate it's use


Request no. 41793. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Pothole, Portobello Rd

Docs for period of 1 year prior to & incl 7 Mar 2023; Records of Inspection; Maintenance Records & list of contractors; Road Authority Policy; Record of Complaints; Other accidents; Audit Trail of inspections


Request no. 41796. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Legal Advice on Council Tax Proposals

CEC received legal advice from Brodies LLP and John MacGregor KC in relation to a Council Tax proposal from the SNP/Green Groups; Was the legal advice from the two different sources the same in substance and recommendation?;Plus other questions.


Request no. 41797. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

CCTV cameras Glasgow Rd, beside St Thomas' Church

What is the purpose of the cameras attached to the new pedestrian crossing lights on Glagow Road beside St Thomas' church?


The units installed on the traffic lights at Glasgow Road are microwave vehicle detectors. They are used to detect gaps in the traffic which will allow any demands for the pedestrian crossing sequence to be serviced.

Request no. 41800. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Deceased Individuals' Debts

How much rent arrears & Council Tax arrears were owed (& collected) to/by the council by deceased individuals for the past three financial years (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22)?


Request no. 41801. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

No. of children being home-schooled in Edinburgh

No. of children registered as home-schooled in your council area for the current academic year (2022-23); No. of children registered as home-schooled in your council area for the past three academic years (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22);plus question(s)


Request no. 41802. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Tenancy Agreement Dates - 71 Pleasance

Confirmation of tenancy agreement dates for 71 Pleasance.


Details of the tenant's tenancy agreement are withheld under the Data Protection Act 2018.

Request no. 41805. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 21/04/2023

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) safety standards

Has the Environmental Health service undertaken specific training on gas safety in the last 5 years; If so, please include some brief details of the training that has been undertaken; plus additional questions


Request no. 41807. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Wardie Primary School - Self Supported Evaluation Report

See copy of the Self Supported Evaluation Report, and any response made by either the head teacher or depute heads; pls refer to email for breakdown


Request no. 41809. Received: 24/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Council Tax Questions

Multiple questions regarding payment of Council Tax


Request no. 41811. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Council Tax Revenue

Proof of Council Tax revenue spend. Which law requires Council Tax to be paid? Which law states non-payment is a crime? Copy of contract that states I agreed to pay for Council Tax.


Request no. 41818. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 02/05/2023

Traffic Signs - Old Dalkeith Road

When all road traffic signs were installed on Old Dalkeith Road between Walter Scott Avenue and Cameron Toll Gardens.


Request no. 41833. Received: 23/03/2023, Resolved: 20/04/2023

Business Rates

I’d like to know if business rates are being paid for the advertising hoarding currently in place at 45 George Street.


We have been unable to locate an entry on the Lothian Valuation Joint Board (LVJB) roll for this advertising hoarding, therefore Business Rates are not being paid currently.

Request no. 41834. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023


I would like to a copy of the tender, contract awarded to cityfibre for the installation of gigabit internet fibre infrastructure for south edinburgh, specifically the EH10 area. Provide breakdown of the agreed timescales.


We do not hold this information. The CityFibre fibre project is not a Council contract.

Request no. 41836. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

Burgess Street: Leith Connections

Total projected cost for the announced alterations and projected total cost for any architectural service, planning service, roads and pavement service, utility service, all signage, planters, seating, bicycle stands, and any other new fixtures etc.


Request no. 41837. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 29/03/2023

Refurbishment cost for Warrander Pool

Breakdown of the refurbishment costs for Warrender Pool and a comparison of the actual budget versus the projected budget at the start of the works; the current estimate for completion of the works.

Request no. 41838. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Scaffolding erected at 75 Saughton Mains Drive

Scaffolding erected at 75 Saughton Mains Drive apparently abandoned for months; Presumably rented; how much has this cost so far.


The contractor was waiting for the results of an asbestos survey. This has been complete and additional scaffolding has now been erected to complete the work.

The costs to date for this tower are £793.78 plus VAT.

Request no. 41839. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Takeaway Food Policy for Staff

How much did CEC spend on takeaway food for staff in 2021-22? What was the purpose of the takeaway food? How many staff were provided with it? CEC policy on providing takeaway food for staff? How is it budgeted for?


Request no. 41840. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 02/05/2023

Children taken into Care because of obesity concerns

How many children taken into care during (2017-22) re concerns about weight or obesity; how many were taken into care due to concerns about their weight or obesity, as opposed to other factors eg. neglect or abuse; & other questions


Request no. 41841. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Children Missing Education

How many children were recorded as 'missing education' in each year, defined as children who don't turn up to school & whose families can't be contacted? How many were later found & returned to education, & how many remain missing? Policy?


Request no. 41842. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Compliance issues in the vaping sector

Environmental obligations; Under-age and illicit sales; Product quality and safety standards; Inappropriate marketing and advertising; plus more questions


Request no. 41843. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Adult and Children Services - Paying VAT

The names of the care provider organisations (adult and/or children services) who you are paying plus VAT at standard rate (20%). When did the council start paying these providers VAT?


St Philips Care - 2017.

Request no. 41844. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

CCTV footage of South East Locality Office

CCTV footage of South East Locality Office, Captain's Road, Edinburgh, EH17 8QF; footage of the car park by the West Wing side entrance on Monday 20th March 08.20-13.30.


We do not hold this information.

Request no. 41845. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Crewe Road North, Edinburgh

Documentation for 07/03/2022 to 06/03/2023: Inspection records; Maintenance records; Statement of Road Authorities Policy; Record of complaints; Audit trail of inspections.


Request no. 41846. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Atholl Crescent - Traffic Regulation Orders

Request copy of Traffic Regulation Orders that are currently in effect for Atholl Crescent, West End, Edinburgh; Either in written form, or a copy of the relevant portion from the TRO map system.


Request no. 41848. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Accidents at Public Swimming Pools

The total number of slip accidents recorded at public swimming pools managed by Edinburgh City Council in the last three years; plus more questions.

Request no. 41849. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Asylum Seekers - Hotels

Are there are any asylum seekers being accommodated in hotels in your local authority area?


Since late January 2022, the Home Office, and its accommodation provider Mears group, has been operating a city centre hotel as temporary accommodation for asylum seekers. The Council has no direct role in its operation.

Request no. 41851. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Trams to Newhaven Project - Leith Walk

Details of any legal advice received by the council in relation to the design or layout of the new public realm on Leith Walk; Any correspondence or documents between the council and the legal experts; & more question.


The designs for the Leith Walk public realm were undertaken in accordance with the Edinburgh Street Design Guidance and was not a legal matter. Therefore, there was no requirement for legal advice to be obtained.

Request no. 41852. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 28/04/2023

Leith to Kirkcaldy hovercraft transport link

All records and correspondence including internal reports or briefings regarding the potential of a Leith to Kirkcaldy hovercraft transport link; & more questions


Request no. 41853. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Edinburgh's Christmas 2022

Copies of all email, letter or other written correspondence between CEC and any representatives of Unique Assembly or any other members of the consortium responsible for taking on the running of Edinburgh's Christmas 2022 - 1/1/2022 to 27/3/2023.


No such correspondence has been identified, either by our Culture and Wellbeing Events Management team or by the Council Leader’s office, in this period.

Request no. 41854. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

All vehicle Parking - queries

All vehicles incl. Cars/Vans/Coaches/Campervans /Motorhomes/SUV's; & 12 more questions


Request no. 41855. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 30/03/2023

Princes Street Pavement - Waverley Market

All records From Jan 21 to date, including: inspection, maintenance, defects, complaints; total 6 questions.


Cancelled - Duplicate of 41451

Request no. 41857. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Complaints against plumbing retailers & tradesmen

Number of complaints made against retailers about faulty or inadequate plumbing fittings and/or installations; 10 questions total


Request no. 41858. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Implementation of Microsoft SharePoint

The contact name/s and email address of the person/s within the organisation responsible for implementing Microsoft SharePoint across the authority; A copy of any project plans associated with the implementation of Microsoft SharePoint.


Request no. 41859. Received: 27/03/2023, Resolved: 26/05/2023

RSHP being taught in Scottish schools

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood: Guidance for parents sought; 4 questions total


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 41860. Received: 28/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Council Recruitment 2022-23

No. of full-time positions advertised by the council in the fiscal year 2022-23; Total number of full-time positions advertised by the council in the fiscal year 2022-23, for which the council has failed to recruit a candidate; & 1 more question


Request no. 41861. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Adult Social Care - queries

Various Health & Social Care Partnership queries


Request no. 41862. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Council Tax Forgiven or Reduced

For the period 2020, 2021 & 2022; The total amount of Council Tax forgiven based on an inability of the liable party to pay; Total number of properties where Council Tax was either reduced or forgiven based on the liable party's inability to pay.


Request no. 41869. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Road Safety Audits - Granton Core Path

Could you please send me copies of the Road Safety Audits ( 2 and/or, 3 and/or 4) that follow this one for this proposal.


RSA stage 1-2 provided under ref. 40303
RSA stage 3 attached
An RSA stage 4 has not been conducted at this time.


Request no. 41873. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Pedestrian Crossing - Princes Street

Records of all inspections carried out between 2010-present Records of all repairs and other works between 2010-present;


Request no. 41875. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation and Criminal Exploitation

1. The number of services commissioned by the Local Authority in the past 12 months for: a. Child Victims of Child Criminal Exploitation b. Child Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation.


We have not commissioned any services in regard to this subject.

Request no. 41886. Received: 29/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Towerbank Primary School

How many out of catchment school places were offered to p1 pupils in Towerbank in 2019/20/21/22 to present; How many category 1 students are on the wait list


Request no. 41887. Received: 30/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Street furniture - Planters

What company has been awarded the contract to supply the planters that are currently being rolled out in many locations in Edinburgh (e.g. the ones in featherhall crescent, corstorphine)


P1 Contractors

Request no. 41888. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

Broughton High School

Information about Teachers at Broughton High School


Request no. 41889. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Trams to Newhaven Project - Snagging

The snagging list created for the Trams to Newhaven project so far; Any updates or revisions made to the snagging list since it was first created.


Request no. 41890. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 10/07/2023

Trams to Newhaven - Spring Deadline

All correspondence created by council officers, Trams to Newhaven, or Transport for Edinburgh regarding the progress of the project and the likelihood of meeting the 'spring' deadline.


Closed - No clarification received.

Request no. 41891. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 30/05/2023

Council workers overpaid

Total no. of council workers who were overpaid as a result of payroll errors in the last five years; Total amount of money overpaid to council workers as a result of payroll errors in the last five years; plus other questions


Request no. 41892. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 02/05/2023

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Which buildings owned or operated by the council contain RAAC; What is the purpose of RAAC in each of these buildings; When were the buildings constructed or renovated using RAAC? plus other questions


Request no. 41893. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Tree Felling - Colinton/Fairmilehead

In June 2021, correspondence between City of Edinburgh Council and TD Trees; date of site visit(s) and subsequent reports concerning this felling operation.


We hold no information in relation to this matter. These are not council trees and there are no planning application listed in June 2021 for tree felling at 5 Winton Drive.

Request no. 41894. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs)

From March 2018 to March 2023, how many fixed penalty notices (FPNs) were issued to people for feeding ducks in public places by enforcement officers working for/acting on behalf of the council; plus more questions


Request no. 41895. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Council meeting broadcasts

Meetings broadcast on council website and social media; Is there a download facility for residents to access snippets from these meetings, and if not, are any plans to make such a facility available; plus other questions


Request no. 41896. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Local Authority Trading Companies/ Arms-length Organisations (LATCs/ AMLOs)

List any local authority trading companies and/or arms-length organisations owned (partly or wholly) by the council; Name the principal activity of each entity; plus other questions


Please refer to the attached, completed response document.


Request no. 41897. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Public Health Funerals

No. of pauper funerals/public health funerals were conducted in the years 2021/22, 2020/21; 2019/20; What services were/are included in these funerals (broken down by year)


Request no. 41898. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Social Housing Waiting Lists

The total number of people currently on social housing waiting lists; The number of children and young people (under the age of 18) currently on social housing waiting lists.


Request no. 41899. Received: 30/03/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Asylum Seekers Accommodation

No. of premises being used to house asylum seekers; no. of individuals being housed; the names of premises being used; the estimated annual cost


Request no. 41900. Received: 30/03/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

Tree Preservation Order Number 23 Craiglockhart

Is the original definition of the protected vegetation covered under the TPO still applicable; If it has changed, what is the latest definition; If applicable, when any changes were made and the appropriate legislation detailing the changes.


Request no. 41901. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

The Swift computer system - H&SC services

The legality of the council's continued use of the Swift system for health and social care services; any risks; compliance.


We have checked with the services who use SWIFT and with Legal Services and can confirm that no legal advice has been provided.

Request no. 41902. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Primary Schools - Staff Dismissals

Provide information on how many Teaching and non Teaching Staff have been dismissed from employment using your absence policy over the last 4 years. Pertaining to Primary Schools.


There have been thirteen staff dismissed under the Sickness Absence Policy, during this period, who were based in a primary school setting - Six teaching and seven non-teaching.

Request no. 41907. Received: 30/03/2023, Resolved: 28/04/2023

Discovery of 'ownerless' assets and quality assessment

When and how were the 'ownerless' assets discovered/identified? Any evidence the assets had deteriorated while they were 'ownerless'? Any assessment made of quality of assets prior to adoption or transfer etc


Request no. 41912. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Health and Social Care System - glitches.

Details of any overpayments made to service providers as a result of errors or glitches in the system; Details of any data breaches that have occurred; Details of any other errors, glitches, or issues that have arisen


Request no. 41913. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 02/05/2023

British Sign Language Interpreting & Translation

Contact details for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Internal and External Communications; Learning and Development; plus queries re. BSL for the Deaf


Request no. 41914. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

The Royal High and Craigmount - Schools

For the last 3 years how many placing requests were received at each school; How many placing requests were accepted; How many were rejected; Of those rejected how many came from outside the Edinburgh City Council area?


Request no. 41915. Received: 01/03/2023, Resolved: 05/04/2023

Street Trader Complaint

Request for a copy of the letter to the trader.


Information not provided.

Request no. 41922. Received: 31/03/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

48-50 Iona Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8SW

Is the Site is on your list of prioritised sites under Part 2A and, if so, what priority it is considered to be? Aware of any previous intrusive investigations and/or remediation at the Site?


Request no. 41930. Received: 21/03/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Business Enforcement Notices and North Bridge Project

Which date it was known that North Bridge completion would be Extension from November 2020 to June 2025? How many change of use enforcement notices have been served on businesses who did not apply for planning in ward 15 last 5 years etc.


Request no. 41942. Received: 05/03/2023, Resolved: 05/05/2023

Melville Monument

A copy of the agreement under which the City of Edinburgh undertook responsibility for the maintenance of the Melville Monument in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, approximately 200 - 210 years ago.


Request no. 42020. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 13:14:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42021. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 13:35:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42025. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 15:12:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42026. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 15:20:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42027. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 15:29:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42028. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 15:38:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42029. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 15:56:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42030. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 16:16:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42031. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 16:57:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42033. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 06/04/2023 23:08:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42035. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:03:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42036. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:16:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42037. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:23:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42038. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:32:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42039. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:40:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42040. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 12:49:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42041. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 13:02:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42042. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 13:10:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

Request no. 42043. Received: 13/03/2023, Resolved: 07/04/2023 13:17:00

Public meeting at Portobello Library

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