Freedom of information (FOI) disclosure log

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Request no. 41925. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Primary Schools - Recruitment 2023

How many candidates were interviewed in 2023; no. of permanent posts due to start in Aug 2023; no. of temporary posts due to start in Aug 2023; No. of probation primary school teachers due to start with the council in August 2023?


Request no. 41928. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Road Occupation Procedures

CEC road occupation procedures in general and documentation on Leith Street occupation specifically; plus 3 more questions.


Request no. 41929. Received: 01/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

National 5 maths and higher

Over the past 5 years: Within the Edinburgh Council Local Authority have any learners sat national 5, or higher maths before S4.


Request no. 41933. Received: 02/04/2023, Resolved: 02/06/2023 12:02:00

Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints

How many complaints were received and how many responded to in time for each of the following years - 2020, 2021, 2022? How many complaints were actually resolved at Stage 1 or were escalated to Stage 2 due to not being resolved at Stage 1


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 41935. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 28/04/2023

No One Left Behind Contract [NOLB]

- Tender issue date - Contract Renewal date - Start & End date - List of current providers - Spend with each provider.


Request no. 41936. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy 2023-23

Provide the names of the 12 buildings proposed for retrofit. The estimated retrofit costs for each buildings. The Gross Internal Floor Area of each buildings. The source of the estimated cost (i.e. budget cost based on scheme design).


Request no. 41940. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 05/05/2023

School meals - debt

Is there a local authority-level policy on pupils who have incurred debt on their lunch/meals or catering account; plus 8 more questions


Request no. 41941. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Overstay Fines Issued for EV Charging Bays

No. of overstay fines issued for EV charging bays between 1 Jan 2022 & 31 March 2023; no. of appeals; reasons for appeals; no. of successful & unsuccessful appeals; no. of claims made & monies paid out.


Request no. 41952. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Park Seats

How many of the 149 have, like Baronscourt Park, not a single seat, and which parks are they?


Six of the 149 parks have no seats – Mortonhall Community Park, Silverknowes Park, Glendevon Park, Baronscourt Park, Hunters Hall Park and Hays Park.

Request no. 41961. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 02/05/2023


The number of allotment sites and individual plots which are provided by the council in your jurisdiction. Number of people currently on waiting list, average length of time, in months/weeks/days and annual cost in fees/rental charges.


Request no. 41962. Received: 03/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Primary and Secondary School Roll Projections

Primary and secondary school roll projections in respect of period 2022 to 2032; and current projection methodology for school rolls; all correspondence (including emails, notes of calls) between Council officers in relation this.


Request no. 41963. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Seizure of Non-Compliant Vapes

How many non-compliant vapes were seized by your Trading Standards department in 2022? How many non-compliant vapes were seized by your trading standards department in 2021?


There were none seized in 2021 or 2022.

Request no. 41964. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Local Authority Education Budgets 2023-2024

Questionnaire in relation to Education Budgets 2023-2024.


Request no. 41967. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 28/04/2023

Suppliers for grounds maintenance (and similar) services

What are the current plans moving forward re obtaining suppliers for grounds maintenance and similar services; What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract; + 8 more questions


Request no. 41968. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Road User Compensation - Damage to Vehicles & Bicycles

What is the current level of compensation paid to road users who have had damage to their vehicles due to pothole impact; How much has been paid in compensation to cyclist due to tram track incidents and pothole impact.


Request no. 41969. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 03/05/2023

Replacing Old Phone Boxes with 'BT Street Hubs'

All correspondence between Edinburgh Council and BT (British Telecom) regarding applications to replace old phone boxes with 'BT Street Hubs' between 01/06/21 and 04/04/23.


Request no. 41970. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

EH12 Traffic Calming Measures

All information re. proposed traffic calming measures on Kinellan Rd EH12 and Ellersly Rd EH12; Consultants briefing documents, reports, speed analysis, costings and confirmation that funding is available and proposed timing.


Request no. 41971. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

List of Playparks

Provide a list of all playparks in your authority; Repair/maintenance and renewal works carried out at each since 6 May 2021; The cost of each of these works programmes since 6 May 2021; Value of ringfenced funding


Request no. 41972. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Bins Not Emptied

Specifically, the longest times bins were not emptied for from March 2022 to March 2023, including where the bins were located and the length of time they were not emptied for.


Request no. 41973. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Attendance Orders served on Home Educated children

How many Attendance Orders have been served on Home Educated children since 1/9/22; How many of those Attendance Orders were revoked; How many resulted in prosecution.


No Attendance Orders have been served since 1/9/22.

Request no. 41974. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Social Care Agency Usage

What was the total spend by your council on all temporary staff in social services from recruitment agencies during the last 3 financial years (YE: March 31st) and for spend in 2022/23 to date; 3 questions total.


Request no. 41980. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 28/06/2023

Sheltered Housing Staff - compensation

Resident Sheltered Housing staff won a case for on call payments a few years ago; How much was paid to this staff group; Did this cover the entire time of their time in tied housing.


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 41982. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

20mph Zones and Limits

No. of roads that had a speed limit of 20mph implemented in each calendar year. Only include roads that did not previously have a 20mph limit; No. of roads that had a 20mph Zone implemented in each calendar year 2019/21/22/23 to present.


Request no. 41993. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals

Provide information relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried out(sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/2/23.


Information on the web page is published quarterly and shows date of death and age of deceased see the link below


Request no. 41994. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

ICT System - Children's and/or Adults Social Care

Who supplies the Case Management system; plus 13 more questions


Request no. 41997. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 17/04/2023

The Coronation of King Charles III

How much the council has allocated to spend, or expects to spend, on events and materials to mark the coronation; provide a detailed breakdown of the budget; how much of this budget has already been spent at the time of this request.


Please see the response under reference 41704.

Request no. 42003. Received: 04/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Edinburgh to Glasgow A8 Road

The dates and copy reports covering the period from 01 October 2022 to the date of this letter, being 4 April 2023, as to when the Roads Engineer/Inspector undertook their inspection of both the east/west and west/east carriageways?


Request no. 42032. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Pitch Hire, School Meals & Council Tax

The cost to hire one full artificial /3G/4G football pitch; The cost of school meals per child; The number of households in receipt of Council Tax reductions; The Council tax increase for each band in 2022/23 and 2023/24?


Request no. 42034. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Swift System for Health and Social Care

Provide all internal correspondence related to problems with the Swift System for Health and Social Care within your council in the last six months.


We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information far exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 42044. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 31/05/2023

Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh

From April 2021 to April 2023: Information including sight of any written or electronic communication detailing risk assessment for the tram tracks; risk assessment for the cycle lane and all other information.


Request no. 42049. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Asbestos training

Can you tell me how many schools in Scotland provide asbestos training for teachers.


Request no. 42050. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Pertemps Recruitment

Details for all contractors working for Pertemps Recruitment: - Job role or placement name - Start Date - End date


The Council’s contract with Pertemps was procured through the through the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO), a local government regional procurement collaborative.

Request no. 42051. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 06/06/2023

ASA Recruitment

Details for all contractors working for ASA Recruitment:


As at 2 June the number and grade of ASA agency staff working in care homes are:
Grade: Social Care Assistants x 20
Grade: Domestic x 1

Request no. 42062. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Health and Social Care Services

Please can you confirm the company names/providers for in relation to health and social care services: - Care Home providers - Home Care providers - Complex Care providers


Request no. 42063. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

Council Vegan Catering

With regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty, does your decision-making regarding the provision of food take into account the fact that veganism is a protected characteristic for the purpose of the Equality Act, plus further questions.


Request no. 42065. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 19/05/2023

Allocation of flats

Request for data on the allocation of flats to single people without children and people with children but not living together for the period from 1 April 2022 to 1 April 2023. How many points they had in total when they were awarded the apartment?


Request no. 42067. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Sub-lease with Essential Edinburgh

I understand that the City of Edinburgh executed a sub-lease with Essential Edinburgh with regard to the lease that you provided. Request for a copy of the sub-lease.


Request no. 42070. Received: 05/04/2023, Resolved: 04/05/2023

LEZ Consultation

Why it was it passed by the council when there is no air quality issues in Edinburgh? How many respondents were there? Were any of the replies discounted? 2 further questions


Request no. 42071. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

Pay and Display Parking machines

No. of pay and display parking machines in Edinburgh in each of the last five years; no. of pay and display parking machines that are currently out of order or unable to give change; Any plans that the council has to discontinue use.


Request no. 42072. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

RingGo Parking Payment System

No. of complaints received related to the RingGo parking payment system in last 3 years; No. of fines/parking tickets overturned due to errors with RingGo, or people not being able to purchase parking permits using the RingGo system.


Request no. 42073. Received: 08/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:23:00

Jacobs study on the Maybury Road area 2021/22

A copy of the Jacobs study on the Maybury Road area from 2021/22; Likely to be held by the active travel team; This study is referred to in response to FOI #41440: 'Jacobs 2021-2022 study area from south of Maybury junction to Barnton Avenue West '

Request no. 42074. Received: 09/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Empty Homes in Edinburgh

No. of empty homes in Edinburgh by category of ownership (council, housing association, private); How many in each category have been empty for less than 6 months; 6-12 months; more than 12 months.


Request no. 42075. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

Liberton Grange development

All quality audit reports and any folllow up action taken by CEC; all correspondence between Cala and CEC re. the siting of Portmore Drive; all correspondence between Cala and CEC re. trees bordering Liberton Park; & 1 more question


Request no. 42076. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Winter Festival Contract

Please provide copies of all contracts related to the following quote: “16 Jun 2022 — Following a competitive procurement exercise, the City of Edinburgh Council has agreed contractors to produce its world-famous winter festivals.


I can confirm that we hold a copy of this contract, however, this is withheld under Section 33(1)(b) of the Act - Commercial interests and the economy.

Request no. 42078. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Road Adoptions in 2022 & 2023

Please confirm how many roads have Edinburgh Council adopted in 2022; and how many roads have been adopted in 2023.


Roads adopted in 2022 – There were 47, of which 7 were adopted in part.

Roads adopted in 2023 to date – There have been 28, of which 6 have been adopted in part.

Request no. 42079. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

Zone N1 - Parking

Parking permits sold versus available parking permits for streets that are covered by the zone N1.


Request no. 42080. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023 17:26:00

School Meals - Debt

How much school meal debt is outstanding as of 06.4.23; How much school meal debt has been forgiven since 1 Jan 2022 in primary schools; How much school meal debt has been forgiven in the local authority since 1 Jan 2022 in secondary schools


Request no. 42081. Received: 07/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Agency Recruitment

Do you have a managed service provider that manages your agency temporary/interim recruitment (example Matrix Comensura, Reed, Hays); What is the contact information for the Account Manager of that company; plus 2 other questions


Request no. 42082. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Information on Fisheries

Re. gathering of shellfish conducted on foot and without the use of mechanised tools; no. of people partaking in these activities; the species being targeted; the locations and habitat types; numbers per species, being extracted by gatherers.


Request no. 42086. Received: 06/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

Silverknowes Road East and Silverknowes Road

10 questions including, dates of all safety inspections undertaken on the carriageway 12/05/2019 to 11/05/2021.


Request no. 42087. Received: 07/04/2023, Resolved: 09/05/2023

RIDDOR Reporting

No. of RIDDOR reports processed each month; How many resulted in the following actions: Investigation/decision to investigate; No investigation/decision not to investigate; Total notices served; Improvement notice served; & more questions.


Request no. 42089. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

CEC - Use of Electric Vehicles

How many cars and vans does your council own now; How many are fully Electric Vehicles now; How many are Hybrid; & other questions


Request no. 42090. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Affordable Housing

Since 2009 please outline how developments have been built where the development has 20 units or more and/or is required to provide affordable housing; provide details of where the development is and how many houses/units there are; & other questions


Request no. 42091. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023 17:08:00

Council Homes - Energy Efficiency

Recent and planned future works to council homes, or council-owned non-residential buildings, concerning, a) energy efficiency improvements like insulation; b) installation of solar panels; c) installation of Heat Pumps; & other questions


Request no. 42092. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

King Charles coronation street party applications

Total number of applications your local authority has received to hold a street party for the upcoming King Charles coronation.


As of 18 April, we have received 15 applications in total, with 13 street parties currently going ahead.

Request no. 42095. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Prevent Documents

Related to Prevent, Channel or safeguarding more generally that includes Prevent; Prevent/Channel Privacy Notice; Information Management Strategy; Data Protection Impact Assessment/Privacy Impact Assessment; Equality Impact Assessment; & more.


Request no. 42096. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023 15:48:00

Occupational Therapy Referrals - Children

For the periods: 01/04/22 to 31/03/22 & 01/04/22 to 31/03/23; What was the average timeframe from referral of a disabled child to the Occupational Therapy service to the comprehensive assessment of their needs by an Occupational Therapist


Request no. 42097. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 12/04/2023


Please provide: Records of Inspection; Maintenance Records; All correspondence to and from any independent contractors; Statement of the Roads Authority policy; Records of complaints; Record of Accidents


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 42099. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 14:13:00

EH11 - Refuse Collection/Rats

Please provide Reports about Rats in EH11 between June 2022 and the current date; Also the date that the communal, council bins were upgraded in the area.


Request no. 42100. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023

Business Rates - New & Improved Relief Data

List of all properties that have received New and Improved Relief (Business Growth Accelerator relief), since its inception, from 01/04/2018 and to date.


Request no. 42101. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 16:08:00

Business Rates - Fresh Start Relief Data

Please provide me with a complete and up-to-date list of all properties that have received Fresh Start Relief, since its inception, from 01/04/2018 and to date.


Request no. 42102. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 07/06/2023 15:51:00

Business Rates - Outstanding Credits

Please confirm if any credits remain outstanding for the attached properties. Please confirm: Credit Amount; Date Credit Applies to.


Request no. 42103. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 16:02:00

Glasgow Road, Edinburgh

Re. Glasgow Road surface between the Drum Brae roundabout to the Gogar roundabout; between 1/1/22 and 31/12/22 and 1/1/21 and 31/12/21; Inspection & Repair record; reported defects; compensation claims.


Request no. 42105. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023

Blue Badge Applications

How many Blue Badge applications under the hidden and non-hidden disabilities criteria were received and approved in each year - 2020 to 2022?


Request no. 42109. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 15:58:00

Ocean Drive - road closures

Please provide details of road closures on Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, during the period 1 November 2021 and 30 January 2022 and the reasons for the road closures (even if the closure was for a short period of time).


Request no. 42110. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Foster Care Allowances 2023/24

For your mainstream foster carer population (general/unconnected carers) the basic weekly allowances paid for 2023/24 per age bracket for all age bands. NOT including any fee/reward element for foster carers; plus other questions.


Request no. 42111. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Ocean Drive - Barriers / Fencing

Please provide details of any reports of MASS barriers or fencing being blown over/fallen over on Ocean Drive during the period 1 February 2021 and 1 February 2022.


Please refer to the attached report which covers the period 01/02/2021 to 01/02/2022.


Request no. 42112. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 16:32:00

Alcohol Licences

List of alcohol licences including: licensed address; licence holder; details of licensed hours; children allowed; If children are allowed, additional details of children's licence; & more questions.


Request no. 42113. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023

The Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Act

Provide copies of correspondence between The Scottish Government and CEC concerning the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Act, from 09 March 2022 to 09 September 2022 - including letters, emails and circulars.


Request no. 42119. Received: 12/04/2023, Resolved: 12/05/2023 14:18:00

Streetlight Repairs

No. of streetlights in your area; No. reported as faulty; No. that have been repaired; average amount of time taken between the reporting of a fault and its resolution; longest delay between the reporting of a fault and its resolution?


Request no. 42129. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023 17:25:00

Double Yellow Lines within Sighthill

Why did you only protect the sight lines at certain junctions with Double Yellow Lines within Sighthill please? What the thinking process behind this and what risk assessments if any were carried out and what were the conclusions?


Request no. 42130. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Universal Home Insulation Scheme (UHIS)

How many properties have had cavity wall insulation installed, instigated by the local authority; How much money was provided to the local authority by the Scottish Government to deliver the UHIS; plus more questions.


Request no. 42131. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/06/2023

CCTV Request

CCTV Request - Ground Floor level CCTV of Moncrieff House, EH17 7JU


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 42132. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 05/05/2023

Renaming WHEC to Wester Hailes High School

Can you tell me why this change took place, date the proposed name change was sent to Councillors covering this school. List of Councillors. Date and style of consultation made with the wider local community and what the result etc.


Request no. 42133. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023 15:57:00

Right First Time

What was the thinking behind ditching “Right First Time and how much money has been saved by ditching or, as I suspect will more likely be the case, how much more money spent carrying out temp repair after temp repair?


Request no. 42134. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 02/06/2023

Footpath of A71 Calder Rd between Roddinglaw and Curriehill

We now have the A71 resurfaced on either side of it? Also if this work wasn’t carried out in the financial year concerned, what happened to the monies allocated to this project that didn’t happen?


Request no. 42135. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Cycle Lanes - Tree Removal

The number of trees removed in work carried out to construct cycle lanes; number of trees removed, date removed and location; for each of the past three years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.


Request no. 42136. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023 16:47:00

Contaminated Land Enquiry - Nuffield Health Edinburgh Hospital

Phase I Environment Assessment: Is the Site on your list of prioritised sites under Part 2A and if so, what priority it is considered to be; Are you aware of any previous intrusive investigations and/or remediation at the Site; plus more questions


Request no. 42137. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Cyber Security Training - Primary Schools

Request details on what cyber-security education is available to Primary School teachers in your local authority as part of their CPD and whether this is compulsory or optional.


Mandatory cyber-security training is issued to all Primary School teachers on a monthly basis.

Request no. 42139. Received: 11/04/2023, Resolved: 15/06/2023

Information sharing for MAPPA purposes

A copy of all information held by CEC In relation to the robust information sharing arrangement concerning CECs duties as a responsible authority under MAPPA.


Request no. 42140. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 01/05/2023

School Crossing Patrols

Why does the Council provide School Crossing Patrols at private schools. So why does the Council pay twice for these pupils? Also is there any payment made by these schools towards the cost of an SCP?


Request no. 42141. Received: 10/04/2023, Resolved: 10/05/2023 17:33:00

North Sighthill

It was decided to carry out part of the work by installing a pedestrian crossing, so can you advise me when the completion date of this project and can the fire gate be suspended until this has been carried out please?


Request no. 42144. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023 17:13:00

15-18 Montagu Terrace, Edinburgh

Request for all information relevant to the Statutory Repair on the above property from 1 January 2015 to 12 April 2023.


Request no. 42148. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Revenue Generated from Motorist Charges

In 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23, provide the total income from fees charged to motorists; incl. but not limited to income from Fixed Penalty Charges, car park & pay-and-display charges & permit charges.

Request no. 42151. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023 16:59:00

Temporary Accommodation & Associated Service

Details and total contract sum awarded to supplier A&D Leisure by Edinburgh City Council to provide accommodation; The contract term is from 01/11/21 until 31/10/26.


Request no. 42157. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 11/05/2023

Companies Breaching Emission Limits

I want to request a list of all companies (Industrial/Processing/Manufacturing) within your borough who have breached their regulated emission limits over the past three years including the first quarter of 2023.


This information may be held by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). SEPA may be contacted at Sylvan House, 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7AT.

Request no. 42164. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

5G Infrastructure

Six questions related to 5G equipment and the large monopole installation at Great Junction Street at Taylor Gardens.


Request no. 42170. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Licensed Dog Home Boarders

I would like a list of licensed dog home boarders in the Edinburgh area.


Request no. 42181. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 18/04/2023

Junction at Northfield Broadway/ Mountcastle Drive North

All pedestrian safety assessments undertaken in relation to removing pedestrian island in the redesign of the junction? All Correspondence/documentation relating to new layout (no island, no zebra crossing) and increased risks to pedestrian safety.


Cancelled by requester.

Request no. 42187. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:13:00

Licensing Board

Please state how many occasions pubs in Edinburgh have had their premises licence terminal hour permanently brought to an earlier time by the Licensing Board and, if so, for how long? Details for years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and to date.


Request no. 42188. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Unit at 123 Gilmore Place

Specifically in relation to the property at 123 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9PP, please provide all correspondence from Jan 2019 to Jan 2021 associated with Statutory Notice No. 20/00306 which covered 119 to 125 Gilmore Place.


Request no. 42191. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Community Support Services

Provide all information regarding for Community Support Services. What is the hourly rate for Financial Year 23/24? What is the sleepover rate for Financial Year 23/24? Do you offer any enhancements or other variations to the rates supplied?


Request no. 42192. Received: 14/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:18:00

Victoria Primary School

List of the names (and organisations) of anyone who is not a staff member and has come into Victoria Primary School to read books to the children broken down by year as follows: • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023


Request no. 42193. Received: 15/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023

Cycling Numbers

I would like to receive information on cycling numbers in the EH11 and EH14 postcodes over the last 4 years and what impact the Spaces for People scheme has had on cycling numbers.


Request no. 42194. Received: 15/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Average Bus Times

I would like to receive information related to the average bus times in Edinburgh, specifically regarding the recent numerous road works at the top of Ardmillan Terrace.

Request no. 42195. Received: 15/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023

Spokes Edinburgh Lobby Group

I would like to receive all correspondence for the period 2019 - 2023 inclusive, between Councillor Scott Arthur and Spokes Edinburgh Lobby Group.


Request no. 42196. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 29/05/2023

Cost of Leith Connections ETRO and Low Traffic Neighbourhood

I would like accurate information on how much it will cost to install the entire Leith Connections Low Traffic Neighbourhood project that is being implemented in Spring 2023.


The cost to install to the works in Spring 2023 is approximately £420,000.

Request no. 42197. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 19/04/2023

Support for People

I would be very grateful if you could supply me with the contact details, for the person who is the Head of Library Services on behalf of The City of Edinburgh Council.


The Head of Libraries, Sport and Wellbeing is Evelyn Kilmurry.

Request no. 42205. Received: 18/04/2023, Resolved: 15/06/2023

Road Inspections in EH5

I’d like to see the road inspection reports for all main roads in EH5 postcode please.


Closed. No clarification received

Request no. 42209. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Incorrectly Parked Vehicle Reporting

Regarding the Council’s online facility for reporting incorrectly parked vehicles, in the last 3 months, how many reports have been submitted? What happens to the contact e-mail address, i.e., where is it stored and where is it sent?


Request no. 42212. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:22:00

Weekend Football

What the Council accepts as being too loud for neighbouring houses as a result of weekend football activity. I would specifically like to receive a decibel level.


Request no. 42213. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Business Support Roles - Social Services

Regarding the administrative/Business Support roles that support Children’s Social Services – specifically their structure, function/responsibilities, pay & ratio of Business Support staff to other types of social work roles; & more questions.


Request no. 42215. Received: 18/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:28:00

Housing query

How many Council Homes have Edinburgh Council built in the last 5 years.


Request no. 42217. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023

Property Disposal – 2-3 West Park Place

All written correspondence from January 2018 to December 2019 between Edinburgh Council officials and/or Councillors and Wasps staff or trustees related to the disposal/sale of 2-3 West Park Place by Edinburgh Council to Wasps.


Request no. 42220. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Ravelston Park

All Council communication and documents discussing, mentioning or referencing: Ravelston Park - Fields in Trust 'Disposal Policy' on-going process since the date the initial Field Change Request Application Form was created, to 16/04/2023.


Information provided under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Request no. 42221. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:26:00

Private Investments Performance

Requesting quarterly cash-flow reports from Q3 2022, if available, of all your private capital investments, in digital format.


Request no. 42222. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Bus Lane Penalty Charge Notices

The number of bus lane penalty charge notices (contravention code 34) issued for the 2021/22 financial year. Both the number of bus lane PCNs issued, as well as the revenue generated from these during this period.


The requested information on ‘Bus Lane Notices’ is published on our website at the link provided.


Request no. 42223. Received: 17/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Ravelston Park - Orchard Park

Please provide all Council communication and documents (notes/emails/minutes/reports/etc) discussing, mentioning or referencing: The Orchard Park Fields in Trust consultation.


See attached documents.


Request no. 42224. Received: 18/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023 16:33:00

Booking Systems / Platform

What systems/platforms does CEC use for appointment bookings - eg. taxi and private mot bookings, room bookings for corporate council rooms, workspace bookings for internal staff, course bookings, venue and facility bookings; & other questions


Request no. 42225. Received: 18/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Council Buildings Without Fire-suppression Systems

Please provide the number of residential and non-residential buildings, owned by the council that do not contain fire-suppression systems.


Request no. 42226. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 26/04/2023

Parking Enforcements - decriminalisation

Does the Council authorise or print any paperwork for any Sheriff Court; Is the Council permitted to act as if they were a Sheriff Court; Has it ever marked any paperwork with a Sheriff Court name?


The answer to all three questions is no.

Request no. 42227. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Empty Homes

From 2018/19 to 2022/23, how many empty homes in your council area were recorded? Please breakdown by year, and provide an address, co-ordinates, or at least a postcode for each home. How long each had been empty?


Request no. 42228. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 19/05/2023

Mayfield Road - road closure

When did road close; How long will the road be closed; Will road reopen on 30/4/23 if not, why; When will road be fully open; Who authorised road closure of main thoroughfare to accommodate private business building flats; Who are key stakeholders.


Request no. 42232. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Waste and recycling data

Information re. the following for each individual property within your area; Waste type and frequency - regular schedule; Bin Colours and type; Bin collection days; What, if any other items may be recycled at kerbside not in a bin; & more questions


Request no. 42233. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Britannia Hotel - Food Hygiene Inspection Report

Please provide a copy of the full report for the last food hygiene inspection at the premises: Britannia Hotel, Edinburgh,EH4 3DW.


See attached report.


Request no. 42236. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Palmerston Place & Douglas Gardens

Information relating to Palmerston Place and Douglas Gardens, between the A8 Atholl Place and the Belford Bridge for the date range 1 April 2020 to date; Any reports or complaints of road surface defects; plus more questions


Request no. 42237. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Lothian Pension Fund

Request access to and copies of alternative investment portfolio records for close-ended funds; On an individual fund by fund basis with aggregated values since inception for quarters ending 30/09/2022 (Q3) and 31/12/2022 (Q4) if available.


Part information provided.

Request no. 42239. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 05/06/2023

Council Staff working abroad

The no. of staff currently with permission to work outside of the UK; The no. of staff who were given permission to work outside of the UK in 2020/21, 2021/22 & 2022/23; provide their pay band, & the country which they were permitted to work from.


Request no. 42240. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Public Library Closures

The number of public libraries in your local authority area which have permanently closed since the beginning of financial year 2007.


There have been no permanent closures of public libraries in Edinburgh since the beginning of financial year 2007.

Request no. 42242. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

HR - Diversity & Inclusivity

Request relates specifically to: Education, Housing, and Social Care and Health; Does the council currently issue new recruits and existing staff with a guide or similar which helps and encourages staff to promote diversity and inclusivity


Request no. 42243. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 19/05/2023

Planning Permission applications

How many applications for planning consent has CEC rec'd in last 4 years - totals for each year; from property owners/developers seeking to site a caravan on garden ground without the curtilage of their dwelling; how many were granted and refused.


The information you have requested is available on the Planning Portal. Type 'Caravan' in the key word search in the Portal, it will bring up the cases with that word in the description of development.


Request no. 42244. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Children in Care

For the years 2021, 2022, 2023 - present day; How many children have been taken into care because their primary caregiver was remanded into custody; Out of these, how many were returned to their primary caregiver within 1 week upon release


This specific information is not separately or centrally recorded.

We are unable to provide the information requested as the cost to the Council of locating, retrieving and providing the information exceeds the statutory maximum of £600.

Request no. 42254. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

EV Chargers Installed

The number of charging points for electric vehicles installed by your local authority? The cost of installing these charging points? Data for each of the last three years, with a year-end March 31st 2023.


Request no. 42255. Received: 19/04/2023, Resolved: 19/05/2023

Spiking Incidents

Provide all information requested in relation to spiking incidents.


Request no. 42256. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 18/05/2023

Afghan Refugees

Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, how many Afghan refugees have been resettled in your council area? Of the Afghan refugees who have arrived as of 20 April 2023, how many are still living in hotels?


Request no. 42258. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Nursery Days

How many nursery days have been bought from Edinburgh Council nurseries over the past 3 years? By bought days how much extra have parents/carers had from Edinburgh Council in addition to normal government funded hours they have?


Request no. 42259. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

King's Coronation Events

The cost / amount budgeted for any big screen events (public events screening the coronation)? The amount that was allocated or offered by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport? Any information you hold on the cost?


Request no. 42260. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023

£100,000 salaries per annum

The number of people directly employed by the council whose annual salary is equal to or exceeds £100,000.



Request no. 42262. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 24/04/2023

SCOT (NA Funerals)

Any information you may hold relating to National Assistance Act or “Paupers funerals carried (sometimes referred to as 'Public Health' Funerals) where persons who have died with no known next of kin (blood relatives) since 1/2/23 to date.


Under section 14(2) of FOISA we do not have to respond to repeated requests for information.

Request no. 42263. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 28/06/2023

Bin Collection

I would like to know how much is spent per head on bin collection in New Town wards, and how much per head in Leith Walk wards.


This information is not held. The routes are not developed on ward boundaries and collection vehicles will operate in different areas and cross over wards.

Request no. 42265. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Accommodation Waiting Times

The total number of people currently on the waiting list for council housing properties, broken down by bedroom number and all other information.


Request no. 42266. Received: 13/04/2023, Resolved: 15/05/2023 17:09:00

Package of Care

How many people are physically ready to be discharged from hospital however, awaiting Packages of Care (POC) 2. How many people in community are awaiting for POC 3. What is the total hours of unmatched outstanding POC?


Request no. 42267. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 10/07/2023

Overgrown Hedge in Bankhead

Query regarding requests for service, concerning an overgrown hedge onto a public pavement near a busy crossing and road, dating back as 2021.


Closed - no clarification received.

Request no. 42268. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 17/05/2023

Masti Restaurant

Could you please send me a copy of the inspection report.


Request no. 42292. Received: 20/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Meadows - Park Inspections

Please provide copies of the inspection regimes for the Meadows from 11th September 2021 to 20th April 2023.


The only recorded information held in relation to inspections, is attached. These two reports are the Parks Quality Assessments for the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links for the past two years.


Request no. 42299. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Environmental Assessment - Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh, Princes Street

Does the Local Authority possess any additional information or records pertaining to land contamination issues at the site, which are not likely to be obtained via the above sources.


Request no. 42300. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Levelling up projects

Has the expected cost of delivering the Granton Gasholder project increased since the funding was originally granted? If the expected cost has increased, by what (approximate) percentage and all other information?


Request no. 42301. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Sexual Health Clinic Closures

The number of sexual health clinics closed in your local authority in each year since 2018.


Request no. 42302. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Recycling Rates in Schools

For the past five financial years: The level of recycling in your local authorities primary, secondary and special schools. I am looking for the percentage of waste on school premises that is recycled and cost of food waste?


Request no. 42328. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Travel Policy - Business Miles

How many business miles have been travelled by your staff using their own car (grey fleet) in 2021-22 & 2022-23? How much money has been reimbursed back to staff for those business miles for grey fleet in 2021-22 & 2022-23? & more questions.


Request no. 42329. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Low Emission Zone Modelling

Re. tweet:; Pls supply the pollution monitoring data used, including its origin, to support the aforementioned tweet; plus other questions.


Request no. 42330. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 22/05/2023

Pilot Scheme for Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

How many secondary schools within your local authority have been contacted regarding the Scottish Government’s pledged pilot scheme for free school meals; All correspondence between the Scottish Government and CEC relating to this.


We have not been contacted regarding Scottish Government’s pilot scheme for Universal Free School Meals in secondary schools. It is our understanding Scottish Government working group is prioritising delivery of UFSM to all Primary-aged pupils.

Request no. 42332. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 25/04/2023 15:23:00

Poultry Farms

How many planning applications have been filed with CEC between 01/01/23 to present with regard to new intensive poultry farms >40,000 birds; How many approved applications to date; provide the farm's capacity, acreage, ownership details, address



Request no. 42334. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Compulsory Redundancies

Various questions relating to the Council's commitment to no compulsory redundancies; Please refer to original request for further details contained within The Council's Managing Change Policy and The 2023/24 approved budget proposal.


Request no. 42335. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Funding for Lesbian Projects or Organisations

From 2017/18 - 2022/23 provide details of all grants/other funding CEC awarded lesbian projects or lesbian organisations; Who received the funds; name of the project; purposes of the funding; amount provided; Was being 'trans' inclusive a condition.


Although the City of Edinburgh Council provides grants and funding for LGBT projects/ organisations, we have not identified any grants or other funding provided specifically for lesbian projects/organisations in this period.

Request no. 42336. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Duddingston Park Traffic Camera

Given the average annual income generated by that camera for the Council versus the average annual income for cameras across the City. Is information readily available to management team, so will not require any additional investigation.


Request no. 42337. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 16/06/2023

Pothole - Duddingston Park South

Please provide details about when this was reported in January 2023; how many complaints were made about this pothole; what date repairs were made and what dates any inspections were carried out; Who made the inspections and carried out the repairs.


Request no. 42338. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 22/06/2023

Georgian Replica Streetlights in Edinburgh

Total number of Georgian replica streetlights installed at each location; purchase/manufacturing and installation costs per streetlight in 2001, 2011 and 2021. Historic & future running cost and budget set aside (actual spend)?


Closed. No clarification received.

Request no. 42339. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

ICT - Key Contacts

Please advise who are the key people to talk to in the organisation re ICT, including; Purchasing Manager, Head ICT, Desktops/Notebook Manager, ICT Director, Service Delivery Manager, ICT Project Managers; What is your annual ICT Spend 2023/2024?


Request no. 42340. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 16/06/2023

CCTV - McDonald's

Request for CCTV video and audio coverage on 23 April 2023 in front of the McDonald's store at St. Andrews Street, Edinburgh.


Cancelled. Information not required.

Request no. 42341. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Lead Water Pipes in Schools

How many schools in your area have lead water pipes? How many schools have no lead pipes but have lead fittings on copper water pipes? The names and postcodes of these schools. Details of any testing for lead in school water, & more questions.


Request no. 42343. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

CCTV footage

CCTV request. The park and ride at Ingliston Edinburgh. The car park adjacent to the tram stop south end.


We have reviewed our cameras in the area for relevant footage recorded at the time of incident but none was found, consequently we will be unable to provide any data.

Request no. 42349. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Planning Applications Received

How many applications for planning consent has CEC rec'd in last 4 years - totals for each year; from property owners/developers seeking to site a caravan on garden ground within the curtilage of their dwelling; how many were granted and refused.


Closed. Duplicate of 42243

Request no. 42350. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Litter Bins - GPS Co-ordinates

Please provide the GPS co-ordinates of all the Litter Bins in the City of Edinburgh area.


Request no. 42351. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Harry's Bar, Edinburgh

I am looking for some information regarding the door staff on duty at Harry's bar 7b Randolph Place Edinburgh on Saturday 10th June 2006. Which company provided the door staff and what were the name / names of the doormen?


This information is not held.

Request no. 42352. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Dog Attacks

Please advise on your records of reported dog attacks on both humans and animals for the last 5 years; As an addition if possible, please include any further information such as local area and dog type.


Request no. 42353. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Temporary Labour Usage

For the most recent complete fiscal year please provide the total number of temporary workers engaged by CEC, broken down by department or function; Total annual expenditure on temporary workers; Total number of agency suppliers; & more questions


Request no. 42354. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 01/06/2023

Short-term Let Licensing Scheme

How many short-term let licence applications have you received in total, broken down by home sharing, home letting, and secondary letting; How many have been granted, granted with conditions; rejected; & more questions


Request no. 42355. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Home to School Transport

Children & Young People’s Transport Service (CYPTS) budget - 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24; Overall spend - 2021/22 and 2022/23; Number of Young People known to service; Number of YP that accessed the service; Average cost per pupil; & more questions.


Request no. 42356. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Parking Fines

I should be very grateful if you could provide me with training records/guidance on when pictures should be taken and when they shouldn't be taken as evidence when issuing car parking tickets; & more questions


Request no. 42357. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Pothole Statistics

For the last 5 years: The number of potholes identified; The number of potholes fixed; The shortest length of time to fix a pothole (days); Average length of time to fix a pothole (days); The longest length of time to fix a pothole (days).


Request no. 42358. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Support Services - Victims of Domestic Abuse

Average waiting time for victims who requested support services commissioned by the Council; categorise data by the types of support services the Council commissions eg. refuges, counselling


Request no. 42359. Received: 21/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

CLD Standards Council - Financial Resources

The total budget allocation to support Community Learning and Development (CLD) activities with the Local Authority; comparable budget information for the financial year 2023/24; the budget to support community-based Adult Learning; & more questions


Request no. 42360. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 27/04/2023

Social Housing - Damp & Mould Reports

The number of socially rented homes that have reported having damp and mould in each year since 2007, with a breakdown by year. If you do not record damp and mould being reported, please state.


Request no. 42361. Received: 25/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

City of Edinburgh - Marketing

All information on the strategy & related briefs/guidance applying to marketing of Edinburgh & to related promotional activity initiated, undertaken or supported by CEC: include ongoing activity , planned or has been ongoing in the past 12 months


Request no. 42362. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Schools - Gender Identity

Do you allow a child who identifies as a different gender to their sex to: Use toilets defined according to their new gender; Use changing rooms according to their new gender; Take part in sport activities according to their new gender? + 1 question


Request no. 42367. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 23/05/2023

Ravelston Park Consultation

Detailed breakdown of the figures arising from the consultation which closed in January 2023. How many of the 156 respondents, who apparently were in approval, were local residents? Were the addresses of those responding to the consultation checked?


Request no. 42368. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Schools - Gender Self-ID

Do schools inform parents when a child expresses that they might be a different gender to their sex, or expresses a wish to change gender; is there self-ID policy in operation; who do schools consult before allowing a child to socially transition?


Request no. 42369. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

School Curriculum - Gender Identity

In your local authority is the following part of the school curriculum: That people have a gender identity that may be different from their biological sex; That some people or children may be ‘born in the wrong body’; & 2 more questions


Request no. 42370. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Free School Meals

How many families receive free school meals this academic year including over any holidays; number of families who received free school meals during the academic year 2021-2022 and 2020-2021; the cost of each free school meal lunch.


Request no. 42372. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Air Quality Monitors

How many air quality monitors are installed at local authority (a) nurseries, (b) primary schools and (c) secondary schools.


Request no. 42373. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 31/05/2023

Portobello Library Event 14 March 2023

Provide 40 samples of complaints received (suitably redacted); copies of information that suggested that there would be a demonstration in or near the library; a copy of the risk assessment; a copy of the advice received from Police Scotland.


Request no. 42377. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Chalmers St (Lauriston Pl & Nightingale Way)

April 2022 to present please provide all repairs and maintenance records held.


Request no. 42386. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Employee Parking & Speeding Fines

All information on parking tickets and speeding fines incurred by employees while on council business since January 2020. In the case of speeding fines, detail speed involved and limit which was in place at time of the offence etc.


Request no. 42387. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Council Tax

An example dataset of information you have in how much was paid in addition charges by council tax payers for so-called late payment. In years 2010, 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019,2020, 2021, 2022, most recent data.


Request no. 42388. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Mice and Rats in Social Housing

The number of reports of mice and/or rats in social housing since 2018-19. Please provide a breakdown by fiscal year.


Request no. 42389. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

School Buses

In the past five years, in your local authority, the number of time school buses have broken down; the number of time school buses have arrived late to school; the number of time school buses have been cancelled; figures broken down by each year


Request no. 42390. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023 19:17:00

Council Tax Team - Staff Nos

Please confirm the number of employees (Full time equivalents) working in the Council Tax team in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.


The Full-time Equivalent number of employees working in the Council Tax team as at 1st April of each year was as follows:

2019 - 44.30 FTE

2020 - 48.10 FTE

2021 - 48.10 FTE

2022 - 48.10 FTE

Request no. 42392. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Secondary Schools - Study Subjects

For the past five academic years, the list of subjects available for pupils to study in each of your local authority’s secondary schools. Can I get the figure broken down by year and school.


Request no. 42393. Received: 24/04/2023, Resolved: 24/05/2023

Council Tax Funding

To request proof how resident's Council Tax are being spent on in the previous 3 years of receipts and all other information requested.


Request no. 42397. Received: 26/04/2023, Resolved: 29/05/2023

Survey - Market Supplements used in pay

Several questions about the use of pay supplements (market supplements, incentives) for council job roles as of 1 Jan 2023; Please list the job roles & the kind of supplement in their pay (this could be a recruitment/ retention/ ‘welcome’ payment)


Request no. 42398. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 29/05/2023

Lease - Hillview, 42-44 Howden Hall Rd, EH16 6PJ

As I understand it, this building is owned by Edinburgh council and is split into two or three facilities; Could you tell me what the facilities are being used for; One facility has been leased out; Are you able to give out details of the lease.


Request no. 42399. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 21/06/2023

North Gyle Road Flood Group

When were the traffic calming measures installed in North Gyle Road; When was the hard landscaping (which funnels sewage to our homes) installed outside numbers 2-4 North Gyle Road; & 11 more questions


Request no. 42401. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 16/05/2023

Licensing Conditions - Fun Fairs

We request confirmation that a £1000 charge is being imposed to inspect fun fair equipment prior to operation; & more questions.


Cancelled - Invalid request.

Request no. 42407. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Donkey Lane - (from Baberton Rd to Muirwood Rd)

I am trying to identify the owner(s) of Donkey Lane which runs from Baberton Road southwards to Muirwood Road; If the council holds any records pertaining to the ownership of this private road, please supply these.

Request no. 42408. Received: 27/04/2023, Resolved: 26/05/2023

Parking Management and Enforcement

Provide copies of records/training guidance for the parking attendants to adhere to; copies of contracts/agreements and all other information requested.

Request no. 42409. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 26/05/2023

Working Artist Studio Provision Scotland (WASPS)

Dates of all meetings between CEC officials and/or Councillors and Working Artist Studio Provision Scotland (WASPS) staff, January 2019 to present, including in person & online meetings & phone calls; List of attendees, subject of meeting & agendas.


Please see the attached.


Request no. 42411. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 25/05/2023

Income & Benefits - Contact Staff Numbers

How many people are currently employed to operate the Income and Benefits phone lines for Edinburgh and are these lines exclusive to the department?


Request no. 42420. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 29/05/2023

Maritime Street - Phase 1 Desk Study

Are the council aware of any legacy contamination issues on the site or immediate surrounding area? Any record of current or historical environmental problems and other information.


Request no. 42421. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 26/05/2023

Household Food Waste

How many households do not have a dedicated food waste uplift; What is the estimated annual weight of food waste which is not collected separately; What % of households dispose of their food waste in the general waste bin; & 2 more questions


Request no. 42422. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 29/05/2023

Hope Park Terrace, Edinburgh

From 1st March 2021 to date: please provide all information & documentation in relation to a manhole located on Hope Park Terrace, including inspections, maintenance and repair, record of complaints.


Request no. 42431. Received: 29/04/2023, Resolved: 31/05/2023

Parking Permits

For each parking zone in Edinburgh can you provide: number of current permits issued; number of permit spaces available; clarify the email issued by CEC; Is it the intention to remove permit holders ability to use paid parking spaces


Request no. 42833. Received: 28/04/2023, Resolved: 26/05/2023 11:53:00

Briefing Note to F and R Committee: Lieutenancy and Royal Visits

Would you please send me a copy of the briefing note circulated to the Finance & Resources Committee regarding increased royal activity in the city of Edinburgh?


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