How we can help
We know that lots of tenants have heated their homes through HWR for many years, so this will be a big change.
Below are some free services where you can get advice and support to help you with the change.
The Energy Advice Service
Changeworks provide free energy advice to council tenants. They have been giving expert advice and support to people across Scotland for over 30 years. It is free, confidential and impartial and can help reduce energy bills and make homes warmer. They can provide advice and help with energy debt issues, accessing grant applications and finding ways to reduce your energy use.
To get support visit their website or call 0131 555 4010. When you contact the advice service, tell them you are a Council tenant and looking for support moving away from HWR.
Advice Shop and Income Maximisation Service
The Advice Shop and Income Maximisation Service can help with all aspects of welfare rights including how to maximise your income through welfare benefits, tax credits and grants. They can also provide advice to resolve any personal debt issues.
You can contact them by email at or by phone on 0131 200 2360 (9am - 1pm).
You can find out more by visiting our Benefits and debt advice page. More information is available on our Cost of living page.
Lightning Reach
Lightning Reach helps residents find the support that they need. It matches users to 2500 financial support schemes from charities, organisations and councils. There’s a wide variety of support available including for energy and bills, home improvements, furniture and white goods, and warm clothing and essentials.
To find out more and apply for support, visit