Videos to support wellbeing for parents and carers


Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Lothian have produced six short, recorded information sessions based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the recommended treatment for managing anxiety and worries. The information sessions will help you learn more about what anxiety is and how you can support your child to overcome it.

 Experiencing anxiety and worry is normal and common in people of all ages. While we all experience anxiety sometimes, there are times when anxiety and worry can feel very difficult to manage. For children and young people experiencing these difficulties, learning a little more about anxiety and ways of overcoming it can be helpful. Within these videos, parents are supported in developing skills and confidence to help their children overcome their difficulties with anxiety. 

1.What is anxiety and when does it become a problem

What is anxiety and when does it become a problem? from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.

2.The CBT model of anxiety – What keeps anxiety going

What keeps anxiety going? from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.


3. Supporting your child with anxiety

What is anxiety and when does it become a problem? from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.

4. Managing anxiety – Body Tools

Managing anxiety body tools from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.

5. Managing anxiety – Thinking Tools

Managing anxiety - anxious thoughts from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.

6. Managing anxiety – changing behaviour

Managing anxiety - changing behaviour from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.


You can find more information on supporting your child with anxiety and worries on CAMHS Lothian website including an anxiety self-help guide for parents, relaxation exercises and information on how to access computerised CBT for you or your child. Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a free online intervention that you can work through flexibly at your own pace.

If your child is struggling with anxiety or worries that are related to school download Edinburgh’s guidance on managing school anxiety.