Low Emission Zone (LEZ) penalty charges

Low Emission Zone penalty charges

We will start to issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) from the 1 June 2024.

If your vehicle does not meet the minimum emission standards, it is described as non-compliant. They will be fined if they drive within the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

For consistency, all Scotland’s LEZ use the same penalty charge structure, as set by the Scottish Government in The Low Emission Zones (Emission Standards, Exemptions and Penalty Charges) (Scotland) Regulations 2021. This means if you

  • drive into the LEZ in a non-compliant vehicle, the initial fine is £60
  • pay the fine within the first 14 days, it is reduced by 50%.

If you re-enter the same LEZ in the same vehicle within 90 days of the last contravention, the penalty charge will double. Fines will continue to double to a maximum of

  • £480 for cars and light goods vehicles
  • £960 for buses and HGVs.

Non-compliant cars, vans and special purpose vehicles

We will issue

  • an initial PCN - £60 per vehicle
  • a second PCN - £120 - if the same vehicle is driven a second time within 90 days of the first breach
  • a third PCN - £240 - if the same vehicle is driven a third time within 90 days of the first breach
  • a fourth PCN - £480 - if the same vehicle is driven a fourth time within 90 days of the first breach.

Non-compliant minibuses, buses, coaches and heavy goods vehicles

We will issue

  • an initial PCN - £60 per vehicle
  • a second PCN - £120 - if the same vehicle is driven a second time within 90 days of the first breach  
  • a third PCN - £240 - if the same vehicle is driven a third time within 90 days of the first breach
  • a fourth PCN - £480 - if the same vehicle is driven a fourth time within 90 days of the first breach
  • a fifth PCN - £960 -if the same vehicle is driven a fifth time within 90 days of the first breach

All non-compliant vehicles

We will

  • detect non-compliant vehicles using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras
  • use data from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to check if the vehicle meets the LEZ emission standards
  • issue PCNs to the registered keeper of the non-compliant vehicles
  • issue no more than one PCN per vehicle per day between midnight and 23:59pm
  • reduce all PCNs by 50% if paid within 14 days 
  • reset the value of a PCN back to the initial charge set at £60 if your vehicle is not driven within the LEZ for 90 or more continuous days
  • use all revenue generated from PCNs to contribute towards running the LEZ. Any surplus revenue may only be used to support LEZ objectives, which are primarily to reduce harmful emissions from transport and encourage sustainable travel.

You must pay the PCN within 28 days from the date the PCN was served. If you do not pay within 28 days days a charge certificate will be issued and increases the PCN penalty charge amount by 50%. If the increased charge is not paid within 14 days, we can recover the charge certificate and PCNs as an enforceable debt. We will pursue these vehicle owners for the payment through legal processes.

Pictures of a car and van with message about Edinburgh's low emission zone - it's here. are you ready?

Edinburgh's Low Emission Zone

Find out more about how it was developed, how it works, funding for business and households, and more

It's here. Are you ready?