Support for parents helping children and young people

North West 

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For help finding local supports and activities, find your locality using the zone lookup address search

BWell Together  

This North West community mental health partnership between Circle, Stepping Stones, Intercultural Youth Scotland, Granton Youth, Muirhouse Youth Development Group, Wester Hailes Youth Agency, Pilton Youth and Children’s Project offers a range of supports and therapeutic interventions to parents and carers including:

  • An outreach family support service which aims to provide holistic support to children from age five,  young people and their parents/carers. Building resilience, parenting capacity and positive relationships to aid positive mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Referrals can be made by families, education, health professionals, social workers, other community projects and housing officers. For more information contact:

Supporting parents and carers

We hope you can find the information you need, if you require help finding supports email us at

Thrive drop-ins

Thrive Welcome Team drop-ins are available to anyone from 16 years of age. Mental health practitioners can support with anxiety, depression, emotions, low confidence, carer’s mental health and wellbeing and more. For more information, visit

iThrive welcome team website

Support for mental health

The iThrive Edinburgh support directory can help you find support available for adults living and/or working in Edinburgh.

iThrive Edinburgh support directory webpage
Young people with message bubble saying look support healthy heads.

Find local confidential support and tips and tools for children and young people to help them feel more connected, improve their confidence, or deal with anxiety or low mood.

Wellbeing page