More time to give views on transformative proposals for Edinburgh

People across Edinburgh have been given an extra week to have their say on major changes proposed for the city centre.

The Edinburgh City Centre Transformation consultation, which began on 20 May, will now finish at midnight on Sunday, 7 July, instead of Friday, 28 June.

Around 2,500 people have already responded to proposals, which focus on changes aimed at improving public spaces and prioritising travel on foot, by bike and on public transport.

Extending the consultation by one week will let any residents, community groups and other interested parties, who haven’t yet had the chance to give their feedback, help shape the next stage of the project.

Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “These are bold, transformative proposals which aim to significantly improve the city centre for the many thousands of people travelling to and within Edinburgh. It’s essential that we bring the public along with us as we further develop our vision.

“We’ve already had a fantastic response and by extending the consultation we want to encourage even more views and opinions, which are invaluable to the future of the project. This is about creating a liveable, welcoming and people-friendly city and we want everyone to share in its benefits.”

Feedback will be taken into consideration when preparing the final strategy and a costed ten-year delivery plan, which will be presented to the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee in September for approval.

The consultation runs alongside two additional, closely linked consultations on major proposed changes to the city – Meadows to George Street, which aims to significantly improve walking and cycling along the route (closing on 7 July), and the Low Emission Zone (closing on 21 July).

Find out more about the City Centre Transformation consultation and have your say.

Pictured: Proposals for changing the Haymarket area of Edinburgh are projected onto Haymarket railway station.

Published: June 27th 2019