Exam success for pupils

The nervous wait is finally over today (Tuesday 6 August) as over 8,000 pupils across Edinburgh receive their exam results.

Early indications are positive with candidates from City of Edinburgh Council schools once again making improvements on their performances in most areas from last year.

A total of 40,789 resulted awards were certificated for 8,078 candidates (includes special schools, adults and mainstream secondary pupils) in over 84 subjects ranging from Accounting to Urdu.

Particular strengths are the percentage increase in attainment across all measures when comparing the 2014 data with 2019 and the attainment of pupils by the end of S6 where the strong levels of attainment have either been maintained or improved at all levels.

Highlights and largest percentage increases were found at the following levels:

  • By the end of S4, 43% of the S4 roll achieved three or more passes at National 5 (A-C) – a two percentage point improvement on last year and a five percentage point improvement since National 5s results were first published in 2014.
  • By the end of S5, 64% of the S4 roll achieved one or more Higher awards (A-D) – a one percentage point improvement on last year and a three percentage point improvement since 2014.
  • By the end of S6, 49% of the S4 roll achieved three or more Higher passes (A-C) – a two percentage point improvement on last year and a six percentage point improvement since 2014.

The number of pupils by the end of S5 attaining five or more A-C passes at Higher dropped by two percentage points to 20% but still represents a 4 per cent increase compared to 2014. Edinburgh achieved a Higher pass rate (A-C) of 76.0% which is above the Scottish average this year of 74.8% (a 5.7% fall nationally from last year).

Deniz Atici, S5 at Portobello High School, achieved two A grades in National 5s for English and Art & Design having spent most of last year in hospital receiving treatment for cancer.

She said: “I’m so happy as I didn’t expect these results. I only sat two exams and it’s been difficult for me to concentrate with everything I have been through so I’m very happy and proud.”

Leith Academy pupil Brodie Birnie, 16 years, achieved 3 As in Computing Science, Maths and Drama and 3 Bs in Chemistry, English and Physics - all in National 5s.

The 16-year-old said: "I wasn't sure what my results would be but I worked really hard for them so I'm glad the wait is over! The teachers were really supportive and encouraging me to try and do the best of my ability and achieve as much as I could so I have a lot to thank them for."

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, welcomed today’s results: “Once again the initial indications show that this year has been another really positive one for our pupils, with performance rising in several key areas especially when compared to results from five years ago.

“By the end of S6, 49% of the S4 roll had achieved three or more Higher passes (A-C) which is a two percentage points up on last year and a six percentage point improvement since 2014.

“Thanks should go to the dedicated teachers and staff who have been working extremely hard to prepare our pupils for the exams.  Our young people should be very proud of themselves for all their hard work, and praise should also go to parents who have supported their children over the past year.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “I want to congratulate all our pupils who sat exams this year and remind everyone that there is no wrong pathway for our young people as everyone’s learner journey is different.

“School is about ensuring all our young people are able to fulfil their potential by attaining the highest level of achievements possible and by receiving the best possible experience.

“Our curriculum is designed to ensure our young people become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors in an inclusive learning environment.”

Additional information:

1) This is provisional information at this early stage with no national or comparator information available. It is pre-appeal and does not include attainment gained by school/partnership activities.

2) Analysis

Results by end of S6*

1+ pass at Higher or better - 66% (consolidating previous improvements).

3+ passes Higher or better - 49% (2 percentage points more than the previous year, continuing a five year improving trend).

5+ passes at Higher or better - 36% (1 percentage point more than the previous year, continuing a five year improving trend).

1+ pass at Advanced Higher - 27% (1 percentage point more than last year).

*based on the percentage of S4 pupil roll.

Published: August 6th 2019