Brown bin collections on the increase

More brown bins are set to be collected from this October following the closure of the garden waste registration window last week.

In total 68,705 households have now registered for the service with the total number of permits being over 75,000.

Councillor Lesley Macinnes, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Work’s already in full swing to get the new collection routes and permits ready for the next garden waste service year beginning on 7 October and I’d like to thank everyone for registering during the six-week sign up window. Households signed up for the service are on a par with the current year’s and it seems more people are opting to register for more than one brown bin, so we’ll now have around 500 more brown bins to collect fortnightly, despite many people being led to believe the garden waste charge had been cancelled.

“The fact that residents are ‘voting with their debit cards’ shows they value and appreciate the garden waste service we provide. And the c. £1.7m generated by the service will be reinvested in waste and cleansing to help keep Edinburgh looking her best. After the summer we’ve had with its cocktail of heat and heavy rain, city gardens are in full bloom and we’re poised and ready to recycle all the waste into compost to help Edinburgh’s parks and greenspaces flourish.”

Additional information:

Households registered 2019/20 = 68,705

Total number of permits = 75,370


Published: August 15th 2019