Take away alcohol licence removed from Leith Bar for anti-social behaviour

The Iona Bar in Leith has had its off-sales licence removed following reports of anti-social behaviour at the pub during the lockdown.

  • Off sales no longer available from Iona Bar, Leith
  • Licence was reviewed following an application from Police Scotland after anti-social behaviour at the pub
  • The premises retains its on-trade licence
  • The Council and Police Scotland say they will not tolerate irresponsible off-sales

The decision to vary the licence in order to prevent public nuisance was made by the Licensing Board at its remote meeting on 6 August.

Police Scotland submitted an application to review the Iona Bar’s premise licence after receiving complaints from neighbours about customers loitering after purchases of off-sales alcohol, consuming it outside the pub and not adhering to physical distancing guidelines.

Following consideration by the Licensing Board, it was agreed that the licence would be varied to remove off-sales, meaning the pub will no longer be able to sell alcohol for people to take away.

The Iona Bar will retain its on-trade licence, allowing customers to eat and drink inside the bar while following physical distancing guidelines and the Scottish Government guidance for hospitality businesses.

Licensing regulations have been relaxed to support businesses to operate in different ways during the COVID-19 lockdown, one of which has been to permit pubs and bars to operate off-sales, giving them the ability to sell bottles of beer, wine and other alcohol for consumption off the premises.

Councillor Norman Work, Licensing Board Convenor, said:

There is no doubt that the lockdown has been difficult for hospitality businesses, however, we expect all licence holders to operate their premises responsibly. We will not tolerate anti-social behaviour within communities and we will take action against establishments seen to be abusing the licensing regulations.

Published: August 17th 2020