Preparations underway for Craigentinny/Duddingston by-election

Preparations are being made for the Craigentinny/Duddingston by-election, taking place tomorrow (Thursday, 12 November).

We’ve delivered hand sanitiser, masks and surface cleaner to polling places and polling staff have been trained up on the specifics of holding an election safely while COVID-19 restrictions are in place.

Voters will elect a new councillor for the ward, which is one of the largest in the city with an electorate of 23,972. We’ll have additional hygiene and physical distancing measures in place on the day and we’re reminding voters to wear face masks in polling places. Residents should not go to a polling place if they have coronavirus symptoms (or are self-isolating) but can apply for an emergency medical proxy vote up until 5pm on Thursday if needed.

Polling places will be open from 7am until 10pm on Thursday. Safeguards will include some limits on the number of people inside polling places to allow physical distancing, clear protective screens for polling place staff and fresh clean pencils for every voter. Doors will be left open to allow for ventilation and members of the public will be asked to leave the building straight after voting to minimise the number of people in buildings, in line with the Scottish Government’s FACTS advice.

Returning Officer for Edinburgh Andrew Kerr said:

Over recent months our Elections Team have been carefully planning for a safe by-election. They’re now putting the final touches to polling places, where there will be strict hygiene and physical distancing measures in place to protect voters and staff.

I know COVID-19 has had a real impact on many aspects of our lives, but democracy continues and this by-election will help elect a new councillor to contribute to some of the big decisions affecting our city. I would encourage anyone who can to take part in the vote on Thursday.

Seven candidates have been nominated for the by-election, which follows the resignation of Councillor Ian Campbell in February. 

As of Wednesday (11 November) 2310 of the 3821 constituents who signed up for a postal vote have returned theirs. Anyone who hasn’t been able to post their vote to arrive by 10pm on Thursday can hand it in to a polling place on Thursday.

Find out more about the Craigentinny/Duddingston by-election, including all the safety measures in place and information on applying for an emergency medical proxy vote, on the Council website.

Published: November 11th 2020