Final chance to sign up for garden waste

Environment Convener Cllr Lesley Macinnes urges residents to sign up for garden waste collection as this is the last chance to do so for this service year, which ends in November.

Registration opens at 10am on 2 February and closes at 2pm on 16 February.

Councillor Lesley Macinnes said:

I would urge anyone who wants to have their brown bin/s collected but hasn’t yet registered to use this final opportunity for this service year and do so before 16 February. Just over 68,000 people have already signed up to receive the service and the quickest and easiest way to do this is online. Around 90% of the people who have already registered have done so via our website. We know not everyone has access to the internet though, and there is an option for registration over the phone.  

“We recycled just over 22,000 tonnes of garden waste in 2020 through our garden waste service and we're so grateful to residents for helping us turn their grass cuttings, fallen leaves, hedge clippings and weeds into nutrient-rich compost, which is used on farms, gardens and green spaces.

Published: January 29th 2021