Funding boost for Museum & Galleries Edinburgh’s Digital Engagement Strategy

Digital museum and galleries

Funding will help create the service’s first Digital Engagement Strategy.

Museum & Galleries Edinburgh has received a total of £55,125 from Museums Galleries Scotland’s COVID-19 Development Fund to help create the service’s first Digital Engagement Strategy - supporting and building on the work done during the pandemic to keep connected with local communities and virtual visitors from across the world.

Museums & Galleries Edinburgh responded to the crisis and closure of venues by moving the entire programme of events online including: virtual art exhibitions; descriptive tours for the visually impaired; opportunities for people whose lives are affected by dementia; online talks; choirs; family craft sessions; podcasts and short films.

These online activities have been popular, however, more research is required to ensure that audiences continue to obtain the very best digital experience that Museums & Galleries Edinburgh has to offer. The funding will be used to engage with local audiences through a public consultation which will centre on the needs and interests of residents, enhance staff training and bring to life two small pilot projects – these may include a digital exhibition, and/ or collections-based digital game.

Culture and Communities Convener Cllr Donald Wilson, said:

This is fantastic news and goes some way towards helping us as we plan for our service post-pandemic.

During lockdown, our digital channels have represented our only opportunity to engage with our audiences. Although forced into this situation by the pandemic, we have seen the many benefits and long term opportunities for this work and are excited to explore what we can do. This funding will help as we create a strategy that will allow our Museum & Galleries service to be more adaptive and bold in our approach to new technology and new methods of engagement.

Culture and Communities Vice Convener Cllr Amy McNeese-Mechan, said:

Developing a digital strategy has been a long time ambition for the service and I’m delighted that this funding will fully support our plans.

We’re proud to have expanded our reach throughout the pandemic, not only to residents, but to those further afield who, due to distance, cost, disabilities or lack of opportunity, may have found it difficult to visit even in normal times. I believe that the creation of this strategy, centred on the needs and interests of the people of Edinburgh, will be key in making sure our offer is relevant, adaptable and sustainable in a post covid world.

There are many exciting innovations still to be explored and the pandemic has, in some ways, accelerated the desire to provide more digital services and experiences for Edinburgh.

Lucy Casot, CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland said:

We are delighted to support Museums & Galleries Edinburgh through the COVID-19 Development Fund and their ambition to create a strategy that places local audiences at the centre of their digital innovation. They are adapting the museum and gallery service in response to the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and the needs of their audiences. This flexibility and forward thinking is testament to the hard work of the team and we are pleased to support them.

Published: March 5th 2021