Latest easing of Scottish Government restrictions welcomed by Council Leaders

Plans announced this afternoon by the Scottish Government for the gradual lifting of various restrictions have been welcomed by City of Edinburgh Council leaders.

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon announced the latest details of the route map out of Covid-19 restrictions when addressing the Scottish Parliament today (Tuesday 9 March).

They include:

  • From Friday the number of adults allowed to mix outdoors will increase to four adults from two households, for 12 to 17-year-olds it will be four people but no restriction on households
  • Outdoor non-contact sports and organised group exercise will be permitted for up to 15 people from Friday
  • The number of people allowed to attend communal worship will increase from 20 to 50 from 26 March
  • Confirmation that all primary school pupils will return next week and that the current plans are for all pupils to be back full-time after the Easter holidays

The First Minister also announced a national silence on 23 March to mark the first anniversary of lockdown to remember all those who have lost their lives during the pandemic. Further plans for easing restrictions on the economy and tourism industry will be announced next week.

Council Leader Adam McVey said:

This latest announcement is a clear sign that positive progress is being made in the fight against Covid. More people will be able to mix outdoors from Friday including young people meeting their friends, outdoor non-contact sport and organised group exercise, which will be allowed for 15 people, and up to 50 will be allowed to take part in communal worship.

The First Minister announced that further easing of restrictions to help Scotland’s economy sector will be made public next week. It’s essential that our businesses are able to safely open again to resume a more normal version of trading and we very much hope that circumstances allow that to happen. We will of course make sure that we continue to support our local traders, as we have done since the start of this pandemic.

It is critical that we all continue to follow the national guidance to keep our communities safe. There’s no doubt that by sticking to the rules we have all played our part in driving down infections with the numbers for Edinburgh at one of the lowest levels since Spring last year. We can’t afford to let our guard slip and start ignoring all the precautions we’ve been following so carefully in the past few months. It’s important to continue observing the restrictions that are still in place and all work together to follow this path out of lockdown safely.

Depute Leader Cammy Day said:

Today’s update for the latest lifting of restrictions is another positive step forward as we look to move out of lockdown towards some semblance of normality. Increasing the number of people who can meet up outdoors allows us to spend more time with loved ones and friends. It’s really good news that groups of four young people from different households will be able to meet as their wellbeing is so important. All our primary school pupils will be back next week and our high schools are preparing to welcome back pupils for face-to-face teaching as well.

It’s essential that we observe this gradual, phased approach if we are to protect people’s health and safety while working towards the city’s successful recovery from the pandemic. We all want to keep the virus under control and everyone safe. The successful roll out of the vaccine programme and the fall in positive cases in Edinburgh is really welcome. However, right now our advice remains the same – stay at home and help to protect lives.”

Public advice is available on the Scottish Government website and information on Council services during the pandemic can be found at our coronavirus webpage.


Published: March 9th 2021