City Leaders urge caution to protect Edinburgh's progress out of lockdown

Coronavirus Covid-19

Council Leaders have urged Edinburgh residents to stick to the guidance and come forward for vaccinations and community testing after today's announcement that the city will stay in Level Two.

Council Leader Adam McVey said:

I know people across the city continue to do a brilliant job to follow the guidance to help steer Edinburgh forward out of lockdown and I know people understand the need to stay in Level Two due to recent increases in transmissions. With cases rising in some parts of the city we’ve got to make sure we go at the right pace rather than risk stalling progress further. Even with this slight slowing down of our reopening, I’m very pleased that we’re still on the right track to get back to something like normality again and can still enjoy so much of our city that has reopened already. This is thanks to the hard work of people and businesses across our communities and, of course, the ongoing vaccination rollout.

If you’re called forward for your jag, please make sure you take up the invitation, especially when it’s your second dose as that’s when immunity against the newly-named Delta variant increases significantly. Those aged 18 to 29 can now register for a vaccine appointment via NHS inform.  By each of us doing the right thing and helping to protect ourselves and our communities, we’ll see Edinburgh join other local authorities in the lower levels of restrictions much faster.

Council Depute Leader Cammy Day said:

Nobody wants to go backwards after the really difficult journey we’ve all been on to get to this point so while things are still in a delicate situation in terms of case rates versus vaccination figures, a careful and steady approach is crucial. If we can monitor where cases are emerging – including the roughly 33% that never develop symptoms – then we’ll have a much clearer idea of how well we’re limiting the spread of the virus. So as well as getting vaccinated when you’re called forward, it’s really important to continue to take regular tests, as there’s evidence you can still transmit the virus even if you’ve had the jag. You can order free lateral flow tests online or, if you don’t have any Covid symptoms, pop into one of our community test centres, which we’re setting up in areas where case numbers are stubbornly high.

Please continue to follow the guidance when you’re out and about in the shops or meeting friends for something to eat or drink – businesses have worked incredibly hard to put measures in place to keep their staff and customers safe and we need to do our bit too when visiting them.

Published: June 1st 2021