Edinburgh to seek views on its short term lets policy

Short term lets

A review of Edinburgh’s short term lets (STL) licensing will take place this summer.

During a meeting of the Regulatory Committee on Friday (21 June) Councillors agreed to publicly consult on the city’s existing policy and conditions framework. This is in line with a decision taken in 2023 that the city’s policy would be reviewed after a year.

Regulatory Convener, Councillor Neil Ross, said:

The opportunity for everyone to input into how the short term lets licensing scheme is working was a commitment we gave last year. We want to hear how the scheme has impacted the residents and businesses of Edinburgh.

With Committee members’ approval today, we’ll now work towards launching a public consultation in the summer. I’m confident this will help us to better understand how businesses, residents and others are finding the policy and regulation of short-term lets in Edinburgh.

Details of the public consultation will be publicised on the Council’s consultation hub over the summer and a report highlighting the results and further recommendations will be brought forward in the Autumn.

Published: June 21st 2024