School age childcare
School age childcare, or out of school care, is available at most primary schools in Edinburgh. If your child attends primary school you can check what is provided at their school using our directories.
Breakfast clubs
Breakfast clubs provide an hour to an hour and a half of childcare before school. They offer a healthy breakfast to help support parents and carers in employment, education or training. These clubs can be run by schools, private providers or charitable organisations.
After school clubs
After school clubs run after school until 5.45 pm / 6 pm, Mondays to Fridays. They help support parents and carers in employment, education or training. They are run by private out of school care providers and charitable organisations. Out of school care providers delivering sessions which are 2 hours or more are regulated by the Care Inspectorate to ensure quality of care. Children get a healthy snack and can play and take part in activities, including time outdoors.
Holiday provision
For information about holiday provision speak to the after-school club for your child’s school.
If your child’s school does not have an after-school club, some providers open their provision to all families during holidays.