Major developments
The processing of major development applications can be complex and involve more steps than smaller scale developments such as house extensions.
Pre-application screening opinion
If you are not sure if your development falls within the major or national categories you can complete a screening opinion and we will confirm which category your application will fall into.
Pre-application advice
If your development is a major development you should seek pre application advice in line with the Edinburgh development concordat. There is a charge for pre-application advice.
Pre-application consultation with communities
Proposals for national and major development need consultation with the community at least 12 weeks before an application being submitted. A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) must be submitted and approved by the Council.
Download forms and guidance for submitting major development planning applications - PDFs
Consultation with communities can begin when the PAN is submitted. A planning application must then be submitted within 18 months of the submission of the PAN (but not before 12 weeks has passed and all consultation activities have been completed).