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    Demo Garden onion beds and links with WWII ▪ Winter Garden interpretation, labels and captions ▪ Printed materials available as paper copies or web based, audio downloads, activity sheets, etc ▪ Activities to include history walks & talks, events to celebrate History Festival, etc ▪ Possible art work in future (subject to funding) Interpretation Interpretation Tree and Woodland Management  Detailed tree survey carried out  Overall good quality tree condition and management  Heavy reliance on mature sycamore population  Strong long term landscape framework offered by young established woodlands on north perimeter  Restricted rooting environment may respond to aeration treatment / grass free strip / woodchip mulch  Replacement programme introducing wider variety of species should in initiated Management Planning  10 year costed Management & Maintenance Plan being developed  Restructure of existing staff to ensure sufficient site based resources in place post-construction to protect historic asset Activity Planning AIM 1: Celebrating the heritage of Saughton Park  By providing opportunities for park users to learn about the built and social heritage of the park, documenting people’s memories of Saughton Park for future generations to learn from and organising activities and events which celebrates the park’s rich heritage.... AIM 5: Developing a vibrant cultural programme  By putting Saughton Park on the cultural map of Edinburgh, holding events and activities which reflect the interests and diversity of the local community and developing a unique Saughton Park festival which celebrates all that the park has to offer....  Business Planning  Market Analysis  Local market 24,119  Within 30 minutes drive 667,716  Day trip market 1,871,635  Marketplace  Five nearby local parks but facilities do not compare in range or quality  Few local café facilities nearby  Few community venues nearby  Income streams  Café lease  Winter Gardens wedding photography and private hire  Stables Community Venue community and corporate hire  Courtyard markets and event  Bandstand events  Schools Programme Business Planning • Income potential ▪ Café lease between £45,000 and £55,000 ▪ Additional income between £5,250 and £20,600 ▪ Total minimum £50,250 ▪ Total maximum £75,600 • Micro-hydro ▪ Potential to bring in £16,000 if all power exported • Proposed spend ▪ Community & Volunteer Development Officer ▪ Cleaning and maintenance ▪ Funding for free event and activities Next Steps  External matched funding £200k to be secured  Master plan proposals to be finalised  HLF Plans to be completed ▪ Master plan drawings ▪ Conservation Management Plan ▪ Management & Maintenance Plan ▪ Activity Plan ▪ Business Plan ▪ Interpretation Plan ▪ Cost Plan  Council’s second round bid application to be submitted 1 September 2015 with decision due in December
  • Council Leader's update - June 2021

    City Mobility Plan... Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan... and, in August, we’ll be spoilt for choice with plans for in-person or online events for the
  • Council Leader's update - June 2021

    City Mobility Plan... Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan... and, in August, we’ll be spoilt for choice with plans for in-person or online events for the
  • Https:// Format of the NEAT action plan The plan is split into two themes – Community and Environment.... What do we need to be able to deliver the action plan?... A variety of community events take place across the area on a regular basis.
  • Integrated Impact Assessment

    Social media was used throughout to build awareness and interest in the project and a regular newsletter and blog provided project updates, feedback from events and notification of upcoming opportunities to be engaged in the City Plan 2030 process.... The National Planning Framework 3, Scottish Planning Policy and relevant circulars set out national planning guidance and key outcomes which development plans should enable on the ground.... City Plan 2030 will be the Local Development Plan.
  • Integrated Impact Assessment

    Social media was used throughout to build awareness and interest in the project and a regular newsletter and blog provided project updates, feedback from events and notification of upcoming opportunities to be engaged in the City Plan 2030 process.... The National Planning Framework 3, Scottish Planning Policy and relevant circulars set out national planning guidance and key outcomes which development plans should enable on the ground.... City Plan 2030 will be the Local Development Plan.
  • New education buildings

    New Victoria primary school information event boards June 2018... New south east Edinburgh primary school information event boards
  • Future Streets

    Why we need to plan our streets differently... Our Future Streets: a circulation plan for Edinburgh... View the street space planning map.
  • Https://

    Refer to Appendix - 1 Floor Plans: 1.... We have designed it in a way that it can be used solely for a large single event or two smaller events in each hall. 4.... This section summarises feedback from the event.
  • Https://

    To measure (and build on) these achievements a future consultation/engagement event is planned for 2025.... An Events and Activities Group meets regularly to review and plan an annual programme, which is informed by the Activity Plan for the Park.... This Activity Plan continues to inform the events and activities programme for the park.