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  • Decarbonising transport in Edinburgh

    City Mobility Plan... City Centre Transformation Plan... Discussions are underway around a more sustainable and carbon-neutral plan for council large vehicles.
  • Council leaders welcome £1.3bn sustainable Granton Waterfront development moving to next stage

    our proposed City Plan 2030... being considered by councillors on the Planning Committee this week.... City Mobility Plan
  • Equality and diversity framework 2021 to 2025

    Council Business Plan 2021-2025, which is structured around three themes: poverty, sustainability, and wellbeing and equality... These have been built into the planning and implementation of actions to deliver the equalities outcomes.... End Poverty in Edinburgh: Delivery Plan 2020-30’ details
  • Edinburgh Poverty Commission

    Council’s Business Plan... The plan has 7 outcomes and actions to help deliver this priority: ... The Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017 requires local government and health boards to publish an annual report describing existing and new planned actions and measures taken, to reduce and mitigate the effects of child poverty.
  • City Centre Shopping and Leisure Supplementary Guidance

    The guidance is tailored to suit each centre’s individual circumstances in order to guide planning applications for changes of use of retail units within the defined shopping frontages.... The draft revised guidance sets out the planning policies that apply to the city centre retail core. ... However, there may be merit in introducing policy within guidance for considering the use of temporary planning permissions for well designed, high quality fixtures in suitable locations.
  • Council leaders welcome £1.3bn sustainable Granton Waterfront development moving to next stage

    our proposed City Plan 2030... being considered by councillors on the Planning Committee this week.... City Mobility Plan
  • Decarbonising transport in Edinburgh

    City Mobility Plan... City Centre Transformation Plan... Discussions are underway around a more sustainable and carbon-neutral plan for council large vehicles.
  • Council Leaders pledge to act on Accounts Commission report

    highlights good leadership in the Council through its programmes to address poverty and sustainability and by making difficult decisions, such as approving plans for Phase 2 of the tram network.... The report also identifies areas for improvement including the Community Planning Partnership, Workforce Planning and Public Performance reporting.... Our task now is to review the Commission’s report in full with elected members before submitting our detailed response setting out how we plan to use the findings in the best interests of the whole city.
  • A green recovery confirmed as the only way forward for Edinburgh

    A new business plan will incorporate plans for a green recovery and achieving the Council’s net zero carbon by 2030 ambition, according to a report considered by Policy and Sustainability Committee.... This is part of the Council’s wider plan to take learnings from the pandemic and effectively implement any resulting change within its Adaptation and Renewal Programme, as well as ensuring that the activity implemented is aligned to the 2050 Edinburgh City Vision principles of creating a welcoming, thriving, fair and pioneering city.... We have to make sure our plans, decisions and actions both in the short- and long-term serve this ambition and  Edinburgh Talks Climate is an opportunity for everyone to get involved in how we tackle climate change within our city and the actions that we take as part of Edinburgh’s adaptation and renewal to the situation.”
  • Granton Gasholder moves forward to next phase of development

    Councillors at the Development Management Sub-Committee on 25 January approved planning permission for the next stage of redevelopment of the iconic Granton Gasholder.... I am delighted that councillors have recently approved planning permission for the exciting high quality open space element of the redevelopment to the historic Granton Gasholder.... This important development represents our plan to transform the structure, the centrepiece of our £1.3bn regeneration of Granton Waterfront, into a visitor destination with high quality open space for everyone to enjoy.