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  • All results
  • Annual Review of Major Events in Parks 2016/2017

    Edinburgh parks play host to a huge array of events every year and we know that there is a balance to be struck between those who wish to host events, those wanting to enjoy them and those whose everyday lives are either enhanced or disrupted in some way.... By completing this survey, it will enable us to gauge how events are being managed, identify specific issues or problems and seek solutions in time for next year's programme.... We have identified a small selection of this year's events for analysis and the results will be published early in 2018.
  • Workplace travel planning

    Workplace events such as... Be Bright Be Seen Events...  provides a one-stop-shop for travel planning information
  • Workplace travel planning

    Workplace events such as... Be Bright Be Seen Events...  provides a one-stop-shop for travel planning information
  • Edinburgh's Parking Action Plan

    The draft parking action plan was approved for consultation by the Transport and Environment Committee on 25 August 2015.... A number of information events and activities have been organised. ... Events
  • Edinburgh's Hogmanay 2021 events cancelled

    Edinburgh’s Council Leaders have confirmed that, following today’s update from the First Minister, this year’s Hogmanay events will not go ahead.... I know it will be hugely disappointing for people, particularly young people who were planning to attend these events. ... A huge amount of work has gone into the planning of this year’s events and I would like to thank Council staff, Underbelly and our other event partners for all their efforts in what have been difficult and ever-evolving circumstances.
  • Edinburgh's Hogmanay 2021 events cancelled

    Edinburgh’s Council Leaders have confirmed that, following today’s update from the First Minister, this year’s Hogmanay events will not go ahead.... I know it will be hugely disappointing for people, particularly young people who were planning to attend these events. ... A huge amount of work has gone into the planning of this year’s events and I would like to thank Council staff, Underbelly and our other event partners for all their efforts in what have been difficult and ever-evolving circumstances.
  • How you've shaped the plan

    drop-in events... Choices for City Plan 2030... planning sustainably for new developments
  • Planning applications

    Apply for planning permission... Planning weekly lists... Planning decisions
  • Planning applications

    Apply for planning permission... Planning weekly lists... Planning decisions
  • Planning decisions

    Historic planning records... Information on Planning decisions... Historic planning records