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  • Executive Summary

    To facilitate this it places various duties on local authorities, one of which is the requirement to produce core path plans.... Advising and supporting event organisers.... Many of the initiatives planned would not be possible without their ability to deliver on the ground.
  • Executive Summary

    To facilitate this it places various duties on local authorities, one of which is the requirement to produce core path plans.... Advising and supporting event organisers.... Many of the initiatives planned would not be possible without their ability to deliver on the ground.
  • Executive Summary

    To facilitate this it places various duties on local authorities, one of which is the requirement to produce core path plans.... Advising and supporting event organisers.... Many of the initiatives planned would not be possible without their ability to deliver on the ground.
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    To be agreed with the Planning authority.... To be agreed with the Planning authority.... Comments and opinions will be invited at this event also.
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    While this will be an inconvenience, time will fly and before you know it we’ll be making plans for the Grand Re-opening next summer.... FOSP EASTER EVENT UPDATE The FoSP Easter event was a huge success with the group raising over £820 and over 800 people attending, our biggest ever attendance!... A new white herbaceous flower border is planned for this area as part of the restoration works and a bench and permanent plaque will be added in due course.
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    The project has been working on updated plans to ensure we comply fully with Scottish Government guidance when the project recommences.... The team are also planning for the Traffic Regulation Order consultation which is due to commence in June subject to committee approval.... Project Fundraiser Event
  • Microsoft Word - Edinburgh.doc

    Events Planning Operations Group (EPOG) As the Capital City of Scotland, Edinburgh plays host to a substantial number of high profile public events.... Police and Council licensing officers are regularly involved in these meetings as many events are licensed in the City.... SIA companies provide security stewarding for high profile events and for licensed premises throughout the City.
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    Its emerging successor, City Plan 2030, has also moved forwards to Proposed Plan stage.... The Masterplan was developed with significant community input, involving 15 public events and the formation of a local steering group to help shape the project.... Sources used to compile this report include: • Planning Committee Reports • Planning Committee Training • Planning Service Improvement PlanPlanning People Plan • Scottish Government Transforming Planning Programme • SESPlan • The Adopted Edinburgh Local Development Plan • Development Plan Schemes • Edinburgh Design Guidance • Planning Enforcement Charter • Non-Statutory Planning Guidelines • Committee and Local Review Body Webcasts • Edinburgh Planning Blog and Twitter Feed • Planning and Building Standards Customer Care Charter • Edinburgh Urban Design Panel • City Plan 2030 • Planning Service Improvement Plans • Processing agreements guidance and templates 15City of Edinburgh Council Planning Performance Framework 2021 - 2022 Part 3 – Service Improvements The table below summarises progress on the Planning Improvement Plan 2021/2022 Improvement Themes Actions Leadership and Management Recruitment restrictions in the PPF year meant that the service was not able to fill all vacant posts on the establishment.
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    Its emerging successor, City Plan 2030, has also moved forwards to Proposed Plan stage.... The Masterplan was developed with significant community input, involving 15 public events and the formation of a local steering group to help shape the project.... Sources used to compile this report include: • Planning Committee Reports • Planning Committee Training • Planning Service Improvement PlanPlanning People Plan • Scottish Government Transforming Planning Programme • SESPlan • The Adopted Edinburgh Local Development Plan • Development Plan Schemes • Edinburgh Design Guidance • Planning Enforcement Charter • Non-Statutory Planning Guidelines • Committee and Local Review Body Webcasts • Edinburgh Planning Blog and Twitter Feed • Planning and Building Standards Customer Care Charter • Edinburgh Urban Design Panel • City Plan 2030 • Planning Service Improvement Plans • Processing agreements guidance and templates 15City of Edinburgh Council Planning Performance Framework 2021 - 2022 Part 3 – Service Improvements The table below summarises progress on the Planning Improvement Plan 2021/2022 Improvement Themes Actions Leadership and Management Recruitment restrictions in the PPF year meant that the service was not able to fill all vacant posts on the establishment.
  • Developing 20-Minute Neighbourhoods to meet Edinburgh residents’ needs better locally

    Build on the community-led Local Place Planning work in Wester Hailes and Leith... The Edinburgh Climate Commission supports our work on 20-Minute Neighbourhoods as the heart of a sustainable community and it’s clear the plans also support our wider Business Plan priorities in terms of ending poverty, increasing wellbeing, tackling inequality and focusing on prevention.... While the delivery of the strategy will be an ongoing programme of work, a detailed implementation plan will be developed, based on the ‘inform, engage, reflect and deliver’ model.