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    In the event of the Chair not using their casting vote, the decision will be reached by lot. 5.6 The Board has the power to co-opt the chairs of the Locality Community Planning Partnerships and Strategic Partnerships either as voting or non-voting members. 5.7 From time to time, and dependent upon agenda items, other organisations and individuals may be invited to attend to address specific matters under discussion by the Board.... In the event of the Chair not using their casting vote, the decision will be reached by lot. 6.10 Every meeting of the Group will be minuted and the minutes presented to the following meeting for approval. 6.11 The Group will provide reports to the Edinburgh Partnership Board on the delivery of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan in accordance with the approved performance framework.... In the event of the Chair not using their casting vote, the decision will be reached by lot. 7.12 Every meeting of the Group will be minuted and the minutes presented to the following meeting for approval. 7.13 The Group will provide reports to the Edinburgh Partnership Board on the delivery of the Locality Improvement Plan in accordance with the approved performance framework.
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    However, there should be no provision for traffic through the site between B800 and Scotstoun Avenue, apart from buses in the event that this is considered appropriate using a bus gate.... In the event that timing of the findings of the Cumulative Impact Transport and Land Use Appraisal Working Group would delay inclusion of details on cross boundary issues an interim approach will be detailed through the Supplementary Guidance to be confirmed through the replacement development plan. 140 This policy is intended to ensure that infrastructure is provided to facilitate new development.... In the event that the findings of the Cumulative Impact Transport and Land Use Appraisal Working Group are not available when the guidance is being prepared the guidance will set out an interim approach to ensure these matters are taken into account pending further consideration in the next review of the Local Development Plan.
  • (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Edinburgh Partnership, 24/09/2019 14:00

    Willow co-produced the programme and provide ongoing support and input to each event.... Youth Talk events have taken place in localities and are generating a wealth of useful ideas.... A number of further events continue to raise the profile and a toolkit was delivered to staff.
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    Headteachers are required to plan for and publish PEF spend as part of the School Improvement Planning cycle.... A Human Library event ( ) for school leaders took place in March 2022.... This data shows that class visits, information sessions and events for parents and carers have been well attended.
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    Subsequently the school and the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspection.... Pupils spoke confidently and enthusiastically about their involvement in whole school and cluster citizenship events.... The current improvement plan had had a major impact on the work of the school.
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    They tell us what mattered to people at the time and what they thought of the events going on around them.... Digital diaries and journals will be preserved through our plans for a digital repository this year.... Given current Government advice and our service planning, this means we probably will not take in deposits until nearer the end of the year.
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    Subsequently the school and the education authority amended the school improvement plan to take account of the findings of the inspection.... Pupils spoke confidently and enthusiastically about their involvement in whole school and cluster citizenship events.... The current improvement plan had had a major impact on the work of the school.
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    Speedway events operate outside peak hours of park and ride usage so this would be a feasible addition.... With this being the home of Edinburgh Monarchs Speedway, the club would attract tourists to events from across the country with the potential to host major national and international events.... Such a stadium could also find use during the Edinburgh Festivals as a hub for festival events to assist with spreading their benefits across the city.
  • Combined Impact Assessment: Guidance

    Title of plan, policy or strategy being assessed Employability Third Party Grants Fund 2.... Providers’ Event: 9th February 2018 A meeting for providers from across the city was held in Norton Park Conference Centre on 9th Feb 2018.... Approximately 60 providers attended the event to hear presentations from Capital City Partnership, Skills Development Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council.
  • Edinburgh and the Lothians Multi-agency Child Protection Procedures

    This may be a one-off event or an accumulation.... Past events or concerns... Information should be recorded as soon as possible after the event.