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  • Council Leader's Report May 2020

    Helping our businesses and industries get back into shape is another pressing priority and we’re already ramping up recovery plans, working closely with partners and organisations across the city.... As we expand on this work to consult with other key sectors in the coming weeks and months, it will be important for us to look at Edinburgh’s recovery plan in the round and consider residents’ views too.... All political parties agree that the next contract for these events (for the winter of 2022 and beyond) should be shaped by the people of Edinburgh and we’re absolutely committed to conducting a wide-ranging exercise to gather their views, but only when it’s safe and practical to do so.
  • Council Leader's Report May 2020

    Helping our businesses and industries get back into shape is another pressing priority and we’re already ramping up recovery plans, working closely with partners and organisations across the city.... As we expand on this work to consult with other key sectors in the coming weeks and months, it will be important for us to look at Edinburgh’s recovery plan in the round and consider residents’ views too.... All political parties agree that the next contract for these events (for the winter of 2022 and beyond) should be shaped by the people of Edinburgh and we’re absolutely committed to conducting a wide-ranging exercise to gather their views, but only when it’s safe and practical to do so.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Contents 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Location and Proposal 3.0 Vision and Aim 4.0 Placemaking Principles 5.0 Conclusion Plan 1 Location Plan Plan 2 Placemaking Principles Diagram Plan 3 Key Views 1.0 Purpose 1.1 A Place Brief is a set of high level principles which shape the future development of a site.... Comments submitted during and following community engagement events have been recorded and can be viewed in Appendix 2 or the report to Committee on 19 May 2016 (add link). 1.3 The Place Brief will form non-statutory planning guidance.... At least one public engagement event will be held in the local area.
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    In this event the emission of greenhouse gas would be significantly greater due to the large biogenic content which would generate methane.... We’d like to see those given a chance to bed in before the ETS is implemented. 142 Would operators of incineration/EfW plants be exposed to competitiveness impacts abroad and carbon leakage risk, in the event of being exposed to the carbon price?... 145  How would the expansion of the UK ETS to waste incineration and EfW interact with existing and planned policies in waste incineration, EfW, and waste management more broadly, as well as any other relevant non-decarbonisation policies?
  • Construction of the CCWEL starting soon

    traffic management arrangements and works planned
  • Foot of the Walk: traffic management changes

    View the traffic management plans (PDF).
  • Tower Place junction: traffic management changes January 2023

    View the traffic management plans (PDF).
  • Place

    Workplace travel planning consultants - award of contract
  • Overview

    Preliminary plans have been developed and we now wish to obtain the views of local people on the proposals.
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    What are the local plans?... e.g. personal emergency evacuation plan.... What to do in the event of undue delay.