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  • Combined Impact Assessment: Guidance

    Title of plan, policy or strategy being assessed ‘A’ Boards and other Temporary on-street Advertising Structures. 2.... A drop-in event will be held in summer 2018 to engage businesses on ways in which they can enhance the promotion and advertisement of their businesses. 4.... Please provide a summary of the communications plan.
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    Full details of plans are available on our website at Section 1 - Roseburn to Haymarket Work is going well on the new cycleway on the north side of West Coates.... Section 3 – St Andrew Square to York Place Work is planned to start on the new cycleways on Queen Street and North St David Street near the National Portrait Gallery in September this year, with York Place following in January 2023.... Community Events and Competitions We have also been working with local groups and schools on some great events and competitions to raise awareness about road safety and encourage active travel in the local area.
  • Microsoft Word - CoCP Tramtime cover.doc

    Liaison shall be undertaken with The City of Edinburgh Council regarding any special events such as the Edinburgh Festival, Christmas, New Year, sporting events, filming etc which might interact with the diversions.... Their audit programme shall be set out in the Waste Management Plan.... PPG21 Pollution incident response planning.
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    The responsibility for planning health and social care services is held by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (IJB), which sets out how services should be delivered through its Strategic Plan and issues directions to the Council and NHS Lothian staff (the Health and Social Care Partnership) to operationalise the plan.... Locality Improvement Plans). 4 2.... Safer and Stronger Strategy and Communications Examples of initiatives Our museums and galleries have held exhibitions and events and contribute to advancing equality of opportunity and cohesion.
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    Priority - Public Events Edinburgh has a tradition of hosting public events such as concerts, sporting events, Royal and VIP visits, marches and demonstrations.... Plan increased resources for police demand during  Edinburgh’s event calendar.... Plan increased resources for police demand during  Edinburgh’s event calendar.
  • Additional Traffic Management Arrangements as of 3 August 2021

    View Brunswick Road traffic management plan (PDF).... View Lorne Street traffic management plan (PDF). ... View the traffic management plan here (PDF).
  • Gracemount.indd

    Pupils had been able to develop their ICT skills and had able to develop their ICT skills and had been commended at a city-wide event been commended at a city-wide event for their enthusiasm in this area.... The annual programme of shared class visits had included a focus on planning and on meeting pupils’ needs.... The current improvement plan had strong support from staff, pupils and parents.
  • Gracemount.indd

    Pupils had been able to develop their ICT skills and had able to develop their ICT skills and had been commended at a city-wide event been commended at a city-wide event for their enthusiasm in this area.... The annual programme of shared class visits had included a focus on planning and on meeting pupils’ needs.... The current improvement plan had strong support from staff, pupils and parents.
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    You’ll also be able to view the playground proposals, speak to staff and volunteers about the plans and give your feedback.... In addition to this, Pete and the Friends of Saughton Park have been busy planning for the year ahead....  ‘The Tent’ summer event returns to Saughton Park in July.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    It includes the Risk Management Policy v0.3 Page 2 culture, structures, controls and processes that are directed towards the effective management of events and opportunities 3.7 The Risk Register is where we capture risk management information: the risks identified, our assessment of them, the controls in place to manage them, any plans for improving their management and the ownership of such risks. 3.8 The Council’s risk universe comprises all the areas of Council operations where risks arise and should be captured in the Council’s risk registers. 3.9 A control is an action that has been designed and put in place to direct the way we carry out our day to day work and service delivery, to mitigate risk and help ensure we meet our objectives effectively and efficiently.... Risk Management Policy v0.3 Page 3 4.6 Monitoring risk 4.6.1 Risks and their mitigating action plans must be reviewed regularly by relevant individuals and teams and the risk register updated appropriately.... These will help ensure a clear understanding of ownership and accountability for risk management among managers and employees. 5.2 The success of implementing this policy will be demonstrated by: 5.2.1 outcomes and objectives being achieved more efficiently and effectively; 5.2.2 a reduction in surprise events and time spent reactively “fire-fighting”; 5.2.3 better informed decision making and reduced uncertainty; and 5.2.4 improved reputation through strengthened governance and assurance. 5.3 Implementation of the Policy is supported by Risk Management Groups which are tasked with assisting the Corporate Leadership Team in embedding risk management in accordance with best practice outlined in this Policy and the associated Risk Management Procedures.