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    It will help inform the determination of planning proposals.... A delivery plan will also be prepared... Consultation will include online and in-person events. 5) Presentation from Malcolm Fraser − Malcolm Fraser is working with the four community councils
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    CLD Plan Workshop and Revised Draft CLD Plan Workshop involved key partners, who reviewed priority themes in the current CLD Plan 2018/21 for years 2 and 3.... The workshop took account of the National CLD Outcomes, and agreed three new priorities for years 2 and 3 of the CLD Plan: - Improve Life Chances for People of All Ages – Improving community learning opportunities + focus on simplifying adult learner journeys + improving access to learning information + seeking more feedback from learners to inform service development + improved joint use of learning facilities + promoting use of informal contact to engage adult learners, including an annual learners event + explore feasibility of applying national careers advice guidance and improving inter agency referrals... ECLDP Governance Group and New ECLDP Members The group noted that a new terms of reference had been agreed, which indicated that many organisations are members of the CLD Partnership (a wider network), which will come together once every six months to review plan and sign off performance of the CLD Plan 2018/21.
  • Samantha Stirling Report Corstorphine Connections Engagement Summary Report 2021-12-15

    Several of the children’s designs were shared in a video to promote the event which was viewed 285 times. 5.11.21 Face-to-face event outside Carrick Knowe Primary School Approx. 150 people 5.11.21 Face-to-face event outside Corstorphine Primary School Approx. 200 people Figure 6: School Engagement The projects build upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s City Mobility Plan (see the 'Related' section below) which aims to make travelling around Edinburgh more environmentally friendly, healthy and accessible.... Related Design Ideas, Placemaking, Corstorphine LTN City Mobility Plan Previous Corstorphine LTN engagement: Corstorphine Connections Stage 2 – Engagement Report Corstorphine Connections Design Workshop Introduction Slides Corstorphine Connections Design Workshop Breakout Slides Corstorphine Connections 1 What is your post code?
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    Such an election will not be held within six months of a planned community council election.... Representations in the case of statutory objections, such as planning or licensing matters should be made to the appropriate Council officer.... The Chairperson shall have the power, in the event of disorder arising at any meeting, to adjourn the COMMUNITY COUNCIL meeting to a time he/she may then or afterwards fix.
  • Art in Public

    ■ POLICY CONTEXT Local plan policies promote high quality new design.... Existing art works can be divided into one or more of four categories: ● SymbolicSymbolicSymbolicSymbolicSymbolic: Normally representing civic, national or military events or prominent individuals in the form of bronze or stone statuary groups, and commemorative monuments and memorials... Functional Aesthetic Art in Public Places Page-4 Produced by the Director of City Development - The City of Edinburgh Council - January 2000 For further details contact:For further details contact:For further details contact:For further details contact:For further details contact: Head of Planning, The City of Edinburgh Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1ZJ.Head of Planning, The City of Edinburgh Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1ZJ.Head of Planning, The City of Edinburgh Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1ZJ.Head of Planning, The City of Edinburgh Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1ZJ.Head of Planning, The City of Edinburgh Council, 1 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1ZJ.
  • Count Information

    This enabled the development of detailed Master Plan proposals for the park which included detailed designs for buildings and landscape, a detailed Conservation Management Plan, Activity Plan, Visitor Services Business Plan and 10-year fully costed Management & Maintenance Plan.... Wide ranging public consultation and research has been carried out which has informed the development of the Master Plan proposals, which includes the following: • Restoration of the walled garden and winter garden; • Reinstatement of the bandstand; • Restoration of the stables as a new community venue and base for our partners, the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society; • Building new cafe and public toilet facilities; • Conserving and/or bringing into active management all trees, woodlands and hedges and improving biodiversity across the site; • Repairing and/or installing furniture, lighting, paths and signage; • Improving entrances and developing circuit routes for walking, running and health activities; • Putting management and maintenance regimes in place to ensure park achieves Green Flag status; • Developing a full programme of events and activities which meets the needs and interests of a wide range of park users and offers volunteer and learning opportunities for all to enjoy; and • Separate to the HLF project, we will also be improving the car parks, boundaries, sports pitches and installing a new micro-hydro scheme and ground source heating system, subject to funding.... For more information Log on to the project website Email Linda Anglin – Project Manager Email Peter McDougall – Project Development Officer Timescales Feasibility Stage – Jan 2012 to Feb 2013 Jan 2012 to Jan 2013 Preparation of HLF 1st round bid application Feb 2013 to Jul 2013 Submission of HLF 1st round bid application and received decision in July Development Stage – Aug 2013 to Aug 2015 Feb 2014 Appointment of Project Manager and Development Officer Aug 2014 Appointment of Design Team Feb 2014 to Oct 2014 Engagement Activities with stakeholders to develop proposals Aug 2014 to May 2015 Design Development Mar 2014 to May 2015 Activity Plan Development Dec 2014 to Mar 2015 Public Consultation & Engagement on Master Plan Mar 2015 to Jul 2015 Prepare for HLF 2nd round bid application Aug 2015 to Dec 2015 Submit HLF 2nd round bid application and received decision in early January Delivery Phase – Jan 2016 to Dec 2020 Jan 2016 to Jul 2016 Technical designs and tender documents Jul 2016 to June 2017 Procurement of build contractors July 2017 to Aug 2018 Construction Phase Aug 2018 Restored park re-opens Aug 2018 to Dec 2020 Post construction activities and evaluation
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    Action plan point 1 2.... In particular we reviewed whether year end balances and disclosures reflect the position at 31 March and any post balance sheet events.... Our initial assessment of materiality for the year ended 31 March 2021 was set out in our External Audit Annual Plan and is detailed in the table below (“Planning materiality”).
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    In the unlikely event that your reported concern or issue is found to be deliberately vexatious or malicious this will be considered as a disciplinary matter. 2.8 This policy along with the Whistleblowing Policy, the Anti-Bribery Policy and Procedure and the Employee Code of Conduct form a regulatory suite of provisions.... Detection controls are designed to spot errors, omissions and fraud after the event.... In the event of failure to reach agreement, both parties reserve the right to terminate this local agreement by giving four months’ notice in writing.
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    To attenuate surface water flows up to the 200 year event.... The Surface Water Management Plan should identify a drainage strategy for events up to a 1:200 yr flood event (a 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability [AEP]), with an allowance for climate change.... Area designed to attenuate water in a 1 in 200 year event.
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    To attenuate surface water flows up to the 200 year event.... The Surface Water Management Plan should identify a drainage strategy for events up to a 1:200 yr flood event (a 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability [AEP]), with an allowance for climate change.... Area designed to attenuate water in a 1 in 200 year event.