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    Some further suggestions given were:  pop up sessions  simple 1-page surveys for quick engagement  creating community hubs  and linking into other events already happening.... We are repeating these engagement events in August 2018, and are extending their reach to include families visiting relatives/friends in HMP Edinburgh, and people on statutory supervision who are being supported in the CJSW accommodation service.... The event highlighted a number of recommendations which are being considered by the ECSP and will be taken forward in 2018/19.
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    Specific events should be organised for children and young people. 11 Balerno Community High School: Workshop held on Monday 22 January 2018 • Need proactive communication between housing and education to plan for the future... Demographic – elderly population – need to consider numbers and changing demographic for future plans... Is there a plan of what the urban area will look like?
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    Specific events should be organised for children and young people. 11 Balerno Community High School: Workshop held on Monday 22 January 2018 • Need proactive communication between housing and education to plan for the future... Demographic – elderly population – need to consider numbers and changing demographic for future plans... Is there a plan of what the urban area will look like?
  • The changing face of Princes Street

    In recognition of this, we’ve relaxed planning guidance on the kinds of establishments occupying the street, meaning a better mix of retail and non-retail, maintaining the vibrancy of Princes Street.
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    In the event that an owner considers that their property has been damaged by a Council tree (for example a fallen tree or branch) they should contact the Council.... Trees in the City – Trees & Woodlands Action Plan 33 9 Dangerous trees and tree-related emergencies The Council operates an emergency call-out system in the event of dangerous trees, and a duty officer is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.... The number of tree-related emergency incidents is usually small, but in severe weather events there may be a large number created in a very short space of time.
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    C&D NP Pop-up Funding events) o Ensuring there is a partnership approach to all activities.... LCCP should come out to the networks Annual events?... In the event of the Chair not using their casting vote, the decision will be reached by lot. 7.12 Every meeting of the Group will be minuted and the minutes presented to the following meeting for approval. 7.13 The Group will provide reports to the Edinburgh Partnership Board on the delivery of the Locality Improvement Plan in accordance with the approved performance framework.
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    The education authority support staff to take forward their action plan and to develop more response-shared planning with children and parents.... In the nursery class, staff provided information to parents through more responsive planning.... Further opportunities for parents to engage with the school were planned throughout the session in cultural events and through shared learning opportunities.
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    The education authority support staff to take forward their action plan and to develop more response-shared planning with children and parents.... In the nursery class, staff provided information to parents through more responsive planning.... Further opportunities for parents to engage with the school were planned throughout the session in cultural events and through shared learning opportunities.
  • Notice of meeting and agenda

    With regards to this part of the condition, there has been a number of consultation events held since the granting of the planning permission in principle.... This comprised a total of 15 events, including six workshops and nine drop-in events over four locations.... Events Space, Block C1 Further information required on planning classification for this space, as depending on potential uses, there may be noise issues and therefore a NIA would be required.
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    We will support the council to designate surface water corridors/routes at a strategic or catchment scale to ensure flows during flood events are safely routed away from buildings.... b) Properties are deemed to be at an increased risk of flooding or damage in the event of a mains failure.... Any such building may compromise SW’s legal obligation to maintain a constant water supply, and in particular would restrict SW’s ability to respond in the event of a failure of the pipeline.