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  • Thousands share their suggestions for walking, cycling and wheeling improvements

    Your feedback is invaluable and will help us to refine and expand our approach as lockdown continues to be eased, as well as influencing longer term strategic plans to improve infrastructure across the city.... Plans will soon be coming forward which directly respond to these overarching issues, and any specific ideas will be used to refine projects where possible.... We’ve brought forward plans for a safer crossing on Maybury Road where it links to Cammo Walk following strong community support, while a one-way system has been created on Braidburn Terrace.
  • How we’re helping homelessness in Edinburgh

    We are focusing our efforts on prevention and helping people to stay in their current homes, putting plans in place to help those at risk of fuel poverty and creating a dedicated cost of living directory, and we’re working with Changeworks as we do every year to make homes warmer and more energy efficient.... Our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan steps up activity to prevent homelessness, maximises our supply of and access to settled housing options, reduces the time people spend as homeless - especially in temporary accommodation - and helps us to provide tailored support as and when people need it.... It is a five-year plan which prioritises prevention and directs every decision we make.
  • Scotland’s largest 'net zero' housing development granted approval

    It’s great to see this development with a large proportion of social rent homes get planning approval.... We have incredibly ambitious plans which form the bedrock of our housing strategy over the next ten years.... We are delighted to have supported City of Edinburgh Council and CCG with their bold and ambitious plans for Western Villages.
  • City Centre Low Emission Zone proposed for Edinburgh

    As we approach Clean Air Day, which aims to tackle air pollution and its harmful effects on our health and wellbeing, it’s fitting that we’re progressing our own plans to significantly improve air quality in the city.... We have committed to introducing a Low Emission Zone, both under the national drive to implement LEZs across the country but also through the City Mobility Plan, as part of our plans to deliver a more sustainable, environmentally friendly transport future in Edinburgh.
  • Council Leader Adam McVey: Edinburgh is now firmly in economic recovery

    We’ve updated our planning policies to encourage mixed use developments, allowing new projects to take advantage of the world-renowned views over Princes Street Gardens to the Castle – where, historically, these amazing vistas have long been wasted on storage and other non-accessible uses.... We also look ahead to the George Street and First New Town Public Realm Improvements Project, part of our City Centre Transformation plan, where we hope to create a dynamic and accessible environment fitting of one of Scotland’s greatest world heritage streets.... We know many businesses are planning to do the same and we look forward to seeing our city centre offices active again, albeit in a different way than before.
  • Cargo bikes and shopping vouchers help support tram route businesses

    Measures to keep the area clean and attractive are under way or planned through street art, busking points, window washing for worksite-facing businesses and a dedicated full-time street cleaner to keep things spick and span. ... I'd like to thank all the businesses whose vital feedback on what help and support would benefit them most has directly informed our Support for Business plans and we continue to work together to make sure everyone is taking advantage of the opportunities on offer.... Planning permission and listed building consent have both been granted to take down the graveyard wall at the A-listed South Leith Parish Church, which is in a poor state of repair and needs to be reinforced before being rebuilt in the same location.
  • Apply for a Building Warrant

    planning permission... your application plans are correctly orientated before uploading these to the portal... when submitting revised plans or further information to address issues raised in the technical assessment of your application, you use the correct form in the Which Forms?
  • Building the line

    We will always ensure that you are kept aware of any planned works in advance of commencement.... There will be an onus on the contractor to develop a quality management plan to ensure the project delivery and construction meet the quality requirements set out by the Council. ... Ongoing inspections of works are carried out and from this defects and issues are collated and the rectification of these defects is planned with the contractor.
  • Https://

    C&D NP Pop-up Funding events) o Ensuring there is a partnership approach to all activities.... LCCP should come out to the networks Annual events?... In the event of the Chair not using their casting vote, the decision will be reached by lot. 7.12 Every meeting of the Group will be minuted and the minutes presented to the following meeting for approval. 7.13 The Group will provide reports to the Edinburgh Partnership Board on the delivery of the Locality Improvement Plan in accordance with the approved performance framework.
  • Https://

    The education authority support staff to take forward their action plan and to develop more response-shared planning with children and parents.... In the nursery class, staff provided information to parents through more responsive planning.... Further opportunities for parents to engage with the school were planned throughout the session in cultural events and through shared learning opportunities.